Your Complete Horoscope Guide for December 13th - 20th
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- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

For the week of December 13th thru the 20th and the Full Moon at 23º Gemini 53’, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
(3rd house) Mercury stations direct this weekend, the same day as the Full Moon. Both are asking you to consider what has been on your mind lately. Perhaps even what you have been ruminating about. And what you would much rather be focusing on right now. During the retrograde we’ve all been processing a lot of information. To the point where it can be downright overwhelming. But within that context, many are also being given the courage of their voices, and the strength of their convictions. These could all reach something of a crescendo with the Full Moon this weekend. Look at the things that you will be discussing. Some of these conversations may even be fraught with emotion. It’s the uncertainty that will have so many on edge. This is not unusual in years of transition. But this Full Moon is also asking all of us to get back to what it is that really matters. The things that we truly believe to be right and true. And to walk the walk as well as talk the talk. Use the Full Moon to become more informed. Use the Moon to put plans that had been brewing and simmering during the Mercury retrograde into operation. It’s time to look forward. And what you learn in the light of the Full Moon can be instrumental in helping you to decide which direction you might want to go from here.
(2nd House) The Full Moon is shining a light on your personal assets, income and spending, and may be asking you to objectively examine these in a new light. It’s not so much about how much you have, though this could be in the cross hairs as well. Look back 6 months, and see how and where you were investing your resources then. Were they worth the investment? Have you reached the goals that you were setting back then? Full Moons can do a few things. They can bring a sense of finality, finish things, bring closure. They can also show you things from another perspective. So they can be illuminating. If you are happy with the outcomes at this time, then you will probably want to further invest in what you had started. But if you are not happy with the results, where might you want to invest your precious time, money and resources going forward? Although our emotions often come to the surface at this time, it is an opportunity to look at things more objectively, and to magically perform rituals of abundance. Your ruling planet Venus is applying to Jupiter this week, therefore invest in symbolic gestures of generosity, and then send that same wish out to others that they may benefit as well.
(1st House) The Full Moon in Gemini falls at 24º of Gemini, and will most affect those who have their Sun (born between the 11th and 18th of June), Moon or Ascendant at or around this degree. However many will be aware of the tectonic shifts these full moons can bring. And all Geminis will feel themselves drawn into the rays of this busy Full Moon. All the more so with your ruling planet, Mercury, also finally stationing direct. When you consider all that has happened over the past 3 weeks, it would take several more weeks just to process all the information that has been seething through the air waves since then. Look back to the last New Moon in Gemini on June 6th. This is when you were setting certain causes into motion that are coming to fruition now. Full Moons can bring things to light, revealing something about yourself that you may not have previously realized. With that information, are there any adjustments you might want to make? Are the intentions set last June taking you where you intended to go? Or are you finding yourself going in a completely different direction? At the New Moon in Gemini last June, you were being asked to think of ways that you could use your knowledge, position and resources in some positive way. If you took up that pledge, you are now likely to see the results and consequences of having done so. The question now is, where are you going to go from here? And what more might you want to do?
(12th House) All sorts of things can be revealed in the light of the Full Moon. Even things that were previously hidden, lost, or forgotten. Even those things deliberately kept from you, or that you were in denial about. As a result of what is now being disclosed, you could see things in a whole new light. This, combined with the direct station of Mercury on the same day as the Full Moon, will ultimately allow you to make better and more informed decisions. And this is true, even if the things that you are being shown, are not necessarily what you had wanted to see. In some ways it could even feel like you are now waking up to a new reality. There may still be some lingering wraiths from the past, that may need to be taken care of. But ultimately this is about preparing the way for the future. And as such, it is time to put some of those wraiths to bed. Use the Full Moon in Gemini to release old fables, stuff and stories that you no longer need to hold on to. This can merely be about clearing out the closets. Although it’s likely to be much deeper than that. You’re clearing things out all right. But you are doing so in order to make room for better things to come in.
(11th House) Six months ago, with the New Moon in Gemini, you were being asked to cast your dreams into space. Now with the Full Moon in Gemini, you might be aware of at least one of these hopes now finding some sort of purchase in your life. This is all the more so now that Mercury is finally stationing direct. One of the things that can happen when Mercury is direct again, is that we find our mind and our perspective returning to what we usually think of as normal. This sort of clarity can help you to navigate the twists and turns that may lie ahead for all of us. Pay attention to whatever rewards or accolades are being placed in your lap. Like a strobe light shining a beam over the proceedings, it can feel as if a door is opening, or as if you are finally being seen. Because of what you had learned over the past several weeks, you may now be wanting to reassess your current hopes and aspirations for the future. This will be especially so if things are now coming to light that you had not previously been aware of. Finish off projects. Bring things to completion. You will want to clear the way for better things to come in.
(10th House) Normally at this time of year when the Full Moon is in Gemini Virgo finds themselves standing in the spotlight. You receive accolades, attention and even rewards. Not all attention is that great though. And the Full Moon will be shining a light on all of it: rewards or consequences. Either way, this is a time of culmination. Which can include bringing things to their final conclusion. This year, the Full Moon is accompanied by Mercury’s direct station. And thankfully so! For now that Mercury will be direct again we can proceed with our plans, and plot our future. Perhaps even boldly so. This has been something of a crazy retrograde ride, and even now there’s no telling what will be waiting around the next corner. Gather the information that you need. Put the pieces of your life together. Create a new schedule. With all the craziness of the last 3 weeks, you may never be quite able to resume your life as it was, but you are being given the opportunity to establish a new normal. Especially considering any new information that has since come to light.
