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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for January 31st - February 7th

Your Complete Horoscope Guide for January 31st - February 7th

 For the week of January 31st thru February 7th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


Protect and defend hearth and home, the things and people that matter, that which supports us and makes us human. That’s what transiting out of bounds Mars is trying to impress on you. Protect and defend come what may, for it matters not what else is wrought if we don’t have these essentials to stand on: community, caring, belonging, empathy and a place to call home. Your ruling planet is still retrograde, and so in this phase is trying to connect you with the one thing that truly motivates you right now. It may be about any of these things. But there is also something here about the sacredness of the oaths and promises we make. As well as an understanding, as is often the case with Aries, that you don’t necessarily do what you do because you are expecting the same in kind. You do what you do because it is the right thing to do. Even if you can’t depend on others to be there for you, or to help with the cause. This is a lesson that Aries often has to contend with: fighting the good fight, even if you’re the only one there to do it. But then again, someone has to set the trend for others to follow! Keep doing you, and fulfill those oaths. 


Venus swimming at the end of Pisces has been trying to connect you with your most heartfelt aspirations, hopes and wishes. As a result it is easy to get lost in one’s fantasies, dreams and the imagination at these times. This is when we yearn for what dreams may come, whether that be a romance, the fulfillment of a bucolic dream, or to be otherwise enchanted. Sometimes in order to find ourselves we need to get lost in the Piscean landscape: dream more, feel more, care more. Seek peace this weekend, seek surrender, tranquility, and a moment to withdraw from worries and cares. This can help remind you of what matters. Alliances are being formed. Therefore focus on those connections and groups, and hopes and wishes, that will help to fulfill your most heartfelt aspirations for the future. This could be the beginning of a great new partnership, or the fulfillment of a dream. Either way it has the capacity to recharge your batteries as Venus then moves into Aries on Tuesday, when enthusiasm and excitement rule the day. 


There is a sense of optimism and hope when your ruling planet Mercury is in Aquarius. Throw in a bit of humor and good will, and there may even be reasons to celebrate this week. But also take advantage of your ability to see the bigger picture this week, and try to allow justice and morality to guide your choices. It won’t be easy to choose, however, when you are faced with a myriad of options. We may all be navigating in a world of uncertainty this week, but with Jupiter stationing direct in your sign this week, and trine Mercury, it is almost as if you are being asked to move even beyond your previous expectations of yourself. To perhaps even reach for the stars. This can be heady and intoxicating and could incline you to take on way more than you had originally anticipated. But there is no harm so long as you stay on the path of righteousness and good will. Take your dreams seriously in this weather, for they have a good chance of reaching fruition. But also temper your dreams with the wisdom of knowing what is right, and what is true, and there will be no blame in overstepping yourself. And then begin with the dream that is right in front of you, right now.  


The world may seem very uncertain right now, and there is no telling where we are all going to be when the dust finally settles, but one thing becomes apparent, and that is that we are all feeling the urge to double down, protect and defend what is ours from what may seem very disturbing forces right now. When you see the need, as a Cancer sign you are motivated to step in and help, to do something that can and will remedy the situation. And so it astounds you to see actions committed by others totally devoid of empathy or compassion. It just boggles the mind. Painful as it may be, you could find yourself confronted with some important decisions over the weeks ahead, which could determine which side of the aisle you see yourself standing on. It may seem like chance that you are where you are right now, that you are dealing with specific choices  that could have an impact on your future and your destiny. Just know that when you follow your heart, when you connect with that righteous spiritual center, it can help you to decide which choices will not only serve your own interests, but the interests of all those you are most concerned about, and perhaps the greater good of all concerned. And even more importantly, these could also have an effect your whole perspective moving forward. 


We may be living under a veil of uncertainty these days. The inclination is to give in to hopelessness and despair. However there are still elements of hope and understanding wending their way through our lives. And one of those is the station of Jupiter on February 4th, reminding us that there is still hope and understanding. We spoke of this last week with the New Moon in Aquarius, where the Sun makes its trines to Jupiter whenever Jupiter stations. And now that Jupiter will be direct again, you can almost feel the excitement just barely growing. Jupiter stations direct in the sign of Gemini, which for Leo is the sign associated with your hopes, wishes, and aspirations. Jupiter is asking you to go out and greet the world, to network, expand your presence in the outer world, and expand your influence into the world in some wonderful way. Promises made last Summer are now in a position to be fulfilled. Gemini is a sign of connecting, it is also a sign of applause for achievements made. Sit on your laurels, bask in the light. But also see what you can do to promote a cherished dream and make it a closer reality. And in the meantime, use the Sun/Jupiter trine to believe in yourself, and happily share your gifts, talents and achievements with the world at large. 


Rather than trying to make sense of the insensible, or trying to figure out the future right now…step back and lean into the void of uncertainty, and be present with ambiguity. Even if it feels really uncomfortable to do so. Just know that the more sense you try to make of things, the more confusing they will be. Part of this is because we just don’t have all the facts. We have no idea how things are going to turn out. This is what the liminal pass looks like in a year of transition. And it is precisely because things are ambiguous, and because things are so uncertain, that a myriad of possibilities are capable of transpiring. This requires you to resist the need to organize and plan every moment of every day. In this space you are required to live one day at a time. And to welcome whatever that day may bring. With no explanations. This requires a great deal of trust and faith, that somehow you are going to be brought precisely where you need to be, even though it feels like quite the opposite is occurring. And it requires you to have hope, even in the face of utter hopelessness and despair. Faith and hope. Those are the lodestars that will guide you through these uncertain times this year. It may feel like you are walking on quicksand at times, that you are losing your bearings, but that is what the liminal pass looks like. 


