Your Complete Horoscope Guide for February 14 - 21
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- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

For the week of February 14th thru the 21st, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
During Pisces season you will often find yourself turning inward. We are all inclined to do so this time of year. And there is no doubt that we all need to connect and commune with whatever we perceive to be that divine spark within right now, for it is this that will lead us through this time of uncertainty, and allow us to make the correct decisions as they arise. But you also do not want to ignore your ruling planet Mars, who is coming to a dead stop for his direct station on the 23rd of February. For the past two months we were all being asked to connect with our innermost motives, to know what and why we do the things we do. This is the planet that drives us and what invests you with that insatiable energy that Aries is so well known for. Right now it could feel as if that energy is on pause. Measured, methodical, grounded and focused, Mars is asking you where you want to go from here, and how you want to go about getting there. Don’t have a goal? It’s just about time for you to create one. What is it that you would like to see yourself achieve by the end of this year? Harness the inherent energy of this stationing warrior energy, and set your sights, knowing that there is very little that will stop you from seeing your way through to the end. This out of bounds, stationing Mars trine Saturn is hell bent and determined. And there is nowhere else to go but up. Use it, and use it well.
On March 2nd, your ruling planet Venus will station for its retrograde phase. It is currently hovering in what is commonly referred to its shadow, gradually slowing its apparent speed. There are ways to navigate the retrograde phases of Venus, and we will address that further as we approach the station, but for now what you might feel is a necessity to adjust to any recent or upcoming shifts and changes. It almost feels like we’ve fallen out of alignment (with others, with our priorities) in some way, and will need to find our way back. But there’s also something else that is stirring over the next several months, and that has to do with what could almost feel like a spiritual rebirth. It is not necessarily something we have to partake in, but knowing that it is there, can make a remarkable difference in all of our lives. Like a movement or a trend, for the past 14 years we were distilling and connecting with our innermost ideals, and over the next few years we are being asked to put our ideals into application. That can be as simple as walking the walk as well as talking the talk, of acting on our ideals, our vision, our hopes, and making them manifest. This is a little deeper than being the change that you wish to see in the world, and perhaps a little more radical. For this is also about changing the things that no longer feel acceptable.
On Friday your ruling planet, Mercury, enters the misty and yet luminescent waters of Pisces. It is a different sort of light that Mercury in Pisces emanates. But due to the mistiness that is endemic to this sign, we can miss the subtleties as the light weaves through our thoughts. Pisces speaks to us through the heart, through our feelings. And when Mercury is in Pisces, Gemini is looking to invest what they do with ever greater meaning and create some sort of vision for the future. Normally when Mercury is in this position of the Solar or natal chart, the inclination is to want to have discussions with others about your plans and goals. This is still true for Gemini, but when your ruling planet is here in the sign of Pisces, you are being asked to pay attention first to what your heart is telling you and what feels right. Ignoring that could lead you down the garden path. In order to do so, you will need time to clear your mind from distractions. Instead participate in activities that connect you to your heart center, to spirit, to conscience, to intuition. Mercury in Pisces is busy planting and harvesting thought seeds. At this point you may see certain ideas sown in the past now coming to fruition. If you are happy with the results you see, you may want to expand on that, but if you feel that you got lost somewhere along the way, this is also an opportunity to sow new seeds for the future, and get yourself back on track. Just be aware that what you grow in the future will be dependent on the sorts of thought seeds that you are sowing now.
There is a lot of energy floating about right now. It feels like something is imminent. That something is about to happen. And soon. However, what you might be feeling most right now is Mars pausing for its direct station at 17º of Cancer. Any personal planets activated by this station, will be on high alert, and that will certainly be true for those Cancers born between the 6th and 13th of July, however all Cancers will be feeling the internal heat rising. Planets are always a bit stronger when they station. What Mars is trying to do is motivate you. And as it stations next week it is trying to focus and direct that energy in a constructive way through the auspices of Saturn. It may feel like it is limiting you, and holding you back. But actually what it is trying to do is channel that energy so that it can be more effective. Mars has been out of bounds since the beginning of this year, and the energy could be flying all over the place. It needs to be channeled. It needs to be guided. Otherwise it will just create havoc. Knowing that the station is coming up, use the Mars/Saturn trine to create goals that you would like to see yourself achieve by the end of this year. And to do so with a clearly defined strategy that will bring you just the results you want.
