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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for October 25th - November 1st

Your Complete Horoscope Guide for October 25th - November 1st

For the week of October 25th thru November 1st, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


For the past 15 years, what despotic authority, or oppressive situation, has been keeping you from fulfilling your full potential? Under what yoke have you been laboring? Sometimes these are situations of our own making. Promises that we can’t seem to get out of. Obligations that consume your waking life. But once you get a taste of freedom, of realizing that you can actually remove the yoke, no matter how brief, no matter how ephemeral, there is no turning back. Freedom is like an elixir that can turn your head, and make you giddy for more. And once you figure out how you may have been participating in your own oppression, all that is required is to use the keys that are there right in front of you. You are only being given a glimpse of what those keys are. But even that glimpse is enough to get you all riled up about all the time that has been wasted up until now. No need to focus on what could have been in the past. This is about what is possible in the future. And sometimes all that is necessary is a willingness to look at things in a whole new way. The future awaits.


What despotic authority have you allowed to dictate what you should or should not believe? Whether that be an outside authority, or the authority in your own mind, you may find yourself in a state of relative disenchantment this week, as the rose colored glasses are being lifted from your eyes. What used to be your barometer seems to no longer be valid. Even if you really liked that authority, even if you liked living under their sway. A sobering assessment of the current circumstances of your life seem to be showing you something quite different from what you previously believed to be true. As a result, a sense of duty, and responsibility, seems to win out against the inclinations of a wistful desire for what you would really like to be true in your heart of hearts. But apparently is not. It is just these sorts of realizations, that when added together, and piled one on another, can even be life-changing. For once you are willing to look at a situation from another perspective, you will never quite see things the same way again. And there is no going back. 


Next week when your ruling planet enters Sagittarius, you are probably going to be looking at things from another perspective. You can thank a series of illuminating realizations, changes or circumstances, that are coming to light over the course of this week. Be prepared for a few twists and turns as a result, for things may not be exactly as they appear to be. There are a few surprises up ahead. And in some way you are being asked to roll with the punches. So long as you remain flexible, these changes could prove to be beneficial and working for your cause. Just know that things could appear to be moving really really quickly this week, and it could be all you can do to keep up. Be wise. Be flexible. Be prepared to have to change plans as needed, and to jump through a few hoops to get there. One of the advantages of Mercury still being in Scorpio this week, is that you are less likely to miss a beat. Nothing gets by the discriminating eye one has when Mercury is in the sign of ever vigilant Scorpio. 


In what ways have you been handing your power and personal agency over to others? In what ways have you felt like you lost your own power, by giving it away like this? You may be having second thoughts about this as we move into the upcoming weeks. For inevitably there will come that time when you realize what it feels like to be free from the tyranny of control. Whether that control be by another individual, a longing, a habit or a desire, the freedom that comes when they no longer have influence over your choices, your movement, your decisions, your life, can be exhilarating. And at that moment when you remove the chains that bind you, there will be no going back to what once was. No matter how compelling. There is something to be said for being able to take up the reins of your own life, without the influence of outside forces leading you hither and yon. You have dreams to fulfill, and aspirations to follow. And once you get a glimpse of that illusive feeling of freedom, there will be no holding you back. 


You have goals and aspirations. But are you on the right track? This is when you might want to pause and reassess the direction that your life has been taking up until now, and where your demons may have been leading you astray. There is no real right or wrong answer right now. The truth is, you are probably on the right track (if you don’t give in to those demons yet again). But there are certain details that are still needing to come together first before you will see the results and rewards that you are seeking. In the meantime look for those immediate rewards closer to home, from those who have your best interests at heart. Fair weather friends or okay for a diversion, but you are needing people you know you can rely on come what may. Those who will stand by you no matter what transpires. They are the ones who will give you ballast when you waver, and the strength and determination that is needed when you doubt. Having that extra security will make all the difference in the coming weeks ahead. 


Be prepared for a few surprises, twists and turns over the next week. You may have to change a few plans and rearrange your schedule before the week is out. If you can go with the flow and not get caught up in all the details, or the why’s and wherefores, then you will actually be relieved by the time the week is out. Not only relieved but informed. Things are coming to light of which you were not previously aware. And as a result of what you discover, you may not be able to see things quite the same way again. And that can be a good thing. For when you are willing to look at a situation from a completely different perspective, you are able to see solutions where previously you only saw challenges. Things are moving quickly, so you will want to pay attention, and write down ideas as they come to mind. There’s a lot of creative energy buzzing around, and you might want to jot those down, before they disappear into the ether, and you are otherwise distracted. For you can never tell where these may lead.


