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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for December 27th thru January 3rd

Your Complete Horoscope Guide for December 27th thru January 3rd

For the New Moon at 9ª Capricorn 44’ for your Sign (or natal house if you know it): 


(10th House) Each year, the New Moon in Capricorn asks you to more fully explore your potential. Are there goals that need further consideration? Are there personal bests to be achieved? Where are your sights set, and how much further north can you take them? This is about putting your best foot forward, and quite frankly not allowing anything (or anyone) to stand in your way. And lo to those who even try! With Mars heading out of bounds for the next few months, you may find yourself hitching a ride to the unbounded territories as well. Un-contained, and perhaps a little rash, what might be helpful is to combine some of the more positive attributes of Capricorn such as perseverance and determination with your own qualities of passion, courage and independence. If you do this skillfully, you will prove to be a force to be reckoned with. And that will be true whether you are going off-road or keeping to the middle way. Use the New Moon to create your road map for 2025, and make it your own. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson: To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Therefore a good intention for the New Moon in Capricorn (on December 30th) often and always should be: May I recognize and follow the path that is best for me. 


(9th House) Each year, the New Moon in Capricorn asks you to expand your awareness out into the world, and perhaps beyond. Whether that means fulfilling a dream, planning an adventure, expanding your horizons, or exploring new alternatives, now is the time to create some sort of plan for the upcoming year. The New Moon on December 30th is about making the sort of plans and goals that will help to open up your world as well as any opportunities for the future. This is your pathfinder Moon, which inspires you to look beyond your immediate environs, and even beyond your current limitations. That can be as simple as learning a new subject, perfecting a subject you already know, or becoming better informed. It can also be about planning your next vacation, or looking for opportunities to further explore the world. But also make it a point to use the New Moon to create your own personal road map for 2025 that will allow you to fulfill any vision that has been languishing on the back burner up until now. A new dream is emerging, and you will want to pay attention to it. And that is despite what all else is happening in the world. Hold to your dreams, your ideals and your vision this year. For that is what will be your guiding light. A good intention for the New Moon in Capricorn might be: May I have the wisdom to trust my heart and recognize my true path and destiny. 


(8th House) If you have been feeling overextended or overwhelmed, or even a bit over-enthusiastic, the New Moon in Capricorn is an opportunity to rein that all in, and create greater order in your life. Use the discipline of Capricorn to organize your life, and clarify your plans. Make those plans concise. Make them specific, and make them realistically achievable. Look for practical ways to manage your time and schedule. And if you are finding it difficult to find support for your ventures, step back and see what compromises you might be willing to make. The New Moon in Capricorn dares you to look boldly to the future, and to think in terms of what sorts of resolutions, commitments and agreements you are needing to make in order to achieve your goals. Use the New Moon to create new plans, but also use it to revise old goals that you have since outgrown. What changes, and what resolutions do you want to make this year? Then explore what steps you need to take in order to achieve them. As you straddle the divide between the old year and the new year to come, a good intention for the New Moon on the 30th might be: By releasing the past, and what no longer serves me, I will then have the ability to create a better and more meaningful future. 


(7th House) As we straddle the divide between the Old Year and the New Year, it could feel very much like we are standing on a threshold between the past and the future. Even more so than usual. With the exception of Pluto, which only just entered Aquarius in November, all the planets will be changing signs in 2025. It is like we are all entering new territory and trying to figure out how we are going to fit in. Even so, there will still be a part of you looking longingly back at what once was, even as another part of you is looking with anticipation, and maybe a little trepidation, towards the future. The New Moon in Capricorn stands as something of a culmination in the year for Cancer, in which you are able to see all the steps that have brought you here, to this place in time. And then affords you the opportunity to decide what steps you want to take from here. And that will include paying attention to those people that will be accompanying you along those next steps of your path. Use the New Moon on Tuesday to further strengthen those relationships that are tried and true, those people that you know you can rely on. But also use the New Moon to open your heart to any new connections you might be making over the year ahead. A good intention for the New Moon in Capricorn on the 30th might be: May I come to appreciate and recognize those people who will support me on my path going forward. 