On February 18th, the Sun enters the sign of Pisces joining Mercury, Saturn and Neptune as well as the North Node. And as they all congregate in this diluvian and emotional sign, it also aims to inspire you, and connect you to your most heartfelt passions. This is the time of year in which Leo considers whether or not their needs are being met. And whether or not they have enough support to fulfill a vision for the future. Do you have enough funds? Are your feeling fully appreciated? In what ways can you better explain your vision for the future? In what ways can you market your ideas so that they are well understood and valued by others? On a mundane everyday level, Leos can be very precise about what they need to do to earn a living, but to take it to the next level, you are going to have to be able to sell your vision for the future. At this point you are going to be getting a pretty good idea as to what they are buying, and what might be going over people’s heads. Hold to your vision, but just make sure that you know your audience, and their needs as well. This is about the divine cycle of reciprocity. In order to be able to grow your vision, you are going to need the right conditions as well as adequate support from others.
During Pisces season you will find yourself more concerned with the outer world, what others are doing, and how well you are or are not connecting with them. And within that context it is important to make sure that you are hearing others clearly. When Mercury is in Pisces it can sometimes feel like people are speaking in tongues, twisting their logic, or speaking in circles. Voices fade, the mind loses the thread, and before you know it, you’ve lost half the conversation. This is because Pisces is a sign that often gets lost in translation. It is a sign of feeling and connecting on some deep and subliminal level. It is a sign that often does best without words, but is also capable of weaving a beautiful and poetic tapestry. This could be a challenge for Virgo. But in some way each year you are being asked to put logic aside for just a bit, and merely listen. Not just to the words. But the meaning behind it. To the undertones and the overtones, the soft gestures and intent. And in this way connecting. This year Mercury enters Pisces on Valentine’s day, therefore rather than trying to parse out what others are saying, or not saying, step back and merely listen. But listen from the heart. The mind will then follow.
On March 2nd, your ruling planet Venus is going to station for its retrograde phase. Before and after the station Venus will make a semi-square (45º) transit to Uranus, which tells us that this is not business as usual. Circumstances are changing, the relationships in your life are shifting, their needs, your needs, their expectations, your expectations are turning, changing, moving in a new direction. This will impact much of the theme of the retrograde going forward, but for now it is enough to take note of any changes that you recently have been dealing with, or became aware of over the past week. If these are big changes, it could feel a little chaotic as you adjust to new circumstances. But even small changes can be indictors of larger ramifications going forward. The British jurist and Buddhist, Christmas Humphreys cautioned us that “Life is a bridge; therefore build no house on it.” Everything, from the smallest iota, the humblest creature to the highest mountain is subject to change and impermanence. And the only way to face this is by going with the flow, taking each day as it comes and reevaluating as you go along. We will speak more to this with the station of Venus, but already the conditions are making themselves evident even before the retrograde.
For the past few months that your ruling planet, Mars, has been retrograde, it has been trying to connect you with your personal Why (what motivates you). Without Mars, we wouldn’t be able to get up in the morning, never mind fight the good fight. Our energy would lag, our motivation falters. And this can be true during these retrograde phases of Mars. However this is also when we connect with our inner passions, and our basic core needs required for our survival. During the retrograde phases of Mars we pause to recharge the batteries, while also realigning ourselves with our Why, our Passions, and our basic core drives. And now that Mars is slowing for its direct station it is also making a very helpful trine to disciplined Saturn. Mutually beneficial, the Mars trine to Saturn reinvests your determination to create a plan, and the Saturn trine to Mars helps to channel your passion and energy towards the fulfillment of your goals. When out of bounds, as Mars currently is, the energy can feel erratic and even destructive at times. However, with Saturn channeling and molding that energy, it can be used in a practical way to fulfill your ideals, or perhaps a vision, or a goal. In this way Mars/Saturn energy can be determined and indefatigable. It does not give up. Keep your eye on the prize, the end goal, and before you know it, you will have arrived.
