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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for September 13th - 20th

Your Complete Horoscope Guide for September 13th - 20th

For where the Lunar Eclipse (at 25º of Pisces) falls in your natal or Solar chart, read your sign (as well as your natal house if you know it):


(12th House) The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday (or Wednesday depending on where you are in the world) is asking you to slow down. Pay attention. Be more present. This is going to set a trend for the next 18th months that the eclipses are falling in Pisces and Virgo, which will help to restore some of your inner emotional health and well-being. And they also aim to bring you the tools to do so. This could include releasing and letting go of those things that no longer feed or support you, and instead are depleting or draining you. Release. Forgive. Shake off any lingering regrets or dismay. Instead, create time in your busy life for reflection, taking long walks in nature, by the sea, or to places that feel sacred, inspire you, and feed your soul. For that is what you are needing right now: All those things that feed your spirit and soul. Doing all this good work will create something of a reset in your life, that will support you for years to come. Fill your life with things of beauty with transcendental experiences, with that which connects you to a life of meaning. When you are able to find peace, the rest will naturally fall into place. The Lunar Eclipse can bring matters to the forefront concerning: Things that are simply needing to end; Things that are needing to be tied up and finished; Revisiting the Past, Letting go of the Past, revisiting things that you had forgotten; things that were Hidden; What lies beneath; revisiting the world of the Subconscious and the Dream world and connecting with your inner guides.


(11th House) Lunar Eclipses are times when the Sun, Moon and Earth are in such perfect alignment that the earth is capable of casting a shadow on the Full Moon, temporarily blocking the light of the life-giving force in the solar system, our Sun. And like a reboot, when the Moon is restored to its natural beauty once again, it can also facilitate bringing our hearts and minds into a more perfect alignment with our hopes and wishes for the future. And this will be especially so for the next 18 months that the eclipses fall in the signs of Pisces and Virgo. As a result, you could find yourself suddenly inspired; your life transformed as the result of a wish being fulfilled; connecting with others who share the same vision for the future; or feeling like you are making an important connection with a particular group or network of friends. The impact that these eclipses can have could even change the very direction of your life, by readjusting your aspirations, hopes and wishes for the future. Making connections with others becomes important at this time, because you come to realize, that so much more can be accomplished when you join forces with others who share the same aspirations, than you possibly could do on your own. The Lunar Eclipse can bring matters to the forefront concerning: Friendships, People or groups you are connected to; Shared Ideals; Networks; Social Media; Hopes and Aspirations for the Future.


(10th House) It is not unusual in the years that the eclipses are in Pisces and Virgo as they will be for the next 18 months, that there can be significant shifts and changes in your career, your goals for the future, your status, and a particular role you play in your community. Achievements can be made, and personal bests can be achieved. Great beginnings and endings can occur when the eclipses conspire to spin their webs and weave our destinies. Perhaps you take on a leadership role, or already have, and it becomes more important. Perhaps the place you work for goes public, or your personal hobby becomes the next best thing ever. Life-changing events related to your personal life, or your career, can change the way that you are seen by others, and can even impact your reputation within the community with which you are involved. These 18 months can also provide an opportunity to set the standard for others to follow. Whether that be as a leader, a parent, an artist or visionary, the key behind this upcoming series of eclipses is to believe in something that you perceive to be a little bit larger than yourself, perhaps an ideal, or a vision, and allow that to be your guiding light going forward. The Lunar Eclipse can bring matters to the forefront concerning: Your personal or public Status, One or more Role that you are known for, Your Reputation, Career, Goals, Destiny, Your Boss, Authorities, the place you Work For, One of your Parents


(9th House) The Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday (or Wednesday, depending on where you are) is attempting to open you up to the idea of having greater confidence in your knowledge, as well as your higher, and more intuitive perceptions. Cancers often are incredibly intuitive. There is that part of you that just knows, and senses without even knowing why. One thing that can become apparent is that there is so much more to the mind than we actually really know. And when you can tap into even a bit of that, it can be downright illuminating, inspiring and fascinating. The Eclipse can also act as a portal, bringing in all of this information, and as you take in any and all of this outside data, you are also being asked to trust not only what you are seeing and hearing, but perhaps more importantly, what you are sensing. Doing this good work could even open a door to an even higher awareness and understanding. The truth is, you’ve been working on perfecting your inner vision for years. Now you are being asked to put aside some of your skepticism and put it into practice. The Lunar Eclipse can bring matters to the forefront concerning: Religion, Beliefs, Political Stances, Travel, Journeys, Places of Higher Learning, Certifications, Courts of Law, Legal decisions, Relatives, Places far away


