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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for October 4th - 11th

Your Complete Horoscope Guide for October 4th - 11th

For the retrograde station of Jupiter at 21º of Gemini, for your sign (or natal house if you know it): 


(3rd House) As you come limping into the month of October, you may want to pace yourself. There are things heating up on the back burner of your life, and you won’t want them to catch fire. This week, Jupiter stations for its retrograde phase. Each time Jupiter stations, it does so with a trine to the Sun, re-instilling hope and anticipation for the future. This, in turn, gives us the confidence that we are heading in the right direction, even though we may not see the fulfillment of certain promises until Jupiter is direct again in February. Jupiter always wants us to grow in some significant way, and this is even true when in its retrograde mode. Sometimes even more so. For when Jupiter is in Gemini, Aries is being asked to expand their mind and perceptions in some significant way. This can be as simple as looking at a situation from another perspective, learning something new, or perhaps studying a subject that has the capacity to open you up to new ways of seeing the world around you. You could find yourself conversing with people from very different backgrounds from yours, or who perhaps have different beliefs. These help you to re-think your own view and your own beliefs. And perhaps even your own ethical principles. In this way, these retrograde phases of Jupiter can be very important for our own moral and spiritual development. 


(2nd House) One of the things that you might be considering with the upcoming retrograde phase of Jupiter which lasts until the beginning of February is considering what your true priorities are? Jupiter in Gemini could have you squandering your time and resources over a vast swath of activities, expenses and investments. But now that Jupiter will be retrograde it is asking you: What do you really really want. And what do you really, really need? You can dive deep into retail therapy, invest in that one thing that you think will fix everything, or that one thing that you feel like you could not live without, and yet you could. You can party and celebrate till the cows come home and yet never really feel satisfied. Or you can have one poignant and meaningful moment that can be oh so deeply satisfying, and probably didn’t even cost you a dime. Not only will this spare your bank account, but there is more where that came from, and then some. There are just some things that you simply cannot put a price tag on. It is true that when Jupiter is in this sign that you will be given opportunities to invest wisely. But Jupiter is also our wise teacher and is as much about managing your resources in such a way that they will bring you benefit, but also to understand the true meaning of value. 


(1st House) Jupiter has been urging you to grow, to expand your horizons perhaps even beyond your own expectations. Jupiter has been showing you who you are, and what your greatest potential could be. It can almost feel as if anything is possible. Like you can reach for the stars. However, Jupiter is also our spiritual guide, pathfinder and advisor. And at some point, now that Jupiter is stationing for its retrograde phase, you may ask yourself Why? As Jupiter stations retrograde this week, it is turning your attention inwards, so that you can connect with that why. To the things that really matter in the end. Is it for the success and the attention? Is it for the glory? Or is there something else that is more intrinsically important? For the 4 months that Jupiter is in its retrograde phase we are being asked to direct our attention less to our outer achievements, and more within, to the very heart and meaning of it all: that which is intrinsically good and right and true. To ignore it will lead you astray, constantly searching for a holy grail that does not exist. For in the end our great guru Jupiter is here to remind us that when we ever strive to be more ethical, kinder, and ever better versions of ourselves, it is only then that the actual Holy Grail will be found.


(12th House) Jupiter almost always has our best interests at heart, even when it may appear to be otherwise. For the year that Jupiter is in Gemini you were and are being asked to divest yourself of those things that you hold on to, including ideas that you have about yourself and who you are, that are holding you back and preventing you from growing. Gemini is where you keep many things locked away, including old secrets, things you had forgotten long ago, or things that you tried to forget but couldn’t; as well as the ways that you undermine yourself. Jupiter can give you the key to unlock this pandora’s box, freeing you up from all the ways and things that undo you. Jupiter can literally free us of our own regrets and self-defeating beliefs, just by his very presence here. And never is this more possible than when Jupiter is in its retrograde phase, as it will be for the next 4 months. And also know, that within that same box are also found all sorts of hidden mementos, keepsakes and memories that you hold dear, and that shape you at the core of your being. And when you connect with these, what arises are feelings of wholeness, connection, acceptance and forgiveness. Jupiter in this retrograde guise is your healer and teacher who asks you to release that which is still burdening your soul, so that you can then move on. 


