Your Complete Horoscope Guide for September 27th thru October 4th
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- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

For the Solar Eclipse at 10º Libra for your Sun Sign, Rising Sign, or natal house (if you know it):
(7th House) It is not unusual when the eclipses fall in Aries and Libra, as the Eclipse on Wednesday is, that there can be significant events concerning your relationships with others. Great beginnings and endings in relationships could even occur. It could even feel as if the Fates are colluding to bring some people together while parting others. And they do so in order to fulfill our destinies. The Eclipse this week could represent a significant change in a relationship, or a change in your partner’s life or status that also indirectly affects you. It could even feel as if the ‘time is well nigh due’. If there is some sort of ending that is occurring, know that it is also opening up opportunities for personal growth and a new way of being. One thing that is likely is that because of the shifts and changes in your important relationships, you may never quite see things the same way again. You are growing and evolving as a result of these interactions. Know that with the Eclipse in Libra on Wednesday, you can expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Partners, Competitors, Close friends, counselors, Advisors, Mentors, Clients, your Audience and the Outside World. And that these can bring significant changes in your life.
(6th House) It may be that in the past much of your focus was concerned with the well-being of others. And that may be well and good. But there is also something to be said for remembering to put on your own oxygen mask first. We may think that by sacrificing our own needs in order to be available for other’s needs and expectations is a noble thing, and helps to maintain the peace. And ultimately by doing so there is the hope that this will eventually make your life easier. But at a certain point all that personal sacrifice will become unsustainable. For not only are your own physical needs not being met in the process, but neither are the needs for your inner well-being. Within this paradigm you might want to ask yourself, what are those things that are exhausting and depleting you? Are these things that can be changed? And if so, where might you need to cut back, or make adjustments that will make your life that much more sustainable. You may think by making everyone else happy that your life will be better. But really when you put the focus back on yourself and your own needs, then everyone else will be happy as well. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Your work, your job, Co-workers, the Work environment, Health, Health Providers, those things that Support your Health and Well-being or the health and well-being of others; Diet, Routines, and personal Regimens
(5th House) The Solar Eclipse on Wednesday is closely conjunct your ruling planet Mercury, and taking you along for the ride. Solar Eclipses are ultimately about New Beginnings. But often those new beginnings, especially with the South Node so close to Mercury right now, are interlaced with significant changes or endings that require a certain amount of adjustment. Your hopes for the future are shifting, as you find certain chapters coming to closure. You are going to have to embrace that future, realizing that you had done your best, and you are going to have to trust that that will be enough to launch you into the next phase of your life. And this is so even as the Solar Eclipse is shining a light on all those things that you have created and/or lost with your heart and soul. Rather than focusing on what could have been, or what once was, you are being asked to shift your attention to the possibilities that are getting ready to bloom. Know that where you will be taken will be that much more beautiful and meaningful, because of how it will be invested with the tears of your once cherished accomplishments and love stories. Take those stories, and the wisdom gained from previous achievements and allow these to invest your hopes for a better future. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Children, to Love and be Loved and Admired, Romance, Sporting events, being free to more fully Express Yourself, Embracing what is Special and Unique about yourself.
(4th House) When the eclipses fall in Aries and Libra, as this week’s Solar Eclipse in Libra is, some sort of shift could be taking place in your life. And in order for that to happen, you were being, or are being asked to release some things, people or circumstances in your personal life, in order to be able to have the life that is waiting for you. Some Cancers may even find it necessary to move, or relocate. Perhaps there are changes in the home or family that are shifting the whole narrative. As a result of any ongoing circumstances you may be re-thinking where you are living or who you are living with. With South Node Eclipses such as this one, there could even be a sense of nostalgia for what once was, and what once seemed so comfortable and familiar. Eclipses can serve as turning points in our lives where endings and beginnings can merge. They can leave us scratching our heads wondering what went wrong. But they can also thrust us out of the nest and comfort of the past in order to open up better opportunities in the future. Like mystical guides, ultimately the Fates are conspiring to bring you where you need to be in order to fulfill your destiny. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Home, Family, Property, One of your Parents, Family members, Early Childhood Memories, the Ancestors, your Homeland, your Supportive Community, and the End of a Matter.
