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Weekly Forecast: December 24 - 30, 2023

Weekly Forecast: December 24 - 30, 2023

12/24  ::  Sun (source & essential Self) ~sextile~ Saturn (organization & structure):
This current energy encourages a deeper commitment to organization and order in your life & environment, especially as the Sun brings forth much-needed clarity.

Saturn’s involvement signals that practical, responsible actions lead to rewarding outcomes. Conversely, neglect or leaving matters unresolved may swiftly incur consequences, which can be a form of instant karma. Even if faced with such energies or challenges, it is vital to perceive them not as personal reprimands but as Saturn’s way of illuminating your current limitations in the here & now. Understanding these limitations proves invaluable when making choices and decisions about the future. This activation grants access to self-discipline and the capacity to thoroughly explore & contemplate all available options before reaching a decision. It is an opportune period to concentrate on professional aspirations and construct or clarify an achievable blueprint for the future. Seeking guidance from a trusted, knowledgeable elder—one possessing more wisdom and experience than you currently possess—can be immensely beneficial. If direct action toward your goals is not feasible today, invest time in meditation, mentally & visually connecting with your plan or strategy.

12/25  ::  Venus (values & priorities) ~trine~ Neptune (faith & spirituality):
This prevailing energy warmly supports the act of weaving your world through the power of dreams! Allow your imagination the freedom to roam, leading you to or through typically uncharted territories. Engage in playful contemplation of “what if” scenarios—pondering what would unfold if all your material needs and desires were effortlessly met. Envision how you would dedicate your time, energy, and resources under such abundant circumstances. You might find yourself deeply empathic and attuned to the experiences of others during this period, however, it is vital to maintain healthy boundaries amidst this empathic connection. Neptune’s influence can evoke profound spiritual encounters with fellow human beings—be they friends, family, or lovers. Yet, time is the only true storyteller, unraveling whether Neptune is playing whimsical tricks or if indeed, a genuine spiritual connection is in play. Stay grounded as you navigate these mystical waters, honoring your intuition while remaining open to the unfolding truths.

12/26  ::  CANCER Full Moon:
This moment unfolds as a profound opportunity to bid farewell to both recent and distant chapters of the past, engaging in forgiveness work and learning the art of listening to your heart while thinking with your feelings. The energy of Cancer encourages a longing for the comfort of the familiar. Yet, to embrace the unfamiliar terrain that 2024 brings forth is crucial, as clinging solely to the known risks repeating destructive patterns—a fate we must all work individually & collectively to avoid.

Even if it requires the entire year to untether yourself from attachments to people, places, or circumstances of the past, give it your utmost effort, for it is fully supported. Our collective journey is steering us toward new ways of nourishing ourselves and the planet. Hence, we all must realign our perceptions of “Mother” and “Home.” Mother symbolizes the portal through which we enter and depart this world and is always the Source of ALL nourishment. Forgetting this profound truth is a luxury we can no longer afford.

Now more than ever, our intuitive nature will serve as our guiding compass through the unfolding year. It is imperative to commune effectively with your emotional intuition—listening keenly to your instincts, understanding the messages conveyed by your moods. These feelings should not overwhelm or debilitate you; rather, they illuminate facets that your conscious mind might not presently comprehend or be able to manage.

Full Moons naturally usher in a phase of release. Consider your Capricorn-oriented goals, particularly for 2024, and contemplate where you must release ideas, thoughts, or behaviors that fail to nurture and protect all that comprises you, all that you cherish, and all that you co-create this lifetime. Reflect on the fresh beginnings sowed 6-months prior (back in June/July 2023) how have these efforts to nourish your mind, body, and soul evolved over these months? Remember, Full Moons serve as pivotal midpoints, offering the ideal juncture for course-correction within a month, a year, or even within the more extensive, larger 20-year lunar cycles.

12/26  ::  Chiron Direct in ARIES:
For those born between 1968 and 1977, this period holds a deeply personal significance—it marks your Chiron Return, a time where our most profound healing endeavors take place within this lifetime. In essence, this marks an initiation, as Chiron completes a 50-year cycle, traversing through healing processes from Aries to Pisces, and now embarks upon a fresh cycle. Whether or not you’ve worked with Chiron yet, its presence now invites us all to consciously collaborate with its journey through the signs, activating their unique lessons and healing potentials. During its passage through Pisces from 2010 to 2018, Chiron taught us the value of trusting our intuition and refining our personal boundaries. Currently journeying through Aries from 2018 to 2027, our focus centers on healing our sense of identity & purpose and affirming our inherent right to exist during this remarkable period in history. Annually, Chiron Retrogrades, redirecting its usual societal effects inward, prompting individual processing. Engaging consciously and regularly with this energy proves beneficial. Chiron stands ready to assist in healing, learning, and transforming any aspects that you are prepared to address. In Aries, the spotlight is entirely on YOU—your choices, your purpose, your healing journey, and the wisdom gleaned through your unique experiences.

