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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for March 14 - 21

Your Complete Horoscope Guide for March 14 - 21

For Mercury retrograde for your sign, be sure to check our your Rising Sign as well:


This weekend Mercury makes its retrograde station at 9º of Aries. This will be an important station for everyone, but especially for those Aries people born with sensitive points around this degree, which includes those born between March 27th and April 2nd. This is because the station of Mercury is in the same degree as the upcoming Solar Eclipse at the end of the month. Watch for significant turning points in your life as a result of not only that Eclipse, but also the retrogrades of Mercury and Venus. Mercury will head back to Pisces at the end of the month, but until then it will be turning your attention to yourself, and the inner workings of your mind. If you find yourself introspective, perhaps reflecting on the past, reminiscing, remembering, that is the retrograde Mercury doing its good work. This is your opportunity to sort through the various experiences in your life, but to do so from another perspective. Do also note that it is common to feel anxious and overwhelmed during these retrograde phases. If that is the case, it is a hint that you are needing to slow down, and put the focus back on your own self-care. Use the retrograde to set better limits and implement better habits and routines that will better support your own physical and  mental well-being. When Mercury is retrograde in your sign, we will all be asking ourselves: What do I want in my heart of hearts? What will feed my heart and soul in the end? Know that even small adjustments during the retrograde which lasts until April 7th, can benefit you for months to come. 


As your ruling planet Venus continues its own retrograde path, Mercury also stations for its retrograde phase this weekend. In the process, expect passions to grow, and feelings for others to be intensified as Venus is now digging into things concerning heart and soul. It aims to mend hearts and build better alliances out of the dust of what once was. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself dwelling on the past. Even in the face of an abundance of busyness, it would benefit you to make the extra effort to carve out a space of sanctuary for yourself. Your mental and emotional well-being almost depends on it. Turn down the noise, go on retreat, seek silence. And then attempt to make sense of past events, and in that way learn to reconnect with your younger self. Don’t dwell too much there. Don’t lose yourself there or make judgments in the process. The past does not come back again. But like snapshots from our lives, these walks down memory lane, can help us to assimilate and process the events of the past with a different, and perhaps even whole new perspective. Therefore, we find that still place in the center of the storm. For that is where you will find yourself. And finding yourself is what we are needing to do when Mercury is in its retrograde phase. 


On Saturday, your ruling planet stations for its retrograde phase. Curious things can happen when Mercury is in its retrograde phase. Friends may leave and move in a different direction. Old friends that you hadn’t heard from in years, seem to re-emerge out of the woodwork. Or, in turn, you get the sudden urge to get in touch with that certain someone you haven’t seen in years. These periodic retrograde phases do afford us the opportunity to reconnect with the past. Old friends. Old memories. Reminiscing and recollecting. This is because we are needing to process and then assimilate experiences that we once had, and were once so important. This is how we make sense of them, and ourselves. We’re touching base with ourselves, even as we are touching base with others. Another thing that can emerge out of this process is our relationship to our hopes and wishes for the future. The things that your younger self longed for, may no longer be valid for who you are now. So in the process of revising old haunts, old friends, old reams, we are brought full circle to the present, bringing the essence of what once was forward, in order to inform or confirm what you have now. 


As Mercury now enters its retrograde phase, which will last until April 7th, you are being given the green light to reevaluate and re-think your goals. What would it mean to perhaps go in a whole new direction? How can you shift your perspective in order to find greater meaning in what you do? Are you on the right track, or did you somehow get off track. And what are you willing to do, to get yourself back on course again? Sometimes it helps to step back in order to be able to see your way forward. It can sometimes help to tone down the activity and the busyness of our outer lives during these retrograde phases, in order to connect with ourselves. Use the retrogrades of Mercury and Venus to connect with your goals, and to sort out your priorities. What do you really need, and what are your expectations going forward? And if you are on course, what more can you do to secure your present position, making it more secure and sustainable? And if you are due for some sort of change, what can you change in your perspective that will make it that much more palatable? You may not want to make any definite decisions during the retrograde phase of Mercury. Often what seems like a great idea will have its faults revealed later on. But it is an excellent time for all of this reevaluation and making whatever inner adjustments need to be made. 