As your ruling planet Venus closes out its tenure in the sign of Pisces (at least for now!) it makes its first pass over Neptune and the North Node of the Moon. Together. Due to her retrograde she will weave her way back into the sign of nuance, mystery and enchantment two more times. This conjunction of Neptune to the North Node can wreak of uncertainty and unknowable’s. But even in this foggy landscape we are making connections, choosing our path, not by outward appearances, but due to an inner knowing that is leading us inexorably forward. In this way we find our people, cross paths with our destiny and discover deeper meaning and purpose with what we do, and what we have to offer the world. We may not be able to make sense of it all. At least not yet. But in some way the Fates and the foot of Yggdrasil are weaving their tapestries, and we have no choice but to go where we will and trust our inner guidance systems to lead us there. It may make no sense on the surface of things. And if we were to explain what we are doing to others, they may think we are quite out of our minds. But there is an order here. It’s just not that apparent. Trust your inner knowing. Trust the serendipitous, and allow it to take you where you need to be. 


As out of bounds Mars begins to slow for its station at the end of February, it has this capacity to open up some of our old wounds, and expose them for all the world to see. This can feel ungrounding. It can be riddled with despair and a longing to make sense of the insensible. But rather than looking for blame, or to try to make sense of the insensible, in some way we are all being asked to be present with the void of uncertainty. We may not understand what is happening. We may not be able to see our way forward. But as Mars makes its month-long square to Chiron we are being asked to accept our current circumstances for what they are. Even if they are somewhat painful. For through that liminal pass between the insensible and the painful, does come understanding. It’s not easy. And also know that by passing through this undertow, it not only brings you to the other side of the wave, but will allow you to see the whole purpose of this, and where it is going to bring you. With Mars retrograde in Cancer you are being asked to cultivate righteousness, empathy, caring and even community. And in this way become ever more grounded in your reality. This is about promises and keeping them. This is about persisting even in the face of doubt. This is about staying strong even in the face of adversity. 


As your ruling planet, Jupiter, stations direct in the sign of Gemini, one thing that can become apparent is that perspective is everything. It is hard to make sense of the insensible, when everything is so confounding and confusing. It is difficult to see your way forward when we have no idea where we are going to be landing when the dust settles. In this weather it is easy to give up and give in. But that is not what is being asked of you just yet. By giving in to despair and giving up hope, you literally undo yourself. Sagittarius is the bastion of hope and optimism. And as Jupiter stations direct this week it is asking you to restore your hope and faith in yourself and in the world at large. That’s not easy in this weather! However seeing the glass as half full as opposed to half empty literally changes everything! This is about believing in hope, even in the face of despair. This is about trusting and having faith, even though you may not necessarily have any reason to do so. This is about living out loud, and restoring your confidence, even though you have recently been riddled with limitations. This is about you doing you. And whatever it takes to do so. 


There is nothing worse than not being able to create a plan, to have a clear course of action, and know precisely where you are needing to be, when. The world depends on rules, and a well ordered infrastructure. Not having these can feel like we are at a loss, that we are ungrounded and adrift at sea with nary an oar or a map to guide us. We are lost. But instead of trying to create a map with what fragments of order remain. Instead of trying to treat everything as if it is the same old status quo, when it is not. And instead of trying to fill in the voids with theories and fragments of broken truths. You are being asked to be present with uncertainty. To not try to fill in the void. To not try to come up with all the answers. The answers are not there yet, because we are in a liminal pass. The advantage to this, is that within this void there is a vast potential. And although we may not see where that is going to take us, and what we can or cannot do, we are being asked to have faith that all will be revealed in its own time, and in its own way. How confounding is that? It requires a great deal of trust and faith, just when it feels like it is at its lowest. But that’s precisely what will carry you through this weather. Trust and faith. 


You may not be able to see what the future will bring. At least not yet. But in some way you are being asked to be present with uncertainty, just as we all are. That means taking things one day at a time, and trusting that we all will know precisely what we are needing to do when the time comes. There is an interesting development occurring among Aquarius-kind that is elevating them to a new status. It may require reinventing yourselves in a new light. To trust the process even when it does not seem to be making any sense. And to grasp at those kernels of hope and excitement for a future that is capable of being rewritten. One thing that is gradually going to become more apparent over the year(s) ahead, is that we all have so much power together than we possibly could on our own. That when we join forces with others who share the same ideals and have the same understanding, we are capable of accomplishing so much more. Like a league of your own, you are being asked to seek out those like-minded individuals who get that, and are eager to be a force to be reckoned with. Aquarius is coming into its own. 


One thing that could become apparent this week is that at the heart and quick of it, Love is everything. It is certainly the connection we feel when we look in the eyes of our loved ones, but it is also the basis of faith, community, mercy and compassion. And it is at the heart of what connects us all at that very fundamental levels of our souls. When Martin Luther King Jr. made his “Love your Enemies” speech this is what he was referring to: that same divine spark that we each and every one of us shares. It may be covered up and distorted on some level, so that we cannot even see it! But it is there, for the divine is omnipresent. What could that possibly mean to love your enemies? To recognize everyone as a divine being? Seems unfathomable. But with the North Node in Pisces that is precisely what we are being asked to do: to recognize our sameness, not our differences; to recognize that we are all swimming together in this Great Ocean we call Life, and that if one person suffers or falters on the path, we all suffer together. By trusting our conscience and leading with our hearts, we come to at least understand, that in the end, Love is everything. 


Astrology By LaurenA Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. Source

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