November 2024: Your Monthly Forecast Revealed
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- Written by Lena Stevens

The theme for November is “Reset”
This is the month to unplug from the past.
This is the month to reset your attitudes.
This is the month to reset your boundaries.
This is the month to reset your relationship to personal power.
This is the month to reset your belief system.
This is the month to reset your goals and intentions.
This is the month to reset your vibration to a higher octave and level of functioning.
This is the month to go inward and look deeply into what is true for you, express it and stand up for it with courage and conviction.
This is the month to take any crisis that is forcing you to unplug as an opportunity leading you to a necessary reset.
When something is disrupted in our lives, it often needs to be unplugged for a while before it can be reset. Think about your internet, electronics or any machinery or appliance that is overheated. In a way we are overheated with anxiety, confusion, fear and too many options, other people’s drama and overwhelm, and there is a great need to unplug, go inward, and reflect before we can do a reset. We have an opportunity to reorient our lives based on inner truth that is only ours, and deeply seated in our own journey, purpose, and medicine.
The beginning of this month can be fraught with difficulty, crisis, uncertainty, disruption, fear and lots of drama. You will need to step up your boundaries and protection and use the time for introspection instead of bleeding your energy into worry, disappointment and resistance. It will take a great deal of discipline to stay out of collective negativity and in your own lane. If you can unplug not only from the drama around you but also from your own patterns, imprinting and attitudes, especially negative ones, you will be in a better situation to reset a good trajectory for your future.
Any reset this month needs to include an intention for what you are resetting to be different, shifted, changed from what you unplugged from. The questions to ask are “How can this be different? How can I do this differently? How can I resolve this situation to be truer to myself? What do I need to change in myself to be more loving, joyful, prosperous, abundant, satisfied? How do I truly feel about this situation, person, activity, intention? What is my inner intuition telling me? What is my truth? What are my resources, outer and inner? What do I value and am willing to put energy into?”
We have a good online course to help with important questions and support for introspection this month. The 9 Crucial Universal Questions is 40% off in November.
The big event this month is a major shift that happens mid-month around the time of the full moon. This shift brings some grounding, acceptance, insight and a new motivation for the resets in your life. Trust your inner insights and wisdom instead of any advice from the outside that does not feel right. And, even though there is great motivation and clarity, the timing may be slower than you would wish for. Mercury goes retrograde at the end of the month so make sure you have details organized so as not to be hit with any chaos as we still have some influences that may scatter plans and bring unexpected changes. These may require flexibility and resourcefulness.
How the month shows up:
Take time for yourself this month by unplugging from your usual schedule, tasks, patterns and habits. This is an opportunity to go inward and reconnect with the power of your own truth. The reset is a reorientation of how you see the world, how you show up, what you stand for, what your actual dreams are, what your purpose is, and what you need to shift away from or towards to get yourself on the right path.
The discipline will be to stay in your own lane and to take the time and space you need for inner introspection. The courage will be to make the shifts you get the insight from this introspection to make. The first part of the month may not be easy and will require neutrality and compassion for self as you face certain truths. The death rebirth theme is one that initiated the month with the new moon on the 1st and should be worked with over the first couple of weeks. What do you need to die to? What needs to be considered dead in your life? The rebirth aspect is your own rebirth into a new expression of yourself. Don’t overthink this. Simply hold the concept of a powerful death/rebirth theme for your life as a container for your reset.
We mentioned in October that at the end of the month you may be a different person. November gives you the opportunity to anchor that new identity into something concrete and sustainable.
Relationships may be challenged as they go through the death/rebirth process. It is important not to be impulsive and to reflect on what is important in each relationship and if can be reset or needs to be completely unplugged for good. Don’t be surprised if some relationships surface to connect with you from the past either as a way to change old patterns or as a way to rekindle old connections on new ground.
There is an aspect of adventure around relationships, a desire to engage, to have fun and be in cooperation and partnership around personal growth. There is also a need for protection and boundaries and to be aware of cording, attention points and interference. Make sure not to overcommit and to take the time and space you need for your personal inner work.
A big reset is possible around health and our belief systems around well-being, disease, what healing actually is, and our personal power around understanding and managing our health. There will be questioning around what is true, what the body is capable of, and what practices support health and which ones do not. There is a great opportunity to take charge and responsibility for personal health and to be inspired by the challenge and the results. You may have to go through the gauntlet of feeling powerless, confused and possibly discouraged before you receive the insights and invitation to connect with your own courage and certainty for this responsibility.
All in all this is an important month to reset how we view health and well-being and what our practice of sustaining self-care looks like. We may need to first unplug from all the information we thought was true before reorienting ourselves to a new belief.
Patience, presence, progress and practice, are the four pillars around business, projects and partnerships this month. Pay close attention and stay present to what is true for you in terms of what you want, where you wish to be and whom with. If it does not feel right, unplug. It may just be an aspect and not the whole situation but anything that does not feel aligned will need to be reset. The slower pace influencing the month provides an opportunity for observation but will require patience especially if you have set your goals on a certain deadline. Do not push the timing. Progress is certain but it will take its own time as long as you are refining and resetting what needs it as you move forward.
Practice observation, patience and presence, and consider your resources and their alignment with what you may be resetting. What is valuable, what do you keep, what do you release, what do you change, and what do you feed with new energy. Career, work and business is an area that is often overlooked as potential for change especially if the attitude is one of futility. Your inner truth, intuition and insight needs to be honored and whatever choices need to be made will need courage and your personal power for the reset.