(3rd House) What you hear, what you learn, and what you see can completely transform your mind and your perspective when there is a Solar Eclipse in Libra such as the Eclipse on Wednesday is. Perhaps something you read, or the way you were reading things, or something you are studying, makes you feel as if you weren’t necessarily seeing things the way you thought they were. And as a result can make you feel as if your perspective is shifting. Or that you just don’t have enough information. Things that you previously took for granted, or what once seemed so familiar could also be changing: the neighborhood, the world you once knew so well. Like a vacant lot those postcards from the past leave a void in your heart. Perhaps it was those everyday connections within your community, or people in your everyday life that once meant so much, and are no more. At these times it can remind us to better appreciate and support those things in our everyday lives that we often take for granted: the small independent shops, the struggling neighbor, the community garden, the connections we make with each other. But it can also be a reminder of the impermanent nature of life, where endings eventually give way to new beginnings. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Your neighbors and neighborhood and the area in which you live; your car, vehicle or mode of transportation, your daily commute, Siblings, Old Classmates, the News, and what you are learning, observing and hearing.
(2nd House) Virgo usually prefers to keep things simple. But there are also those Virgo collectors. They have their stuff. And even the most orderly Virgos will have those few choice items carefully advised. All this is okay. But with the Solar Eclipse in Libra this week, in some way you are being asked to examine what you are spending your valuable time money and resources on, and whether or not there are some things that you might need to let go of. It’s not the stuff, or fulfilling any cravings, or having that beautiful antique vase that will fill any empty spaces in your life right now. It’s faith. Faith that you have enough already. And faith that you are enough: Talented enough, Smart enough, Educated enough, Skillful enough. In some ways the Fates have been trying to show you how well you are valued, even when you don’t necessarily believe it yourself. No amount of spending or feeding your cravings will fix that. Listen to your depleting wallet. Make the distinction between what you need and what you crave. Then see what you can do to further cultivate the sort of confidence in yourself, and what you do, that will enforce that idea of being enough. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Finances, Possessions, Investments, Sustainability, Self-worth, Self-esteem, your true Priorities, and Survival.
(1st House) There is a Solar Eclipse on Wednesday, October 2nd at 10º of Libra that will most effect those Librans born between September 30th and October 7th, or who have sensitive placements between 7-13º of Libra. But all Librans will be aware of this eclipse, which is the 2nd Solar Eclipse falling in your sign since last October. Solar Eclipses are about new beginnings, but this one is predicated on the idea that certain things will need to be released in order for that new beginning to occur. It is also not unusual for people to feel eclipsed (drained or exhausted) when this type of Solar Eclipse occurs in your sign. The Sun, our vital life force, is literally being shut off momentarily. And then it comes back on. And like a reboot, these Solar Eclipses can feel like something of a turning point in our lives. That can include making some significant changes in the ways that you decide to approach things. Which may also mean letting go of some old habits, or narratives that have been holding you back and preventing you from moving forward. Eclipses in your own sign are opportunities for growth, and opportunities for bringing you more in alignment with your true destiny. You might even want to ask yourself, what is it that you are holding on to so dearly, even though you know it is holding you back from living your own best life? These eclipses are an intensive, focused on self-improvement, and self-renewal. And once you take that first step forward, there will be no turning back. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Your Self, your Body, your Appearance, your Health, your Environment, and Personal Self-development.
(12th House) The Solar Eclipse in Libra is suggesting that in order to make a beginning, you are needing to start by making a new ending. This could include releasing certain people, or things in your life that are no longer serving your best interests, and are only standing in the way of your growth and progress. This can include anyone or anything that makes you feel drained or exhausted in any way, but you still hold on to because they represented something important from the past. In some way you are being asked to clear out the cobwebs from a past that is only cluttering up your mind space. All those things that instead of inspiring or sustaining you are merely diminishing you. This is important. For as you are clearing out these remnants of the past, do pay attention to that box in the corner, filled with the dreams and talents of a life well lived. Like a precious gift, dare to open it without regret, judgment or remorse, for this is the treasure that had lain dormant beneath all that other stuff. It is just a matter of digging it out. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: The Past, Secrets, the Forgotten, Endings, Partings, Releasing and Letting Go, Former Lives, Dreams and your subconscious Drives.
