Frequency Gates – What The Heck Are They?
- Details
- Written by AndEl
Silent Winds of Change
Frequency Gates exist in all levels of creation. They are everywhere. They are the infallible separation point of knowledge from one level of reality to the next higher one.
This happens for planets as well as individuals. As a planet or person passes through one of these gates, reality changes based on the level the being (planets are beings also) has moved into.
Frequency Gates stop people from getting info they shouldn’t based on their personal vibration. This type of person instead of using it for the greater good they would only use it for their gain and therefore they are prohibited from gaining this knowledge even though it’s right in front of their face.
Did you ever notice how you read a book and it doesn’t interest you, but you come back months later and it all makes sense to you. Or another time you’ll read it again but learn something new even though you already read it. Many sacred and ancient texts are written like this. Realize the writer had no clue they were simply a conduit of the divine thought. In their case, timely knowledge is passed on to you regardless of the time period you are reading it in.
Songs are like this also. You can listen to a song for years and you just enjoy the melody. But you can come back years later and all of a sudden their is a special meaning and message to it, but you never sensed it before no matter how many times you listened to it. Led Zeppelin songs are like this. Art is like this also.
Q: Ever read aGaiaPortal post and feel clueless or understand it perfectly?
A: If it is crystal clear you are a match to the info and if not, perhaps reading it in a few weeks may help.
Q: Ever read a channeled message and they speak of it being encoded with information?
A: Each person understands what is appropriate to their frequency level.
This is an intriguing topic but not one I need to ramble on about. I just wanted to put this out there for you to contemplate and observe this wonder in action.
They can be as difficult to understand as a Quantum Knowledge Gateway or as simple as considering the analogy of a credit card. One person can look at the credit cards and just see the handful of information printed on it. But for the person with the right equipment (frequency level in this case) they can read all of the transactions that have transpired related to that credit card.

Silent Winds of Change
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