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Your Ultimate Guide to May 3rd - 10th Horoscopes!

Your Ultimate Guide to May 3rd - 10th Horoscopes!

For the New Moon for your Solar or Rising sign (or house placement if you know it):


(2nd House) If you were to define your own worth, how would you gauge that? In society much of our worth is tied up with how much we make, or how much we have or own. But when we are talking about the New Moon in Taurus, you’re being asked to consider what you consider to be your most valuable assets. And when you do so, you may just find that there are some things that you simply can’t put a price tag on. What are your most prized assets? It could be an object, a person, a gift or a talent. Or perhaps it’s a certain quality. The New Moon in Taurus on May 7th/8th could bring you validation for what that is. It may even be something that you have taken for granted. If that is the case, own it. Own it, and look for opportunities to further develop and cultivate that talent, that ability, that gift. Then sow the intention to receive validation for your own worthiness and self-esteem. Especially for those things that you take for granted. Then remind yourself that : “I am worthy of all the bounty that nature has to offer.”


(1st House) If you were to describe yourself, what would you say? How do you think you are seen, and how would you wish to be seen by others? Someone who is kind? Someone who is generous? Someone who did the right thing? These are questions that can arise with the New Moon in Taurus on May 7th/8th. This annual New Moon in your sign is your yearly reboot, bringing a sense of self-renewal. Those Taurus people born between May 5th and 10th, or who have 15-21º of Taurus Rising will be most sensitive to this Moon, although all Taureans can benefit from the understanding and self-awareness that can arise with the New Moon in your sign. And if you were to reinvest in yourself for the year ahead, what would be the priorities that you would like to keep foremost in your mind? What are those things that you consider to be the most important to you? What plans and hopes do you want to most invest in for the year ahead? Create your own priority wish list, then go out and see what you can do to make it a closer reality. A good affirmation for this New Moon might be: Knowing what my true priorities are is key to understanding who I am.


(12th House) Out of the strain of the doing, into the peace of the done. In order to gain the most benefit from the New Moon in Taurus on May 7th/8th, you will want to tie up all the loose ends of your life so that you can have some time of your own, away from all the hubbub and busy-ness. You don’t have to go very far to find that place where you can be alone with yourself and your own mind. It’s closer at hand than you think. It is time to connect to Spirit, to Conscience, to your own inner and hidden world. Doing so can unleash all sorts of creative ideas, unearth long lost gifts, and invest a deeper meaning and value to all that you do. You really don’t need to ‘do’ very much with this New Moon, except pay attention to where your intuition and deepest heart-felt yearnings are leading you. Taurus, for Gemini, is a sign of hidden gifts, hidden advantages, and the unseen things that are going on behind the scenes. So it could even be that someone, impressed by your work ethic, may be inspired to help you. Or things owed you from the past could surface. This is a Moon of lucky breaks from the hidden and unseen realms. But it is also about making the intention to find that sacred place within you that will bring you that profound feeling of inner peace and serenity.


(11th House) The New Moon in Taurus on May 7th/8th is asking you to look at the ways that you can make your big vision for the future into a closer and more achievable reality. This may involve teaming up with others, or finding a partner or someone else to collaborate with on a project. One thing that may become more apparent, is that in certain areas of your life, or to achieve certain goals, you can achieve so much more when you collaborate and join forces with others, than you possibly could on your own. And through the encouragement of friends or through a group that you are affiliated with, you could be feeling a lot more motivated to do so. This will be especially so if you also receive some sort of validation through your work, or through an avocation or personal hobby. Taurus is your wishing sign. Therefore take some time out to connect with your highest ideals, your big vision for the future, your highest priorities, hopes and wishes, towards which you would like to aspire this year. And see what you need to do on your end, that will help you to make your wishes come true. A good intention for this Moon might be: If this dream is meant to be for me, may the best possible circumstances arise to see it fulfilled.


(10th House) What is your big vision for the future? What are your most precious goals? Anything that you hope to realize, or would like to receive some recognition for, whether work related, or in your personal life, can further thrive if initiated or is committed to with the New Moon in Taurus on May 7th/8th. It’s an excellent time to start new initiatives, to begin a new job or project, or embark on a venture. For it is more likely to reach success, and bring you attention. Things begun with this Moon can lead to better things, and bring you a resurgence of energy to achieve your goals. Taurus is a sign of values. So it is asking you to find value in what you do, and open yourself up to seeing your value and worth in the outer world and the community at large. The New Moon in Taurus wants you to be open to receiving, and is aiming to help you to realize your destiny and purpose. Even if that might mean having to go off in a new direction or do things differently than you have in the past. Be audacious. Be brave and dare to reach high. Some good intentions for this Moon might be: May I be led to realize my life’s path and purpose. Or: I want to see all obstacles to prosperity, security and success lifted from me.


(9th House) Is there something that you’ve been meaning to follow through with in order to further promote yourself and your future? Perhaps taking up a course of study, learning a new skill, gaining a little more experience, or making yourself better informed? With the New Moon in Taurus, now’s the time to commit to a new plan for the future, that will help you to expand your current prospects. And because Taurus is a sign that Virgo associates with venturing out into the world, you may be wistfully thinking about when and where you might want to venture abroad, and further out into the world at large. At the very least, look for ways that you can explore the countryside and the natural world. It’s time for you to re-commit to your magical earthy soul. Whether that means to dig in the dirt. Or to feel your feet grounded on terra firma. Virgo has been feeling a little extra invested in themselves lately. And well you should be. All this Taurus earth energy is good for your soul as well as your spirit. A good intention to make with the New Moon in Taurus on May 7th/8th might be: May I find fulfillment in the abundance that nature has to offer.


