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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for November 8th - 15th

Your Complete Horoscope Guide for November 8th - 15th

For this week’s horoscopes, and Saturn’s direct station at 12º Pisces, be sure to read your Rising Sign, or your natal house, if you know it: 


(12th House) As Saturn stations, ending its retrograde phase, it also brings up some old issues that you’ve been laboring under for a good 16 years. These may have been things that you thought you would never be able to come back from. And yet here you are. Sometimes the answers are so simple. But once you figure out how you may have been participating in your own oppression, all that is required is to remove the yoke that you’ve been wearing. You may feel frustrated that you have wasted all this time. But don’t be. Soon it will be evident that what really matters now, is the future. During the 4.5 months that Saturn has been retrograde you have been receiving lessons about the necessity to just let go. Let go of the things that you don’t have control over. Release the burdens of the past that are no longer relevant for where you are now. It can feel like a loss, this letting go. And it can feel disorienting. However, know that the changes that are occurring, are in service to tying up the loose ends of a life that was, in order to make room for something even better to come in. It may not seem like it right now, but when Saturn enters Aries next year, it will begin to make sense. Right now, with the station of Saturn, place the focus within aimed at your own heart and mind. For the more connected you are with these, the more on point you will be. For even as some things may be fading, other things are already wanting to take root. Make these the right things and have faith that you will be brought precisely where you need to be in order to bring them to fruition.


(11th House) A sense of disenchantment follows you through the weekend. Use it to decompress. To heal old wounds. To restore your faith. Rest. Practice self-care. Do whatever is needed to find peace. Then when Venus enters Capricorn on Monday, you will be ready to come back even stronger and more determined than ever. You’ve been readying yourself for this sort of determination, these past 4.5 months that Saturn has been in its retrograde phase. During this time you have been realigning yourself with your hopes and wishes, as well as your most prominent aspirations for the future. During the retrograde period, you might have been focusing on what is no longer valid for who you are, and where you are  now. But now that the retrograde phase of Saturn will be ending on the 15th, you will gradually feel as if the forward momentum of your life will finally be able to proceed. It may feel a bit like you are leaving some of the remnants of your former hopes and wishes behind. But this is probably only because you have already been reassessing your hopes and wishes for the future. But it could also be that you have been doing a great deal of growing and evolving over the past several years. And as a result, what may have been appropriate for you in the past, may no longer be so. And this will be that much more obvious, now that Saturn will be leaving its retrograde phase.


(10th House) You could find yourself coming into the week wanting to keep some things to yourself. Perhaps to hole up, bring down the shades and hide out for a bit. Perhaps you are feeling a little deflated, maybe a sense of rejection, of being cut off from the very people you thought you could most count on. Or perhaps you are the one saying No, recognizing what your limits are for now. Saturn is coming to a dead stop this week, as it stations on the 15th, ending its retrograde phase. And in some ways this could also be true for you. During the past 18 months that Saturn has been in Pisces (10th house), it has probably felt as if a great deal was being expected of you, and that so much was resting on your shoulders. And during the 4.5 months that Saturn has been in its retrograde phase, you’ve probably been hard pressed to work really long and hard, often against the tide, and extraordinary forces. At the same time you’ve been developing certain leadership skills, making a name for yourself, and working really hard to achieve certain goals. And now that Saturn is stationing direct, you might just see some sort of result or justification for all of this hard work. And even if those are not necessarily the results you were looking for, do not give up. Your role as a leader is being honed and polished. And you are being asked to adjust to that role, willingly shouldering whatever expectations and responsibilities that are required of you, in order to show the world what you are capable of achieving and what you have to offer the world at large. 


(9th House) As we approach the Full Moon on the 15th, you may feel that you already know what next steps will be. But don’t be too sure, for there could still be a few twists and turns ahead. But what you might want to ask yourself, as Saturn in Pisces slows for its station next week, is: What Have I Learned? It is not unusual when Saturn stations here to fall back on your beliefs the ideas that you hold, and how these fit in with the world at large. It may even feel at times like your ideas are being challenged for validity. And this will be even more so with the stations of Saturn. And it is precisely when your ideas and beliefs are being challenged that you truly come to know your own mind. For if an idea or belief is sound, and it is right for you, then it should be able to stand up against even the most rigorous of arguments. It does another thing as well. It compels you to become more informed: to learn more, to be better prepared to state your case, to be prepared for the future. Regardless of whether or not you are preparing for something specific, you are coming to terms with who you are and how you fit into the general scheme of things. And that includes that for which you want to be known. Know also that your understanding of yourself, what you are or are not willing to stand up for, what you do or do not believe in, will serve you well when Saturn enters Aries next year. 


