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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for January 3rd thru the 10th

Your Complete Horoscope Guide for January 3rd thru the 10th

For the week of January 3rd thru the 13th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


After the weekend, your ruling planet, Mars, returns to Cancer for some unfinished business. But she does so with the uncommon awareness that there are great forces afoot, which cannot be ignored, and will need to be contended with. In the mean time, you are being reminded to get back to what really matters in the end. What comes to mind, is when Frodo began to falter in the tale of the Two Towers. But SamWise, always the voice of clarity, reminded him, that yes we probably shouldn’t even be here, but we are. And that in the old stories, the heroes also had opportunities to turn back around, but they didn’t. And they didn’t because they knew that there’s some good in this world.. and it’s worth fighting for. When your back is against the wall, and there seem to be powerful forces to be contended with, what are those things, the good that is worth fighting for? Over the next few months you are being tasked with connecting to your Why: Your people and things that matter most in the end. The things worth fighting for. Then join forces with your tribe, your people, your allies, knowing that these too will help you to shore up the ramparts and circle the wagons. Ultimately it will be through the small things, the kindnesses, the caring, the empathy extended to others that will count most in the end. Resistance can take on many forms, and these personal acts of kindness can have the most influence over hearts and minds in the end. 


There can be times when it feels like certain elements are just taking over, and directing the show. And that the rest of us have little personal agency in the outcomes. Sometimes, especially in the face of powerful forces appearing to take control from without, it can take a tremendous amount of courage to turn around and walk away. To retreat. But know, if that is the case, that it is not cowardice, but wisdom to do so. This is not about giving up the fight, and handing the victory over to others. This is about going back to regroup, to rebuild your defenses, and gather the necessary forces that you will need later on. This also includes taking care of your own heart, body and mind. Refueling. Disbanding. Releasing a lot of unnecessary baggage. Doing this necessary work prepares you for the onslaught that will come later on. So rather than frittering away all of your energy on the things that you can’t do very much about right now, conserve your energy, and channel it into these actions of preparation and self-preservation. And as Mars retreats back into Cancer after the weekend, there is a reminder that you are not just doing this for yourself, but that there are others here with you, and they will benefit as well. 


It could feel as if you are falling down a well of distraction this week, and it will be all you can do to focus on matters that are right in front of you. But there is also something compellingly important about some of these whimsical distractions that appear to be leading you astray. Some may be worrisome. Others compelling. But so long as you can discriminate between the fantasy and reality, there is no harm. And in fact these forays into the dream world are trying to show you something about your life, a vision for the future, the possibilities that are capable of unfolding. And sometimes we need to get a little lost in order to find ourselves again. On Wednesday, your ruling planet Mercury enters the pragmatic sign of Capricorn, which could feel a bit like the rose colored lenses are being lifted from your eyes, so that you can see things exactly as they are. There is no Tomfoolery here, no deception. Use the Capricorn Mercury to fact-check what you are hearing. There will be conflicting information, and you will need to spread truth, not mistruths or disharmony. Know that when Mercury is square the Nodes, as it will be next week, that when you use your voice, you can make a difference, and have a greater influence over hearts and minds. Knowing this, use your voice well, and use it conscientiously. 


There is still something of a hangover left over from the holidays. Perhaps a bit too much indulgence, or getting into the habit of being a bit should-less, and letting things go. If you can’t fight it, lean into it. Put a few things aside for now. You can better deal with any mess that is left over when Mercury enters pragmatic and well-organized Capricorn next Wednesday. And that can include sorting out what is actually true and what is not. Our imaginations can take over in this weather trying to fill in the voids and spaces. This is what can feed into trepidation and fear. You don’t need any of that. Rather lean into all of the Neptune energy by indulging the imagination in healthy ways. Create, dream, watch some really good shows, read books that carry you to realms yet unexplored. And in the process connect with yourself, your Why, your purpose, and those things that really matter in the end. After the weekend, Mars will retrograde back to your sign of Cancer for some unfinished business. Last September and October, when Mars was originally in Cancer, was just a preliminary run. Mars returning here is going to lift the lid off of something that was brewing back then. And when it stations at the end of February, it will be asking you to go full steam ahead. Revisit that project, that vision, that intention. And then see what you can do to make it a closer and more achievable reality. 


