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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for January 10th thru the 17th

Your Complete Horoscope Guide for January 10th thru the 17th

For the Full Moon at 24º Cancer, for your sign or natal House, be sure to check your Rising Sign as well:


(4th House) As your ruling planet, Mars, has moved back to Cancer, you may have this overwhelming feeling of needing to defend and to protect those things, people, and experiences that are nearest and dearest to your heart. There are elements of uncertainty here. An awareness of the impermanence of things. And so we find ourselves clinging to what remains, and strangely trusting that there is a rhyme and reason for all this. The Full Moon on Monday is trying to instill hope, even when and if there appears to be no reason to trust that it is so. And yet here we are, trusting and believing that tomorrow is another day, even as we cling to what once was, or what could have been, if only. Use the Full Moon to reorient yourself. It is not unusual for us to look back retrospectively with the Full Moon in Cancer. It is nostalgic, reflective and emotional. But this one has this added intensity wreaking of the should have’s and could have’s. However, it is precisely when we are able to release, let go, accept, and forgive, that we can gather together the strength and resolve to look forward to the possibilities that the future can hold. It defies reason. But in some way we are all being asked to have faith that we are all being led precisely where we need to be, in order to fulfill some sort of strange destiny. Hold on to your hats everyone, 2025 is about to begin. 


(3rd House) It is not unusual for things to speed up as we approach a Full Moon, as we are right now. The Full Moon in Cancer on Monday, could be just this sort of Moon for you. When you get to the point that your calling card is over-full and the costs of an abundantly costly social life can bring, you will realize the necessity of saying No More. Whether it is because the bills finally come in, your calendar is jam packed with the too muches, or you have absolutely no idea even what day it is, this is your cue to retreat, maybe even turn off the lights and pretend you’re not home. When Venus is in Pisces the one thing you are needing, more than anything, is to slow down, find your still center, and recalibrate. Your intentions were probably in the right place, but the Full Moon will make it evident, as to where you might need to cut back and regroup. Use the Full Moon to focus in on those things that really matter in the end: your most heartfelt priorities, your most salient hopes for the future. When Venus meets Saturn next week it will be time to pick and choose. The Full Moon may be a catalyst. But your real work is tuning in with those things that ultimately bring greater reward, meaning and purpose moving forward. Just know that this might require you to turn down some of the outer noise, in order to focus within. 


(2nd House) By reflecting on the year that was, you are given an opportunity to recalibrate and decide what you most want to be focusing on for the year ahead. The Full Moon in Cancer is your Moon to do just that. It’s about honing in on what your true priorities are right now, this year, and over the months ahead. That might mean having to ruthlessly cut back in certain areas, in order to have the time, money and resources to focus in on others. Or it may just mean taking some time out to organize, plan, and be more deliberate about where you see yourself headed. When the eclipses fall in the signs of Pisces and Virgo, as most of them will over the next 18 months, it is not unusual to see some shifts and adjustments in your goals. Keeping that in mind, as you make your way through these priorities, reflect and recalibrate, but also take into consideration the need for flexibility. For if we have learned nothing from 2024, it’s that even the best laid plans can go awry. However, that does not mean to not have a plan. And sorting out those priorities will be key. Hold to these. Hold to the things that really matter in the end. And allow those things that are most intrinsically valuable to you to be your guiding light, as you venture forth into the uncharted territory of 2025. 


(1st House) The Full Moon in your sign each year is your opportunity to recalibrate. As you stand here at the New Year, the Full Moon in Cancer brings the former year in relief. This allows you to reflect on all that happened, the ups and downs, even the should haves and could haves. All those places where you might want to make some do-overs, or have a second chance. But this is not about regret. This is about the opportunity to recalibrate your inner gps system. And this is important, for we are about to embark into uncharted territory. There are a lot of unknowables, and quite a few twists and turns along the way. Therefore connecting to those people, places and things that have held the most meaning for you over the past year, can help to serve as a guiding light moving forward. If it seems that things have not exactly turned out the way you had hoped, see what can be saved, rebuilt or redirected. Because we are entering uncharted territory, we might not entirely know what to expect moving forward. So all we can do is trust and have faith that we are going to be brought precisely where we need to be in order for our destiny to unfold. And that requires a lot of courage. And as Mars has now returned to your sign for the next 3 months, it is bringing you the courage to defend and protect all of the things that really do matter in the end, and the courage to have faith, even in the face of uncertainty. 