(11th House) This week’s Solar Eclipse is trying to show you the ways that you have outlived the expectations and hopes of your previous dreams. And what might have been really important to you in the past, may no longer be as relevant, or important as it once was. In some way you are needing to pave the way for even better, perhaps more appropriate aspirations and dreams that are more suited for the person you are now and are becoming. As a result you might see yourself parting ways with old goals or previous dreams and aspirations. Perhaps even drifting away from some old associations. Even if you are not so sure where you will land in the end, there is still this inner knowing that you have some how outgrown your previous life, and that something will be waiting for you on the other side. Eclipses can close doors. They can also open new ones that are more in keeping with where you are now. But in order to walk through the door that is opening in front of you, you first have to stop looking so longingly at the door that has closed behind you. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Friendships, People or groups you are connected to, Shared ideals, Networks, Social Media, Hopes and Aspirations for the future.
(10th House) In the years that the eclipses fall in Aries and Libra, you might find that there are or will be significant changes in your goals or status. Great beginnings, as well as endings can occur when the eclipses spin their webs and weave our destinies. But eclipses can also be so unpredictable! Therefore be willing to roll with this series of eclipses where both endings and beginnings seem to merge together. Know that we can’t always see the bigger picture. We don’t necessarily know what the Fates have in store for us. As a result, what may seem like a detour, or even a setback, might actually be just the things to open the way for you to fulfill some greater purpose in the long run. Like having to pass through some sort of initiation, there is a process here that we may not fully understand but are compelled to go through. And all we can do is to walk through the door that the eclipses are opening, and see what is waiting for us on the other side. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Your personal or public Status, One or more Role that you are known for, Your Reputation, Career, Goals, Destiny, Your Boss, Authorities, the place you Work For, One of your Parents
(9th House) The truth is not necessarily found in some mystical and foreign land, or in a cave tucked into the side of a mountain. Often the truth can be found closer to home, in the more mundane quarters of our lives. Perhaps it is much more humble than even that. The Solar Eclipse on Wednesday could find many an Aquarius scratching their heads as previous assumptions, beliefs and ideas are being questioned. Solar Eclipses are about new beginnings, but when accompanied by the South Node, as this one is, those new beginnings are predicated on the willingness to change your mind, and even some of your beliefs. Any assumptions that are getting in the way of your evolutionary growth will be challenged in the months that the eclipses fall in this department of your chart. And you may even have to be content with not having all the answers. When we are ready to humbly listen, and be open to learning, that’s when true knowledge and understanding can be achieved. And never is this more possible than when the Sun, Moon and Earth are in such perfect alignment as they are with the Solar Eclipse in Libra this week. You can expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Religious, political or other beliefs, Travel, Journeys, Education, Certifications, Courts of Law, Legal Decisions, relatives and places that are overseas or far away.
(8th House) One thing that can become evident when the eclipses fall in this department of the chart, as this one is on Wednesday, is that you become aware of some significant karmic cycles in your life, that feel like they are about to bring some significant changes into your life. Endings and beginnings, the past and the future intertwine within the ambit of the eclipses, and you can almost feel the workings of the Fates sitting at the foot of the tree of destiny weaving their tapestries. Not unusual for there to be extraordinary turns in our lives when the eclipses fall in this area of the chart. And so it could even seem as if you are being compelled to move through this eclipse season, even while feeling a bit of trepidation about what might be meeting you on the other side. But first you are going to have to address any inequities. Are there extraordinary expectations being made of you? Is there an impending ending or big change that feels a bit overwhelming? Are you feeling as if you are needing to give more than you are receiving right now? Ultimately your self-worth and esteem are being nurtured under the influence of these eclipses, allowing you to flourish in ways that perhaps you had not expected. But that new-found self-worth would not be possible without addressing whatever it is, or was, that had caused this sacred cycle of giving and receiving to become imbalanced in the first place. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Life, Death, Rebirth, Renewal, Receiving, Marketing, Shared resources, Debts, Loans, Taxes, investments, inheritances, Wills, sexuality, surgery, rehabilitation, old contracts, Habits, Cravings and Attachments.
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