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Tap Into Planetary Power: October 14 to 20, 2024

Tap Into Planetary Power: October 14 to 20, 2024

DRAGONFLY FULL MOON:  The life-changing effects of this Thursday's Full Moon are already being felt, due to the involvement of several other planets in the lunation.

One of those planets is powerful Pluto, which is at full strength right now since it just stationed direct on October 12.

I'm calling this a "Dragonfly Moon" because Dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, and personal growth. Dragonfly also represents the ability to let go of the past, to emerge stronger and more resilient after trauma, and to be open to new beginnings. This is very similar to the process of death and rebirth that Pluto shepherds us through.

CARDINAL GRAND CROSS: The Full Moon peaks at 4:26 a.m. PDT on Thursday, October 17. At the time of the lunation, the Moon will be at 24°35' Aries opposite the Sun at the same degree of Libra. The luminaries will be square both Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn, forming a configuration called a cardinal grand cross and also activating the effects of the upcoming Mars-Pluto opposition.

A grand cross involves planets in four different signs that do not relate well to each other. In this case, the Moon is in independent, assertive Aries; the Sun is in social, accommodating Libra; Mars is in sensitive, protective Cancer; and Pluto is in ambitious, authoritative Capricorn. 

To understand the effects of a grand cross, visualize four horses, all harnessed to the same wagon, but pulling in four different directions. We can imagine the intensity and the struggle, the tension and the resistance, as each horse tries mightily to move the wagon in the direction it is facing.

Symptoms of a grand cross include a tendency to be impatient, reckless, impulsive, aggressive, or confrontational. It is not the best time to take action or make decisions, since emotions and adrenalin are heightened.

To navigate this Full Moon successfully, we will want to cultivate the qualities of patience, self-discipline, internal fortitude, endurance, and cooperation.

MARS-PLUTO OPPOSITION: The Mars-Pluto opposition that is being triggered through this week's Full Moon will be exact three times. The first pass of the aspect is just two weeks away, on November 3. The second and third passes occur on January 2 and April 26, 2025.

The November opposition is especially significant because it occurs while Pluto is still in Capricorn, at the critical "anaretic" (final) degree of the sign. The aspect will play a major role in achieving Pluto's long-term goal of dismantling old social and political structures that are no longer functional. This must be completed if we are to enter the Pluto-in-Aquarius years with greater freedom to create the new. 

As Pluto opposes Mars in Cancer, we expect to see a battle of wills, competition and conflict, and extreme (or underhanded) efforts to dominate or take control. With this aspect, what has been hidden comes to the surface so that it loses its power to control us from behind the scenes.

With Mars and Pluto strongly involved in Thursday's Full Moon, events that occur this week are integral threads in a larger tapestry that will be woven over the next two to four weeks. They also will relate in some way to a longer-term process that will take several months to complete, perhaps not until the final Mars-Pluto opposition in late April of next year.

THIS WEEK'S ASPECTS: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects, day by day: 


Sun square Mars: People may be very restless and self-oriented. Irritations and frustrations are possible. It may be hard to maintain an objective view of reality. 

Venus opposite Uranus: The need for freedom in a relationship can result in impulsive or rebellious actions. Either breakthroughs or breakdowns can occur, especially if one partner has been feeling restricted or controlled. 


Venus trine Neptune: Compassion and understanding come more easily today. Our intuition is heightened and we are able to see the best qualities in a loved one. A willingness to be open and honest about our feelings can foster greater intimacy.


No major aspects are exact today.


Full Moon: October's Full Moon shines its brightest at 4:26 a.m. PDT, when Luna is at 24°35' Aries.

Venus sextile Pluto: There are opportunities to connect more deeply with a loved one, and to strengthen a commitment.

Mercury sesquiquadrate Jupiter: Too much talking or too much information in general can lead to a feeling of overwhelm.

Venus enters Sagittarius: Venus will be in good-natured Sagittarius from October 17 to November 11. During these weeks, we are encouraged to bring humor and acceptance into all our relationships, and to let go of judgments and self-righteousness.

Sun opposite Eris: Conflicts and controversies can interfere with our ability to relate in a harmonious way with others.


Sun quincunx Uranus: Surprising events and unexpected disruptions require us to adjust our plans and our expectations.


No major aspects are exact today.


Sun quincunx Neptune and sesquiquadrate Saturn: It may be hard to find our balance today. Our perceptions of reality may not be as clear as we'd like; we can either idealize a situation or be exceptionally pessimistic.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Your journey this year is perhaps not as easy-going as most Libras might prefer, but it will be quite valuable in your personal growth, putting you in touch with facets of your being that you may not have been conscious of before. You may feel very passionate and excited about some course of action, and be strongly determined in your commitment to it. Important lessons this year include being true to yourself, knowing when to say "no," and learning that being in a healthy relationship includes being assertive and taking care of your own needs. (Solar Return Sun square Mars, trine Jupiter, quincunx Uranus, quincunx Neptune, square Pluto, opposite Chiron, opposite Eris)

In peace, love, and gratitude,


Aspects of Note This Week:

All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

  • Monday: Sun square Mars, Venus opposite Uranus
  • Tuesday: Venus trine Neptune
  • Wednesday: No major aspects are exact today
  • Thursday: Full Moon 4:26 a.m. PDT 24°35' Aries, Venus sextile Pluto, Mercury sesquiquadrate Jupiter, Venus enters Sagittarius, Sun opposite Eris\
  • Friday: Sun quincunx Uranus
  • Saturday: No major aspects are exact today
  • Sunday: Sun quincunx Neptune, Sun sesquiquadrate Saturn

DAILY ASTROLOGY: For daily astrological insights, including lunar aspects not covered in this weekly Journal, please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pamyounghans/ 

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
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To learn more about Pam's work, please visit www.northpointastrology.com

NorthPoint Journal copyright 2024 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.

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Posted with written permission from Pam Younghans. Posting on CrystalWind.ca © 2024. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce any content without written permission. The article's title was crafted by CrystalWind.ca.

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