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Weekly Planetary Energy Guide: March 3 to 9, 2025

Weekly Planetary Energy Guide: March 3 to 9, 2025

A MEMORABLE MONTH: Although the list of planetary aspects is relatively short for this first full week of March 2025, we expect that the month will be memorable for many reasons—most notably because we are now in Eclipse Season.

Throughout the next three to four weeks, and especially during the fortnight between the two eclipses, life may seem very surreal and time could become even more elusive and malleable.

We often feel a sense of urgency and anticipation during Eclipse Season, even if we cannot locate a specific reason for the heightened nervous energy. We might also experience symptoms such as appetite changes and unusual aches and pains; these are usually related to a deep clearing and cleansing process on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Events can unfold quickly and have greater impact than usual during Eclipse Season. This is likely to be especially true around the time of the Total Lunar Eclipse on March 13. The lunation, which occurs in Virgo, is a South Node eclipse, which means it can trigger situations that seem "karmic" in nature. Instinctive reactions around the time of this type of eclipse often represent the behaviors, attitudes, and qualities that humanity is being asked to leave behind and to release as we move forward on our evolutionary journey.

ENERGY CLEARING: Eclipse Season—and particularly the week of the Total Lunar Eclipse—is an opportune time to use energy clearing practices. Smudging the environment and ourselves with white sage smoke is one technique I find effective. Many people find that taking a salt bath works well to clear toxins and debris from the physical and emotional bodies.

Sound therapy is another clearing method that can work well. I prefer the resonance of crystal singing bowls, but you might use Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, chanting, drumming, or music that includes hertz frequencies that help clear lower vibrational energies from the emotional and mental bodies. Among these, the 417 hz frequency is known for its ability to reduce stress while also dissolving limiting beliefs and emotional stagnation. The 396 hz frequency helps balance the root chakra and can be used to promote a sense of safety while releasing fear and guilt.

OTHER RESOURCES: Guided meditations can be very helpful as we work with the energies of Eclipse Season. I highly recommend two meditations by Orin, channeled by Sanaya Roman. Both of these are free to download or stream from the OrinDaben website:

  • For clearing of self and the world: "The Sacred Transmuting Violet Flame" (www.orindaben.com/pages/home/FS125_Flame/)
  • For alignment with the higher energies coming in: "Aligning with Star Energy" (www.orindaben.com/pages/home/star energy/)

I also suggest watching Kyle Cease's short but powerful video for March 2025, entitled "Your Safety Has Finally Arrived." (www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYk28V-hVAQ)

Let your intuition guide you as to the best music or other techniques for your specific needs. And if you have any symptoms that concern you or are not eased by your practices, please be sure to check in with a trusted energy healer or healthcare practitioner.

RETROGRADE PLANETS: We will also be working with overlapping retrograde energies throughout March. Planets that are moving backward draw our attention to the past so that we can review, correct, and amend. Although all the planets (except the luminaries) go retrograde at various times, the retrograde phases of the personal planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars) tend to impact us most directly.

All three personal planets are either retrograde or in their retrograde "shadow" during March: Venus went retrograde on March 1 and Mercury stations retrograde on March 15. And, even though Mars went direct on February 24, it will still be moving through its retrograde shadow until May 2. That is when the Red Planet will finally move beyond the degree where it originally stationed retrograde on December 6, and thus supports our leaving the past behind as we likewise move into new territory.

It is also significant that all three personal planets go retrograde while in an assertive, "masculine" fire sign, returning to a receptive, "feminine" water sign during their retrograde period. This revisiting of water signs reminds us of the need to go within before making a decision, to align all actions with our heart, and to follow inner guidance rather than the demands of the ego.

ASPECTS THIS WEEK: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects, day by day:


Mercury enters Aries: The Messenger Planet will transit through Aries from March 3 to 29, and again from April 16 to May 10. While Mercury is in the first sign of the zodiac, we may be eager to act on our ideas and tend to make decisions quickly. We might also feel very impatient with the planning process; but, since Mercury will soon be going retrograde (March 15), be aware that impulsive words and actions could backfire rather quickly. Mercury is the planet of Communication, so people may be especially direct and blunt while the planet is in the sign of the Ram.


No major aspects are exact today.


Mercury sextile Pluto: The mind is insightful and strategic. Conversations are honest and direct, and secrets may be revealed.


No major aspects are exact today.


Sun trine Mars: This aspect supports physical vitality and also emotional courage. We feel more confident in our intuitive guidance and may take important steps forward now.


Sun semisquare Pluto: People can be controlling or manipulative with this aspect.


No major aspects are exact today.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Your level of physical energy could seem to vary greatly this year. Whereas at times you feel inspired and ready to take action, there will also be those times when you feel more reserved and sense the need for patience. Take your time to calm the mental chatter and do not analyze or judge either situation; what is occurring is that you are intuitively aware of when it is appropriate to step on the gas pedal and when it is best to apply the brake. This healthy balance of activity and pause will enable you to reach your destination successfully and with confidence. (Solar Return Sun trine Mars, square Jupiter, conjunct Saturn)

In peace, love, and gratitude,


Aspects of Note This Week:

All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

  • MONDAY: Mercury enters Aries
  • TUESDAY: No major aspects are exact today
  • WEDNESDAY: Mercury sextile Pluto
  • THURSDAY: No major aspects are exact today
  • FRIDAY: Sun trine Mars
  • SATURDAY: Sun semisquare Pluto
  • SUNDAY: No major aspects are exact today

DAILY ASTROLOGY: For my daily astrological insights, including lunar aspects not covered in this Journal, please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pamyounghans/ 

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
Feel free to share this NorthPoint Journal with others who may enjoy it! Please forward it in its entirety, including all contact and copyright information.
To learn more about Pam's work, please visit www.northpointastrology.com

NorthPoint Journal copyright 2025 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.

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Posted with written permission from Pam Younghans. The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above and is posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2025. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or use of this content, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. Discover the wisdom of CrystalWind.ca! Since 2008, we've been dedicated to awakening, enlightenment, and self-help to empower your spiritual journey. Dive in and grow with us—your next step awaits! #CrystalWind #SpiritualJourney

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