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Your Weekly Guide To Planetary Influences - December 5 to 11, 2022

Your Weekly Guide To Planetary Influences - December 5 to 11, 2022

GEMINI FULL MOON: This week's Full Moon is pivotal on several levels.

As always, the climax of the lunar cycle is a time when light shines into the darkness and new awareness is possible. It also represents a culmination of the energies that were birthed at the New Moon (on November 23), and therefore can be a time when we realize the fullness of initiatives begun at that time.

This Gemini Full Moon is especially significant because it will be tightly conjunct retrograde Mars. Throughout this week, Luna will be bringing to light the primary issues we are each being called to address regarding the right use of our assertive nature and personal will.

Thus, we will want to pay close attention to the issues that cause us irritation or anger this week. Underlying our responses, we may find a repeating theme that is key for us at this time. Beneath the anger, there may be a fear, a repeating thought pattern, an outdated belief, or perhaps a restlessness due to boredom with routines, that we will benefit from addressing. Reconciling the issues that arise, and our feelings about them, will be an important step in our process of raising our vibrations.

THE MARS EFFECT: Externally, we are likely to see anger and frustration playing out on the world stage in more pronounced ways around the time of this Mars-laced Full Moon in Gemini. The sign of The Twins rules communications, facts and logic, short-distance travel, the news cycle, and general information-sharing, so we can expect these areas to be impacted. Possible manifestations include impulsive words and actions, scattered thinking, misdirected anger, unplanned detours or derailments, snarled traffic, and the like.

The Full Moon occurs at 8:07 p.m. PST on December 7. At that time, the Moon will be at 16°01´ Gemini, with the Sun at the same degree of Sagittarius. Very tightly conjunct the Moon, retrograde Mars will be at 16°07´ Gemini. The Sun-Mars opposition perfects less than two hours after the Moon becomes full, increasing the potentials for a battle of ideologies and an intensified tug of war between our differing perceptions of "truth." 

Since Gemini rules the nervous system, it will be important to support our physical bodies this week. Get good rest, drink plenty of fluids, and take walks in nature. You might want to increase your intake of B vitamins, take an adaptogen like ashwagandha or bacopa, and/or take medicinal mushrooms that support the body's stress response, such as Lion's Mane, Maitake, and Reishi. 

THE URANUS EFFECT: Another notable component of the Full Moon chart is a very close aspect between the Sun and Uranus. The two planets will be within 15 arc minutes of being exactly quincunx (separated by 150 degrees). A quincunx aspect requires an attitude adjustment if we are to successfully navigate its energies.

Any time Uranus is involved in an aspect, there can be surprises or sudden events that catch us off guard and require us to be more flexible in some way. There is also a nonconformist quality associated with Uranus, which incites rebellion against the status quo, especially in response to restrictions or a loss of individual rights. 

While a need for personal freedom may be a positive motivator, it may be that the adjustment being called for by this quincunx is in the timing of our response. With both retrograde Mars and Uranus in strong effect, the tendency for knee-jerk reactions is heightened, which are not likely to serve us well in the long run. Stopping to breathe, to consciously inhale and exhale slowly, will be essential before taking action. 

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! My first webinar of 2023 is entitled "A Quantum Shift," and will air live on Wednesday, January 11! Please save the date and join us for a deep dive into the first four months of the New Year. I will include the full class description and registration link in next week's issue of this Journal.

DAILY ASPECTS: Here are this week's most important planetary aspects, with my brief interpretations of each. 


Mercury square Jupiter: Idealism is strong and wants to be expressed, but we might ignore the subtle signals that tell us whether someone is truly open to hearing our views.


Mercury enters Capricorn: Mercury will be in Capricorn for an extended period, due to going retrograde at the end of December. While in Capricorn, from December 6 to February 11, Mercury supports our thinking in more practical, concrete ways, with our attention on how to achieve realistic goals. We will want to be careful of becoming too rigid in our thinking.


Mercury sesquiquadrate Uranus: Our thinking may be scattered and it can be hard to focus on one task. Communications and short-distance travel may not bring the results we expect.

Sun quincunx Uranus, opposite Mars: Long-held beliefs are challenged by unexpected circumstances that arise. It may be hard not to fight for what we "used" to believe in, versus embracing a new wisdom we are just beginning to realize.

Full Moon 8:07 p.m. PST: This Full Moon in Gemini could reveal old angers and resentments that are ready to be released, and old beliefs that are ready to be upgraded.


Pluto trine Ceres: This harmonious aspect between a god and goddess who were at war with each other is a hopeful sign that we, too, are ready to become more tolerant of the differences that tend to divide us, instead finding new ways to work together. With Ceres being the Earth Mother goddess, this new collaboration may be motivated by a mutual concern for the well-being of planet Earth.


Venus square Jupiter: We can be very self-indulgent with this aspect and prefer to avoid facing issues. Or, it is possible that a need to moralize is stronger than our ability to hold all in compassion. 

Venus enters Capricorn: While Venus is in Capricorn, from December 9 to January 2, we tend to be more serious and realistic (or perhaps pessimistic) in relationship and financial matters. Some may also be more reserved about expressing love, which can feel like distance or coldness to a loved one.


Mercury semisquare Saturn: We may be reticent to share our thoughts with others today, and some may have a more pessimistic mindset than usual.

Venus sesquiquadrate Uranus: A need for greater freedom within a relationship can lead to a change in plans for the day.


No major aspects are exact today.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This is a very energized and energizing year for you, Sag. You are motivated to achieve specific goals, perhaps in response to opposition from others or due to a need to establish a stronger sense of your own identity. This can manifest as unexpected changes in your course, as you are inspired to explore new territory. Be sure to keep tabs on your nervous energy, as it can be easy to be something of an Energizer bunny. Find ways to ground yourself and to slow the pace when you become aware of a sense of breathlessness, before your battery runs low. (Solar Return Sun opposite Mars, sextile Saturn, trine Chiron, quincunx Uranus)

In peace and with gratitude,


Aspects of Note This Week:

All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

  • MON: Mercury square Jupiter
  • TUE: Mercury enters Capricorn
  • WED: Mercury sesquiquadrate Uranus, Sun quincunx Uranus, Full Moon at 8:07 p.m. PST, Sun opposite Mars
  • THU: Pluto trine Ceres
  • FRI: Venus square Jupiter, Venus enters Capricorn
  • SAT: Mercury semisquare Saturn, Venus sesquiquadrate Uranus
  • SUN: No major aspects are exact today

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.

Feel free to share this NorthPoint Journal with others who may enjoy it! Please forward it in its entirety, including all contact and copyright information.

To learn more about Pam's work, please visit www.northpointastrology.com

NorthPoint Journal copyright 2022 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.

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