(8th House) The Lunar Eclipse on the 17/18th is trying to show you the ways in which natural ebb and flow of giving and receiving may have become imbalanced. When a pond receives enough fresh water, it is better able to thrive, as will the life within that pond. But if the flow of fresh clean water is cut off, the pond will become stagnant, the creatures within it will perish, and the pond will fail to thrive. If there is too much water, and not enough drainage, the creatures within the pond will drown. So it is also in our lives that when the cycle of reciprocity becomes imbalanced, you will either feel drained, and/or under-appreciated, or you will feel as if you have taken on way too much and feel indebted and overwhelmed. What might you need to sacrifice or let go of in order to restore the balance? One of the things that the Lunar Eclipse can show us, is that often what we are clinging to is probably not as important as we think it is. And that our attachment to that particular thing, person, obligation, may be precisely what is preventing you from living your own best life. In the end this could feel like an all or nothing choice, but in reality, this is about priorities and getting back to those things that you really do need in order to thrive. The Lunar Eclipse can bring matters to the forefront concerning: Life & Death; Renewal and Rebirth; Marketing; Resources shared with others; Debts, Loans, Taxes, Investments, Inheritances, Wills, Sexuality, Surgery, Recovery, Contracts, Planning for the future; Magic and the Occult; and the Pandora’s box of habits, obsessions, fears and dreads.


(7th House) With the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday/Wednesday, it could almost feel as if the Fates are moving the pieces around on the playing board of life. Like strategic and mystical matchmakers, they collude to bring certain individuals together while separating others. Those that are brought into your life will have a significant bearing on your destiny and the choices you will be making. As a result it would not be unusual when the eclipses are in Virgo and Pisces as they will be for the next 18 months, that significant connections can be made. Great beginnings as well as Great endings can occur in your major relationships when the eclipses are here. This can also represent a new phase in a relationship, or a significant change in your partner’s life or status that is bringing you along for the ride, and simply cannot be avoided. Another thing that can also happen, is that through the people you meet or become involved with, you are being opened up to a whole new, perhaps more meaningful perspective and way of being. The Lunar Eclipse can bring matters to the forefront concerning: Partners, Competitors, Close friends, counselors, Advisors, Mentors, Clients, your Audience, the Outside World, and the reasons other people are drawn to you or seek you out.


(6th House) What might you want to change in your daily life and routines, and perhaps even in the work that you do, to make it that much more meaningful and rewarding to yourself and others? The Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday (or Wednesday, depending on where you are in the world), is trying to open you up to living a healthier and more meaningful life and lifestyle. In order to accomplish this, you will be needing to pay attention to those things that are sustaining and nourishing you, while releasing those that are draining you or undermining your well-being. And that can include letting go of certain ideas about yourself that are only sabotaging you and getting in the way of progress. In order to life a life of health and well-being, in order to lead a more meaningful life and lifestyle, what old habits or misconceptions about yourself are you needing to let go of? And what are those things that you will want to focus on moving forward, that will nourish and support your body, mind and soul, so that you can then live your own best life? The Lunar Eclipse can bring matters to the forefront concerning: Your Work, Job, Co-workers, Work environment, Health, Health Providers, those things that Support your Health and Well-being, Your personal Diet, Routines, Regimens


(5th House) The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17th/18th is shining a light on what you love and what you create. This can be a romance, a product, an idea, a hobby, a vision, or even your children if you have them. It would not be unusual in the 18 months that the eclipses fall in Pisces and Virgo, for this to herald a time in which the topic of children, or events concerning children come to the foreground. But any thing, person or concept that you create or fall in love with can take on a whole new life when the Eclipses fall in this sign. This can be about creating your own brand, finding your muse, falling in love, or discovering a new area of personal self-expression. Something that feels like a truer, and more meaningful expression of who you are. Something that fills your heart with transcendent joy. The Lunar Eclipse this week is trying to shine a light on these in such a way that can even change your life. Many a Scorpio has been working hard at reinventing themselves and their lives over the years. And this is your opportunity to show the world, as well as yourself, what you are capable of doing as a result of all that work. The Lunar Eclipse can bring matters to the forefront concerning: Your Children, or those who feel like them; What it means to Love and be Loved; the people and things that bring you Joy; When and How you feel most comfortable to simply be yourself; What it means for you to Do Your Own Thing; What you Love about yourself and what you have to offer others.


