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Unlock Your Destiny! November 3-9, 2024 Forecast

Unlock Your Destiny! November 3-9, 2024 Forecast

Embark on a journey of self-discovery with our forecast for November 3-9, 2024. Unlock your destiny and uncover what the future holds.

11/3  ::  Mars (desire) ~oppose~ Pluto (transformation):
(1 of 3:   11/3 :: 1/3 :: 4/26)
This energy is higher will versus lower will, an opposition which always brings tension and the need to balance & integrate whatever your dealing with at the time. It’s not a good time to be selfish, go it alone or let ego lead. Something you did not consider may become obvious and force you to change in some fundamental way. You may have to decide if the path you are on at this time is really going to lead you to the destination that you originally chose. If you have been clear about your desires and willing to sacrifice, work hard (and consistently), then this energy will activate a turning point for you. You will have access to energy and passion that propels you forward when based in love, light & truth. However, if your ego has been leading, you may find yourself at an impasse. This energy is all about power and with that power comes great responsibility. Be very careful of abusing that power as it will likely backfire on you.

11/3  ::  Mars Enters LEO (until 1.6.2025):
It will probably feel good to have Mars shift from Cancer into Leo, and normally, we look for that expansion and uplifted spirit for a month or two while Mars lights up the Leo Department of your life, but this year it’s going to linger and Retrograde in Leo. Usually, Mars entering Leo is an opportunity to get creative and have some fun, no matter how challenging life may be in the moment. This energy helps you magnetize your desires when you shine the Light of your Authentic Self. This is the placement of knowing who you are, who you want to be perceived to be and how you want to express, experience and obtain your Heart’s Desire. If you have not been loving your Self or shining your individual Light, then this energy will give you permission to recalibrate that so you are radiating authenticity, passion & love! Reconnect with your true value & self-worth and know that when you express your true self, you magnetize abundance, support & protection. The Shadow of this, of course, is ego, looking the part but not being the part and expecting others to change before you will even budge. It’s not time for that! It’s time to release anything blocking your Authentic Self from being able to lead or express in new ways.

DATES to Remember:
Mars Enters CANCER  :: 9.4.2024
Mars Enters LEO :: 11.3.2024
Mars Rx 6* LEO :: 12.6.2024
Rx RE-Enters CANCER :: 1.6.2025
Mars Direct 17* CANCER :: 2.23.2025
Dir RE-Enters LEO :: 4.17.2025
Mars Enters VIRGO :: 6.17.2025

11/3  ::  Venus (love, art & beauty) ~oppose~ Jupiter (expansion):
This is a great energy for enjoying nature, really good food & drink, fun company & lots of laughter! It is a celebratory energy, to be enjoyed but not to excess or to the neglect of your own health & well-being. It’s very creative and activates the true Inner Artist within all of us. It’s also good to consider that you are at a MidPoint in a relationship or creative project that you started about 6-months ago; is it still viable? is the Story that you’re telling still true? where’s the value? is it worth it? These are things to consider at this time. So whether you are an artist or not, this activation can facilitate an infinitely creative mood and expand your individual work immensely. Activate your imagination, think big, have fun & laugh today, but tomorrow, plan to start moving in a new direction that is more authentic for you personally.

11/3  ::  Juno Enters SCORPIO (2.19.2025):
Juno, the Divine Consort, rules your most important relationships and what you are deeply committed to. As she moves through Scorpio, we get in-touch with our Soul needs within our primary partnerships. Intimacy comes up for a deep re-set – how has it been going in that department for you over the last 4-5 years? And how would you like to go forward in a new & different way? It’s time to evaluate your resources too. Personally, it may be time for a cleanse or purification in your relationships or finances departments – another deep re-set that will assist you as you initiate all new levels of exchange, especially in your intimate partnerships. Your creativity may also be reborn in a powerful way, where you are more connected to the creative process and allowing Spirit to work through you like a channel. You may discover a whole new depth of commitment to allowing your Soul to lead in partnerships. Take this time to incubate your idea of intimacy & creativity and claim a new vision going forward that allows you to be grounded in your own power to conceive & co-create your own life, now & always. As Juno moves through your Scorpio House, touching any planets in Taurus/Scorpio or Leo/Aquarius by default, she is activating a new 4-5 year cycle of deep commitment to honoring your own Soul in the commitments that you choose to make. Scorpio is the energy of creation – your power to conceive & create – so use this Initiation to cultivate a new relationship with your own Soul.

NOTE: This year, Juno will Retrograde in Sag and go Direct in Scorpio, so she will be activating a deep, transformative process that will be in-process for over a year – 11.3.2024 thru 12.29.2025.