(11th House) When Jupiter is in Gemini, Leo will find themselves involved in the outer world: networking, seeking connections, making new contacts. And it would be to your advantage to do so, for these could open up opportunities and bring certain advantages. And their appreciation of you, and what you have achieved, can make you feel even larger than life. But Jupiter in this department of your solar or natal 11th house is not only about becoming something of a mover and shaker, and perhaps even fulfilling some of your dreams. It is also about connecting with your highest ideals and aspirations. And just as you are in a position to receive so much from others at this time, it is also about being in a position to support and benefit others in turn. Know also that any help or support you show to others at this time will be greatly rewarded to you in the future. Not so much because you are expecting it, but because right actions will bring their just rewards. And this will be all the more so, now that Jupiter is entering its retrograde phase. And when you are better able to connect with your ideals and aspirations, as you can when Jupiter is retrograde, it allows you to readjust your inner gps system, getting you back on track with the things that truly matter to you in the end, including what will serve the greater good of all concerned.  


(10th House) The stations of Jupiter always coincide with a trine from the Sun. This year your ruling planet Mercury will trine Jupiter as well. This is a positive and optimistic aspect that dares us to be inspired, and to connect with a vision for the future. And this is true even with Jupiter now entering its retrograde phase. For Virgo, this year’s station of Jupiter seems to be filled with promises for new growth, expansion and opportunity. And although most of these will not, or could not be fulfilled right now, Jupiter is trying to awaken you to the possibilities that could eventually come to fruition in the future. It is while Jupiter is retrograde that we are asked to take the steps and prepare the way. But perhaps more importantly to prepare yourself. It will likely not be until after Jupiter makes its direct station in February that you will see the results and rewards for initiatives begun now. For that will be when the doors will be more fully opened for ever greater opportunities for growth and possibility. That will be a wave that you will want to ride. So whatever you can do over the next 4 months to prepare for that will be well worth your while.  


(9th House) On October 9th, Jupiter stations for its retrograde phase in the sign of Gemini, which lasts until February 4th. During the year that Jupiter has been and continues to be in Gemini, you have probably found your attention looking towards ways to grow up and out into the world at large and expand your vision in some way. When Jupiter is in Gemini Libra is filled with a desire to learn more, understand more, go for training, speak about, teach and then share what you have learned with others. You go on spiritual journeys, you write that magnum opus, you go to university, you explore the world. And as a result of what you learn, you find yourself considering new possibilities that you might not have previously considered. But perhaps one of the greatest gifts that Jupiter can bring you while in the sign of Gemini, is the opportunity to expand your awareness and your vision to such an extent that there will no longer be any room for self-limiting beliefs. And it is when Jupiter is in its retrograde phase that you are more likely to be receptive to this growing awareness, and are more willing to release old concepts, old fears, old ideas, that were holding you back and preventing you from fulfilling your potential. 


(8th House) Oftentimes when Jupiter makes its retrograde station, it can seem as if opportunities for abundance from the outside world are being withdrawn or temporarily put on hold. This is because when Jupiter enters its retrograde phase, it redirects our attention from the outside world and turns it within. Often when we seek happiness, we think, If only I could meet the right person, If only I could have that great new pair of shoes, If only I could have that trip to Paris... I would be happy.  But then when we get that person, or that thing, we worry about losing it, or that we will need to return to our normal life without it, or it turns out that it wasn’t quite as amazing as we thought it would be. It’s the old story of the search for happiness: we search and we search, only to come home to find it was waiting there for us all along. For the next 4 months that Jupiter will be in its retrograde phase, Scorpio is being tasked to make some sort of deep and soulful connection. It’s not about the stuff. It’s about the search for meaningful, soul-yearning happiness. In the process of that search all sorts of things can be revealed. Even more than you might bargain for. For what you can discover through the course of this search for more meaningful experiences, can ultimately open up a door to a vast, untried and as yet unexplored territory. 