(4th House) The Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday (or Wednesday, depending on where you are in the world) is trying to open you up to a larger vision in your personal life, that could have to do with home, with family, or family members, with concepts of belonging, of community, of where you are living, and/or want to live. It wouldn’t be unusual to find yourself moving, or considering doing so, in the years that the eclipses are in Pisces or Virgo, as this one is. Or perhaps, to have some sort of major change within your family or with certain family members. People can even come or go through these eclipse portals. Pisces can also be a very visionary sign. And although your home or home life may have been on the verge of uncertainty throughout the years, the ultimate goal is really about the search for that place, that community, that will ultimately support you, your needs, and your vision for the future. There is a further emphasis on the idea that we can have a more meaningful life and lifestyle, when we work together as a community or within your family, supporting each other’s needs, as well as inspiring each other to fulfill their dreams as well as their potential. The Lunar Eclipse can bring matters to the forefront concerning: Home, Family, One of your Parents, Family members, Early Childhood Memories, the Ancestors, Homeland, your Supportive Community, the End of a Matter which gives way to New Beginnings.


(3rd House) When the eclipses fall in your solar or natal 3rd house, as they will over the next 18 months, what you hear, what you learn, can totally transform your mind and perspective. This can come about as the result of what you read, from something you get out of a class you attend, or something that you hear. This can be in your everyday life, even through conversations with neighbors or friends, or perhaps someone you casually bump into on the street, or while running errands, or on the way to work. Short trips to a nearby town, or neighborhood, or even exploring the neighborhood you are in can open up your mind and perspective. This particular eclipse may even reveal something secret or hidden that you hadn’t realized before. As a result it could even place you in a dilemma in which you are not sure of what you should do. If you are caught in a dilemma, and not sure of what to believe or do, Stop for a minute, and ask yourself, what is the right thing to do? What is your conscience telling you to do? The Lunar Eclipse can bring matters to the forefront concerning: What you know, What you see, hear and understand, What you have learned, Communications, how you get around, your Car, Vehicles, your Commute, your Neighbors, Siblings, Classmates, and your Neighborhood


(2nd House) The Lunar Eclipse on September 17th/18th is aiming to restore the balance between giving and receiving. This is a natural cycle, that when imbalanced can lead to feelings of deprivation and even starvation or feeling under-appreciated. Conversely, if the balance is in the other direction, you can feel overwhelmed by the too muches, or feeling overly indebted to others. The Eclipse will be attempting to show you, #1 where things have become imbalanced; and #2 what you might need to do in order to balance the books. And what might need to be changed in your perceptions in order to be more open to receiving and/or giving when needed? Are there concerns about ownership? Guilt? That somehow you don’t deserve it? Or perhaps that there will never be enough? This series of Pisces and Virgo eclipses could impact your income and sense of self-worth over the next 18 months. It could even change the way you feel about money, possessions, spending and ownership in general. But not without restoring the balance between this sacred cycle of giving and receiving. The Lunar Eclipse can bring matters to the forefront concerning: Balancing your needs with the needs of others; valuing what you have to offer to others; how well you feel valued by others, what is or is not sustainable, and getting in touch with your most important Priorities.


(1st House) The Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday (or Wednesday, depending on where you are in the world) is in the later degrees of Pisces and will be most felt by those born after March 10th, or who have 22-28º of Pisces Rising. However, this is something of a sea change for all of Pisces kind. This is the first of 7 eclipses in either Pisces or Virgo that are placing all things Pisces, including yourself, front and center. Eclipses in your sign can bring a little extra attention and even recognition. Lunar Eclipses are also revelatory. They show us things and bring things to some sort of culmination. And as a result of what you see, you hear, you learn, you will never quite see things the same way again. Eclipses can even serve as turning points in our lives. Which could feel as if there is some sort of demarcation, a before and after, that feels almost inevitable and has the capacity to transform your life. It could even feel as if the fates are colluding to bring some people together, while parting others in order to fulfill that destiny. It is as it should be. Be a ray of light so that others can find you. There are others swimming with you in this great Ocean of Life, and they are here to remind you that you are not alone. The Lunar Eclipse can bring matters to the foreground concerning: Your sense of self, Your personal self-development; Your body and health; How others see you and perceive you to be.


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

Posting on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce any content without written permission. The article's title was crafted by CrystalWind.ca. 

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