(8th House) For the years that Saturn is in Pisces, Leo learns some deep lessons about letting go of the need to control the outcomes of situations. For one thing, during the retrograde phase of Saturn in Pisces or the 8th house, lines are being drawn. But sometimes things can change due to circumstances beyond our own control. But these same changes and experiences can also open you up to higher states of awareness and understanding. And often, when things seem their most difficult with Saturn here, this is also when you suddenly find your footing and your place in the world. Perhaps during the retrograde phase of Saturn which began on June 29th, you gave yourself permission to say No More and set better limits. It is not unusual for endings to even occur in our lives when Saturn is retrograde and in this sector of your chart. But perhaps now that Saturn is stationing direct, you will soon become aware of the benefits of having set those limits and being willing to let go of something that once was. Saturn here can bring a sense of enlightened self-sufficiency, which can include having to cut your losses, in order to create a more sustainable plan for the foreseeable future. The skills that you develop towards these ends, will prove to be a valuable asset for the next 4 years. Which is precisely what Saturn aims to show you now that its retrograde phase is ending. For within the next few months, it will be evident as to what needs to go, and what needs to be further committed to in order to create a realistic plan for the future.


(7th House) As Saturn slows for its station on November 15th, you will find yourself reassessing all of the important relationships and alliances in your life. This may be accompanied with a sense of rejection, or perhaps feeling like you are being ignored, criticized or judged in some way. As a result you might be inclined to close the shutters and hole up for a bit, before you get the courage to reemerge out on to the scene again. And as you do, that’s when the cuts are going to take place. Those who make it through the initial testing phase will be allowed to enter the inner sanctum of your life. But others may find themselves standing on the other side of the moat, waiting for the drawbridge to come down. When Saturn is in Pisces you are learning a lot about relationships and relating to others. But you are also learning a lot about the value of solitude. For in solitude you learn to rely on yourself. You become your own decision maker and master of ceremonies, not having to depend on the whims and fancies of others. Unfortunately, others may be dealing with their own hard questions, and so the very ones you most depend on may be unavailable. But this idea of self-sufficiency: how well I can stand on my own two feet; how well I can take care of business on my own; becomes that much more important when Saturn is in the 7th House/Pisces. But there is more to this. For in solitude you learn to find yourself. And in finding yourself, you also find your true mission in life.


(6th House) A sense of disenchantment follows you through the weekend. Be kind to yourself. Don’t push yourself too hard. This could distract you from your everyday world and more practical considerations. On the other hand, you are needing this time out to escape in healthy ways. Seek peace, surrender to tranquility wherever and however you can; and don’t allow your disappointments  and fears to mar your dreams. When Saturn is in Pisces, as it has been for the past 18 months, we are actually being asked to commit to our dreams, but to do so in more practical and achievable ways. Rest up this weekend, for when Venus enters Capricorn on Monday, and then Saturn stations, ending its retrograde phase on the 15th, you will need to marshal your energy, and get yourself back on track. Venus in Sagittarius brought a bit of joyous abandon, but now things are getting real, and you are going to have to crunch the numbers and figure out what comes next. Just know that whatever Saturnian qualities you’ve been internalizing these past 4.5 months when Saturn was in its retrograde phase, qualities such as patience, self-discipline, focus, and organization will bring benefits. And once Saturn will be out of its retrograde phase, you can then finally move forwards with plans, either concerning your work, or positive lifestyle changes that will support your health and well-being. And now that Venus is entering Capricorn on Monday, she will help to facilitate that process. 


(5th House) You might want to ask yourself what despotic authority has managed to take residence inside your own head? You really don’t need them doing inventory. You have more important things to do, and better things to be listening to. And anyway, those old narratives that keep repeating themselves over and over are no longer valid for who you are now. Those are old voices from another era. They lend doubt to who you are and what you have to offer. So ignore the voices and know that you’ve got this. For the 4.5 months that Saturn has been in its retrograde phase, you have been developing certain skills while perfecting those you most want to invest in. You have been cultivating the self-discipline, patience and concentration that is required in order to create something that is truly worthwhile, unique and special. There is a certain pride that comes from a job well done when Saturn is in the sign of Pisces. And now that Saturn will appear to be moving direct again, you can put much of what you have been learning into some sort of practical application. In the meantime, do also strap on your seat belt as we approach that radical Full Moon in Taurus on the 15th. There are bound to be a few more twists and turns ahead. And there’s no telling where we will all land, when all is said and done. 