(8th House) The New Moon in Taurus on May 7th/8th presents Libra with the opportunity to follow through with certain promises you have made to yourself or others. For these can bring their own sorts of rewards and opportunities. This can include practical Taurus type things, like paying off financial obligations or debts. This can also be a good time to initiate a marketing plan, or to commit to creating and following through with a financial plan that may be a little different from what you have been doing in the past. Income can increase due to receiving money owed you, or by selling some big tag item. Use the Moon to make new announcements, to apply for a new job, or to create that long-term financial plan that will help you to breathe new life into your current investments. There can also be something here about finally getting a health issue sorted out. This can include things like addressing a habit, or tweaking a diet. Something that you want to make a deeper commitment to in order to live a healthier and more manageable life and lifestyle. A good intention to make with this Moon might be: May I discover the joy of giving and receiving with an open heart.


(7th House) The New Moon on May 7th/8th is a New Moon invested with a profound feeling of commitment, which is piggybacked on to this overwhelming feeling of renewal, that could almost feel like a rebirth. But like all births, this one can also come with a few struggles. Just know that when you are willing to make yourself a priority, then everyone and everything else in your life will begin to fall in place. New Moons bring a surge of fresh new energy. And this New Moon is especially invested in exploring new approaches to your relationships, which can include partnerships, agreements with others, counselors or people you go to for advice and even your audience or customer base. If you’ve been wanting to commit in a new way, or in a brand-new direction, this is the time when you might want to make that declaration or announcement. It could also be that you are pleasantly surprised by someone, in a way that you had not expected. The New Moon in Taurus is always fertile ground in which to plant seeds of intention. And some possible intentions to sow with this Moon might be: May I be open to giving and receiving with an open heart. Or: I want to see myself spending more time with those people who make me feel safe and happy. .


(6th House) The New Moon in Taurus on May 7th/8th is a great time to begin any sort of new work or health initiatives. These can include things like starting a new project that could bring in a little extra money; or beginning a new health and wellness routine that will invest your health and your outlook with more energy and inspiration. Even small changes in your routines could increase energy, and open you up to creative or alternative ways of living your life on a daily basis. These can include things like adding outdoor walks into your daily routines, or tweaking your diet, listening to music while you work, or making room for other activities that not only feed your body, but also feed your soul. If you have had any health concerns lately, this is also a good time to seek out the best sort of healer or healing method, that would work best for you and your situation. Same for if you are looking for some sort of improvement in your job situation. This would be a good time to put in that application. New Moons are about new beginnings. And this particular New Moon is filled with a little extra promise. Therefore use it, and use it well. A good affirmation for this Moon might be I deserve a healthy and happy life, filled with joy.


(5th House) Capricorns are not usually the sappy and emotional sorts, but in this case, you are totally allowed to let yourself go. Once you have everything organized and set in place, know that the New Moon in Taurus on May 7th/8th is a moon invested in feel-good events, emotional and romantic ventures and affairs of the heart. If you have children, you will be feeling very proud about their achievements, and relishing all the news, events and milestones that they are now reaching. Enjoy it all. And even dare to wax nostalgically on all the wonderful moments you have already shared with others, and what more there are to come in the future. The New Moon is just lighting up your heart! It is also sending this surge of energy and inspiration, so that if you are involved in any sort of creative venture or project, you will be that much more invested and committed to it. Part of this is due to having been recently drawn to a style that is much more in alignment with your true self and personal vision. Go with it! I want to see myself achieving my potential by allowing the creative spirit to move through me, using my voice, my hands, my skills, to reach beyond my previous limitations.


(4th House) The New Moon in Taurus on May 7th/8th is about making an even deeper commitment to those things that matter to you most on a personal level. That can include things like family, and family matters. Your home. Your sense of community and belonging. The people, things and experiences that hold you and ground you. This is a rather personal lunation for you, so it may not necessarily be about things that you want to share with the general public, but it is still invested with a certain deep and heartfelt meaning. This is a time of new beginnings, or confirmation for those things that you have already begun. Because of its placement in Taurus, it can inspire you to take on new projects related to home or family, including improving your relationships with family members; taking part in activities that will help gather the tribe and reenforce feelings of community; perhaps making improvements in your home environment, beautifying, sprucing things up, adding plants or a bit of nature here and there. Things that make you feel more at home. A good affirmation for the New Moon might be: When I find peace within, everything else will fall into place.


(3rd House) We are still riding the wave of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction last month, which is being further tweaked by the upcoming New Moon in Taurus on May 7th/8th. Taurus is a sign that is both grounding and inspiring for you. And the New Moon is just trying to draw you to those things that will help to bring ever greater peace, safety and security in to your every day life. With the recent Jupiter/Uranus conjunction you may find yourself seeing more, hearing more and noticing more. All the more reason to go with it. Look for opportunities to learn something new, engage your neighbors, or local businesses. Make yourself more informed on a subject that has been calling you. Take a class, learn something new, surround yourself in nature. Create a small garden, bring nature into your home, grow herbs on your window sill. The natural world is trying to engage you. And this is your opportunity to meet it half way. Make the affirmation with the New Moon to walk with music and beauty in your heart. Some good intentions might be I want to see myself taking more walks in, and enjoying the wonders of nature; Or: I want to see myself more fully appreciating the simple daily encounters of my everyday life.


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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