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Weekly Forecast: January 21 - 27, 2024

Weekly Forecast: January 21 - 27, 2024

1/23  ::  Venus Enters CAPRICORN (until Feb 16th):
Venus governs our affections and what we cherish deeply.

Capricorn’s energy revolves around safeguarding and nurturing these cherished aspects. It presides over decision-making and establishing the solid groundwork that forms the container of our personal lives. Capricorn emphasizes responsibility for our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions, and their profound connection to our tangible reality. The external world mirrors our internal landscape. If you do not like what you see in that mirror, then it is time to cultivate inner fortitude, resilience & strength that naturally translates into external stability & order in your world.

Saturn, ruling Capricorn, symbolizes our grasp of reality and our physical boundaries. It urges dedication to a gradual, methodical process that ultimately leads to achieving enduring, far-reaching goals that can benefit more than just one’s self. For those engaged in life consciously, this phase activates a time to reap the fruits of past labor and receive your due rewards. However, if postponed decisions or instabilities in everyday life aspects weigh heavily, then it is a call to engage your Inner Architect. This Inner Guide assists in surveying, clearing, and building a fresh, solid foundation to support your personal growth.

This Venus in Capricorn energy particularly affects those with Cancer/Capricorn or Aries/Libra energies in their charts. Often, Capricorn signifies an evolved life structure, urging adjustments in responsibilities, commitments, and decision-making aligned with this upgrade, which honor the Initiation that it is for you. Taking a pause to assess one’s reality, its functionality, grounding, and service is crucial during this phase. Capricorn’s energy exposes rigidity, dryness, weakness or instability, emphasizing the importance of carrying one’s own weight without shouldering the world’s burdens. Focus your efforts on productive pursuits that benefit both yourself and others.

1/25  ::  LEO Full Moon:
The Leo Full Moon sheds light on the disparities between your true self, the image you hold of yourself, and how others perceive you. It serves as an annual self-esteem check-in, exposing any issues with self-love, self-value or self-worth, revealing your tendency to function from an external viewpoint rather than an internal one. This luminary event might uncover unchecked ego patterns or neglected childhood wounds, which could manifest as inner unrest or personal dissatisfaction. Rediscovering the art of play, a fundamental aspect of being human often forgotten due to societal conditioning, is essential. Integrating joy & playfulness into daily life becomes an exploration during the Full Moon energies. It invites you to experiment with creative ideas, envision potential evolutions of your Self over the next 6-12 months, and consider the role you play within your chosen community. Where can you best radiate your own essence and share your light moving forward? Each year, this phase allows for the release of negative patterns and outdated aspects of yourself, making space for a new, evolved version of you to emerge and positively impact the world. It is a moment to embrace what you love and let go of anything incongruent with your Authentic Self, allowing your true essence to shine brilliantly. This purging process brings a lighter heart and reconnects you to a revitalized vision for the future.

1/26  ::  Uranus Direct in TAURUS:
This week’s conclusion of this year’s Uranus Retro in Taurus signifies an annual opportunity to align and co-create consciously with the personal or social planets interacting with Uranus at this time. Every year, during its Retrograde phase, we are offered a special time & opportunity to integrate the changes experienced. As a collective planetary force, Uranus impacts many, taking 7-years to move through each Sign. Between 2018 and 2026, Uranus stimulates the Taurus Area of Life (House) and influences any planets positioned in Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, or Aquarius. The last several months have unveiled areas in need of awakening and revitalization within your life. Recognizing this awakening is a recurring process that, if attended to consciously, enables active co-creation. Uranus serves to shake up routines with sudden jolts, urging individuals not to revert to old patterns but instead remain awake to these shifts. It triggers a transformation in values and priorities (Taurus), supporting the emergence of a newly awakened self and its practical application in everyday life, in physical form, on Earth, in real-time. This annual energy serves as an opportunity to activate latent inner resources and understand the functioning of your own electromagnetic field. Effectively harnessing your personal power and magnetic field requires intentional practice and focused dedication. Each passage of Uranus through Taurus signifies a stirring, awakening individuals to a whole new paradigm of existence within their bodies and on the planet. This is once in 84-years and as we come out of the Annual Retrograde, we will feel, look, act & choose differently going forward.

1/27  ::  Sun (core essential Self) ~square~ Jupiter (imagination & beliefs):
This potent energy urges discernment; while it also motivates you to achieve numerous tasks, so it is crucial to avoid taking on more than you can actually manage solo. Nevertheless, if you seek that extra push to accomplish tasks, this energy offers the needed optimism to expand beyond your usual limitations. It can evoke a sense of self-righteousness, yet directing this energy inwardly can bring substantial benefits. Integrating your beliefs into your actions and embodying your own truth is essential. However, imposing your beliefs on others might lead to challenges. Stay open-minded and receptive, embracing a “don’t-know” attitude, as there is always potential to learn from different perspectives that could be invaluable now or in the future.

1/27  ::  Mercury (thoughts) ~conjunct~ Mars (energy):
(3 of 3:  10/29  ::  12/27  ::  1/27)
Before delving into this energy, I want to share two important points: First, when Mercury is at play, the energy moves swiftly. Secondly, Mars, a lesser form of power compared to Pluto’s higher version, reminds us that along with power, we bear responsibility. Now, with that in mind, the positive essence of this energy allows you to steer your mind with passion, yielding tangible outcomes. This sharpens your intellectual prowess and mental capacity, for better or worse. You may find clarity in articulating certain thoughts and you may experience quick, effective responses. When integrity is upheld, it becomes an opportune moment to fuel significant creative expression. However, this energy’s negative manifestation might steer you toward pettiness and needless conflict, engaging in ego-driven dramas, squandering precious time and energy. Furthermore, if this negativity does not originate from within, it is just as possible to encounter it from external sources. It is an optimal period to infuse your thoughts, ideas, and words with the passionate energy of Mars and use Mercury’s communicative power to foster creativity and facilitate shifts in consciousness. Their convergence brings about an energy exchange, igniting each other and initiating a whole new cycle of creativity & self-expression.


* KarmicTools.com * Copyright © 2000-2024 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that it’s distributed freely, content remains intact and includes contact/link back to post. 
The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast by Kelly M Beard covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. 
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