(4th House) This is a difficult week for communications. Part of that is because you simply have no words. You don’t know what to say, or how to say it. Just know that sometimes it’s okay to not have words. That sometimes it is best to sit with your own mind for a bit. For the 4.5 months that Saturn has been in its retrograde phase, many Sagittarius has been doing a great deal of soul searching. Saturn has been trying to position yourself in the world. Find your place. And knowing where that will be in the end, and where and how you wish to establish yourself going forward, will be key for many years to come. For the past 10 years you have been coming to know yourself, who you are and what you want from your life. And now you are considering where you see yourself going in the future. But first you will want to shore up the foundations of your life. And where you see yourself situated will be important, because Saturn transiting Pisces (or your 4th House) is asking you to create a strong, and more reliable foundation, from which you will be able to grow in the future. For when Saturn is here, this is when you are being brought out into the world to meet it on its terms. And now that Saturn is stationing direct on November 15th, it will become that much more evident as to why you might need a safe and secure home, a supportive community that you know you can rely on, some place where you can grow deep roots. The sort of roots that can weather any sort of storm. 


(3rd House) Your ruling planet Saturn, wants us all to grow. And no one is more attuned with that than Capricorn. When in Pisces, Saturn’s lessons for Capricorn are about looking at the world without pretense or denial. This is about looking at things exactly the way they are. And Saturn’s station on the 15th, could even feel like something of a reality check. Anything that you might have been ignoring, or not paying attention to, cannot, and will not be ignored. It can sometimes be, when you don’t have all the answers, that you will attempt to fill in the spaces with your own stories. But there is no room for any of that when Saturn is in Pisces (or transiting the 3rd house of your natal chart). And this should be all the more obvious now that Saturn is poised for its direct station. The reason that this is important right now, is that when you are willing to look at your life and its circumstances from a more rational and objective point of view, it allows you to make more grown up, practical and mature decisions moving forward. All the more so when we are in times when the choices and decisions we are making can have such profound consequences. Having this more objective and reality-based perspective will greatly benefit you over the next 7 years. Become clear. Make yourself informed. Perfect your knowledge. The skills developed while Saturn is in Pisces, and the knowledge gained, will help to bring you on track with your true destiny. 


(2nd House) Oftentimes there can be troubles with money, finances and self-worth when Saturn is in this department of your natal chart. And when it stations retrograde, as it did on June 29th, it could even feel as if agreements and promises were being withdrawn or delayed, or kicked down the road. Ultimately Saturn in this department of your chart wants you to shore up these areas, give them greater ballast, increase your self-confidence and bring greater stability and reliability to your financial situation. For the past 4.5 months of Saturn’s retrograde phase, Saturn was trying to teach you about the value of making the sorts of practical decisions that will help to support you for years to come. The whole deal about your ruling planet traveling here is to help you find the tools that will eventually make you more financially stable and self-sufficient, not having to depend on others. In whatever little ways possible, it is important for you to be in control over your own finances, investing in those things that will bring you the most benefit in the long run. By the end of the year, you will be cutting back in some areas and reinforcing others in order to create the sort of ballast that will allow you to be able to implement whatever plans had been marinating on the back burner these past few years. And to do so in a sustainable, affordable and worthwhile way. 


(1st House) When Saturn first entered Pisces (or the 1st House of your natal chart) in early 2023, it may have felt like much of your life was ending, or about to. And that may have been true to some extent, but only because it was making room for a new beginning to emerge. The lesson of Saturn in your sign is about coming to more fully realize what it is that you want from your life, including the goals that you would eventually hope to achieve. And within that context, the retrograde phase of Saturn was helping you to focus in on what is right for you, even if it is not necessarily what other’s expectations are of you. And during the past 4.5 months of its retrograde phase, it was also helping you to reject those things that are no longer valid, or that are no longer serving your best interests. Perhaps you are being given the opportunity to do a do-over or do things the right way. In some cases having Saturn in your sign can feel like you are being given a whole new clean slate to work with. And if that is the case, it was giving you free license to be the writer and architect of the next chapter of your life. There could be so much to be discouraged about this week. However, now that Saturn is stationing direct on the 15th, you could feel some of the retrograde reticence, withdrawal and procrastination begin to fall away. Therefore be like Saturn turning to face the future, and take hold of the reins of your life, leading it where you want it to go.


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

Posting on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce any content without written permission. The article's title was crafted by CrystalWind.ca. 

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