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Mercury, root canals, cavitations - Is your mouth killing you?


Few people are aware that auto-immune disease, chronic illnesses, and acute illnesses may be related to mercury poisoning from dental fillings or unresolved infection involving a root canal or extraction. In our society, conventional medicine and conventional dentistry both separate the mouth from the rest of the body, not realizing the synergistic relationship between each tooth and vital organs or the mouth's ability to create systemic illness. Systemic illness is also often a sign of undiagnosed oral disease.

A tooth is arguably an organ in itself, and many holistic dentists view it as one. Each tooth is also connected to other organs, tissues, glands etc. through the meridians of the body. Disease with a dead tooth (root canal) or bone and tissue disease due to extractions (cavitations) not only leech toxins into the body, causing a challenge for the immune system, there is also a deleterious effect on organs and tissues of the corresponding meridian. This meridian connection goes both ways. "...my studies kept bringing me back to the role of dental procedures and dental diseases in general health conditions and to how oral disease is often a sign of systemic illness," writes Dr. Alison Adams, a former dentist who became a naturopath.

Mercury fillings - amalgam

Mercury fillings slowly leech mercury and mercury vapor, causing a multitude of problems in the body including disruption of the nervous system, the immune system, the circulatory system, and the reproductive system. Mercury can damage the brain, heart, kidneys, and lungs - virtually every organ and every system in the body.

Dr. Alison Adams states, "There are many thousands of documented cases where removal of amalgam fillings when combined with mercury detoxification and nutritional support has cured or significantly improved serious health problems including cancers such as multiple myeloma and leukemia."

Root canals

After a root canal is performed, the tooth is dead. The remaining tissue and structure now provides a ripe environment for remaining bacteria. Tooth material (dentine) is not solid. It is rife with tubules - incredibly small canals or tunnels. If you were to stretch out the tubules in each tooth, tubules from incisors would reach 3 miles, while tubules from molars would reach 9 miles.

Once the pulp is removed from the tooth, there is no longer a blood or oxygen supply. The bacteria that remain can mutate to an anaerobic form and multiply until there are millions living within the tubules of the dead tooth. From there, they secrete potent toxins. A dead tooth may spew toxins into the body with no detectible symptoms - no pain, no swelling of the gums - nothing to alert you that it is wrecking havoc upon your immune system and causing chronic and acute medical conditions that you are attempting to cure.


Cavitations are infection of the bone after tooth extraction. It is believed that most of these infections are caused by two things: leaving the tendon that was attached to the tooth and not excavating the site of infection. Another cause may be the use of drugs during the procedure that cut off the blood flow to the site.

The best practice is to clean out the site, remove any dead tissue, bone, and the tendon, then allow the blood to clot. This blood clot forms the site for new cells to grow, to actually fill in the missing bone and build new healthy tissue. A dry socket or a closed site over active infection does not allow this healing process to occur.

When cavitations occur, they are often asymptomatic. Although the bone is being eaten by nasty anaerobic bacteria, there may be no pain. The bacteria, however, is exuding powerful toxins that may be causing damage to your immune system or the toxins may be the underlying cause of your chronic health condition(s).


If you're dealing with any of these dental procedures, your diet and lifestyle should be such that you're body is always detoxifying, and always getting plenty of nutrition. For any one of these dental issues it's advisable to bullet proof your immune system until you can get your teeth repaired, and take good care of your mouth with natural organic oral care. For a more in depth look at what you can do for root canals, cavitations, and amalgams, check out the first two source links below.


Credit: naturalnews.com


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