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What Is An Immunity Passport?

What Is An Immunity Passport?

And May We Build It To Continue Out Of Coronavirus Lockdown?

Coronavirus, being pandemic, became a restrictive element for the worldwide population to roam freely. All the generation people are wondering how to measure a smooth life again after this tough period. To regain this smooth life, the research team globally hypothetically presents new ideas to trigger the problem in one shot. One of them is an “Immunity passport”.

The name suggestively in brief to above be “immunity passport” or “virus free passport” is defined as the immunity certificate provided to patients who have recovered a history of corona infection. This may indicate that they're immune and need not be quarantined and tested again and again. This may include a person's disease history, his antibody development time and reliable test for identifying antibodies, and how it helped him to come back to normal life.

Official public people don't seem to be responsive to the bulk of the actual involved corona infected population. They’re still giving their best to unravel this mystery of novel coronavirus. 

As per experts, one in each of the ways to map out the difficulty is to check as many folks possible during the amount of lockdown. One of the problems faced is many folks who are strongly symptomatic were tested and still, there are many that are non-symptomatic that don't seem to be being tested once.

The basic idea of immunity passport

One of the experts also describes in an exceedingly logical way and in support of animal studies. In step with their theory, all and sundry involved during this pandemic region are exposed to the virus and their body remains working against that virus. In some cases, viral load increases thanks to low immunity and in others, vice-versa. So, the immune differs from person to person.

In step with some experts, they're trying to find the immunity certified program which is able to hide the infection cause, history, and treatment in an exceedingly jiffy. 

Many researchers have given them different names, but the concept is the same. The origin is from Germany but now many countries including the US, UK, Italy, etc. are eagerly contemplating it. Still, many hurdles are there in between like funding issues, mass volunteers, etc.

Immunity passport includes one more term known as “Herd-Immunity” which is defined as artificial immunity provided to infected patients unable to fight with this infection. This hypothetical idea of “herd immunity” will speed up the method of testing the immunity and confirmation of non-spreading of infection will allow them to depart quarantine and return to normal life where they will work. There is extreme caution as antibody testing establishes individual immunity, which is different than potentially adaptive.

This theory is being planned in several research groups and hospitals. This involves the gathering of blood samples and testing for robust antibodies, specifically those fighting for corona infection. Although it's difficult to assert the immunity score on antibody testing, it isn't impossible.

Concept of corona testing in regard to immunity passport:

As COVID 19 requires 2 tests, one is PCR which differentiates the COVID genetic material in positive patients and the other is an antibody or serological testing which can confirm the history of infection. These antibodies remain for a protracted while within the bloodstream after virus exposure. 

Actions taken by body in response to Coronavirus:

There are 2 varieties of actions taken by the body at the exposure to infection. One is the immediate action of fighter cells to neutralize the infection and the other is memory B cells which remember the infection and fight at an improved level when the body is exposed with the identical infection second time. These fighting cells indicate your immunity to fight for infection. One can build their immunity more and stronger by adding a fit diet, yoga asanas, exercises and de-stress in their daily schedule.

Benefits of immunity passport

Many companies face difficulties in making a secure environment for non-infected employees from earlier infected employees. This may build confidence to perform their jobs with non-danger. 

  • This type of policy will help the medical experts and other service workers to freely interact with the carriers.
  • It can also raise economic status. Even this may help the Govt. to differentiate the red to green zone areas.
  • This may help the people grasp the status of their system with exposure to the virus. The exact status of their condition will be known. This will directly help one to take the particular precautions.
  • This will officially give help in identifying new isolates of corona virus and how it may link to an old one.
  • Immunity passport could be a certificate that confirms the not risk factor of these folks that earlier had corona infection. It’ll make them liberated to work without compromising their privacy.
  • This will contribute one’ voluntary' part to cope with government policy facing no financial issues.

Certificated /Renewal/ future aspects of immunity passport

Those positive corona patients whose antibodies in the bloodstream will clearly indicate that the body is ready to fight with infection and people who are during this secure stage are going to be given this certificate. It is often further installed as a mobile-based program which will be easily handled by the carriers.

The certificate will declare the proof positive for antibodies and can receive the vaccination, once available.  It’d be renewed regularly after some medical tests.

Effect on lockdown

It’s not confirmed what quantity more outbreaks are going to be faced due to this infection. So, what number of day’s people will stay home and anticipate the nice days.
This path will lift the lockdown restrictions and provide immunity status to the virus exposed person to return to their work with none risk of infection. One can feel a life even in the lockdown.

This may also indicate the virus carrier person which developed immunity against the virus. This could help to open the resistance barriers that interrupt in between infection indurations. To defeat these varieties of infections, we require long run immunity. This required exposure to infection at a low or higher level which alerts the immune cells. In many cases, artificial immunity is provided through vaccination which boosts the system.
It will help people to haunt other places. It’ll motivate the carriers to donate the antibodies for further development of artificial immunity.

The challenge also shines a lightweight to at least one founded immunity level build my last infection and time if the immunity level stays with the capacity of what quantity is often re-built to forestall further infection.

But still there are many questions that are still not answerable. Like what quantity of time does the antibody resist in the body and if it is specifically for COVID 19 then will it fight with other coronavirus species? Another is that if a patient includes a history of corona infection until what duration he won't consider it as a carrier. There are huge concerns like if the infection occurs for the second time it should become difficult to re-issue the passport. These are some downsides of an immunity passport.

Image Credit: freepik.com

Author’s Bio

Rishita Chandra
Rishita Chandra - fitsri.com

Rishita is pursuing a master's degree in Public Health. She writes to express her views on various medical and healthcare fields. She is particularly interested in healthy lifestyle issues and also writes about yoga and pranayama and the importance of psychological and spiritual health.

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Rishita Chandra.

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