Your Ultimate Guide to May 10-17 Horoscopes!
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- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

For the week of May 10th thru the 17th be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Mars in Aries will keep you going and going to the point that you won’t quite know how to put on the brakes, never mind stop for some much-needed reverie. However the Jupiter/Neptune sextile is calling everyone over the next several weeks to slow down. Even you. If only for a minute or two now and then. Of course you cannot put aside all that inspiring motivation that Mars in Aries is bringing. Why would you? But if you were to make some space betwixt and between putting out fires and or chasing the next best adventure, you will be glad you did. For what this transit is capable of doing, is giving you a fuller appreciation of those things that are truly most important and valuable to you. Think back on the year that was. Or perhaps look back on the past 13 years. What have you learned about yourself, your beliefs, your most hidden needs and desires? And how can you make these all more of a priority going forward? And surprisingly one of those things might be those sacred spaces, the quiet moments between the storms.
Last week we offered you the affirmation to be seeded with the New Moon to be: Knowing what my true priorities are is key to understanding who I am. And the emerging Jupiter/Neptune sextile is uncovering some of the layers of what that might all mean to you. The Jupiter/Neptune cycle gets back to these subtle under layers. The ones that are not always that obvious. This is when we say to ourselves, while steeped in reverie, “you know what really makes me happy is…” And when you say it to yourself it will be almost wistful with longing. As if it could not be possible to have that every day. And yet the Jupiter/Neptune sextile is here to say, perhaps you can, and perhaps you already do. The recent New Moon in Taurus was also asking you to make further commitments to your truest priorities. To make them more of a part of your everyday life. It may take a little extra work. But indeed we can make that which might have seemed a wistful dream at one time, a closer and more achievable reality.
On Wednesday, your ruling planet, Mercury, will enter Taurus. And as it does so, it seems to be making the declaration: “I refuse to carry any excess baggage any more! From now on, I’m traveling light!” Mercury in Taurus is usually a time for Gemini to withdraw from the world, retreat, close the shades, and find solace. It is also time to peel off some old layers that have been weighing you down. Forage through the closets and attics, in order to decide what will make the grade when Mercury enters your sign in June, and you are ready to launch yourself into the world again. With bells on. For by the time that Mercury comes home to Gemini in June, it will leap into what could be a whirlwind of activity, which only Jupiter in Gemini can whip up. All the more reason to travel light moving forward. However, Jupiter does not enter Gemini until the 25th of May, and in the mean time it is imparting the essence of the full Jupiter in Taurus experience, on your innermost being. But also know it does this mostly in those quiet moments within your own sacred dimly lit space of quietude and deep thought. So as you forage around those hidden spaces filled with stuff, be prepared to find some hidden treasures as well.
For the past 10 months, all of the New Moons were involved with the planet Uranus in some regard. And when you see a series of New Moons engaging Uranus in this way, it wreaks of newness, of new-found audacity, of emerging from the known into the unknown and untried. The New Moon on May 7th/8th was something of a final declaration and attempt to move Cancer just beyond their comfort zone. Just enough to have the courage to get out of any ruts they had found themselves in. And perhaps even to live a life that allows you to put your aspirations, hopes and dreams into some sort of practical application. And the emerging Jupiter/Neptune sextile is urging you ever more to believe that this could even be possible. Jupiter/Neptune aspects try to make us aware of vaster possibilities. Of higher potentials. The sorts of activities that will bring deeper meaning to your life, and allow you to live a life that more closely resembles your dreams. And sometimes in order to do that we need to take a few risks, or move in a different direction or try something new. Even if at first it feels a little uncomfortable to do so.
Last week’s New Moon in Taurus, may have been nudging you to go off in a new direction, or try something new, or do things differently than you have in the past. The Sun perfects its conjunction to Uranus on Monday, further emphasizing the need to be open to this concept of change. And even if it feels a little uncomfortable at first, the willingness to be open to the new might even help you to realize your true destiny and purpose. And perhaps have the opportunity to fulfill a much-cherished dream in the process. But in the mean time as Jupiter and Neptune approach their sextile on May 23rd, they are trying to open us all up to our highest potential. But within that context it is also bringing home the just rewards and a further appreciation for the events over the past year, and for where all those events have brought you at this point in time. And within that process also allow you to more clearly visualize what your potential could actually be. And perhaps that could also include the opportunity to actually put some of your highest aspirations into some sort of practical application.
Virgo comes into the week with a full awareness of what is no longer going to work, what needs to be let go of, and where you need to draw the line. Sometimes you just need to be able to say, “No more.” It can bring a sense of finality, and a bit of inner conflict, but within that context you are also learning about what you can do, and what is within your scope. And also within that context, you are poised to discover a vast landscape of new and ever-growing possibilities. One thing that could even become evident is that even when your outer world may become limited due to circumstances, there is a vast inner world that is just waiting to be discovered and tapped into. That could be the world of ideas, a world of learning, understanding and conviction. And as the Jupiter/Neptune sextile continues to perfect over the next few weeks, it is also giving you opportunities to further align yourself with your convictions. To walk the walk as well as talk the talk. And when you look back on the year that was, you will come to realize that there is something of a pattern here, that is showing you the rhyme and reason for arriving at where you are now.
