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Weekly Planetary Energy Guide: February 3 to 9, 2025

Weekly Planetary Energy Guide: February 3 to 9, 2025

THE JUPITER EFFECT: Retrograde Jupiter has been moving very slowly over the past couple of weeks, preparing for a change of direction.

The giant planet has been hovering at 11 degrees of Gemini since January 15 and will finally station (come to a standstill) at 11°16´ Gemini on Tuesday, February 4. Over the coming weeks, Jupiter will gradually begin to move forward again, finally moving beyond that twelfth degree of Gemini on February 25.

When a planet moves so slowly, its influence in our lives is heightened. In keeping with the effects of enthusiastic Jupiter in mentally active Gemini, we may have been in information overload since mid-January and our nervous systems could be overtaxed at this point. Feelings of anxiety and restless sleep are two of the symptoms of an over-active mind.

Decisions on a wide variety of topics have been made very quickly and expansively over the past couple of weeks. Many ideas and a variety of initiatives have been launched, but they will need a practical plan to support them if they are to manifest in reality. 

Gemini is a very social sign, so the need to connect with like-minded others has also been amplified. Brainstorming sessions may have been especially productive.

FIXED STAR ACTIVATION: While Jupiter has been sitting in the twelfth degree of Gemini, it has also been activating and elevating the effects of a fixed star called Pi-3 Orionis, the brightest of the stars that form the shield of Orion, the Hunter.  

According to astrologer Roderick Kidston, in his excellent book The Magic of the Stars, Pi-3 Orionis represents "readiness to do battle in defense of a cause, an idea, or a person." Under its influence, it can be hard to separate ourselves from our thoughts. Our minds could engage in circular thinking, where we "churn over negative experiences or information without resolving any of the issues."

This may help explain that nervous energy many have been feeling, the sense of being on a hamster wheel without the knowing of how to get off. Conscious breathing, meditation, and mindfulness practices are essential for those who are feeling this energy most intensely. And, as Jupiter moves beyond Pi-3 Orionis in the days ahead, we may find it easier and easier to bring our minds to a state of calm.

NEPTUNE AND THE NORTH NODE: A beneficial alignment between Neptune and the Moon's North Node occurs this week. The lunar North Node represents humanity's path of evolutionary progress. This is the first major activation of the nodes since they entered the Pisces/Virgo axis on January 11.

With Neptune conjunct the North Node, the cosmos are now supporting us in profound ways. They are helping us to see the bigger picture, to have compassion and forgiveness, to surrender anxiety to our higher self, to free the mind through meditation and self-reflection, to have faith in the Divine Plan, and to trust in positive outcomes. The Neptune-North Node alignment also encourages us to connect with our spiritual community for assist.

ASPECTS THIS WEEK: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects, day by day: 


Mercury trine Jupiter: It is easier to focus on the positive with this aspect. Conversations flow and we are able to see the bigger picture.

Mars square Chiron: Feelings of vulnerability cause defensive reactions in self and others. Minor disagreements become emotional and may trigger deep-seated anger.

Venus enters Aries: Venus will be in Aries for longer than usual this year, due to its upcoming retrograde period (March 1 to April 12). While Venus is in the sign of the Ram (from February 4 to March 27 and again from April 30 to June 6), we tend to be more direct and spontaneous in expressing love. Venus in Aries is comfortable taking risks for the sake of romance, seeks new creative or artistic outlets, and can be very impatient or irritable when its needs are not being met.


Jupiter stations direct: Jupiter comes to a standstill at 11°16´ Gemini today, completing the retrograde period that began on October 9, 2024. Jupiter's retrograde phase has inspired us to go within to find answers to life's greater questions, and has encouraged us to seek the truth underlying current events. Some could also have felt more reclusive during the past four months due to the need to turn within. As Jupiter goes direct and picks up its pace over the coming weeks, we may find ourselves being more interactive and social, ready to participate in life with a clearer understanding of our own truth.

Mercury semisquare Neptune: Thinking could be confused today, conversations might go round in circles, and we may deal with some brain fog.


No major aspects are exact today.


Uranus square Ceres: Circumstances reveal that we can no longer rely on traditional methods or external consistency for our emotional well-being. We are challenged to be inventive and to develop new forms of support, and to seek new communities that are accepting of individual differences.

Neptune conjunct North Node: We are drawn to the mystical and our intuitive faculties are enhanced. The creative imagination is strong, as are the spiritual qualities of idealism, compassion, and forgiveness.


Sun quincunx Mars, Mercury quincunx Mars: People may be irritable with these aspects and tend to take things personally. We may not have the patience to have in-depth conversations.

Venus sextile Pluto: We can gain insights into a relationship if we are willing to look honestly at the issues involved.

Sun sextile Chiron: Time spent in self-acceptance and understanding allows for healing.


Mercury sextile Chiron: It may be easier to speak about our feelings today and we are likely to be more accepting of others, too.


Sun conjunct Mercury: The urge to speak honestly and to share our unique ideas is heightened. Insights and intuition are also enhanced.

Mars trine Saturn: Objectivity enables us to address emotional issues more effectively now. We are more patient with slow and steady progress.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Your communication skills and your desire to know are important allies for you this year. You may be drawn to study a new subject or to express your unique insights through writing or teaching. Access to your higher mind and intuition are enhanced. You may experience some frustrations or disillusionment in personal relationships, if they are not living up to your ideal or if you are not being fully authentic. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Mercury, semisquare Venus, trine Jupiter, semisquare Neptune)

In peace, love, and gratitude,


Aspects of Note This Week:

All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

  • MONDAY: Mercury trine Jupiter, Mars square Chiron, Venus enters Aries
  • TUESDAY: Jupiter stations direct, Mercury semisquare Neptune
  • WEDNESDAY: No major aspects are exact today
  • THURSDAY: Uranus square Ceres, Neptune conjunct North Node
  • FRIDAY: Sun quincunx Mars, Venus sextile Pluto, Mercury quincunx Mars, Sun sextile Chiron
  • SATURDAY: Mercury sextile Chiron
  • SUNDAY: Sun conjunct Mercury, Mars trine Saturn

LAST CHANCE! If you'd like to purchase the replay, slideshow, and monthly calendars from my recent webinar covering the astrology of 2025 and the first three months in particular, please let me know this week! Simply send an email with "Webinar Replay" in the subject to  and I'll reply with details.

DAILY ASTROLOGY: For my daily astrological insights, including lunar aspects not covered in this Journal, please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pamyounghans/ 

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
Feel free to share this NorthPoint Journal with others who may enjoy it! Please forward it in its entirety, including all contact and copyright information.
To learn more about Pam's work, please visit www.northpointastrology.com

NorthPoint Journal copyright 2025 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.

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