Your Weekly Horoscope: March 29th - April 5th!
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- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

For where the Mercury retrograde phase will affect your sign (or natal house placement if you know it):
(1st House) In this space between the eclipses, Aries is in the spotlight, and also caught in the cross hairs. For those of you having birthdays coming up, or have 15-25º of Aries rising, what is being brought to you, could prove to be life-changing and illuminating. But even within this context of change, and newness that the eclipses can bring, there is also this moment of reflection betwixt and between the eclipses which allows you to reflect and process all of the events of your life that have led you to this place in time. This is when you are being asked to reacquaint yourself with yourself. Which may, within the vortex of the eclipses, include reinventing your image in a way that more accurately defines the person you have now become. This can be quite different from the person you used to be. We grow and evolve over the years, and what might have been appropriate for your old self, may no longer feel right for the person you are now, or wish to become. And if you are going to be in the spotlight, how do you wish to be seen, called, named, or acknowledged?
(12th House) Even though it could feel as if there is a lot of busyness going on, made all the more busy with visitations from the past, reunions and all sorts of extra stuff taking up space; it is all the more important to create some time for yourself. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by the noise of the outer world. For the duration of the Mercury retrograde phase which lasts until April 25th, you are being asked to turn your attention within. Memories from the past could come to the surface, secrets could be revealed. But perhaps more important is that these will also allow you to ultimately achieve some sort of healing in your life. We carry so much with us, that can also be so hard to let go of. The retrograde journey of Mercury can be illuminating in this regard. When you are willing to face your own wounds, fears and anxieties, and are then able to share these in the strictest confidence with those you can trust, the results can ultimately be liberating and inspiring. And if that is not possible, trust your inner guides, your intuition, to lead you to those who you can trust to do so.
(11th House) It may seem a little odd for a Gemini to feel like they don’t quite fit in. Gemini usually has this remarkable ability to just seamlessly fit in everywhere and with almost anyone. However, with the upcoming Solar Eclipse and Mercury’s station retrograde this week, some of your associations will be under scrutiny. This isn’t just about your individual associations and friendships, which can be true, but can also apply to any group associations or affiliations as well. That can also find you reconsidering any past associations. And it is not uncommon to find people popping up, or reemerging out of the past when Mercury is retrograde in your 11th Solar or natal House. That can be due to some long ago unfinished business with one another. It can also be a reminder as to what these people once meant to you, but also why you parted ways. But do note, that with Chiron also in Aries, that this can also bring the opportunity to heal old rifts, or at the very least, arrive at an understanding. For what the retrograde phase of Mercury can bring, is an opportunity to rebuild old bridges, and then go on to create new ones as well.
(10th House) Once again, here we stand between the eclipses, that liminal space between the life that was and the new one that is yet to come. Depending on what sign these eclipses are in can determine whether or not these are important demarcations, and the Aries/Libra axis could be important to Cancer, especially in regards to balancing the needs between their outer reputation in the world at large, and the concerns of your personal life. While Mercury is in its retrograde phase, also in the sign of Aries, it would probably be wise not to make any major changes right now, or to make any promises or agreements. Eclipses are oh so unpredictable, and often what seems like a great idea when Mercury is retrograde is bound to have its faults revealed later on when it is direct again. What this time is good for, are things like reevaluating your current position. Are you happy with your career? Have there been any changes in your status recently, or that you are planning on making? How do you feel about these? Mercury in Aries can be a little impulsive, but best to use this time to research, reevaluate, and reconsider. Then after we emerge out of this eclipse period and Mercury is direct again, you will be armed with greater clarity and understanding.
(9th House) In many ways, Chiron in Aries has been asking Leo to be an example and inspiration for others to follow. That can include laying your soul bare for all to see, the painful parts along with the noble. Within that context, now that Mercury is going to be in its retrograde phase for the next 3 weeks, you are going to be reassessing all this. And in doing so, coming to re-explore what you believe to be true. What is true about yourself, true about your beliefs, and about your world view. Some of the issues that can arise with Mercury retro in this department of your life can be things like traveling, exploring ideas, and feeling self-conscious about what you know or believe. Although there can sometimes be issues with travel when Mercury is retro, it can be a good time to go back to a place that you’ve been to before, especially if this is some place you know well. And although this retro can bring some doubts about what you know, it also encourages you to go back, re-learn, and confirm for yourself what you do or do not know. This brings greater confidence moving forward.
(8th House) As Mercury is your sign’s ruling planet, these retrograde phases of Mercury will certainly be more significant to you any way. Mercury in Aries can also be about significant changes in your life. These may be changes that you’ve already made, and are now needing to adjust to. Or perhaps you are thinking about making changes, and the retrograde phase of Mercury is a good time to adjust to the idea of whatever changes you might want to make, before you make them. Sometimes the retrograde station of Mercury in this sign can also just give you permission to say No, or No more. Especially if something is proving to be a lot more trouble than originally anticipated. Mercury retro can also be unusually practical. This is when you can catch up with your to-do list making sure that you have taken care of business, and if you need to review something, to see what you need to do in order to sort things out. This is tax time in the US, so for those who have not yet filed, know that there may be delays, re-doing, or clarifying before signing on the dotted line. Some things simply cannot be avoided. But for most things that are not timed, probably a good idea to do all the research first, and then make your decisions later after Mercury is direct again (April 25th).
