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October 2024 Astrology Forecast Shifts You Need to Know

October 2024 Astrology Forecast Shifts You Need to Know

As we move into October, we can’t help but notice the end of the year on the horizon.

Time tends to speed up, and with the cosmic skies busy this October, we are likely to feel a strong momentum pushing us along.

As we begin the month we are deep in the trenches of Eclipse Season. We may feel stuck between one state and the next, or that we are moving to something we can’t reach just yet.

As the Solar Eclipse arrives at the start of the month on the 2nd, we are welcomed with some fresh new energy. A new pathway may open for us, or we may feel the results of our hard work over the last six months finally come to fruition.

This Solar Eclipse is connected to the Eclipses we had back in March and April of this year, so whatever intentions or seeds were planted at that time may finally come to sprout in October.

As we reach the Aries Full Moon on October 17, the planetary waves will intensify, bringing a slew of busy cosmic activity! It is going to be important to come back to the energy of the Libra Sun and try our best to find balance. We can’t do everything, we can’t be everywhere, and most importantly, we can’t be everything to everyone, so we will have to pick and choose what is really worth our time.

By the time the end of October rolls around, we may be feeling a little inspired, a little wired, and a little tired! Listening to our bodies and prioritizing rest as much as possible will help with this!

Let’s take a look at the key astrological dates for October –

October Astrology 2024

October 1- Sun Conjunct Mercury

Mercury and the Sun come together, bringing illumination and clarity! This is a power day in the cycle of Mercury. If you had any miscommunications during the last Mercury Retrograde, this alignment can help iron and smooth things out. You may find that issues from last month begin to make more sense. Your mind may be sharper today too!

October 2- Libra Solar Eclipse

A potent annular or “ring of fire” Solar Eclipse will darken our daytime sky, reminding us of the magic of the cosmos! This Eclipse represents new beginnings and holds the promise of change. It can activate new pathways in our lives and set us up on a new journey. We can feel an Eclipse like this a month before and a month after it arrives, so chances are we may already have some clues as to what new beginning is on the horizon for us. This Eclipse is connected to the Aries Solar Eclipse we had back in April. Any intentions you set at that time are likely to come to fruition now.

October 9- Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion enters retrograde in the sign of Gemini. Jupiter just entered Gemini back in May, and this is the first retrograde we have experienced. Jupiter will travel from 21 degrees of Gemini back to 11 degrees of Gemini. During this retrograde, themes from the end of May to September 2024, may come back around. You can learn more about Jupiter’s journey in Gemini and what you can expect here.

October 11- Pluto Direct

Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, emerges from the underworld in Capricorn. This is the last time Pluto will be in Capricorn in our lifetimes! As Pluto wraps up his final stint in Capricorn, we may be transported back to 2008 in some way. We may find themes from this time officially coming to a close, or we may finally feel at peace with whatever transpired. We have all likely changed a lot since then, and Pluto stationing direct is a good time to celebrate the journey we have traveled. Pluto will re-enter Aquarius on November 20, where it will remain until 2043.

October 12- Sun Square Mars

While it peaks today, this is something we have been feeling building all month. The Sun in Libra will square Mars in Cancer, bringing a build-up of tension. If we have been feeling stretched thin or burnt out, we may finally reach our limit today. Heated emotions may rise as well, causing us to lash out or get snappy with those around us. Channel this energy into being proactive, taking action, and exercise! Tensions will ease after today.

October 13-15- Busy Astrological Days!

Right before the Full Moon reaches its peak, we have a slew of planetary activity, making these few days feel like intense ones! We may be feeling busy or a little scattered. Whenever we have busy planetary energy like this, the Universe is always preparing us for something and helping push things forward so we can get right where we need to be. It seems like we are perhaps being called to organize and get situated for this upcoming Aries Full Moon. If you are interested in the exact astrology over these few days, we have:

  • Sun trine Jupiter (things flow, helping to place us right where we need to be)
  • Mercury Square Pluto (deep communication and thought processes are possible now)
  • Venus Opposite Uranus (feeling scattered when it comes to our relationships)
  • Venus trine Neptune (feeling uncertain when it comes to our relationships)

October 17- Aries Full Moon

The Aries Full Moon is a Super Moon, which means it will be nice and close to planet Earth, and we will feel its effects strongly. This is a very action-based Full Moon. We are likely to feel inspired to take charge and push forward in a direction that feels good to us. We may find ourselves needing to put our warrior mask on and step up in some way. While emotions may be running high, we are being encouraged to act and become the leader in the situation. This Full Moon is also closely linked to the Aries New Moon Eclipse we had back in April. We may see some similar themes or patterns between these two events. The intentions we set under this Eclipse may also finally come into our reality.

October 17- Venus in Sagittarius

Venus moves out of deep and introspective Scorpio into lighter territory in Sagittarius. This brings fresh energy that can allow us to feel playful, adventurous, and creative! This is a great time to spend with friends and to remember the importance of friendship. Make it a point to reach out to an old friend and let them know how much they mean to you.

October 22- Sun in Scorpio

The Sun moves out of air sign Libra into watery, sensitive Scorpio. It is under the Scorpio Sun that we can recognize the cycles of life. There is always darkness and light, and we ebb and flow between the two. One cannot exist without the other. Scorpio Season is a time of change where we begin to go inward and reflect on why we are the way we are, and what actions have led us to this point in our journey. This is a very introspective time, and one where we may feel the need to withdraw and go within.

October 22- Sun Square Pluto

Just in time for the start of Scorpio Season, we have the Sun squaring Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth and reminds us of the temporariness of life. Everything is evolving and shifting from one state to another. We can see it in our physical bodies and all of nature around us. Sun square Pluto can bring a deeper awareness and have us digging to layers we have not ventured to before. This is a potentially intense time, but one where we can achieve profound breakthroughs and awakenings.

October 28- Venus Square Saturn

Venus in Sagittarius will square Saturn in Pisces. This is decision day. If we have been dragging our feet when it comes to making a decision, particularly in our relationship, this planetary alignment encourages us to take action. The time to decide has arrived.

October 30- Mercury Opposite Uranus

Uranus is the higher octave to Mercury so we get a double dose of strong mercurial energy today and tomorrow. As we wrap up October, our minds may be running in overdrive. Mercury and Uranus together can fuel our brainwaves and bring inspired ideas. We may feel hopeful to try something new or experiment with a new way of thinking. Alternatively, we may just feel pushed to our limits mentally! If that’s the case, it’s time to clear the mental clutter and give yourself some breathing space.

Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats. Originally from Melbourne, Australia, Tanaaz now lives in Los Angeles, USA.
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