Venus in Taurus is a lovely placement for your ruling planet. She helps you to parse out both your needs and your desires. And rather than having these come into conflict she usually aims to show you the ways that you can have both fulfilled. However, this week there is something of a brush with reality about what you can have, and what may simply be a wistful fantasy. She’s trying to say: “But look at what you do have! Look at who and what you can rely on to be there when push comes to shove!” And knowing that can serve you well, and keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. At least for now. For there is an upcoming transit of vast possibilities that is inching its way into all of your lives. This can be rather subtle, and may only arrive at first as an inspiration. Do not ignore these subtle inspirations, and whispers that are trying to nudge you in a certain direction. For even as you are getting this brush with reality this week, the wistfulness of the Jupiter/Neptune sextile is trying to show you, yes, what you do have, but also what your true priorities are that can also bring your life ever greater meaning and understanding. And that is much larger than you can possibly even imagine.
In the months that Mars is in the sign of Aries, it may come as a bit of a surprise as to how much you can get accomplished, even within what might have been seen previously as limitations. Just know that Scorpio is often indefatigable. And just add a little fire into the equation, and Scorpio becomes unstoppable. So you might want to even reassess your goals and push them even a little bit farther. Just enough to grow beyond your previous expectations. The results can be incredibly freeing, but perhaps also incredibly inspiring. This will be especially true with a sextile between Jupiter and Neptune which is now closing in, and trying to get all of us to connect with our own inner potential. One of the ways it can do so is by giving you a fuller appreciation of all the things you do have in your life that make it that much richer and more rewarding. And many of those things do not have a price tag, and are probably found much closer to home than you might have even realized. For one of the things that Jupiter in Taurus has been showing us all year, are the joys that can be found in the small things of our everyday lives and through our most important relationships.
Your ruling planet Jupiter is completing its term in the sign of Taurus this month, but not without giving you a fuller appreciation of what this transit has meant to you over the past year. Some of the areas in which it was trying to do its good work were in the areas of health, well-being and the things that can support those. That can include gaining a greater understanding of what are the sorts of things that would most support your well-being. There might have even been some sort of learning curve about those things that would most support your particular constitution. And it would not have been unusual to become more aware of a particular condition, and to be given the remedies that might support it. But the sign of Taurus also has to do with the ways that you live your everyday life, the routines you had previously established, your work environment and expectations. Jupiter aimed to improve these for you as well over the past year, and one of the ways it could do that is by freeing you up in some way, so that you can do more of the things that you enjoy. Over the next few weeks you may come to an even fuller appreciation of the ways that you can bring some of the lessons of the previous year home in a way that is ever more meaningful.
The New Moon in Taurus was trying to point you in the direction of realizing those things that you truly value, and are most important to you. And this week could even double down, as Venus makes an exact sextile to your ruling planet Saturn. Venus/Saturn aspects tune us into not only what we are attracted to, want or desire, but also within that context who are the people and what are the things that support you, and you know you can truly rely on. It can also be about further committing to making those more of a priority in your life. And as Jupiter closes out its transit in Taurus this month, it does so in a way that can bring a deeper appreciation of what this transit has actually meant to you over the past year. Jupiter aims to free us up in some way, and with the recent conjunction to Uranus, allow us to realize ever better ways of seeing the world and our role in it. And now a sextile to Neptune, is not only allowing us to assimilate the lessons of the past year, but will help to bring ever deeper understanding and meaning into our lives. And part of that deeper understanding has been simply to allow yourself to bask in the glory of your loved ones, and all that you love to do. May you bring that awareness to all that you do, not only now but well into your future.
The recent New Moon on May 7th/8th, and its conjunction to the planet Uranus, is something of an admonition to be open to the new. This may require a certain amount of flexibility on your part. Plans may need to change; you may need to recalibrate your inner gps system. But in the process it has been trying to open you up to the awareness that you don’t have to keep doing things the way you always have in the past, and that there might be alternatives. Or perhaps even things that are more important to you on a more personal level, than you had previously fully appreciated. And if you were to look back on the previous year that the planet Jupiter has been in the sign of Taurus, what might be some of the non-measurable victories or achievements that you had accomplished? What are those things that ultimately brought ever greater meaning into your life in ways that you could not put a price tag on, or could possibly be measured? With a sextile between Jupiter and Neptune in the very last degrees of the signs of Taurus and Pisces, we are all being asked to make that which we had perhaps even taken for granted, more deeply appreciated. For in some way, the Jupiter in Taurus transit was trying to reveal the vast richness of your personal life in ways that you might not have previously realized or understood.
Over the next few weeks the co-ruling planets of Pisces, Jupiter and Neptune, are going to make a perfect sextile in the final degree of Taurus and Pisces. This final, anaretic degree, is a degree of assimilation, in which we gather the essence and meaning of the whole Jupiter in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces cycles. We will be speaking to the deeper meaning of the Neptune in Pisces cycle over the next year, and is indeed a longer and more vast experience, but it is the 1-year Jupiter in Taurus transit that is being highlighted this month. For on May 23rd, Jupiter will enter the sign of Gemini, and will not return to Taurus for another 12 years. Jupiter/Neptune weather can be incredibly subtle in its effects, but also deeply meaningful in application. And just as the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction aimed to show you a different way of looking at ideas, your mind, your life, the Jupiter/Neptune sextile helps to show you the value and meaning of what you have learned, comprehended and understood over the previous year. And one thing that could have become apparent, is that there are ever deeper levels to things that are not always apparent on the surface, or measurable. What have you learned over the past year that has brought a deeper awareness and understanding into your life?
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