Tap into Planetary Energy: April 22 to 28, 2024
- Details
- Written by Pam Younghans

PINK FULL MOON: The current lunar cycle reaches its crescendo on Tuesday as the Moon shines its brightest in the night sky. Indigenous peoples in eastern North America called the Full Moon of April the "Pink Moon," due to it occurring when the herb Moss Pink (creeping phlox) was in full bloom.
This particular Full Moon is of special importance because it is the climax of the lunar cycle that began with the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8. Issues and events that were initiated around the time of that mega New Moon should see significant developments this week, as new revelations come into our awareness.
THE PLUTO EFFECT: The planet Pluto, known as the Great Transformer, is a strong influence in this week's Full Moon. When the Scorpio Moon opposes the Taurus Sun at 4:48 p.m. PDT on April 23, they will each be at 04°17´ of their respective signs. At that time, Pluto will be sitting at 02°05´ Aquarius, forming a hard square aspect to both luminaries.
Pluto, though currently labeled a "dwarf planet" by astronomers, is a powerful force in astrology. As the Psychotherapist Planet, Pluto digs deep into our psyches to expose the shadow, bringing into our awareness the subconscious fears and motivations that have been controlling us from behind the scenes.
As we work with Pluto, we become aware of emotions and memories that have been suppressed or repressed, but that have been affecting our behaviors and self-concept. Whether they have been residing just beneath the surface or buried more deeply in our unconscious, Pluto gives us the opportunity to transmute them.
FIXED T-SQUARE: The emotional impact of the Full Moon is increased by Pluto's involvement, especially since the Sun, the Moon, and Pluto will form a configuration called a "T-square." To visualize this formation, imagine a large letter T in the sky, with the Sun and the Moon at opposite ends of the crossbar and Pluto at the base of the stem.
A T-square indicates a great deal of tension and pressure that is ready to erupt. Under its influence, people can act irrationally or impulsively. Our primary challenges with this T-square are to be flexible in our expectations, to have courage in a crisis, and to value inner strength over having outer control. As such, we must be aware of where we are intolerant, resistant to change, stubbornly attached to the status quo, or trying to control or manipulate circumstances instead of embracing the soul lesson involved.
Pluto, as it sits at the all-important "apex" point at the base of the T-square, has a pivotal role in the issues we will be working with this week's Full Moon. Like a skilled psychotherapist, Pluto will reveal and highlight the shadow, and in so doing, motivate us to make changes in areas where we have been resistant thus far. With Pluto's help, the awareness brought by the lunation becomes the first step in a process of cleansing, purging, and detoxification — after which we can rise, like the Phoenix, from the ashes of what once was.
THIS WEEK'S ASPECTS: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects:
No major aspects are exact today.
Full Moon: The Pink Moon perfects at 4:48 p.m. PDT on Tuesday, April 23. At that time, the Moon will be a 04°17´ Scorpio, opposite the Sun at the same degree of Taurus.
No major aspects are exact today.
Venus conjunct Eris: This aspect encourages us to take new risks in relationship and financial matters but is also impulsive and perhaps oblivious to the longer-term consequences of our actions.
Mercury stations direct: Mercury completes its retrograde phase, coming to a standstill at 5:53 a.m. PDT today. Over the past three weeks, we have had opportunities to rethink and review ideas and plans. As the Messenger Planet gradually picks up speed over the coming days, we are supported in implementing the insights we've gained and moving forward with projects.
No major aspects are exact today.
No major aspects are exact today.
Mars conjunct Neptune: Mars is the planet of action and desire; as it conjoins idealistic Neptune in Pisces, we are supported in aligning our personal will with Divine Will and Divine Compassion. This may be a good time to create an intention that involves being of service in new ways, since the ego is strongly informed by the intuition.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This is a pivotal year for you, Taurus. How you have defined yourself is undergoing dramatic change, which can be challenging if you are resistant. You may feel compelled to act in ways that are contrary to your usual values, or that don't take into account your longer-term security. You may also feel almost obsessed about a certain issue or area of your life, which draws your attention to the exclusion of other concerns. As you get in touch with an unfamiliar aspect of yourself, with a passion or a compulsion that has been hidden or under control until now, your self-concept will inevitably and irrevocably change. This force will be at work for everyone with birthdays this week, but perhaps strongest for those whose birth anniversary is in the first few days of the week (April 22-25). (Solar Return Sun square Pluto)
In peace, love, and gratitude,
Aspects of Note This Week:
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.
- Monday: No major aspects are exact today
- Tuesday: Full Moon 4:48 p.m. PDT (04 Scorpio 17)
- Wednesday: No major aspects are exact today
- Thursday: Venus conjunct Eris, Mercury SD
- Friday: No major aspects are exact today
- Saturday: No major aspects are exact today
- Sunday: Mars conjunct Neptune
"DANCES WITH FIREFLIES": I invite you to join us for my webinar covering May-August 2024, airing live on May 1 — only two weeks away! Please see the description below, or click here to register: https://pam-may-august2024.eventbrite.com
FIREFLIES symbolize hope, illumination, and enlightenment. They remind us that we each have a self-generating light within us, capable of shining brightly in the darkness. Like miniature stars dancing within arm’s reach, a group of fireflies — called a “sparkle” — evokes a sense of wonder and magic. They stir within us the desire to understand the mysteries of the universe.
Although the planets will support our dance of light over the next four months, they will also test our ability to fly. During this “Dances with Fireflies” webinar, astrologer Pam Younghans will explain the main planetary influences we’ll be working with from May-August 2024 and share how they may affect us, individually and collectively.
Here are just a few of the highlights Pam will talk about:
IN MAY: Transformations as Pluto comes to a standstill. A visionary and inspirational Jupiter-Neptune sextile. Jupiter’s ingress into Gemini increases the flow of information and the need to know.
IN JUNE: An empowering Jupiter-Pluto trine. The search for truth and a deepening desire to fulfill our soul’s mission. A reality check with Saturn at its station.
IN JULY: Strong idealism and an awakening of global compassion as Neptune stations retrograde. Sudden and surprising events, a turning point as Mars conjoins Uranus.
IN AUGUST: Expansion versus contraction as Mars conjoins Jupiter and squares Saturn. A dramatic and fiery Full Moon square Uranus. The first Jupiter-Saturn square tests commitments made at the Great Conjunction in December 2020. The beginning of a long-term reality check of our beliefs and ideologies (completing in June 2025).
PLEASE JOIN US! This webinar is for everyone, whether you are a newcomer to astrology or have spent years in study. Before the class, you will receive aspect calendars for May-August so that you can use them for notetaking. And if you’re not able to attend live, no worries! Everyone who registers will receive links to the replay and all support materials within 24 hours after the class airs.
QUESTIONS? The webinar will run about 90 minutes. If you have any questions about registration or payment options, please contact moderator Elsie Kerns at or call 856.988.7426 (Eastern Time Zone).
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
Feel free to share this NorthPoint Journal with others who may enjoy it! Please forward it in its entirety, including all contact and copyright information.
To learn more about Pam's work, please visit www.northpointastrology.com.
NorthPoint Journal copyright 2024 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.
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Posted with written permission from Pam Younghans.
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