It could feel as if some old demons from the past are being unearthed this week, as your ruling planet Venus appears to be walking into something of a landmine. And if you have all sorts of doubts cropping up, laced with old narratives from a time that once was, know that this probably has nothing to do with what is happening now. These are old ghosts. Old wounds that are resurfacing. Not to taunt you, or make you doubt yourself, but to see them for what they are: wounds inflicted on you years ago, perhaps in the earliest years of your life. Doubt. Shame. You really don’t need to be carrying any of that right now. And when you are able to look at these with detachment and objectivity, you will see them for what they are. The old remnants of a past that no longer serves you. Perhaps these are the voices of despots that wounded your soul. Whatever or whomever they may be. You don’t need them now, and you never did. You’re being given permission to lay down all that ancient baggage and move on. Move on into a future where those voices are silenced, and the wounds are finally allowed to heal, once and for all.


You might want to ask yourself what despotic authority and critic has managed to take residence inside your own head? You really don’t need them telling you what you should or should not do, who you should or should not believe. You’ve got more important things to do. And better things to be listening to. And anyway, whatever narratives keep repeating themselves over and over are no longer valid for who you are now, and where you are going in the future. Those are old voices from another era. There is no reason why you should have to defend your beliefs or take a stand. These are your own beliefs marinated through lived experiences. And no one can take that away from you. As we move through the week you may even feel somewhat vindicated as you move into the light and others take notice. Believe it when it happens. You are coming into your own. And all you really need to do, is to step out of your own way, and on to the stage of life. This may be something of a process over the next few months. So ignore the voices and know that you’ve got this. 


This could be something of a sobering week, where reality seems to be taking hold, reining back any inclinations towards any self-defeating inclinations. There are real-life issues to contend with, and you are needing to be front and center with your feet firmly planted on the ground. At least until the dust finally settles over the mayhem of the next few weeks. There’s a lot of commotion going on in the world. So much so that it might drown out the things that will really matter in the end. As mentioned before there is something calling you, that needs to be paid attention to. Something that feels creative and inspiring and important in ways that are hard to describe. It’s not that obvious. And you might only discover it by serendipitously falling through the right door at the right time. But once you become aware of it, do not ignore it. It’s important and it will need to be nurtured and cultivated in all the right ways once it is found. 


You might want to ask yourself what you have learned about yourself over the past 16 years. What experiences you have garnered, what achievements you have made. And you might also want to ask yourself about the ways that you have gained greater power and control over your own life and destiny. This was all hard earned through the school of hard knocks. No one gave it to you. So the next step may be to understand what you can do with this sense of remarkable achievement? What can you distill from all this? One thing that you have been learning about is that there are two powers in the world: the powers of light and those of darkness. Both can beckon and be beguiling. And you are being asked to choose one. You can choose to follow in the footsteps of those who have chosen material power and gain at the expense of others; or you can choose to be a beacon of light, leading all others out of the dark. The choice is yours. Just know that one of these is far more powerful than the other. 


In just a matter of days, in just a few weeks, Pluto will enter your sign and commence the deep and transformative process of redefining and rebuilding your life all over again. This probably won’t happen right away. But you can feel the significance of this incredible change as both an exhilarating anticipation as well as something of a dread. Both at the same time! For even now, with all the planets converging at the end of the signs, they are conspiring to bring us all where we need to be in order to fulfill our destinies. And you are going to be swept along on the tide. Pluto entering your own sign will be hard work. Pluto humbles us. We think we may have total control over the proceedings, and yet Pluto still manages to shatter our illusions and bring us to our knees. Not to punish us. Not to weaken us. But literally to make us even stronger. In the process it will unveil old wounds and reinvigorate old talents and skills that had been lying dormant perhaps for years! They’ve been waiting for this time to make themselves known, as Aquarius is finally being given permission to give birth to themselves. And the rest of us are all waiting with bated breath.


The world may feel a bit like it is in a state of chaos, and yet there is also something prescient and exciting about what may be on the other side of all that. We are all standing on the threshold of something that can feel grand and magnificent, even as we are quaking in our boots. But there’s also something else that is going on behind the scenes for Pisces, as well as some others. And that has to do with the feeling of having some sort of calling. Or perhaps just being drawn in a certain direction. It feels large and as if it is filled with potential. Like a gift on your doorstep just waiting to be unwrapped. And if you were to take it even a step further, you might consider that when the gift is unwrapped, it may be yourself that you find there. Or some aspect of yourself that you had neglected or ignored. Perhaps a missive from the past. Perhaps a special gift that had been put up on the shelf and forgotten, what with all that had been going on. And now you are being asked to discover it once again. Go to the door and unwrap your gift. It’s waiting for you. 


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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