After the weekend Mars will retrograde back out of your sign and into Cancer. But before it does so, while it is still in the very first degree of Leo, it will make an opposition to Pluto. At this point it could feel as if you are being faced with some very difficult and challenging decisions. This will be especially so for those early degree Leos, but all Leos are feeling the trepidation of the Mars/Pluto opposition this week. It could feel like there are forces afoot that are much greater than yourself, so powerful that they cannot and will  not be easily overcome. In some ways this could even feel as if your life is being dictated by others, or due to forces beyond your control. At these times it is very important to realize what you do have control over, and those that you do not. At least for now. And rather than fighting a fruitless battle, use the opportunity to retreat with Mars back into Cancer in order to connect with your own personal intentions, uninfluenced by the clamoring crowds, or the influence of others. Separating yourself from these are important right now. This will help clarify what battles you should or should not be battling, or get involved in. Don’t waste your energy. Instead, conserve it, and place your focus back on the things that really matter. Gather your resources, your energy and your allies. And then when Mars is direct again, and re-enters your sign in April, you will be better fortified and able to fight the good fight. 


Mercury being in Sagittarius is optimistic, social, merry and bright. But it can also be distracting, and even can feel a bit overwhelming with all of the too-muches. This was especially so during the retrograde last month, but it is still true now as Mercury makes one last insidious aspect to Neptune before it enters Capricorn on Wednesday. Talk about confusing! Mercury/Neptune weather is rife with wrong detours and miscommunications. Thankfully Mercury entering Capricorn has this remarkable ability to clean up any messes that are left behind, allowing us all to reorganize, itemize, and get things in order. If you got off course, Mercury in Capricorn will bring you back where you belong. If you were feeling overwhelmed with too much news, too much information, and an abundance on your plate, Mercury in Capricorn is more than comfortable to just say No, and set better limits. It can also work as a very remarkable fact finder, which in an environment in which false equivalencies and ambiguity is being tossed about so flagrantly, this will come as something of a relief for your overwhelmed fact-checking Virgo sensibilities. Until then, rather than fighting the amorphous and the ambiguous, lean into it in positive ways. Get lost in a mystery. Read a good book. Indulge your senses. Just don’t read too much into things until Mercury finally enters Capricorn and cleans up some of the messiness. 


Health is the greatest of blessings. Without it you really can’t accomplish very much. And right now, with the myriad of aspects, the distractions, the full calendars, the competing obligations, as well as the joy and festivities of the season, you may have not been paying as much attention to your own health and well-being to the extent that you should. It may still be a challenge to get back into routines, at least until next Wednesday, when Mercury finally enters Capricorn. This is when we all feel the necessity to get back to business and eliminate the distractions. However until then, use the week to reassess whether or not you have been taking care of your needs. And what, if anything, you can do to correct the situation. Mercury in Capricorn will help to bring some self-discipline to the table. This is one of the advantages of Capricorn season each year. And much needed as Mars retrogrades back to Cancer on Monday. For as it does so it is reminding you of all of the things, and people in your care, that are going to be needing your personal attention over the next several weeks. And you certainly will  not be able to do so, if you don’t begin by taking care of yourself and your own well-being. 


Your traditional ruling planet, Mars, is being unleashed as it dares to roam beyond the boundaries and limits of the common herd. It’s almost as if it is telling you to bid a hasty retreat, away from the grueling expectations being placed on you. Ultimately what this will be about, is you having greater agency and control over your own life, and the direction that you want it to be taking in the future. If you have been dealing with an untenable situation, this is your opportunity to re-explore your alternatives, while healing any wounded parts and injuries that have occurred along the way. Oftentimes when Mars opposes Pluto as it is doing this week, it can feel as if you are being disempowered. But rather than seeing it as a setback or defeat, see it as an opportunity to rebuild. Even if it feels like you are rebuilding something from scratch. Mars/Pluto can give you the resolve and determination to do so. What you don’t want to carry with you into the New Year, are any resentments or frustrations. As Mars retrogrades back into Cancer, allow the past to fade, so that you can reconnect with your own sense of purpose. This will give you back your fight and your gumption. But first you are going to have to focus on your own healing, connect with your Why, gather the forces, and then create a plan. Your future awaits. 


