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September 2024 Forecast: What Lies Ahead?
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- Written by Kathy Biehl
Recent weeks have shown how the vibe can change in an instant. Drastically. A palpable electricity has been buzzing in the air, as if someone flicked a switch.
September’s start could have us wondering if someone’s toggling that switch. Another vibe comes in, abruptly, on the first day of the month. It’s not a new one, but familiar and oh so old. Forces and issues are returning to prominence that are not quite ready to relinquish their grip. They’ll battle for dominance with the electricity, but don’t worry. Even if it wavers, it won’t go out, and will surge again mid-November.
For now, though, the past is calling for attention. Two long-term influences that have molded the past decade-plus are simultaneously beginning the process of wrapping up their time in their current signs. This stacking will summon – and blend — unfinished business you may have forgotten or thought was settled, and with interconnections you may not have previously seen.
Unfinished business from recent months will be surfacing as well, along with second looks, more info, shocks and surprises involving twists and turns we’ve experienced since mid-May.
September launches with a double-whammy from the two cosmic change agents: Uranus stationing retrograde and retrograde Pluto returning to Capricorn. They’re in the unbroken energetic flow of a trine, birthing more sudden, seismic shifts in foundations, institutions, power and more.
In addition to the personal impact, their collaboration will revisit recent political developments across the globe, and especially in the U.S. Uranus, disrupter, awakener, liberator, revisits the nomination of both presidential tickets and other pivotal events that occurred during his first pass over the degrees he is now revisiting. He spends most of the month bearing down on the degree he’s occupied since early August, quick starting the launch of the reformulated Democratic ticket and conjunct the U.S. Moon, which represents the nation’s people. He’ll retrace his steps back to his early May position before stationing direct at the end of January.
Meanwhile, Pluto, ruler of death and transformation, is making his final pass, during our lifetimes, through the sign of Capricorn. Since he first entered in January 2008, he’s been exposing institutional rot and decay, intensifying extremes in wealth and power, and reworking foundations and the role of government. One last round of confronting, addressing and, in theory, cleaning up those issues (and more) lasts between September 1 and November 19, when he moves fully into Aquarius until 2044.
Two aspects of this swan song to note: He has returned to the role of keeper of the exit door, which means that every planet and body that is changing signs has a refocusing, intensifying contact with him first before going out the door.
Also, he’s collaborating with the other long-term influence in the process of wrapping up: illusionist, dream weaver and transcendence master Neptune, who has been in Pisces since 2011. Neptune’s long goodbye begins with this month’s full moon in that sign, a lunar eclipse, with him conjunct the Moon. This not only kicks off the next eclipse cycle, on the Virgo/Pisces axis, but also sets – or rather, clears – the stage for Neptune’s departure next April.
Although the event occurs midway into the month, on September 17, it’ll be revealing itself – and lots more – weeks before. It’s escalating and closing down many a theme and drama (plus booting out players) from Neptune’s time in Pisces.
The revelation component of a lunar eclipse will be especially potent, thanks to the ongoing sextile between Neptune and Pluto. Pluto is giving access to secrets and power games (and the ability to dispel fog), which could help you understand a lot of what you’ve been floating through for years. Neptune offers softening to the structures Pluto is plowing through, which could make it easier for them to succumb and transform already, or for you to understand (that concept again) what’s been shaping up for years, and the higher/bigger purpose behind it.
While Uranus, Neptune and Pluto set the framework, more ordinary activity occurs that affects our day-to-day.
The Virgo New Moon September 2 signals new seeds, fresh starts and new phases in healthy choices, intact boundaries, and putting life on a sane, organized footing. Pushing against deception and delusion requires tactical adjustments, when Mars squares Neptune and inconjuncts Pluto September 3 and 4.
Energies then focus on home, family, nurturing and protecting loved ones, as the cosmic first responder moves into Cancer until early November. The masculine archetype is generally not entirely comfortable stomping around the Moon’s turf. He’s currently got some avatars walking around in prominent human bodies demonstrating polarities of his potential here – asserting command over home and family issues, on one end, and taking nurturing action to protect them, on the other. If nothing else, watch for an upsurge in preparing food.
We make choices and adjustments in communication and cut out some topics or streams, with Mercury inconjunct Pluto September 9. The flurry and every-which-way overload of the past few months then comes to ground in deliberative, practical, evaluative thinking, while Mercury travels through his earth-bound home of Virgo until September 26. His sextile to Mars September 11 is a great time to try out healthy recipes, clean the kitchen, or reorganize your home.
Mid-September brings mid-August to mind. How did you resolve the competing pushes for expansion and containment of the Jupiter/Saturn square that peaked August 19? Tweaking is called for in responsibilities and commitments, particularly involving relationships and desires. Tricky thing, though: notice how you want more. And more. And more. (All thanks to Venus inconjunct Saturn, the Sun square Jupiter and Venus trine Jupiter from the 11-15).
After the Neptune-enhanced Pisces Full Moon lunar eclipse on the 17th, Uranus’ retrograde hits home, personally, freeing up new possibilities for our selves (a trine from the Sun September 19) and adjusting desires in relationships (an inconjunct from Venus September 20).
At the same time, the Jupiter/Saturn review of the prior week takes another form. Information is coming out that challenges our thinking and mindsets; instead of sitting with it, we push for more, more, more – information, explanations, answers, clarity (with Mercury opposing Saturn and squaring Jupiter September 18 – 21).
The Virgo clean-up imperative becomes personal – Drop a habit? Redefine yourself? — as the Sun trines Pluto – making a Virgo and Capricorn contact for the last time in our lives – and heads into Libra September 22. This solstice is a milestone event. Relationships, creativity, word choices, social justice, concepts of cooperation are all intensifying, taking on monumental importance, and undergoing the energy equivalent of trial by fire – energies that will persist for the next three months. Their ruler Venus (who is also in charge of this solstice) is squaring Pluto that day, then leaving her home sign of Libra for immersion in the dark, powerful waters of Scorpio.
September’s last days have us grappling with the three large processes that have framed the month. The 24th crackles with insights, unexpected messages with tangible impact (perhaps on your finances) and more personal ramifications of Uranus’ retrograde, as Mercury trines the quick-change artist. Refreshed vision and perspectives lead to a long-distance view of revelations and developments of the lunar eclipses, as well as whatever’s billowing out from the cosmic fog machine (deception, magical thinking, gaslighting), when Mercury opposes Neptune September 25. Candid communications clarified thinking and cutting out the inconsequential follow on the 26th, when the messenger trines Pluto and then moves, our minds and conversations refocused, into “let’s play nice” Libra.
Stable – or stabilizing – action and personal clarity close out the month. Mars trines Saturn, bringing order, structure and staying power to responsible, mature tactics. Mercury finishes his gauntlet of aspects with a conjunction to the Sun. It’s easy to distinguish your thinking from the chatter and concepts flying around you, in a welcome (and useful) moment of knowing yourself.
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