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October 2024 Astrological Forecast

October 2024 Astrological Forecast

October Astrology 2024
The Impact of the Solar Eclipse on October’s Celestial Energies

Dear Friends of Astrology,

Solar Eclipse in Libra
The solar eclipse in Libra on the 2nd has Mercury hidden under the beams of the sun, representing secret communications. This is a good time to tune into cosmic intelligence and download information for any situation in your life that has eluded you. Use your intuition to know what is really meant behind words spoken. The Libra new moon eclipse is a reset for relationships of all kinds. Venus, the ruler of Libra, is in secret-seeking Scorpio in a harmonious connection with Saturn, the serious planet, and Mars, the planet of action. The grand trine in water signs between Venus, Saturn, and Mars helps you accomplish whatever you have thought through carefully.

Fast-Paced Energies and Balance
The energies this month carry the vibe of life moving very quickly; this is a time to fill your nights and weekends with events with friends and family. There is an added undercurrent of intense political and worldly events flashing nonstop across our electronic devices. Since Libra is about harmony and balance, seeing what isn’t in harmony and what is out of balance will show up in your life. With two major planets making their station, shifts in your life are very likely, either in career, relationships, or in general regarding what you want out of life.

Jupiter Retrograde and Pluto Direct
Jupiter stations retrograde on the 9th in conversational Gemini. Jupiter wants us to expand and go beyond what we think or have been conditioned to think we can do. The challenge of Jupiter in Gemini is having so many ideas and directions that analysis paralysis sets in. Sometimes it is about taking a leap of faith and trusting that you will figure it out along the way.

Two days later, Pluto, the planet of transformation, stations direct with its high beam of intensity, demanding a deep look at the purpose and meaning of life. This is a rejuvenating vibe and great for clearing out old patterns that no longer serve you. This is the last time Pluto will make its station in the sign of Capricorn for more than 200 years. Historically, this has marked times when the old regime falls away and a new generation takes the lead. Pluto’s final goodbye to Capricorn may involve the demise of institutions that have taken advantage of those they were meant to protect or help.

Aries Full Moon
The Aries full moon on the 17th rises exactly at sunrise on the east coast, Washington DC. With the US elections coming up, this full moon will highlight political events. For the rest of us, the Aries full moon reminds us to find the balance between personal fulfillment and honoring the people we love. Tensions may arise when pursuing your authentic self-clashes with the expectations of loved ones.

Navigating Change
Walking the middle path isn’t always the easiest, yet it can be the most fulfilling. You might find yourself mulling over a new direction and taking action, leaving those close to you surprised. Changes can be small, like attending an unexpected concert, or significant, like quitting a well-paying job. Venus moving into Sagittarius reminds us that new opportunities exist, but it takes courage and confidence to leave the known for an uncertain future.

Mars in Cancer and Home Reflections
Mars, the ruler of the Aries full moon, is in the sign of Cancer. In December, Mars will go retrograde from early Leo, then direct in Cancer on February 23, spending many months in this sign. As Mars passes its shadow point by the full moon, concerns around family and home will be examined. This full moon begins the process of reconsidering whether your current living situation is still what you want and, if not, what changes you desire.

Sun in Scorpio and Halloween Vibes
The Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd, shifting the mood to uncovering what lies beneath the surface. This is traditionally a time for developing and listening to your intuition. The challenge is to distinguish between being triggered by past experiences and receiving true intuitive insights. The Scorpio path teaches us to trust our gut after analyzing all available information.

October finishes with a perfect Halloween chart, as the moon in Scorpio prepares for the November new moon. The costumes this Halloween will have an extra edge of scare factor. The moon in Scorpio, in its balsamic phase, represents the dark of the moon—a time for releasing and going within. It is a quiet, inner time when wisdom from beyond is received.

With love, light, and gratitude,

Donna Page: My specialty is in in depth chart analysis of what your higher self, soul, true you, (however you want to call that part of you that is beyond the day to day person) has in mind for your life purpose and direction. I also specialize in astrology to understand relationships, whether romantic love partners, marriage, friendships, or family. Astrology is a guide to help know your relationships better and useful when you are dating to know whether or not that person is a keeper,  a relationship that has come into your life briefly, or whether or not the rough times a relationship experiences is a passing phase or is happening for another reason. Astrology at its best is used as a tool for personal growth and self-realization. I help you see how you can use the information from your chart as a visionary tool to manifest what is important to you.

Love & Light,
1799 BriarCliff Rd Box 15631
Atlanta GA 30333

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