Your Complete Horoscope Guide for July 12 - 19
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- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

For the week of July 12th thru the 19th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Chaos. That’s what it all is. And if you can find the order at the very center of things, and allow the chaos to swirl around you, then you might actually have something there. Like being in the eye of the storm, allow the changes and the excitement to whirl around, without getting caught up in it. On the other hand, if you’ve been feeling kind of stuck, or in something of a rut that you can’t quite see your way out of. An occasional tryst with chaos may be called for. Just be aware that chaos can drop you just about anywhere, whether in Oz, or the middle of nowhere. Even when we are dancing on the edge of risk taking, there are always consequences. Therefore test the waters first. If you are needing a little excitement and a change of pace, then the Mars/Uranus can help you out. But if you are also wise, you will avoid impulsive purchases, and weigh your priorities before hitching your ride on the whirlwind. Whatever you decide, make it worth your while! And don’t forget to take plenty of photos.
Everything was nice and placid until Mars came into your sign on June 9th, stirring things up and aggravating things with his feistiness. But nothing is quite as excitable as when Mars triggers Uranus, who was here first, taking up residence as early as 2018. And if anyone were unaware of the changes that you’ve been going through since then, then they better be prepared. Because when Mars is conjunct Uranus, as it is this week, there are no holds barred. Taurus is ready to break loose and let it all hang out. In your own inimitable way. One of the issues with having them both here, is their tendency to upset the apple cart and disturb the status quo. But if you’ve been wanting to make some changes. For instance if you have been feeling a little stuck, and unable to see your way out, then Mars/Uranus can give you the courage, and/or bring you the means to help you out. For that is ultimately what this transit is all about. It’s about the freedom to live your life without apology or censure. It’s about you being able to be you.
What is that inner anticipation all about? What is that feeling that sooner rather than later you are about to launch out into the world at large? You’re ready. But is the world ready for you? Having Mars and Uranus in Taurus at the same time, kind of feels like that run that Simone Biles does just before she does this amazing thing in the air that humans are not really supposed to do. But now that Jupiter is in your sign, you’ve been kind of thinking about it. What if you were to run across that floor at the speed of light in order to defy gravity? Maybe not right now, but it sure could be interesting. And different. And unique. Well as Mars meets Uranus this week, it’s daring you to take some of its essence into the sign of Gemini next week. Some of that memory, of you defying your usual limits and expectations. Some of the memory of the excitement is about to be unleashed. But for now, live in the moment. And relish every bit of it. You are getting revved up for your next big adventure. And it’s only a matter of time.
On July 21st, there is a Full Moon coming up. This will be the 2nd Full Moon in Capricorn this year. It will also be trine Mars and Uranus. This is important, because this week Mars and Uranus are positioning themselves in such a way to allow you to break out of your Cancer shell, and unleash yourself with the Full Moon that follows. This will be especially helpful if you’ve been feeling at all stuck in a rut that you can’t seem to get out of. Mars/Uranus, like a mother bird, is here to toss you out of the comfort of the nest and out into the world of possibility and freedom. Try on those wings. Surprise yourself. And there’s no telling how high, or how far you will fly. Therefore this is a good week to try something new. To perhaps go in a whole new direction. And since Mars/Uranus is never the same twice, be open to the possibility of things changing up suddenly and unexpectedly. And go with the flow. You are learning how to fly this week. So go with what that feels like for you.
Moving into this weekend, will still carry some of the vestiges of the safe and predictable about it from the previous week. With maybe a bit of intensity thrown in. But by the time that we reach that Mars/Uranus conjunction on Monday, all of that could go out the window. Therefore why not lean into it? Instead of fearing change, excitement and what-not, why not make the changes you’ve been wanting to make? Instead of doing the same thing day in and day out, why not do things a little differently or try something new? How about engaging a little unpredictability? Even small changes can have radical outcomes when Mars and Uranus meet. This is a good week for you to push yourself just enough to reach beyond your goals and your previous expectations. Go with the restless anticipation of the Mars/Uranus energy. And there’s no telling what you can accomplish this week.
