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Weekly Planetary Energy Guide: December 16 - 22

Weekly Planetary Energy Guide: December 16 - 22

THE SUN STANDS STILL: The Sun reaches its southernmost point in the sky next Saturday, December 21.

This is one of the two Solstice days of the year, a time when the Sun appears to stand still as it prepares to reverse direction. The word solstice is derived from two Latin words: sōl (sun) and sistere (to stand still). The December Solstice marks the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of summer in lands south of the equator.

In tropical astrology, the December Solstice is the day that the Sun enters Capricorn. A chart drawn for the minute of the Sun's ingress is considered the "birth chart" for the coming season, and provides some insights into what we can expect for the next three months.  

SOLSTICE BIRTH CHART: It is no surprise that the two long-term aspects we're currently working with — the polarizing Mars-Pluto opposition and the divisive Jupiter-Saturn square — show very strongly in the Solstice chart. Both of these aspects have been active for several months, and have already had a huge impact on our reality. It makes sense that their energies would be woven into the tapestry of the next few months, at least, as we continue to unravel their lessons.

What does stand out in the Solstice chart is that the Moon, at 13°09' Virgo, is exactly opposite Saturn (13°48' Pisces), tightly square Jupiter (14°27' Gemini), and square Mercury (08°34' Sagittarius). This creates a planetary configuration called a mutable grand cross, which indicates a time of mental restlessness and uncertainty that can impact our nervous system.

Here are some words of wisdom from astrologer Bil Tierney, who writes about a mutable grand cross in his book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis:

"The mutable grand cross poses frustrations due to poor concentration, indecision, negative suggestibility, and a tendency to give in to external pressures rather than resist or challenge ... [It requires that we] apply greater discrimination and judgment in all matters.

"To avoid running in circles mentally or becoming aimless in direction, we have to learn to control the over-expression of the mind. Since peace of mind may be hard to achieve, we may benefit through meditation, contemplation, and reflective self-analysis."

The Solstice grand cross reinforces what I've already been seeing as I've been researching and preparing for my upcoming webinar, which will give an overview of 2025 and also focus on the first quarter of the year. While the planetary energies that we'll be working with during the first three months of 2025 look challenging, they will ultimately become a springboard for positive shifts later in the year. I'll write about these factors in the coming weeks, of course. 

ASPECTS THIS WEEK: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects, day by day: 

No major aspects are exact today.

Venus semisquare Neptune: We may feel uncertain about a relationship or about a financial investment. Rose-colored glasses can interfere with clear decision making. 

Sun square Neptune: A lack of clarity can result in misunderstandings. We may also feel confused about what we truly believe, or disillusioned about something we once accepted as true.

Venus trine Jupiter: The sun seems to shine more brightly today. This optimistic aspect supports social interactions and lively conversations that uplift everyone involved.

Mars opposite Ceres: Some may feel combative today, especially if they feel unseen or that their needs have not been respected.

Sun enters Capricorn: The Solstice occurs at 1:20 a.m. PST today. With the Sun in serious, hardworking Capricorn for the next four weeks, we tend to be goal-oriented and are supported in our efforts to be responsible, practical, and disciplined. The sign of the Seagoat encourages slow but steady progress, and a reliance on our own authority.

Mercury sesquiquadrate Eris: There is an edge and an intensity to communications today. People may be especially blunt, outspoken, and judgmental.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This is a year of significant spiritual growth, when you are learning the lessons of nonattachment, forgiveness, faith, and trust. It may seem as though pieces of your identity are being washed away, leaving you uncertain about who you are and what you really want. While this process can be disconcerting, it is providing the incentive and the opportunity for you to go within, to access your intuition, and to seek guidance from your higher self. As you tap into these finer, higher levels of your beingness, you gain the inner courage and determination that enable you to take steps in the "real" world.  (Solar Return Sun semisquare Venus, square Neptune, trine Eris)

In peace, love, and gratitude,

Pam Younghans

Aspects of Note This Week:

All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

  • MONDAY: No major aspects are exact today
  • TUESDAY: Venus semisquare Neptune
  • WEDNESDAY: Sun square Neptune
  • THURSDAY: Venus trine Jupiter
  • FRIDAY: Mars opposite Ceres
  • SATURDAY: Sun enters Capricorn, 1:20 a.m. PST (Solstice)
  • SUNDAY: Mercury sesquiquadrate Eris



A Dark Night’s Journey into Day
From Conflict and Chaos to Clarity and Healing
An Astrological Overview of 2025 with Guidance for January-March
With astrologer Pam Younghans and moderator Elsie Kerns
Airing Live and Recorded on Wednesday, January 8
4 pm PST | 5 pm MST | 6 pm CST | 7 pm EST | 12 midnight GMT
A YEAR OF MAJOR TRANSITIONS. As we begin our journey through 2025, we will still be navigating unresolved challenges that surfaced during the final months of 2024. But as we face those difficulties with courage, creativity, and spiritual maturity, we gradually sense that a new, more uplifting wave of energy is building. This new wave is due to four outer planets changing signs and beginning to form harmonious, long-term aspects. These aspects beckon us forward, into a new and more enlightened future that will blossom over the next couple of years.
In this 90-minute webinar, astrologer Pam Younghans will share her insights into the planetary energies we are working with in 2025. The first half of the class will be an overview of the major influences of the entire year, which will take us on a journey from the dark night into day. Then, Pam will focus on the specific aspects and events we’ll be working with January through March, providing helpful insights as to how we can best utilize their energies. 
Here are a few of the events occurring in the first quarter of 2025 that we’ll discuss in detail: 
  • JANUARY: Intensified emotions, polarization (Mars opposite Pluto). A need to withdraw and protect (Mars re-enters Cancer). A shift in our evolutionary directive (North Node enters Pisces). Power struggles and surprising twists (Saturn semisquare Pluto, Uranus stations direct). 
  • FEBRUARY: Information overload (Jupiter stations direct in Gemini). A heart opening and spiritual promptings (Neptune conjunct North Node). Unexpected turns in the road (Full Moon square Uranus). Emotional reactivity and defensiveness (Mars stations direct in Cancer). 
  • MARCH: Reassessing values and relationships (Venus stations retrograde in Aries). Profound shifts, revelations, and karmic completions (Total Lunar Eclipse opposite Saturn, Partial Solar Eclipse). Taking time to review and regroup (Mercury stations retrograde). Heart awakenings and the birth of the spiritual warrior (Neptune enters Aries).
PLEASE JOIN US! This webinar is designed to benefit everyone, whether you are a newcomer to astrology or have spent years in study. Pam will use astrological terms but will explain what they mean and how they play out in everyday life.
Before the class, you will receive calendars for January-March so that you can use them for notetaking. And if you’re not able to attend the live broadcast, no worries! Everyone who registers will receive links to the video replay and slideshow within 24 hours after the class airs.
TICKET OPTIONS: This year, for the first time, you may purchase either a Single Ticket for admittance to the January 2025 webinar, or a discounted Season Ticket that registers you for all four of Pam's quarterly webinars in 2025. (The other webinars will be in early April, early July, and early October, dates to be announced.) Please see prices and other details on the registration page at https://events.humanitix.com/pamjan-mar2025.
If you have any questions about registration or payment options (including PayPal, Venmo, and Zelle), please contact moderator Elsie Kerns at or 609.744.6787 (talk/text), Eastern Time Zone. Please note that your registration confirmation and other follow-up emails will come from .
DAILY ASTROLOGY: For daily astrological insights, including lunar aspects not covered in this weekly Journal, please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pamyounghans/ 

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
Feel free to share this NorthPoint Journal with others who may enjoy it! Please forward it in its entirety, including all contact and copyright information.
To learn more about Pam's work, please visit www.northpointastrology.com

NorthPoint Journal copyright 2024 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.

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Posted with written permission from Pam Younghans. The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above and is posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or use of this content, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. Discover the wisdom of CrystalWind.ca! Since 2008, we've been dedicated to awakening, enlightenment, and self-help to empower your spiritual journey. Dive in and grow with us—your next step awaits! #CrystalWind #SpiritualJourney

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