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8 Myths about Vegan Diet: Busted

8 Myths about Vegan Diet: Busted

I’ve been a vegan for quite some time now, and one of the things that still surprise me is the wrong information so many people still believe about vegetarianism and veganism.

Society is so prejudiced about this that most people never stop eating meat and/or animal products just because they are aware of the facts and beliefs that are so popular that anyone rarely argues them.

With this post I’ll try to debunk some of the myths and maybe even change your opinion about the way people are supposed to eat, and open your eyes for the truth. Here’s what you know that isn’t true:

1. We can’t get proteins without animal products.

Now that’s something every parent will tell their children, for example. But it just means they haven’t done their research and blindly trust what the media wants them to.

There are proteins in meat and all animal products and we think they are the only sources as they are just such a big part of our daily menu. These aren't the best choices though, and below you’ll learn why. But now, let’s see what other products are there that can give you enough proteins and keep you strong and healthy, that you’re overlooking and rarely including in your diet.

Vegans are healthier, happier and more productive in every area of life thanks to foods rich in healthy fats and minerals like leafy greens, beans, soy, quinoa, hummus, nuts, rice, peanut butter, different kinds of seeds, lentils, pumpkin, and more.

In addition, all these have many other ingredients that will help your skin glow, give you energy, help you live, move and sleep better, and without a single unhealthy additive.

2. We are made to eat meat.


Animals are. That’s why they have claws, sharp front teeth, and a much shorter intestinal tract so that meat passes it quickly. Such beings are made for hunting, it’s their nature.

Humans, on the other hand, aren’t. Most people like to make the argument that this is how our ancestors survived. But still, our stomach acid is too weak to digest meat, our saliva is alkaline which makes it perfect for digesting grains (animals don’t have the enzyme to do that).

Meat-eating creatures are born with the instinct to kill, but to also eat their food raw. We, however, need to prepare it in order to make it consumable, and that’s yet another reason why this isn't how nature planned things for us.

3. You can’t build muscles without meat.

Just the opposite. While every athlete will promote eating meat and all types of animal products like crazy, there are enough professional ones, bodybuilders, and millions of people who are living a healthy and active lifestyle and who do some kind of sport, build muscles and get shredded, after becoming vegans.

4. Eating meat gives us energy like no other food.

Too many people choose this to be their main food on the table, but they usually feel bad after eating a heavy meal like that. What’s more, these people have higher cholesterol and are more likely to have a heart disease later in their life.

With animals it’s different. Their bodies don’t experience the kinds of changes we do, after eating a lot of meat for years, that lead to heart attacks and obesity. In fact, carnivorous never suffer from diabetes, or cancer, or have any of the problems our generations have that are a result of the consumption of meat.

They are created this way and their bodies can handle it. Ours, on the other hand, get worse the more we eat meat.

Leaving it behind even for a few weeks has beneficial effects on your body and clears your mind. Every vegan shares how good, fresh and light they feel after cutting meat, fish and dairies.

5. The vegan diet is bad for children and pregnant women.

Not only is it not bad, but it gives them all the nutrients they need - for kids, to grow up, and for pregnant women, to give enough energy to both organisms.

And here’s a study showing why it’s a safe diet to follow even during pregnancy.

6. Preparing your meals as a vegan takes too much effort.

I don’t know why it’s become the norm for meat-eaters to believe this, but they are absolutely sure that we pay more for our foods, eat some special types of food that they haven't even heard of, cook for hours and each meal takes some hard work before we can enjoy it.

That’s not true. Not to mention that most of what’s on a vegan’s menu is fresh and doesn’t need any preparation. When it does, however, it’s usually boiling, baking, or else.

In a nutshell, making a vegan meal doesn’t need to take any more time than cooking for non-vegans.

7. Vegans want to make everyone else give up on animal products too.

I think this one is yet another consequence of the influence media has on us.

That’s why I don’t like putting the label ‘vegetarian’ or ‘vegan’. It’s earned a negative meaning these days.

Because big corporations want you to buy meat and eat it, it’s pretty good for them if most people don’t accept veganism as a way of life, but also as a way of thinking. Being sure that everyone who doesn’t eat meat will give you so many arguments (and even tell you stories of what’s going on in slaughterhouses) that you don’t want to hear, is a good enough reason to avoid sitting at one table with them.

In reality, though, vegans have made this lifestyle choice consciously, are happy with it, often won’t mention they don’t eat meat and most other products you’re a fan of, and will stick to the veggies and carbs on the table once you’re having a meal together.

8. The vegan diet doesn’t give you omega-3 and omega-6.

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are important, and meat-eaters wrongly assume that our diet doesn’t provide this. But it’s just as easy to get them from sources like flax and chia seeds, beans, berries, spinach, broccoli and kale, wild rice, and so much more.

I hope all these myths won’t be something you’ll keep believing without having checked the facts first. If you’ve been thinking about becoming a vegan but let any of these beliefs stop you, now you have a good reason to argue these to anyone who doesn’t support your decision.

About the author:

Sarah Williams is a passionate self-development writer and avid yoga practitioner, passionate about healthy lifestyle. She always tries seeing things from a different perspective, avoids small talk, and makes her interactions more satisfying and meaningful. She shares her thoughts on personal growth at Wingman Magazine.


Submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Sarah Williams © 2019 crystalwind.ca

Image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/zIx5wzjHRnE

About the author:

Sarah Williams is a passionate self-development writer and avid yoga practitioner, passionate about healthy lifestyle. She always tries seeing things from a different perspective, avoids small talk, and makes her interactions more satisfying and meaningful. She shares her thoughts on personal growth at Wingman Magazine.

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