It should get to the point where nothing surprises you any more, what with the condition that the world is in nowadays. But this week may push things beyond the pale. And don’t think that just because you manage to hide out in your own sanctuary of your life, that you are going to escape. None of us will when all is said and done. So you may as well lean into the insanity, and see where that will take you. Be open. Be amused. But also be open. Something incredible could come along to change your mind about something. And as a result you may never see the world quite the same way again. Even small shifts in consciousness, can have remarkable consequences. So you can imagine what could happen if remarkable shifts occur. Strap on your seatbelt. You are about to embark on an adventure, from which there is no turning back.
Although the week begins with a modicum of intensity, it has the capacity to get even more intense, if you will it to do so. We enter the weekend on the tail of a Venus/Pluto opposition that could feel like entanglements are way more complicated than they are worth. All the more so with the Mars/Uranus conjunction luring you with its promises for freedom and release. This could feel like an over-arching yen be free, to break some rules, to do everything wrong, just because. No more pressure. No more having to accommodate other’s demands and wishes. And if you can’t rebel openly, look for minor but inconsequential ways to rebel. Nothing dangerous. Just enough to make your own declaration of independence. Or another way to look at it: enough to deescalate some of the lingering intensity.
Between those in this corner trying to manipulate and coerce you to do and say and be things that you would rather not. And then those in the other corner whom you simply cannot fathom or understand…one person this day, someone else the next. Somewhere between these two is something that feels like freedom. And that just may be how things turn out if you play your cards right. If others are so unpredictable and so undependable, the only one you can seem to depend on these days is yourself. And the truth is for these past 5 years you’ve been learning how to do that. And you are really independent. But if you are accustomed to depending on others, it can almost feel a little scary to embrace that independence, and make the sorts of choices that will allow you to live your own best life, without asking others for their permission to do so. Imagine being able to do that?
The fates are continuing to weave their tapestries from behind the scenes. They’ve been trying to bring us where we need to be in order to find our folks, our path, and perhaps even our destiny. And that could be true even as we approach the unpredictable and yet excitable Mars/Uranus conjunction on the 15th. So even if your world gets turned on its head over the next week, know that by the time the dust settles and things begin to settle down somewhat, that you are very likely going to end up where you need to be. Even if it’s not where you thought it should be. I say somewhat, for when Mars enters Gemini on the 20th, things could be getting a little interesting in other ways. Strap on your seat belt. There is no telling what is coming down the pike with this Mars/Uranus weather this week. Could be a few surprises, twist and turns before all is said and done. Stay in the eye of the storm, and remain flexible. There is an art to riding this sort of wave.
One thing that Capricorn is all too aware of, and that is that what we do, and the choices we make, have consequences. That could be a truth lingering in the back of our lives these days, and over the year ahead. However, this week, the Mars/Uranus conjunction is taking center stage, waking us all up to a whole new reality, and a whole lot of unavoidable decisions. Mars/Uranus could even feel like we are walking into a different world, with a new set of circumstances. And not necessarily in a bad way. Capricorn usually does not care for surprises or unexpected changes. Even good ones! So the best advice for the week, is to remain as flexible as you are able, while also being open to the possibilities that this sudden and surprising transit can bring. This is the sort of weather in which minds can change, and paradigms can shift. Which in turn can shift the whole story.
We are moving through a year riddled with all sorts of land mines, including some important beginnings and endings. At some point you will come to the realization that whatever is changing needs to, and you will gain nothing by trying to hold on to what once was, except by delaying the inevitable. And within the larger scope of those transitions, are also some smaller, albeit surprising shifts along the way. And the Mars/Uranus conjunction this week could bring one of those surprising detours. Mars/Uranus can sometimes be sudden, and even explosive in its effects. Things tend to move very quickly when Mars and Uranus join forces. But it can also be incredibly illuminating. If you are willing to be flexible, and ride the wave, you may become aware of something that you had not seen before. And could even help you out of a bind. For ultimately what Mars/Uranus can bring, is freedom.
The fates are continuing to try and open up opportunities where and how they can, while deftly guiding us in certain directions, as if to say, look at this, look at this: This is where you need to go. A Mars/Uranus conjunction this week could bring the excitement up a notch. Things are speeding up. Circumstances are changing at the drop of a hat, and every time you turn around you are faced with a whole new agenda. We are in a period in which many of the choices and decisions we make are kind of critical, and will have an impact on our futures in significant ways. But the illumination that can come with a volatile aspect like Mars conjunct Uranus, can shed a whole new light on things, so that you may not be able to see things quite the same way again. Be flexible. This weather can be a little unpredictable. But it can also be a positive catalyst for change.
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