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Ear Candling

Ear Candling

The ears, nose, throat and sinus area are all inter-related. Acupuncture, acupressure and reflexology charts illustrate how the ears coordinate with the rest of the body. Ear Candling is a centuries old method of bringing an enhanced state of health to those areas.

Ear Candling has a very consistent track record of success, helping people with the following problems:

Ear Candling
  • Removal of some excess ear wax.
  • Improved hearing, is perceived.
  • Relief from chronic ear aches and infections.
  • Relief from sinus congestion and allergies.
  • Sore Throats.
  • Fewer coughs, colds and flu symptoms.
  • Lymphatic congestion. Swollen glands.
  • Less ringing in the ears.
  • Relief from "swimmer's ear" and itching.
  • Improved balance and less dizziness and nausea.
  • Relief from pressure and/or popping in the ears when changing altitudes.
  • Improved breathing and may reduce snoring.
  • More acute taste and smell.
  • Fewer headaches and migraines.
  • Less cleaning and servicing of hearing aids.
  • Perceived positive use by some outdoor and/or water activity enthusiasts.

That is only the beginning of the list of benefits!

There is no discomfort associated with candling at all.

How it Works

How does Ear Candling accomplish all this?

With the ear candle inserted into the ear, the heat from the flame creates a stimulating, soothing, warming effect to the tissues in and around the ear. The mechanics of this process are partly physical and partly energetic in nature. The result is a stimulation of lymphatic drainage in the entire head and neck region. The Eustachian tubes open and relax allowing improved drainage and pressure equalization. The sinuses are triggered to start draining. The body's disease fighting immune response is greatly enhanced in strength. This means quicker recovery and a decrease in symptom severity from many illnesses. The acupuncture meridian system is brought into a state of enhanced balance. The body's other subtle energy systems (chakras and body aura) are dramatically enhanced in strength.

Treatment Frequency?

It depends upon what your initial complaint is and how long it has bothered you. The common denominator is that the real power of ear candling comes from repeat treatments.

Each additional treatment brings your body to a higher state of well being which after several sessions typically leaves you with an improved state of over all health.

Long term (few month to years) symptoms are usually best treated with 4-6 sessions of 2-4 ear candles per ear over a 6 week period, followed by several monthly treatments until the desired level of symptom relief has been reached.

Short term (recent colds, infections etc.) symptoms are most effectively treated by daily treatment of 2-4 ear candles per ear for several days followed by 2-3 weekly treatments. Rapid symptom relief is usually achieved. A maintenance schedule of 3-4 treatments a year does wonders to keep a person healthy.

Some reasons why people shouldn't candle?

Namely, if:

  • There is a perforated ear drum, obvious ear infection, bleeding, inflammation, ear discomfort or pain and/or is being treated for the same.
  • There has been recent ear, nose, throat or sinus surgery and/or is being treated for the same.
  • There is a tube, cyst or tumor in the ear.
  • They may not be able to make an informed personal decision or are hesitant.
  • When specifically advised to the contrary by their professional health care practitioner.

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