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One Simple Step To Influence Your DNA

higher vitamin d levels linked to longer telomeres

One of the things I do most when I discuss metaphysics is explore concepts related to light and darkness and their integration. It's one of my passions. I love duality at its core. We're made of it so we should know it quite well. But I find those who wish to enter the heart center to a greater extent struggle with this integration and thus find tremendous difficulty transitioning aspects of ego.

I understand people are where they must be, but I find that there is a consistent ingredient that cycles through their consciousness which creates a strong filter and blocks the integration. And perhaps it should. But that ingredient without fail has been the transcending of the right/wrong paradigm. It's one of the most difficult lessons in this reality because we are so conditioned to pick a side. It's always about good/bad, love/hate, better/worse, winning/losing, bigger/lesser, success/failure, etc, etc, and from a young age few are excluded from this black and white path of learning which becomes ingrained into every incoming frequency throughout our lives.

This consciousness then cycles into the victim/perpetrator mindset and begins to create dys-function in the body and in relationships because the mindset aggressively pursues a morally correct path over what is perceived as incorrect. It becomes infatuated with what is the moral high ground at the expense of what it perceives as immorality. This causes seed programming based on the fear harmonic such as guilt, anger, envy, resentment, anxiety to express themselves to the fullest into dis-ease. Cancer for example thrives on guilt, resentment and anger, and those who have healed themselves know this well because the dis-ease encourages either the transition to a more peaceful self or face the consequence of death.

So within a victim/perpetrator mindset, the two energies within light and darkness can never be integrated into one because the human interpreter separates them through fragmentation (see my previous post on fragmentation of consciousness). The interpreter does not see them as the same energy because one is perceived as positive and the other as negative, despite them being one in the same.

Once the interpreter begins to align with both light and dark energies as one, the filter dissolves along with the right/wrong paradigm and the victim/perpetrator mindset. This is the beginning of change within the DNA field that allows a greater percentage to be influenced via the compassion filter. It changes our vibration instantly. It no longer allows the creation of any harmonics within the body or external relationships to be dominated or even entertained by the previous right/wrong filters of awareness. And then we change. Everything changes. Our body changes. Our relationships change. Our view of other people changes. Our view of the world changes. Most of all, our love of self changes because we are no longer preoccupied about the past pain or future anxiety that is so prevalent within the right/wrong paradigm. And when the love of self changes, self-worth increases while authenticity skyrockets as we become more true to who we are in the present.

So how do you do this? You pay attention to the beauty of synchronicity. You see the magic in all relationships (not just the ones you prefer). You connect with the truth of others without the need to impose your own. You find kindness and cooperation in places where anatgonism and confrontation thrive. You see the benevolence in everyone and everything without the need to highlight what's wrong with the world. You look for problems and solutions within rather than without. That's just the beginning of realizing your mastery. The rest can't be stated to you in any way because you must discover it on your own through practical applications of all of the above. Nobody can teach this to you but yourself. The path is yours and you will need to walk it on your own to see it for what it is. All that is required from you is to pay attention to that part of yourself that doesn't think, but breathes and listens to the peace that exists outside thought. This can be achieved by simply walking in nature, exercising, yoga, meditating or engaging in an activity that calms the mind. In that space everything becomes clear.

Is it too difficult? No worries. There is no rush. It is an incremental process. It can take months, years or even decades. For some it can take their entire lives. It is what it is. If you cannot transcend the right/wrong paradigm at this moment, take solace in the fact that there is more magic within you that will wait until you can, and when you can, it will always be the perfect time.

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