When Mercury stations for its retrograde phase this week, you’re being asked to readdress your former beliefs. This may require you to look at things from another perspective, or see things in a whole new light. But as a result of what you are seeing, you may find yourself backtracking on some previously held beliefs. The obstacles, detours and mayhem that the retrograde phases of Mercury can bring are legendary. The phone breaks, communications go haywire, the SpaceX rocket experiences a ‘rapid unscheduled disassembly’, we miss our plane, or the luggage gets lost on the way. All those outer things that are necessary for the function of our everyday lives as well as space launches can go amiss in this weather. Throw in a few eclipses and there’s no telling what can happen this month. However, these periodic retrograde phases of Mercury are actually very necessary for the healthy function of our minds and psychological well-being. This is when we are able to process and assimilate all that we have been planning, brewing, experiencing, and learning over the past several months, so that we can make sense of all that. You may find it necessary to go over old territory before you can go forward again. And sometimes what we learn from our mistakes can be just as valuable as what we learn from our successes. Even if that means having to go back to the drawing board once again. 


As Mercury stations for its retrograde phase on Saturday, it aims to remind you of your deepest longings, your most basic needs, and whether or not these are being fulfilled. This can include addressing your material needs: are you getting enough food, nourishment, rest, compensation, appreciation for what you are putting out? But perhaps more importantly than balancing the books, and having the bills paid, are whether or not you are being fed, appreciated, supported on these deeper, more soulful and psychological levels. What feeds your soul? And are you getting enough of that? What makes you feel valuable, invested in and worthy? What is lacking? And what do you have too much of? If you are needing to cut back, or back out of something that is proving to be more difficult than it is worth, Mercury’s retrograde station can give you permission to say No More. Use this period to clarify your goals and priorities for yourself, and cut back on things that are leading away from these. Keep things simple, and trust your instincts to guide you. Deep down you know what you need, and connecting with that is your homework for this current retrograde phase of Mercury which lasts until April 7th. 


You might be feeling that there is so much to make you stop and pause and reevaluate these days. And that is precisely what this upcoming retrograde phase of Mercury is giving us the opportunity to do. It allows us to process and assimilate all of the events of the previous months, and perhaps even before that. We do this in order to sort out our priorities, as well as our relationships and close ties, both present and past. The retrograde phase of Mercury, which will last until April 7th, is not considered a time to make lasting commitments, sign contracts, or make promises that may prove to be regrettable later on. But it is a good time to hash out your mutual responsibilities and expectations of each other. Reevaluate those contracts. Re-think those oaths and promises. It can sometimes feel during the retrogrades that you are not being heard. In which case it may be better to keep some of these thoughts to yourself, until you have clarity about what you do or do not want. What are your expectations of others, and they of you? Where do you see yourself going from here? All these arguments and perspectives need to be sorted out first before you can sign on the dotted line, or make those soul oaths. Sort things out first, then make all those promises later. 


When Mercury is retrograde in Aries, as it will be until the end of the month when it enters Pisces, it can sometimes appear to create a bit of chaos in the areas of your life where you would prefer to have some sort of routine and schedule. Mercury retrograde here can have you in a tizzy, especially if your regular routines, or your daily habits are upended in any way. You forget to walk the dog. Your diet is all over the place. You forget your keys because you left them in the wrong place. If that is the case, use this as a cue to slow down, and turn inwards. During these crucial retrograde phases of Mercury we are given an opportunity to reorganize and reframe our daily lives and activities, in order to better support your health and well-being. If that means establishing daily walks, revisiting an exercise routine, or learning how to structure your day so that you can do things more efficiently. Whatever it may be, may it also be something that supports not only your physical health, but also your mental well-being. As a result you may even being to notice things that you previously missed, or find better ways of solving problems and approaching your work. The Mercury retrograde phase allows you to catch up with, re-do, and organize your daily life, schedule and routines. And it all begins with that one thing that is right in front of you, right here, right now. 


