September 2024: Your Monthly Forecast Revealed
- Details
- Written by Lena Stevens

The theme for September is “Embrace Change and Follow the Bread Crumbs”.
It is a month to be highly flexible, to overcome your fear of the unknown, to welcome transformation, and to be proactive with what you can change in your life to make it better. We have potent energies this month enticing us to be open to more possibilities and opportunities than we have been able to entertain in a long time. We will need to follow the bread crumbs to acknowledge what is becoming attractive to us and be flexible enough to let go of an old dream or intention to allow for a change in direction.
Not an easy month as you will be tested, and your fears, especially of letting go, will come up. Hold the notion that the person you are now, as you begin the month, is likely not the person you will be at the end of October once the 2 remaining eclipses of the year have passed and there has been some time for integration. See this as a good thing and be proactive with what it may take to make a positive change where you need to.
We start the month with a focus on self-care and self-awareness about what supports and nurtures you inside and out. Strive for finding balance between what you can receive from others and what you need to do for yourself, such as protection from negativity and attention points from those that do not have your best interests in mind. Pay attention to projections from others that have a victim attitude and don’t take anything personally. You may have to be ruthless with your time and energy as you fortify and improve your self-care, positive practices and inner strength. You will need that inner strength as the month progresses.
As we getter closer to the partial lunar eclipse on the 17th, the biggest bread crumbs will be beckoning and the need to release your fear, an old program, relationship or direction, will become apparent. This is where the tests begin and you may feel overwhelmed with the possibilities that are opening up and the opportunities that require a decision. If you are flexible and clear about what you don’t want, it will be easier to see the positive choices in front of you. It will require courage, determination and inner strength, especially in the letting go process. The gifts on the other side however are well worth it.
How the month shows up:
This is a very transformational month with a strong focus on building inner strength, vitality, certainty, health and good practices for self-care, protection and boundaries. It is important to stay present as well as to spend plenty of time in reflection investigating your own truth and making choices that are not influenced buy others. As mentioned, the person you start out being in September will likely be different than the person at the end of this October even if it is just in attitude, confidence level, and trust in a new ability to manifest.
The transformation potential of the month will require discipline especially around keeping yourself clear of others projections, opinions and attachments. Following the bread crumbs is paying attention to what you have a passion for and how opportunities to rekindle that passion may be showing up. The resistance to change is not only within you but also can come from the outside as those closest to you are in resistance to you going for something new and different.
Relationship with self is the most important one this month. Most of us have spent way too much of our energy and time considering others and compromising ourselves in the process. You are very likely to disappoint others this month as you embrace better practices of self-care, time management, and personal change. Communication will be the key even if you do not have all the information. Include others in your process as much as possible without being affected by their influence if it does not support you.
This is also a good time to initiate new relationships, especially ones that are connected to some process of change. People who come into your life unexpectedly or with unexpected opportunities may be some of the larger bread crumbs showing up on your path. So pay attention and always consider what feels right instead of what you think you ought to do.
A very important month for enhancing and implementing good practices for self-care, grounding and balance. The physical body has gone through growing pains in the last few weeks demanding attention to places and issues that need it. If you have already been working on the self-care area of improvement, keep up the process. If you are a bit behind in this commitment, you will become aware of the need for it.
If you have been experiencing a lethargy that sometimes comes with the need to go inward and assimilate, this month is the time to turn that habit around and begin to include more action and movement on a daily basis. Make it fun. Dance, walk with a friend, move things around in your space. Become more conscious about your intake of what feeds you; food, drink, news, ideas, negative or positive attitudes, and be discerning about what to receive and what to turn away.
Mental health requires space, support and connection to your own passion so you can choose things for yourself that make you happy. If you have resentment in your life, trace it back to its origin, forgive the event, and choose the experience for yourself that gives you what you need.
Big projects that require big commitments of either time or resources should be put on hold until they get a clear green light. So much is changing that putting energy into something not quite ready to go could backfire if the direction suddenly shifts. It is better to spend your time and resources eliminating what is no longer viable or needed. Even though the focus is on expanding our container and raising our level of functioning through change, the process is still of elimination and cutting the old dead wood loose. This creates the space for those new bread crumbs to show up and become visible as our next steps. The is no room for impatience and martyrdom should also be avoided at all costs.
This is a month to explore and reconnect with what you are passionate about and that reconnection could play a big part in what bread crumbs you create and choose to follow. The partnership you have with yourself includes all the parts of yourself that need to work together to accomplish a common goal. There is the emotional part that always needs the reassurance of safety, the intellectual part that has a need to know what the next steps are, the physical part that needs to believe in the physical viability and the spiritual part that needs to feel confident you are on the right path. Take some time and work with all these parts so your committee is all on the same page. This will translate to good cooperative collaborations with others.