During 2010-2018, Chiron’s presence in Pisces taught us about the intricacies of sensitivity and navigating boundaries as spiritual beings in a physical form. Now, in Aries, we are embracing a fresh directive—a journey toward self-healing, self-assembly, and self-mastery as we move forward. As Chiron transitions into its Direct motion, we are invited to consciously honor the healing, wisdom, and personal transformation that it facilitates. Known as the Wounded Healer, Chiron embodies the aspect of Self that arrives with a unique wound to address in this lifetime. In your chart, it signifies your path of healing and education—an expedition toward wholeness and integration, encompassing the lessons and enlightenment gained throughout this journey.

As Chiron turns Direct, this 5-month period should have unveiled your position within your personal evolutionary process. This entire year has been immensely supportive for personal introspection and self-review. To progress, one must confront fears and wounds, acknowledge losses and setbacks, and then rise resiliently to continue onward. Chiron serves as a guide through this transformative process. It is time to embody courage and innovation, recognizing that the old ways no longer suffice. This juncture urges us to reconnect with our instincts and confront challenges directly, knowing that while self-sufficiency and self-containment are vital, we need not traverse this path alone. This period strongly advocates for individual evolution within the framework of community and relationships. There exists an intricate interconnection—if the individual evolves, then so too must their relationships; if not, they may dissolve or depart. As Chiron transitions Direct, you might find yourself more rooted internally, unveiling yet another layer of healing that you’ve been able to do, as you progress towards solid ground.

12/27  ::  Mercury Rx (communication) ~square~ Neptune (dissolution):
(2 of 3: 11/27 :: 12/27 :: 1/8)
This energy brings forth a blend of blessings and challenges. It offers a favorable time for spiritual exploration and infusing your dreams with energy, if your schedule permits. However, it also signifies a period prone to significant misunderstandings among individuals. It is crucial to consider your words before speaking, as the potential for misinterpretation or complete lack of understanding is heightened this week. Guard against allowing your longing for dreams to cloud your judgment or lead you astray into illusions or delusions. This energy may prompt deliberate deception in some individuals, while others must exercise caution not to be misled. It is advisable to adhere to facts or maintain silence for the time being. There might be a temptation to withhold information to avoid potential confrontations—however, it is best to resist this urge. Instead, focus on communication with your Self, your Higher Self, and God/Spirit today. If engaging with others, ensure absolute clarity in explaining yourself to avoid any potential misunderstandings.

12/27  ::  Sun (source & essential Self) ~trine~ Jupiter (expansion):
This moment holds the blessings of Source energy, nurturing and fueling your grandest dreams and life visions for this lifetime. Embrace and seize the profound vibes present when these forces unite, urging you to expand your life’s journey significantly. Such an activation often signifies blessings resulting from past dedication and commitment. As you’ve been moving along a certain path, it is as if the road now widens and deepens, offering you a chance to weave substantial parts of your personal Story together in a whole new light. This energy becomes a catalyst for learning and exploring anything that aids your progress. While some may opt to relax and unwind—suitable for some—it truly amplifies its support for those stepping into heightened levels of consciousness. Enthusiastic and optimistic, this energy swings doors wide open, contingent upon your mindset. It grants you the ability to perceive the grand scheme while guiding you toward the necessary next steps for your goals & aspirations at this moment.

12/27  ::  Mercury Rx (thoughts) ~conjunct~ Mars (energy):
(2 of 3: 10/29 :: 12/27 :: 1/27)
Before delving into this energy, I want to share two important points: Firstly, when Mercury is at play, the energy moves swiftly. Secondly, Mars, a lesser form of power compared to Pluto’s higher version, reminds us that along with power, we bear responsibility. Now, with that in mind, the positive essence of this energy allows you to steer your mind with passion, yielding tangible outcomes. This sharpens your intellectual prowess and mental capacity, for better or worse. You may find clarity in articulating certain thoughts and you may experience quick, effective responses. When integrity is upheld, it becomes an opportune moment to fuel significant creative expression. However, this energy’s negative manifestation might steer you toward pettiness and needless conflict, engaging in ego-driven dramas, and squandering precious time and energy. Furthermore, if this negativity does not originate from within, it is just as possible to encounter it from external sources. It is an optimal period to infuse your thoughts, ideas, and words with the passionate energy of Mars and use Mercury’s communicative power to foster creativity and facilitate shifts in consciousness. Their convergence brings about an energy exchange, igniting each other and initiating a new 2-year cycle.