Mercury retrograde can have a terrible reputation. We expect electronics and communications to break down. The dishwasher needs replacing. Our trip gets cancelled. The trains are derailed. However these retrograde phases of Mercury can also be quite useful. Especially when it comes to learning about ourselves and our own minds. And particularly when Mercury is also retrograde in the sign of Aries, it could also prove to be inspiring. Don’t be surprised if you see yourself revisiting an old hobby, dusting off that old instrument, or pulling out that project from the back of the closet. In some way you are being asked to revisit someone or something that you once loved so well.. something that you might have been really good at, some area where you even excelled. As you reflect, you may even remember the attention you once received, the accolades, the exploits of the past that filled you with joy. Indulge them all. You are learning something about yourself. These are parts of you and your life that are worth exploring and revisiting, if only to remind yourself of what it feels like to allow the spirit to ignite your heart and speak through you. It’s about remembering who you are, what you love, and what allows you most comfortably to express yourself in all your glory. 


These periodic retrograde phases of Mercury can sometimes be annoying. The get in the way. Things get lost, they get delayed, they break. But these can also offer us opportunities to pause and reflect. And as Mercury is now in its retrograde phase until April 7th, use this as an opportunity to revisit your past in some way. Call your family. Reconnect with home. Revisit, reminisce in whichever way is most meaningful to you. Get out the old recipes. Reflect on what feels like home, what makes a home a home, on family and community and what brings that feeling of belonging. For some, home is their personal sanctuary. That place where you can be yourself without having to conform to other’s expectations. For others it extends beyond that to the extended community of which you are a part. This is your time to explore what community, and home and family are for you. What is it that brings you a feeling of safety, stability and belonging? Where do you get your emotional support and security from? And in what ways can you make these even more so? Mercury retrograde phases are really helpful for gaining personal insights, and internally processing any recent changes, or accustom yourself to any changes that you might be planning to make int he future. It’s about finding that safety and security within first, and then allowing all the support systems that support that to fall into place where they will. 


We enter this retrograde phase of Mercury this weekend with all sorts of ideas flitting about. However, you might want to take your time acting on them. At least for now. Hold off on making major decisions. Make sure you have totally hashed out your plans first. At least until you have all the facts and information that you will need to make an informed decision. Often what seems like a brilliant idea while Mercury is retrograde will have its faults revealed later on when Mercury is direct again. When Mercury is in Aries is usually when you do your planning. But rather than leaping into action, use the next several weeks to research, ask questions, reevaluate, and revise those plans as needed. Then you can proceed. Also don’t be surprised if old friends and acquaintances make their appearance. These retrogrades can be good times for reunions, checking in with old mates, reminiscing and remembering old times. This is when we are able to look at things from another perspective, to process what we once thought we knew so well. And this is when we are able to make better sense of things. But in order to do this well, you need to take some time out in the center of all the busyness of your life. Find that space. Give your mind permission to settle. And then approach your life, one piece at a time. And in this way eventually arrive at a point of clarity and understanding. 


Now that Mercury is also stationing for its retrograde phase this weekend, you may want to address some of the priorities of your life. That can include what you spend your valuable time, money and resources on. But even before you do that, you might want to check in with yourself first. For over the next 3 weeks you will benefit most from getting to know yourself, and what you want. You still might want to reorganize those financial statements, and make yourself more aware of what you are spending all of your valuable resources on. But do so in reference to your priority list. What are the things that you want to spend them on? We all need to survive. But what about those things that also make your life worthwhile? The things that bring that element of passion and excitement back into your life? There is what is necessary, there is no doubt. But you might want to consider what it is that you want more of in your life. This can also include what you don’t want, and where you do want to cut back. Are there areas where you have been too indulgent? Or other areas where you have been too self-denying? Use the current retrogrades of Mercury and Venus to balance your own books, and get you back on track with your priorities. 


Astrology By LaurenA Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City.

© 2025 CrystalWind.ca & Author | All Rights Reserved | No reproduction without permission | Awakening Souls Since 2008.
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