DATES to Remember:
Juno Enters SCORPIO :: 11.3.2024
Juno Enters SAG :: 2.19.2025
Juno Rx 1* SAG :: 3.19.2025
Rx RE-Enters SCORPIO :: 4.15.2025
Juno Direct 16* SCORPIO :: 7.10.2025
Dir RE-Enters SAG :: 10.1.2025
Juno Enters CAPRICORN :: 12.29.2025

11/4  ::  Sun (your core drives) ~trine~ Saturn (discipline & order):
This energy gives you the direction & discipline at the same time. Use it consciously to fuel your goals at this time, as you will be blessed by your past efforts. You are completely supported to structure your life in a whole new way. It’s time to take a personal inventory, organize your life, especially your home, office or immediate environment. Naturally, this kind of shift will also affect those you relate with in these close environments, so be mindful of others who are not necessarily as *clear* as you may be at this time. A new order is trying to take root, which scares some and excites others, and this activation supports you and your personal definition of stability & good boundaries. You have access to focus & dedication that can set the tone for the next season, as you clarify the connection between who you are and what you are truly responsible for in this lifetime. Evaluate your daily routine and see what is working and what is not and move forward with some new choices.

Samhain  ::  Cross Quarter  ::  Scorpio Gate of Power is all about Honoring the Invisible Assistance. This completes the 8 Sacred Seasons of the Solar Year. You’ve done all you can do for the last 10+ months and now you must surrender. You have been intuitively guided and completely supported the whole time, whether you were aware of it or not. All seasonal shifts call your attention to *BALANCE* and remind you to, periodically, tune-in to your Heart, Mother Nature & Great Spirit. This is the time of year for closure ~ within & without. The Cross Quarter Seasons (between each of the Solstices & Equinoxes) have long been considered to be *Gates of Power* ~ a threshold that offers access to other realms of existence, other Dimensions which are relevant and connected to our 3rd Dimension Reality. During this time of year, reflection on the past and rumination on the future commingle. The Angels, Ancestors & Animal Spirit Guides should be honored and will be more accessible for communing with at this time of the year. You can ask for their guidance on the lesson & purpose of certain events/experiences of the past year and you can ask for guidance on how to proceed during the upcoming year. After completion, clearing & release, it is an especially good practice to take time to sit with the Empty Space for a period of time. This is an Infinitely potent time “in between”, a place also referred to as the *Sweet Spot* in agriculture, which is that very thin membrane between *Seed & New Life*. Plant your seeds of the future during this dark time and be still, listen, invite Life. This 6-week period prior to Winter Solstice has the longest nights, implying rest, work behind closed doors and moving through any darkness. It is time to restore strength and prepare for the Light’s return, when things will again begin to quicken.

*SCORPIO* represents the most potent time of the year …
Scorpio as ruled by Mars asks, “What do you deeply desire?
Scorpio as ruled by Pluto asks,
What are you willing to sacrifice to have that desire fulfilled?
Are you willing to *SACRIFICE* …
fear … for love?
doubt … for faith?
false pride … for true confidence?
skepticism … for critical thinking?
poverty consciousness … for infinite gratitude?
groundless low self-esteem … for knowing who you are?

This is the time when the Life/Death/Life cycle is at work, highlighting the area of your life where you may experience an ending and subsequent new beginning. It is a time to *Honor the Dead* which can apply to friends & family who are no longer on this plane of existence with us, although their essence never dies and often becomes more accessible at this time. Or it can also apply to your own Being, your creative projects, or cycles in your life that are now complete.

In between a completion & initiating a new cycle, project or part of your Self, a time-out ~ Rest ~ Reverence ~ Reflection are all highly recommended. Also, this is the last of the 8 Sacred Seasons of the year when indigenous cultures and people who honor Mother Earth celebrate each turn of the Wheel, each cycle, each season. This is the season between Fall Equinox & Winter Solstice, so there is an element of Harvest still going on, however, now it is more about surrender & rest – in preparation for new life.

11/9  ::  Venus (love, finances & relationships) ~square~ Neptune (illusions & delusions):
This energy is great for creative flow. If you are artistically inclined in any way, you will have access to an energy that may allow you to create something amazing. Dig deep and allow your Self to free-flow! This energy can also challenge relationships (personal or professional) to ‘keep it real’ in some way and ones which are not on a true, solid foundation are likely to dissolve under this influence. When Neptune is involved, we see life through a completely different kind of lens, often seeing the potential rather than the reality of the situation. Detach & Trust. If your relationship happens to end under this influence, it’s not necessarily a bad thing because it suggests that it was never on solid ground to begin with. Be thankful and move on. This activation is just helping you align your true values & priorities with the vision in your mind & heart, but you will also have to expand your consciousness in some way, follow your own inner compass and take practical steps going forward.


* KarmicTools.com * Copyright © 2000-2024 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that it’s distributed freely, content remains intact and includes contact/link back to post. 
The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast by Kelly M Beard covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. 
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