12/28  ::  Mars (action & desire) ~square~ Neptune (dreams & illusions):
This energy can feel rather bothersome, to say the least. Essentially, you might encounter challenges directly linked to past choices. These are the very choices that you eventually realized were mistaken, hoping that somehow their consequences would pass you by. Sadly, they don’t. You may experience deep discouragement, perhaps even a sense of depression, coupled with feelings of fear or doubt. To navigate through this energy, take a step back, reflect upon your choices that led to this point, and then, as objectively as you can, assess what went awry. Amidst this energy, the inclination is to abandon entirely the path you’ve chosen, when all that is truly needed might just be a few adjustments. Strive to pinpoint the conflicting aspect causing this inner turmoil. If objectivity feels elusive or identifying the issue proves challenging, seek the opinions of two others and then trust your own instincts on the direction to pursue. There is also a temptation to be deceptive, whether to yourself or others—resist this urge, as it will return to haunt you later, perhaps even more strongly. Your physical energy may also feel diminished. Avoid forcing yourself into actions that don’t resonate right now. Instead, contemplate what actions might be necessary once your energy returns. Embrace stillness. Refrain from engaging in confrontations with others, for this energy nudges you beyond your comfort zone into new territory. You must consider this a test of sorts. Confront your fears and clarify your desires—it is the most effective way to manage this period. Regarding these two planets creating a challenging angle, reflect on actions taken (Mars) that have not worked toward fulfilling your dreams (Neptune)—that is where the “tweaking” can commence.

12/29  ::  Venus (relationships) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):
This energy delves into the depths of emotions, intensifying connections and deepening attachments. Relationships—be they friendships or romantic bonds—become much deeper, sometimes even more passionate, including any physical or intimate encounters. When Pluto is in the mix, there is no room for pretense or superficiality. With Venus involved, the focus is on relationships or how you engage with others. If you are seeking to forge deeper connections, now is the time, and the energy supports this pursuit. This energy serves as a catalyst for positive transformation within your relationships, partnerships, or collaborations. It provides added strength to address what requires change or brings forth topics that need deeper exploration or open conversations. Your emotional sensitivity might increase significantly, so it is critical to surround yourself with those who unconditionally love and support you. Alternatively, taking time alone for self-reflection on your feelings can also be very beneficial.

12/29  ::  Venus Enters SAGITTARIUS (until 1.23.2024):
During Venus’s stay in Sagittarius, we find ourselves drawn to expanding our connections, enriching our relationships and improving our lives. It is a time when we become aware of the interactions that invigorate us versus those that drain our energy. Consequently, certain partnerships might undergo a phase of re-evaluation, where each party reconnects with their authentic beliefs and potential, paving the way for a new direction (whether together or not). The key is to embrace optimism and seek opportunities even within uncomfortable or challenging choices and changes. Now is the moment to infuse diversity into your values & priorities, stirring them up to allow creativity to flow in fresh new ways or through unusual avenues. It is an opportunity to shape or refine the narrative of your life, weaving your renewed values and priorities into a more imaginative and authentic storyline guided by your own Inner/Higher Truths. Encourage yourself to think on a grander scale! Take the initial steps toward manifesting a higher vision for how you wish to engage with others over the next 3-4 weeks.

12/30  ::  Jupiter Direct in TAURUS:
When Jupiter steps into Taurus, it heralds the initiation of a fresh 12-year cycle! This transit brings opportunities for enhancing both Relationships and Finances, while initiating a completely new Truth, Story, and Belief System. This new cycle activates a New Truth & Story that is rooted in improved values, evolved priorities, redefined notions of security, and a revitalized sense of self-worth & value. If grasping the magnitude of a 12-year cycle feels overwhelming, consider working in 3-year increments. The potent Trinity energy aligns harmoniously with Jupiter, offering expanded awareness of a Greater Truth, where each individual plays an integral role.

Jupiter’s Annual Retrograde phase invite us to revise the narratives that we are weaving. It encourages focus on expansion and re-evaluation, determining what needs amplification and what requires reduction in our lives. Over the past 1-3 years, many have become awakened to their non-negotiables—those elements essential for individual comfort and personal security. Life is too fleeting to live according to someone else’s values or priorities.

Jupiter in Taurus casts a shadow of extremes, urging caution against indulgence, stubbornness, impatience, particularly in areas like consumption, intimacy, or spending. Its influence intensifies every aspect of life—be it good, challenging, or neutral. A significant challenge lies in avoiding the trap of the “Hungry Ghost,” where nothing manifested satiates that inner hunger. For those co-creating with these energies, especially if Taurus/Scorpio and/or Leo/Aquarius are active in your chart, the upcoming 3-years are pivotal, anchoring larger cycles to fortify, nurture, and protect anything you create or cultivate in the coming years.

As Jupiter goes Direct, it is time to align your life with a higher vision that embodies the emerging New Truth and Story that is rooted in Earned Wisdom and Evolved Consciousness. Anchoring new values and priorities internally and privately during the year it moves through Taurus is crucial because next year, as Jupiter journeys through Gemini, it will expand your network and public connections. Stabilizing certain aspects in your private, personal life now will serve you well when implementing the new ideas, thoughts, and concepts that Jupiter is sure to awaken & expand next year.

Years to Reflect On When Jupiter was in:

Taurus =      Next: 2035         Last: 2023-24   akin to … 2011-12
Aquarius =  Next: 2032-33    Last: 2020-21   akin to … 2009
Scorpio =    Next: 2029         Last: 2017-18   akin to … 2005-06
Leo =           Next: 2026         Last: 2014-15   akin to … 2002-03


* KarmicTools.com * Copyright © 2000-2023 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that it’s distributed freely, content remains intact and includes contact/link back to post. 
The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast by Kelly M Beard covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. 
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