Your Weekly Guide To Planetary Influences - November 21 to 27, 2022
- Details
- Written by Pam Younghans

THE SEARCH FOR MEANING: The Sun enters Sagittarius this week, joining Mercury and Venus in the sign of The Archer.
The glyph for the ninth sign is an arrow pointing upward, symbolizing the ongoing search for meaning that is one of its themes. The Archer itself is a centaur, half man and half horse, embodying both humanity's instinctive animal nature and our spiritual aspirations.
It is no surprise, perhaps, that many of the world's religions celebrate events while the Sun transits philosophical Sagittarius. Even if we do not follow a specific tradition or engage in ritual, the urge to seek higher truths is heightened during this time. We also are more likely to experience other Sagittarian qualities, both the higher-vibrational and the shadow traits of the sign: optimism, faith, humor, honesty, enthusiasm, and a love of freedom and adventure on one end of the spectrum; but also restlessness, irresponsibility, a quick temper, a caustic wit, dogmatism, and self-righteousness on the other end.
I always find it interesting to watch the shift that occurs when the Sun enters Sagittarius. We might call it an activation of "the holiday spirit," when more people tend to look for silver linings instead of focusing on the clouds, and also give themselves permission to break routines and forego work as they engage in activities that bring greater personal and spiritual upliftment. This fun-loving spirit is exemplified by the co-worker who is usually somewhat shy and task-oriented, who shows up at the office wearing a reindeer antler hat.
NEW MOON: A New Moon occurs at 2:57 p.m. PST this Wednesday, when the Sun and Moon align at 01°37´ Sagittarius. Unlike most of our recent lunations, this one forms primarily harmonious aspects with the other planets, perhaps giving us something of a reprieve from recent intensity.
The primary aspects to the New Moon are a trine to stationary Jupiter and a sextile to Pluto. Working together, these planets can provide both inspiration and motivation, helping us focus on our goals and also enabling a more optimistic perspective.
JUPITER DIRECT: Jupiter comes to a standstill just five minutes after the lunation occurs on Wednesday, making the trine between Jupiter and the New Moon all the more significant. Jupiter magnifies whatever it touches, so we may see qualities on both ends of the Sagittarius frequency spectrum being amplified this week.
Jupiter rules legal matters, lawyers, and the judicial system, making these subjects headline news this week. We may also see significant developments in foreign relations, long-distance travel and communications, religious doctrines, and higher education, all of which are also in Jupiter's domain.
This week, we may want to ponder our own search for meaning as it has unfolded since Jupiter went retrograde on July 28. According to Jupiter, our personal task over the past four months has been to discover what we truly believe, perhaps in contrast to what we have absorbed from others or have been told is true. We have been asked to turn inward for our answers, rather than seeking them externally.
If we have done our personal work in this area, we will be able to take good advantage of Jupiter's expansive influence as it begins to move direct again and picks up pace over the next few weeks. As we move out of a very introspective phase, we will be able to participate more fully in life again, while also remaining true to the revelations we have discovered on that inner journey.
DAILY ASPECTS: Here are this week's most important planetary aspects, with my brief interpretations of each.
Mercury conjunct Venus: This may be an excellent day for a philosophical discussion with a friend, or just to enjoy light banter without worrying about where the conversation may lead.
Sun enters Sagittarius: This year, the Sun will be in Sagittarius from November 22 to December 21.
Retrograde Mars square Ceres: Family dynamics could be somewhat volatile, as old grievances surface. People may not agree about who said what and when, and it is easy to point fingers in blame.
Mercury sesquiquadrate Eris: Conversations trigger strong reactions, as people may be especially defensive today.
Venus sesquiquadrate Eris: This aspect represents a rough patch in relationships or financial matters, and a general combativeness.
New Moon 2:57 p.m. PST: This New Moon, while carrying very positive energies, also is setting the scene for the Full Moon in Gemini on December 7. That lunation is conjunct retrograde Mars, so it is very important to monitor what we say now, as words spoken in haste will likely come back to haunt us.
Jupiter stations direct: Jupiter is in the last degrees of Pisces when it stations, and will move into assertive Aries on December 20. At that time, there will be new opportunities to put our beliefs and our compassion into action.
Mercury semisquare Pluto and trine Chiron: While conversations may be confrontational, they also open the door to a deeper understanding of each person's motivations.
Neptune opposite Ceres: This aspect represents an opportunity to move beyond the issues that came up earlier this week with loved ones. The challenge is to remember that our true source of sustenance is in our own spiritual connection, rather than requiring that family members meet all our nurturing needs.
Venus semisquare Pluto and trine Chiron: Intensity in relationships, while uncomfortable, provides an opportunity for healing.
No major aspects are exact today.
Mercury quincunx Uranus: An attitude adjustment is needed, to help us move beyond a tendency to judge ourselves and others as "right" or "wrong."
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: You have good physical energy this year, and can tap into a sense of hopefulness that will help you through any rough patches that you may encounter. Your knowing of what you truly believe and value is key to your ability to make progress. The main caution is to be careful not to overextend, not to take on more than is reasonable. Over-optimism can lead to problems, as in some situations, "the eyes are bigger than the stomach." It is also possible to be blissfully unaware of how effusive statements of truth might be received as criticism by others. (Solar Return Sun trine Jupiter)
In peace and with gratitude,
Aspects of Note This Week:
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.
- MON: Mercury conjunct Venus
- TUE: Sun enters Sagittarius, retrograde Mars square Ceres, Mercury sesquiquadrate Eris
- WED: Venus sesquiquadrate Eris, New Moon 2:57 p.m. PST, Jupiter stations direct
- THU: Mercury semisquare Pluto, Mercury trine Chiron
- FRI: Neptune opposite Ceres, Venus semisquare Pluto, Venus trine Chiron
- SAT: No major aspects are exact today
- SUN: Mercury quincunx Uranus
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
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