This week we enter Pisces season, a time of year in which Sagittarius is more inclined to look within. Perhaps even slow down a bit and take a break from the busyness of your life. This is a time of year to look more closely to home, perhaps slow down the pace, and perhaps even connect with some sort of vision for the future. Much like Sagittarius, Pisces is a sign of ideals, and is the sign that Sagittarius goes to in order to connect with those things that will bring greater meaning to your life. When you connect with your big vision for the future, it can almost feel like having something of a calling. But in order to do that well, you are going to have to make some space. Tone down the noise. For Pisces is a sign that speaks in whispers and feelings, through art, music and heartfelt gestures. It means to stop and notice, to hear more, see more and feel more. And in this way knowing. So if at all possible it behooves you over the next several weeks to make room for dreaming, for wonder, to tweak your imagination and be open to enchantment. And by connecting to these, rediscover yourself. Sometimes in order to find ourselves we have to get a little lost.
Needless to say this 2025 is an interesting year. There is a bit of foreboding, a bit of insecurity as well as a great deal of uncertainty. However, what we might not fully realize is all of the creative energy that is being stirred up in the process. Your ruling planet Saturn will be making a trine aspect for most of the year to innovative and inventive Uranus. When you combine that practical quality of Saturn to the original vision of Uranus, there’s no telling where these two can take you. Sextiles do not compel us in the same way as other transits may. So it is helpful to know that they are there. Oftentimes they express themselves unexpectedly through chance encounters and surprising breakthroughs. They also help us to create much needed changes, or adapt to changes already made without having to rock the boat too much. This is a good year to learn something new, a new technique, something that will make your life a lot easier, or bring you the knowledge to get ahead in your field. We often feel like we have to choose between having to choose between the freedom to do what you want to do, and the obligation to fulfill your responsibility. But in some way the combination of these two figures out a way to have both.
This year both your traditional ruling planet Saturn, and your modern ruler Uranus will be working in tandem with one another. This is when we find ways to give birth to innovation, and manifest our ideals. When we dare to walk the walk as well as talk the talk in our daily lives, and put our highest ideals into application. And when you throw Neptune into the picture as well, this could even feel like something of a spiritual rebirth. Something is stirring in the hearts of the people. Something that cannot be fully ignored. Oh, we can use this energy to create wonderful inventions the life of which we have never seen before. But it is even more than that. For this creative combination of planetary energy is also asking us to think in terms of devoting ourselves to some sort of cause, or higher aspiration, and to act from that basis. This can be about devoting yourself to your art, to making the world that much better, to devoting yourself to some sort of cause that dares to unite rather than divide, to recognize the value that each individual contributes to the whole, and in the end to leave the world a better place than the way you found it. We have only to be patient. But before you realize it, a new sort of humanity is going to rise up and take up residence. It’s just a matter of time.
As both Mercury and then the Sun enter your sign this week, we find ourselves immersed in the diluvian waters known as Pisces. Water signs are signs of emotion. And within Pisces we have the capacity to channel that fluid Pisces energy enough so that we are capable of seeing more, hearing more, sensing more, and feeling on a much deeper level. This is where we commune with the gods and dance with the sprites. And this is when Pisces dares to be re-enchanted. Like a reboot each year, Pisces yearns to connect with those things that allows them to return to the very heart and source of everything. Whether that be the deific principle, your higher self, your conscience or your intuition, in some way you are being asked to remember just who you are. And perhaps this year, even more than others, this is so important to do. For when you make that connection to that sacred spark within your own heart, it will serve you well for the whole year ahead. Make that connection. Whether that be through inspired ideas, visionary ideals, through good works, or a creative vision; let it serve you as a lodestar going forward. And in this way become part of something that is that much greater than just our individual selves. A movement is gradually stirring. And we’re all going to be finding our places in the scheme of things. It begins here.
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