(7th House) Every time your ruling planet stations, as it will on Monday, it does so with a trine to the Sun, bringing a sense of optimism, self-confidence and hope for the future. Because of this imminent hope and enthusiasm, you feel confident about moving forward with your goals, even though you may not see the full benefits of doing so until February. For that is when the retrograde phase of Jupiter ends. However, this does not mean that nothing will be happening. In fact much of your planet’s most important work takes place during these critical months when Jupiter is retrograde. For this is when you are becoming all that much more aware of the promise and potential of what Jupiter in Gemini can bring. One of the things that Jupiter in Gemini aimed to show you, are how to establish and cultivate mutually rewarding relationships with others. Jupiter does seem to just naturally improve relationships when in this sector of your solar or natal chart, but there is something to be said with gaining a deeper understanding of what a more meaningful relationship can look like. And part of that is just about being receptive to what others are bringing to the table. What they know. What they can show you. How they can open up your perspective and even your world, by merely meeting them half way. 


(6th House) When Jupiter is in Gemini, as it is this year, it aims to improve certain key areas of your life, including work, your daily activities and routines, as well as your overall health and well-being. You may find yourself going here, there and everywhere, in order to accomplish this. Learning that new thing, traveling for your job, juggling all sorts of balls in the air. But as Jupiter stations for its retrograde phase, it’s also asking you to wait, stop and pay attention to those things that make your work, and what you do on a daily basis, more rewarding and meaningful. That also means taking care of your inner health and well-being as well as your physical needs. That means paying attention to what the value is of what you have to offer others. That can also mean going back and learning more on a particular subject, improving your knowledge, as well as your insight. It’s not just about skimming over the surface of your life, but adding greater value, meaning and wisdom to all that you do, so that it becomes that much more rewarding and fulfilling in the end.  


(5th House) When Jupiter is in Gemini, Aquarius naturally is more inclined to feel inspired, energized, and more willing to take on greater challenges. To perhaps even reach beyond your previous expectations of yourself. Whether that means trying to accomplish a personal best, or pushing yourself beyond your previously perceived boundaries, Jupiter wants you to reach for the stars, increase your confidence, your health and your vitality. You may have even received some applause for this. However, now that Jupiter is stationing for its retrograde phase, which will last until February, you may find yourself less concerned with how others perceive you, as you are with how you perceive yourself. For Jupiter also aims to help us find our joy. And while direct, we may discover that new best thing ever, that great new hobby, or our new best friend. But when retrograde Jupiter is here to remind us that joy is not necessarily found in any of these external things. The source of our joy, and the expression of it, is actually found within. The external stuff is just reflecting that. Knowing what sparks your joy is going to be your homework for the next 4 months. That may mean trying on different things for size. But the wonder about Jupiter retrograde is that when you find that joy, you will know it, and never forget it.  


(4th House) Your ruling planet, Jupiter, stations twice each year. One for its retrograde phase, as it will this week, and again when it resumes its direct phase, which it will in early February. Each time Jupiter stations, it does so with a trine to the Sun, re-instilling hope, confidence and a sense of optimism about the future and its possibilities. And that is despite the fact that Jupiter is at its retrograde station. Because Jupiter will be retrograde for the next 4 months, we may not see the results and rewards of what we are preparing now, until after Jupiter is direct again. But Jupiter always wants us to grow in some significant way, and this is true even when it is in its retrograde mode. The difference is that during this retro phase, our attention is being turned within. And this would be even more so when it is in the sign of Gemini. For this is when you are being asked to put the focus on your personal life, your home, your inner world, and your psyche. For Jupiter’s transit here has been aiming to free you up on some very personal level so that you can release, let go, and comfortably let down your guard. The aim for Jupiter in this sector of your solar or natal 4th House is to achieve greater emotional security and cultivate stronger and healthier bonds with others within your family, personal circle or community. And Jupiter aims to show you the ways to do so. 


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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