(9th House) The Full Moon in Gemini is usually a Moon of clarity and understanding. It ties everything together and allows you to see the rhyme and reason of things. This particular Moon may be especially revealing. Secrets can be revealed in the light of this moon. Even things that you had been entirely unaware of. This could leave you baffled and confused, while also bringing greater clarity. Things may not be exactly what you thought they might be, but now you can create a new path, a new schedule a new reality out of what you now know. There is a great deal of information flowing on the air waves with this Moon. And it could feel at times as if there is too much being revealed, or you are not sure what you should or should not believe, which can be terribly distracting. But what you might want to pay attention to, are how you stand in reference to what you are learning. And how these ultimately stand up to your own beliefs and convictions. If you did get off course, or felt like you were misled, gently readjust your course based on what you now know and believe. Know that if an idea or a belief is sound, it will be able to stand up against even the most rigorous arguments and challenges. Even in the light of this Gemini Full Moon.
(8th House) The Full Moon in Gemini each year can offer you the opportunity to reassess how you handle your finances. Have you been successful at paying down your debt this year? Or has it been inexplicably accumulating? And if so, is there something that can be done about it? One of the things that can happen with this Moon, is that all sorts of emotions can come to the surface and be revealed. And anything that is tied up with your feelings and emotions. That can include anything that undermines your ability to have greater control over your own life and destiny. These are usually things that you had been ignoring and not paying enough attention to. Or they were things that you were unable to see, because they were hidden from view. Just know that with this particular Full Moon nothing remains hidden for long, secrets can be revealed, and questions can finally be answered. And now that Mercury is stationing direct again on Sunday, whatever understanding you are achieving will be instrumental in determining and planning your next steps going forward.
(7th House) Astrologically, birthdays are like new beginnings. But when a Full Moon falls on or near your birthday, the new beginnings you are wanting to make, may require you to tie up some loose ends first. Or perhaps you are being asked to bring an old order to some sort of completion before you can proceed. This can be a good thing. Like bringing the conclusion to a dry spell in your life, which can then open up all sorts of new doors. This Full Moon will be felt by all Sagittarians, but those born on or around the 15th of December, or who have 20-27º of Sagittarius Rising will be especially aware of this Full Moon, and may even see it as something of a turning point. This can include some sort of turning point in your most important relationships. Two things can happen. Because our emotions are on full display, it would not be uncommon to find yourself declaring your feelings for someone, or running in the opposite direction. All feelings about other people, about promises and agreements made, will be brought into stark relief in the light of the Full Moon this weekend. And nothing will remain hidden for long. Which could even change some stories.
(6th House) The Full Moon in Gemini can bring you the results of any efforts made to improve your health. This could be a specific health issue, or it could just show you the benefits of that diet you started 6 months ago, or an exercise program you started earlier in the year. If you are happy with the results, these are things that you will want to continue to invest in. If not, this is when you can make certain adjustments to get you back on track. Full Moons are times of culmination, and that can include things like finally finishing that project at work, or receiving kudos on a job well done. Full Moons even dare to shine a light into the darkest corners of our lives. If helpful they can allow you to see things in a whole new way. If too much is revealed, you may be looking for ways to recalibrate: Is there something that you could have done to prevent this problem from occurring? And if not, is there something that you could change in your perspective, that can allow you to better handle a similar issue in the future? Be prepared for a lot of chatter in and around the Full Moon this weekend. And maybe a few distractions and diversions.
(5th House) Venus, now in your sign, has been trying to open your heart. She is beckoning you to welcome others into your circle, your life, your sphere, and give them the benefit of the doubt. With Venus in Aquarius, and the Full Moon illuminating the weekend in all its glory, you could even find yourself wearing your heart on your sleeve. Avoid doing so impulsively, for there could even be the inclination to proclaim your love to the world, in an uncharacteristically enthusiastic way. This is because Full Moons are emotional. And this particular Moon could have your feelings as well as your words spilling out all over the place in an unseemly way. But it can also make you aware of other’s feelings about you, letting you know where you stand with others. But perhaps mostly, this Full Moon is shining a light on those things that truly bring you joy and happiness. Those things that make your life fuller and more rewarding. Also know, that with this Gemini Full Moon, nothing is likely to be hidden for long. For this is a Moon where truths are revealed, ideas take form, and events are brought to some sort of culmination.
(4th House) When the Full Moon is in Gemini, you will feel like all of your feelings are being laid bare for all to see. Nothing is hidden long with this Full Moon. The skeletons are tossed out on to the street, the closets are all emptied, and we stand naked before the world. Well thank goodness Mercury is finally stationing direct, because at least then we can create a plan of escape if need be. Things that had been marinating on the back burner of your life are now finally coming to fruition. And this could have an impact on your future plans as well. There may still be a few unknowable’s lurking in the wings, but once you get through these times of uncertainty you will see things finally coming together. In the meantime, take heed of whatever clarity you can muster with Mercury direct again. Take things one day at a time. And pay attention to whatever feelings are coming to the surface, especially in your personal life. For these alone, can be tremendously revealing. Ask yourself in the light of the Full Moon: What have you been missing? What are you now learning? And what now needs to be brought to completion, once and for all?
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