(6th House) As we stand here on the threshold of the New Year, you might want to ask yourself what is standing in the way of you walking more freely into the future? Are there ways in which you are still holding on to a past that you have since long outgrown? The New Moon on December 30th implies that we are all on the threshold of change, and is asking you to be open to the possibilities that that might include. This may simply mean learning to adjust to the changes that have already occurred. But it can also be about being open to the sorts of possibilities that you had not yet considered. The New Moon in Capricorn is when Leo is being asked to look at things practically, realistically and conservatively. To create a plan for the future, and then focus in on the details that may be required in order to make your goals more achievable and practically realizable. And that includes paying attention to any lingering health issues that have been tucked away in the back burner of your life. What new initiatives might you want to work on in 2025? What better habits might you want to create? And how can you use your time more productively and efficiently with the ai towards improving your overall life and lifestyle? A simple and good intention for the New Moon on the 30th therefore might be: May I have the wisdom to recognize those goals and initiatives that will best support my overall health and well-being. 


(5th House) It can often seem around the holidays that plans and activities take over, family obligations take precedence, and life in general can be all akimbo. This year it could feel as if you were playing Tetris with your life trying to fit in all the pieces, and make yourself available wherever and however you can, without leaving anyone out. It ain’t easy. However, using the New Moon in Capricorn can work to your advantage. This is a Moon of organization, discrimination and practicality. Use it to streamline your obligations as well as your life. Make things simple and manageable. Know when you need to say No, and when you want to say Yes. And note that the Moon in Capricorn can also be about priorities! Listen to what your heart is telling you. For Virgo, the New Moon in Cap is about reconnecting to your heart center, and focusing in on who you love and what you love to do. If you can manage that, then there won’t be any conflicts. You will know precisely what you need to do. Then use the New Moon on Tuesday to make any heartfelt intentions and resolution for the year ahead. In order to ensure their success, focus in on one or two of the most important resolutions that you might want to make for 2025. Make them clear and unambiguous. Then commit to making them an achievable reality. A good intention for the New Moon on the 30th might be I want any resistance to finding love and happiness lifted from me. 


(4th House) It can often feel like we are standing on a threshold at the New Year, with one year closing and another beginning. But this year can feel all the more so, as all of the planets are changing signs. This is a rare occurrence, and could make it feel as if we are entering unknown territory in so many ways, and in so many departments of our lives. But the conflicts can be just as real. For whenever we step through an open door, another door feels like it is closing behind us, and part of us longs for the things we left behind. And this is true even as we are looking with anticipation (and maybe a little trepidation) at the life that is yet to be. One of the advantages of the New Moon in Capricorn is that it enables us to get our lives back on track. And that is true from the fundamentals on up. For Libra, the New Moon in Capricorn reminds you that if you take care of the foundations of your life and make them strong, the rest will follow. For Libra, Capricorn is a primal sign, that can bring both beginnings and endings. Capricorn is significant for its associations with honoring traditions, and recognizing your responsibility to others within your care. This Moon is asking you to consider practical alternatives, and perhaps even new and easier ways of creating greater security and stability within the home and family. A good intention for the New Moon on the 30th could be: May I honor my roots and my responsibilities, by focusing in on what I can do now to invest greater meaning in my future. Or: By securing the foundations of my life, I will then have something reliable to build on. 


(3rd House) Life can be both complicated and intense, riddled with beginnings and endings. This is especially so as we stand here on the threshold of a year filled with so many transitions. We often feel like we are standing on a threshold at the New Year. But this year feels even more so. Perhaps even desperately so for some, as your ruling planets close in for their second opposition on January 3rd. Hold tight to what matters, and don’t allow yourself to be distracted. Your capacity for survival and the ability to reinvent yourself (all over again if necessary) is equally strong, and you have the determination and gumption to prove it. And lo to anyone who dares to stand in your way. People are mistaken when and if they mess with Scorpio. For you all have impenetrable layers of strength that run deep into the bedrock of your lives. Use some of that indomitable determination when making any resolutions this year, and do so with the New Moon in Capricorn on the 30th or the few days after. The New Moon will further invest any intentions, goals or resolutions with greater longevity. Then use the Capricorn moon to strategize, plan and organize. Make your intentions real. Create a road map. Then look for practical ways to make your goals a closer reality. New Moons are about new beginnings, and the New Moon in Capricorn is about creating new and better commitments. A good affirmation for the New Moon on the 30th might be: When I have clarity within, then everything else naturally falls into place. 