The energy around the environment is still one of unpredictability, unprecedented phenomena and crisis producing excess. Our lesson is flexibility, resourcefulness and being willing to unplug from our attachments to environments, situations, plans and intentions. Mother Nature continues to bring our attention and focus to sustainability and eliminating our resistance to what we cannot control in order to move with the experiences instead of against them. Use this analogy so that what is being reset in your inner life can also be adjusted to your external environment. Stay flexible and neutral in your plans and keep your expectations of change in your personal environment manageable. For example, a complete change of paint, furniture, appliances etc. may be a little much. One at a time is better.
November 1
New Moon in Scorpio is Friday, November 1 at 6:47AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).
While inviting us to be introspective in order to connect with our deep inner emotional power, it is also a moon that could trigger intensity, power struggles, projection, fear and anxiety. It is a good time to increase your energetic protection in whatever form you are used to using. Since the New Moon also falls on the worldwide celebrated Day of the Dead, honoring your ancestors and those who have gone before is customary. Spend some time in gratitude for the wisdom of your ancestors and reconnect with them as allies that can be helpful in your life.
A New Moon is always significant in supporting new beginnings although since we have had such an emphasis on completions, use the focus on death during this time to complete, release and dissolve to make space for whatever wants to be reset, reborn and initiated.
November 1-7
We begin this month with a powerful New Moon that will influence the first part of the month. It is asking us to go within and reflect on what our inner truth is telling us, showing us and encouraging us to pay attention to. This is a time to gather inner strength and courage and spiritual certainty to support whatever comes our way this month. It is important to align with a cycle that is slower and more introspective, and to watch where impatience may derail you if you find yourself fighting against what seems to be a sluggish right timing. There is a lot of trust needed at this time, and trust takes inner courage and a commitment to listen to your inner wisdom. During this time it is important to ask yourself consistently the questions that stimulate that deep inner reflection of who you are, what you want out of life, what you need to release and what your true intentions are. Make sure you are not too serious. A little fun and play and humor will go a long way to support you through these times.
November 8-15
This is a good time to reflect on all of the lessons you have learned in the past months, all the karma you have processed, all the choices you have made, and all how far you have come in your personal growth and evolution. How are you different now from a year ago? What did you resolve for yourself in the past few months that supports this change?
If you have experienced a recent crisis that forced you to unplug from business as usual, how can you use this crisis as a medicine in support of a necessary reset. Remember that nothing happens without a reason and the most powerful way to approach a challenge is to ask yourself how you can use it to move forward in your life.
There is magic around this time as well. If you follow numerology, 1111 can be a potent day for setting some new intentions, keeping in mind a higher vibration for what you wish to manifest.
November 15
Full Moon in Taurus is Friday, November 15th at 2:28 PM Mountain Standard Time MST.
November 16-23
On the heels of the full moon, we have a true opportunity to RESET with a new motivation and energy that comes from acknowledging and honoring all the change, choices and karmic reconciliation of the past few months. The time comes with a deeper understanding of what has passed and where we need to go. This will be played out both personal and global platforms and it will be important to stay neutral but true to authentic inner guidance and intuition.
If you are still in fight mode and in resistance to change with a negative attitude about where you have been “wronged” or not willing to look at your own involvement and responsibility in karmic matters and lessons, you still have work to do. Find forgiveness, neutrality and wisdom and ask for support to unplug from your attachment to the past so you can move forward. Consider that some of the old patterns are ancestral and make an effort to do some clearing.
Insights, change and new directions are all possible during this dynamic time. Be prepared for the unexpected and pay attention to new opportunities to see what may be appropriate for you to consider.
Take note of November 19th as this is a powerful day of transition and a good day to anchor new choices, new attitudes, and a new higher vibration. Issues around Power are up for review and you will see this unfolding in the world and in yourself and how you can reconnect and reset how you use your inner power, courage and confidence. Any abuse of power is also likely to surface for review and a reset.
November 24-30
The energy slows a bit during this time forcing us to pay attention to right timing and to our inner guidance. It is not a time to leap forward into anything that is not ripe and ready to manifest. Stay behind your eyes, and don’t get ahead of yourself through impatient and impulsive choices. When in doubt, step back from a situation and check with your inner intuition about what action steps to take.
The best way to handle times of retrograde is to align with the cycle and enjoy the space to be more internal and conservative. Conserving resources and reevaluating the value of what you give and receive is one of the medicines of this time. You may decide to put your energy into one situation or aspect of your life that you value most instead of many insignificant areas that would not bring you the same satisfaction or joy in the end.
Have a great month!
November 4
Join Lena live for Weekly Wisdoms. Set your week up right with suggestions, practices and a look at the week, its opportunities and potential challenges. Monday, November 3, 9AM MST, 30 minutes of wisdom, 15 of Q and A. On zoom with a recording available for those not able to join live. click here to sign up
November 11
Weekly Wisdoms live with Lena. 9AM MST (click here)
Join Jose for a super helpful remote shamanic healing for this super moon. Thursday, November 14, 7PM MST (click here)
November 15
More on this Super Moon also known as the Beaver moon will be sent in a Power Path update from our mailing list (click here to join)
November 18
Weekly Wisdoms live with Lena 9AM MST (click here)
November 25
Weekly Wisdoms live with Lena 9AM MST (click here)
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