(12th House) Retrograde Mars has since left your sign, returning to the sign of Cancer once again. It could almost feel like something that was starting, is now being temporarily suspended. Even though this may be discouraging at first, it also gives you the opportunity to reflect and review on the things that really matter to you in the end. All of this will be highlighted with the Full Moon in Cancer, which dares to shine a light on a lot of things that you might not have even been aware of. And for many a Leo, 2024 may be summed up as one of those years that you would much rather see in the rearview mirror. As a result, looking back, as we normally might at this time of year, might just bring up some old ghosts that you’d rather not have to deal with, even if it does bring greater clarity. It may seem as if you’ve been down this road before, but in some way you are being asked to have patience. Mars has returned to Cancer for some unfinished business that must be tended to before you can begin. It may take a while to tie up those loose ends. But in the mean time you can get back to the drawing board, recalibrating and reassessing. New paths will open up in their own time. So even if you are compelled to take care of a few things first, once all is said and done, you will be able to proceed. 


(11th House) You do not need to look for miracles. They are already there. You just have to tune in to them, and they will find you. Miracles can come in a myriad of guises. And sometimes just by opening yourself up to possibility, or by having the right conversation in the right place at the right time, can bring this sudden illumination. Like a flash of insight, there it is, the miracle you were hoping for. Full Moons can be like that as well: revelatory, insightful, illuminating. And like a light shining over the ceremonies, the Full Moon  in Cancer on Monday is daring you to align yourself with your hopes and dreams. And that can even include those dreams that you had long lost hope in, and left abandoned on the back burner of your life. Even those lost causes can be given something of a miraculous revival. You just have to have a little faith, insight and patience. Or maybe those hopes and dreams just need to be watered. We are entering uncharted territory in 2025, and whatever it takes, a Full Moon, a remembering, a revival; the planetary gods are attempting to awaken you to some new and extraordinary possibilities. 


(10th House) In some ways the Full Moon in Cancer on Monday allows you to take a peek into the future. Things can open up with this Moon, illuminating a path that is gradually unfolding before you. Full Moons show us the results of decisions and actions made in the past. And this particular Full Moon focuses on things like your current position in life, your work, your status, your goals and your future. And how you are feeling right now about what you have or have not accomplished over the past year can be revealing, and perhaps even a bit satisfying. If you are happy with what you are doing, you are likely to receive positive feedback, and thereby feel confirmed. If problems or conflicts arise, you may want to reassess your current role, and may even feel the inclination to make some changes in your plans. Pay attention to what has or has not worked in the past. What are those things that you want to further cultivate and grow? What are those things that you want to make an even deeper commitment to? And what are those things that are just scattering your energy, and distracting you from what you really want to do and accomplish? Full Moons can bring things to a culmination, but they can also be very revealing. And what you discover in the light of the Full Moon can help you to get back on track with your destiny. It may take a little grit, review, determination, and planning, but you are ready for this.


(9th House) Your ruling planet Mars took a hiatus into its retrograde phase in December, and has threatened to take you along for the ride. It may even feel like the past repeating itself all over again. Like an awful toothache or a bad penny, here it is again stirring up trouble with the likes of Pluto. The ramifications of that dust up will make itself more clearly known at the Full Moon in Cancer on Monday. Like a spotlight overlooking the occasion, you are back in the review phase of trying to figure out what your next steps are going to be. You may not fully know what those steps are until Mars stations direct at the end of February, but at least you could have some idea of what needs reviewing, what needs to be revisited and what needs to be recalibrated. Know that nothing will be achieved by trying to push things before their time. But it is helpful to pick up the remnants of what remains, the important things, the priorities, the next steps… and work from there. As we enter 2025, we are embarking into uncharted territory. And yet the Full Moon on Monday is asking us to have faith. Faith that there is some sort of divine plan in the works here, and that is true even in the face of any uncertainty and all of the unknowable’s looming ahead. 