(2nd House) With Mercury all retrograde in the first half of December, wandering to and fro in the sky these past few months, it’s all you can do to focus on what is in front of you. Not unusual to feel distracted, overcommitted, over-stimulated and even overwhelmed in this weather. We don’t even know if we are coming or going. Use the New Moon in Capricorn to rein in some of that scattered energy, focusing on the things that really matter and need to take priority now. The rest will then fall into place. The sign of Capricorn has this remarkable ability to organize, prioritize and clarify. It also gives us permission to say No More when we need to. The other remarkable quality of Capricorn weather is the discipline to figure out ways to make a vision for the future, a closer and ore achievable reality. Commitments made and initiatives begun with the New Moon in Capricorn have greater staying power and longevity, as they are invested with that Saturnian determination and grit that only a Capricorn moon can provide. Therefore looking ahead to 2025, what are those things that you would most want to invest your valuable time, money and resources on? And which do you want to say No More to? Begin with the most pressing priorities and then move on from there. This is about what is or is not sustainable, and where you most want to invest your energy moving forward. A good intention for the New Moon on December 30th might be: May I more confidently believe in myself, my talents and what I have to offer. 


(1st House) When the New Moon is in your sign, as it will be on December 30th, it is like celebrating your birthday all over again. In fact, for those Capricorns born on or around the 30th (from the 28th thru the 1st) this is also about New Beginnings in the New Year to come. For Capricorn, this annual New Moon allows you to reacquaint yourself with yourself. And this is especially so in light of Pluto’s recent ingress into Aquarius, finally leaving your sign (where it has been since 2008) once and for all. As a result the New Moon can also bring some deep respect for all of the major hurdles you have overcome, and transformations you have made over the past 16 years. Capricorn is a sign of strategy, organization and commitment, therefore what better time to make our New Year’s Resolutions, than with the New Moon in your sign? Use the New Moon to further commit to any changes you have already made, and that you want to further invest in, while being open to any new changes you might want to make in the future. One of the other things this New Moon can bring is the ability to say No when you need to, and Yes when you want to. Ultimately it is all about being a truer and more authentic expression of yourself in the years to come. A good intention for the New Moon on the 30th might be: By respecting who I am, and committing to that, I set an example for others to follow. 


(12th House) For Aquarius, the New Moon in Capricorn is a time for reflection on the past, while going yourself permission to release those things that you have long since outgrown, and no longer need to carry with you into the New Year. It is not unusual to feel like we are standing on a threshold at the New Year, and this is especially true this year. Except for Pluto, which just recently entered your sign in November, all of the other planets will be changing signs as well this year. This is remarkable, and could appear to completely change the whole landscape for so many! And although there can be some excitement (and maybe a little trepidation) for what may come in the future, there can still be some sadness for a past we are leaving behind. But by preparing the way, you are allowing new seeds to have the space to take root in the future. Therefore ask yourself: What have I outgrown? What are those things that are no longer valid for the person I am now? If you are feeling stuck, is there anything you can do about it? And if not, what can you change in your outlook that will allow you to better cope with your circumstances as they now are? Therefore a good intention for the New Moon on December 30th could be: May I see all self-limiting thought and doubts lifted from me, in order to make room for ever better things to come in. 


(11th House) If you have been finding it difficult to get a handle on your life, your schedule, your obligations and routines, use the upcoming New Moon in Capricorn to rein in the distractions, and get a handle on your most important priorities. Capricorn is a sign of discipline, restraint, and organization. And although Saturn in your sign can be stark, and even a bit harsh in its limitations and expectations, it also gives you permission to cut back, set limits and for you to say No when you need to. Capricorn is also a sign of responsibility. And with Saturn in your sign, you are being asked to focus in on those things that are right in front of you, and needing to be taken care of first and foremost. The New Moon in Capricorn is also your wishing Moon. It is a Moon that gives form to your vision, substance to your dreams, and can show you practical ways to manifest your ideals. One of the ways it can do this is by showing you what is realistically achievable. Therefore use the New Moon in the practical sign of Capricorn to weave your dreams, set your intentions and make any New Year’s resolutions for 2025. Dare to dream your dreams and allow your vision for the future to find some sort of purchase in your life. A good intention for the New Moon on December 30th might be: If this dream is meant to be for me, may the best possible circumstances arise to see it fulfilled.


Astrology By LaurenA Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. Source

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