(7th House) Much like Aries, Libra is being spotlighted by this series of eclipses. So as we stand here in the space between the Lunar and Solar Eclipse, you may be readdressing and reviewing specific events both recently and in the past that have contributed to where you are, and who you are today. Whenever Mercury is in its retrograde phase, we often find ourselves reflecting on the past. It can also bring a redirect, so that what you previously believed to be true, can change. Mercury retro periods afford us the opportunity to change our minds. Just be cautious, for often what seems like a really good idea while Mercury is in its retrograde phase, will have its faults revealed later on when Mercury stations direct again. However it is when we are being asked to process and make sense of the events that have led you to this place in time. And that includes all of your relationships, how you feel about the relationships you are in, and also why you do relationships the way that you do. What you learn during this phase of Mercury which lasts until the end of April, are not only helpful, but also important for your healing journey.
(6th House) As Mercury stations for its retrograde phase (right in the middle of two eclipses), you may be re-thinking a lot! And that can also apply to some very practical things such as your daily routines, habits, and regimens. Some of you may even be readdressing your health and well-being, and so looking for ways to improve these. This may require a few tweaks here and there. But the retrograde period of Mercury affords you the opportunity to review, re-think, and even experiment a bit with new ways of approaching your health and well-being. One of the opportunities we get when Mercury is retrograde is to turn some things around. For instance instead of thinking that you are subject to a body, life and lifestyle that challenges you to reach your goals. Thinking in terms of how you can support these, rather than feel limited by them, can turn things around. Another practical way to use the Mercury retro is to ‘reorganize’. Mercury in Aries is likely to do a whole scurrying about type of organization, tossing all hither and yon, but it can help you to untangle and resort the disparate parts of your life. And by the time that Mercury is direct again at the end of April, you will feel like your whole life is in order, and ready for the next chapter.
(5th House) Sagittarius is being asked to go through something of a renaissance. Mercury stations retrograde on April 1st and will remain in its retrograde phase through April 25th. During this time it is asking you to revisit yourself, and reacquaint yourself with those things that used to bring you great joy. Now it happens that over the years our preferences change. Therefore what used to bring you a great deal of happiness and joy, may no longer do so. However, through this process of review and revisiting the past, you are also given the opportunity to learn something about yourself. This is often when we will do some sort of reflection and review any way. But allow yourself to reflect on those things that do kindle your fiery heart. This is not necessarily a time to create and produce. But it is about taking time out to process and find inspiration in the past. To maybe even relearn things, like spontaneity, joy and allowing the flow of inspiration to pass through you. Take some time to do what you love, and love what you do. Know also that doing so, can help to contribute to your healing journey in some way.
(4th House) It is not unusual to find oneself reflecting on the past when Mercury is in its retrograde phase. This will be all the more so with Mercury also in the sign of Aries. And don’t be surprised if you find yourself picking up the phone, or receiving a call from loved ones that you once held so dear. This is a time to reconnect with parts of your life that supported, nurtured and had your back way back when. This can even include returning home, or having a family reunion. In this process we are allowed the opportunity to process and make sense of how your earliest years have impacted you and your perspective. By the time that Mercury stations direct again you will be given another chance to reflect on what home, family and community mean to you. For some it is their own personal sanctuary. For others it is something that is much more individual. But perhaps it may be useful to reflect on those things that bring you a deeper sense of belonging, support, security and community, and the ways that you can make these more of a priority going forward.
(3rd House) It is not unusual for communications to get hijacked or misconstrued when Mercury is in its retrograde phase, as it will be from April 1st thru the 25th. Emails disappear into the ethernets, phones go on the fritz, and electrical outages wreak havoc on technology. But rather than fighting the Mercury gremlins, perhaps you can take the hint and take some time out mentally to focus in on the things that really matter. This may bring you down a rabbit hole of reflection and review. Or perhaps calling people that you hadn’t spoken to in years! But sometimes that reflection can be quite useful in helping you to process and make sense of recent or even not so recent events and themes in your life. It can also afford you to re-learn something that made a lot of sense to you at one time, but now seems so distant. Revisit, review, and process. Those are the 3 steps of the retrograde phase of Mercury. And hopefully by the time Mercury is direct again you will know a lot more than you did before. And do so without the agitation of all those lost emails and technical difficulties.
(2nd House) Betwixt and between any distractions, chaos and mayhem that a retrograde phase of Mercury can bring in the midst of eclipse season, you might want to sort out some of your priorities. What are the things, and who are the people that really and truly matter? How do you want to spend your precious time, money and resources? What sorts of things are you really wanting to focus on and think about on a daily basis? After the initial chaos, Mercury retro periods are so useful in helping us to make sense of our lives and put things in perspective. And when retrograde Mercury is also in Aries it can help you to gain some perspective about your own self-worth, your talents and skills? There may have been moments when you have doubted yourself. But this retro phase of processing and making sense of past events, can help you to appreciate the innate skill that you can bring to the situation. And remember, it’s not so much about survival, as it is about the skillful use of the talents and resources that you have at your disposal.
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