(8th House) On Monday we have a Full Moon in the sign of Cancer that seems to serve as a semaphore for what might need to end, once and for all, in order to be able to move forward again. This can be literal, as many are feeling stopped in their tracks, and forced to review past choices and decisions. Whatever may be stopping you should be taken advantage of, for it is nothing less than trying to make sure that you are indeed on the right track. Conjunct retrograde Mars we are all in for something of a review. Which is also not unusual for the Cancer Full Moon. This is when we reflect on the year that was, in order for us to reassess the right choices going forward. Therefore pause to ask yourself: what has worked in the past year? And where might you have gone down that wrong track? The Full Moon in Cancer therefore is often a time for you to have greater clarity about the future. However this year we seem to be entering uncharted territory. This can be annoying, for in many ways we are being asked to have faith that things will work out in their own tie, and in their own way, even if it doesn’t seem to be so at first. The Full Moon in Cancer gets us in touch with our feelings. Use them. Trust your instincts and listen to your heart. That inner knowing can help to guide you where you need to go and do what you need to do, even if you have never been there before. 


(7th House) The Full Moon in Cancer is a time of culmination for Capricorn, in which you are given the opportunity to see things in a much more objective way. After reflecting on the year that was, and taking stock of where you are right now, and you are happy with what you are seeing, and satisfied with your accomplishments, then this could feel like a time of celebration and reward. If there are some adjustments that you might want to make, this is when they will be most apparent. For this is often when you will see both the rewards and/or consequences for choices made in the past. Doing all of this end year, new year, kind of work, will then allow you to proceed with greater confidence into the New Year. For those Capricorns born on or around the 13th of December, it could almost feel like a contradiction having a Full Moon on your birthday. Birthdays are times of new beginnings, whereas Full Moons are times of endings. As a result it could feel as if something is needing to be tied up and brought to some sort of conclusion before you can fulfill the promise of your new year. All Capricorns will be aware of this Full Moon however, so use the Full Moon to objectively tune into your feelings, your relationships, your options, your life up until now, and then figure out precisely where you might want to go from here. 


(6th House) It is traditional in many cultures to do a major clearing out just before the New Year. In this way you avoid entering the New Year carrying the soiled remnants of the previous year with you. This year it almost looks like you are being given a second chance to do so with the upcoming Full Moon. Conjunct retrograde Mars in the sign of Cancer, the Full Moon is showing you all the stuff that you missed: the cobwebs in the corner, the stuff at the back of the closet, the intentions from the previous year that were unfulfilled. Clearing out the cupboards of your life can also be something of a metaphor for releasing that which you no longer need, and fixing that which had become damaged. By now, many an Aquarius will be ready for something new to make its way into your life. And even if you don’t think that you need it right now, and even if you aren’t looking for it, know that it just may find you any way. And also know that even if you have no idea what the New Year will bring, in some way you are also being asked to trust that it will bring you precisely where you need to be. 


(5th House) At Full Moons emotions can swim up to the surface. All the more so with the Full Moon in emotional Cancer where memories seem to swirl up through the cosmic mists of time, carrying with them all of their associated feelings. Pay attention to those feelings, for they are trying to clue you in to some realities about whether or not you are on the correct path. Use the Full Moon to recalibrate and get your bearings. This is why we reflect on the past through the Cancer Moon, and then armed with the realizations we receive, we create a plan for the future through the Capricorn Sun. There is also something magical about this Moon which dares to bring us in touch, not only with the past, not only with your feelings, but also with your purpose and destiny. When the eclipses fall in the signs of Pisces and Virgo, as most of them will over the next 18 months it can bring a lot of attention to all Pisces kind. In many ways 2025 feels like uncharted territory, and it seems to be taking you all along for the ride. We may not see where we are going right now, but in some way we are being asked to trust that all will reveal itself in its own time, and in its own way. 


Astrology By LaurenA Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. Source

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