Embrace change as it shows up in the greater natural environment as well as in your own. Consider all environments, work, home, family, emotional, mental, natural, and pay attention to the changes happening and the changes that need to happen. Be proactive and stay out of resistance around change. Be as flexible as you can make the transitions whatever they may be as fun as you can. Challenging situations can bring the best and the worst out, so make it your best by moving towards humor instead of despair. If you can laugh in the face of chaos, confusion and environments falling apart around you, you have put yourself on the golden line of healing and progress. The mantra, “This too shall pass” may come in handy this month as you navigate change and unexpected situations having to do with weather and environmental events. Another useful saying is “There is always help along the way”.
September 1-7
A period of reflection that can give you insights on what is working in your life and what isn’t. Pay attention to the details that involve self-care and your inner process. You may need to set boundaries around yourself at this time so as not to be influenced by another’s state of mind, process or attitude. You can ask yourself, “what still needs to be healed?” And then allow for forgiveness to flow and dissolve disappointment, shame, guilt, anger, regret, and any other negative state you may still be holding on to. Find the medicine in the lesson and choose to move on.
The New Moon energy provides an opportunity for a reset into a new direction based on what is showing up in your life. Plant the seeds of an emotional upgrade and practice the discipline of putting your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health first.
September 2
New Moon in Virgo is Monday, September 2nd at 7:55 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT). This new moon supports all manner of self-care commitments, healthy choices and a desire for improving self and your environment. Don’t get bogged down in the minutia of details around non-important issues and don’t get distracted by all the little niggly things that need attention. Instead look at the big picture of change and tackle the one thing that shows up as the biggest bread crumb for you right now.
It is a good time to look at whatever resistance you may have to change and practice flexibility. If you can be proactive with change you will be ahead of the game. So pick something you can change that pushes you a bit outside your comfort level and go for it. Once you commit, if it is the right bread crumb, observe how everything around the decision comes together to support you. And, if there is something in the way, like your fear or resistance or overthinking, you may experience that as well. The energy wants us to move forward so whatever you might be engaged in, do it without hesitation.
September 8-15
Where is your energy going? This is a time frame to look at where you need to be more responsible for what feeds you and what depletes you. If you are facing challenges, don’t get into martyrdom about it. Access your inner strength and determination and go for the solution that includes positive change and an inspiration for something better. Allow tension to support movement. Talk things out with those on the same page as you and follow the bread crumbs that invite new possibilities for expanding your experience of life.
September 16-23
More clarity is available during this time and staying present with what is showing up and following the path of bread crumbs will enable good choices and movement towards change. It is a good time to reset your intentions and to share new inspiration, desires and direction with others. From a place of more inner strength and good boundaries, hopefully developed over the last couple of weeks, begin to take necessary steps towards your own clarity of choice. Keep clear of the influence of others and stay present with your emotional and intuitive wisdom. Use it for guidance when the tendency to mistrust your own process occurs.
We are now in the eclipse window where intensity of emotion, reaction and projection may be amplified. Good boundaries and protection are helpful as well as reminding yourself to be flexible, resilient and resourceful in the face of change. If you are experiencing good stability and flow in your life there is no reason to jump on the bandwagon of chaos, confusion and disharmony that you might witness around you. Keep implementing self-care and good spiritual practice as a way to stay balanced, grounded and present.
September 17
Full Moon in Pisces is Tuesday, September 17th at 8:34 PM Mountain Daylight Time MDT. More on this Super Harvest Moon, with a partial Lunar Eclipse, will be sent in a Power Path update from our mailing list.
Join Anna for a powerful remote shamanic healing working with the full moon and eclipse energies. Tuesday. September 17, 7PM MDT
September 22
Equinox is Sunday, September 22 at 6:43 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) (Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring in the Southern Hemisphere) More on this Equinox will be sent in a Power Path Update from our mailing list.
September 23
Weekly Wisdoms live with Lena 9AM MDT on ZOOM
September 24-30
The themes for this time frame are power, assertiveness and passion. It is a good time to work on your “Havingness”. Can you truly have what you desire and what you have a passion for? Observe the opportunities showing up that bring you a second chance at what you may have left behind through past choices and decisions. For example, if you turned away from an opportunity to travel to a particular place in the past and carried regrets about that choice, you may create a new opportunity to take that trip.
Be assertive around what you want and practice coming from a place of power and courage. This is a good time to reconnect with what you have a passion for and what you had a passion for that perhaps has been out on hold due to life circumstances.
Have a great month!
Join Lena for a powerful remote healing to help you with flexibility and resistance to change through a good clearing, reset and blessing. Tuesday, September 3rd 7PM MDT (click here to read more and sign up)
September 9
Join Lena live for Weekly Wisdoms. Set your week up right with suggestions, practices and a look at the week, its opportunities and potential challenges. Monday September 9, 9AM MDT, 30 minutes of wisdom, 15 of Q and A. Back by popular demand and now on the more user-friendly platform of zoom.
September 16
Weekly Wisdoms live with Lena. 9AM MDT on ZOOM
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