Mercury will finally leave your sign next Wednesday, after a very extended stay in your sign. Kind of like that guest that never left, and perhaps even overstayed his welcome, it may come as something of a relief to see him finally move on. Mercury in your sign can be great for short stints! Your social life expands, you see things in a new light. It can also be utterly distracting and even exhausting as a consequence. So when Mercury enters Capricorn next Wednesday it can feel a bit like it is time to get back to business, create a schedule and a plan, and get your life back in order. In the mean time, you may feel as if you are at the end of your frayed rope, trying to make sense of the insensible, and creating some order out of the chaos. Lean into it. Be flexible. But don’t necessarily read anything into it. The inclination is to say wtf? when Mercury is square Neptune, as it is this week. Things don’t make sense, so we make up stories to fill in the empty parts. But that is not helpful. Rather, go with the flow. Be patient, knowing that eventually the truth will win out, and things will begin to fall into place, when and where they will. Use the space to connect with the things that really matter in the end. And keep yourself focused on that. This will be your lodestar, leading you through the the confusion, at least until the mists part, and you can see more precisely where you actually are. 


The New Year has begun, we are in the heart of Capricorn season, and you are ready to get the year all started and sorted out. The New Moon on the 30th, may have helped to get you on track. But a certain amount of patience is being called for in the mean time. Some of us are needing to recover. Others are feeling stuck. Some are overwhelmed with trepidation every time they think about the future. And others are still hung over from the holidays. And wherever you are on this spectrum it will do no good to try and force the situation. It will only result in a lot of frustration and utter exhaustion. Whatever you do, do not give in to doubt, or try to fit in the missing pieces before it becomes available. All things will come to light as they will, and when they will. One advantage this week is that Mercury is finally leaving Sagittarius, and ready to enter your sign next Wednesday. For one thing this is a placement that can bring greater clarity. This will help you to make any pressing decisions, and sort things out as needed. Another thing is that you can finally proceed with any plans that had been brewing behind the scenes these past few months. This is when you can finally have your say, or have that important conversation you’ve been wanting to make. But perhaps the best thing about Mercury entering Capricorn next Wednesday, is some much needed and gratifying clarity.


With Pluto now in your sign, you are being tasked with having greater agency and control over the destiny of your life. But not without a certain amount of trepidation in the process. Especially if it feels like everyone else has their own ideas about how things are supposed to be done, and no one seems to be on the same page. Rather than trying to convince everyone else, or control circumstances over which you have no agency, put that aside, and focus in on the things that you do have control over. This could contribute to the feeling of being stuck. Of not being able to get out of certain obligations that are holding you back. But know that this too can be part of the process. So rather than fighting it, see where it is taking you. Then when the tension begins to recede, you can make your move. This requires patience just when you are feeling like your patience is being sorely tested. But also know that good things come to those who are willing to wait, and are skillful in the art of observance. Many an Aquarius, especially those in the early degrees of the sign, are on the verge of reinventing their lives all over again. But also know that timing is everything. 


It is something of a blessing to have Venus taking residence in your sign this month. She’s trying to get you to connect with your desires, your wants, the things and the people that stir your heart strings. The things that make you Happy! And this is important, because Venus will be retrograde in March, and will come back to Pisces again later that month in order to remind you of this. In the mean time we are all in a fit trying to recover from the holidays, and everything else that you may have had on your plate. And as much as you are needing to divulge that Venus transit, and make her feel at home, there is also something to be said for Mercury entering practical and organized Capricorn next Wednesday. So even with that holiday hangover, it will feel like you will be able to get your life and schedule back on track, and focus on the people and things that really matter. After the weekend, Mars will retrograde back to Cancer and trine Neptune in your sign. This is a reminder that although you are wanting to set limits and get things back on track, you don’t want to give up on the things that feed your heart and soul. That can be as simple as taking silent walks in nature, or reading the last verse of a poem, or allowing your mind to wistfully wander when it needs to. Don’t ever sacrifice the things that matter.


Astrology By LaurenA Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. Source

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