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May Astrology & Aromatherapy

May Astrology & Aromatherapy

May starts while we’re still in eclipse season, leading us into the lunar eclipse on the full Moon. Mercury stations direct and kicks off a new Mercury cycle.

Just like the Moon, each planet has a cycle as well. Venus moves into the third-eye chakra. Both Venus and Mars are changing signs. Gemini season begins. Jupiter moves into Taurus. And more…

May Sky Viewing

  • Morning sky – Saturn
  • Evening sky – Venus and Mars
  • May 3 – Moon near Spica in the Priestess constellation
  • May 5 – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
  • May 22 & 23 – Moon with Venus
  • May 24 – Moon with Mars

Popular Beltane and Pluto Retrograde – May 1

It is the common time to celebrate Beltane, although look to the full Moon for the astrological timing. Pluto has dipped into Aquarius and now starts to move back towards Capricorn for the rest of the year. Our underworld planet of transformation has touched into the realm of Aquarian consciousness and will hopefully encourage us to bring that back into the sign of Capricorn, concerned with the sustainability of the Earth herself.

Scorpio Full Moon – Beltane Lunar Eclipse – May 5

We close out eclipse season with the Scorpio full Moon Lunar Eclipse. The Sun reaches 15 degrees of Taurus signaling astrological Beltane. We are halfway between the March Equinox and the June Solstice. Goddess traditions celebrate Beltane on this full Moon, so we have all the timings lining up. Beltane is building solar energy, gaining more and more light here in the northern hemisphere. Spring has sprung and is fixed into the season. This is part of why Taurus is considered a “fixed” sign. In Shamanic Astrology we call it an “in service to Self” sign.

Use this Sun in Taurus, Moon in Scorpio full Moon to celebrate YOU. Call in the lunar eclipse energy to transform into more of who you came here to be, by honoring how far you have come. Feel into your heart and body and relish in the sensual pleasure of being uniquely you.

Click here to see where the lunar eclipse is visible

Ylang Ylang is a beautiful sensual essential oil that opens our hearts to more love and drops us into our bodies for this Taurus-Scorpio full Moon. Ylang Ylang pairs well with Vetiver, to bring in the eclipse underworld alchemical cauldron energy.

Venus enters Cancer – May 7

Our sacred Feminine planet moves into the mothering sign of Cancer. Cancer is nurturing, fostering a seed into growth and maturity. Cancer nourishes us to develop into our best selves, with unconditional love and safety. Tune into your feminine side and see how you can take care of your personal evolution right now. Love on yourself the way Cancer does.

Pinon Pine – our local pine tree is a beautiful essential oil for Cancer. It is a tree that provides nourishment with its pine nuts and wraps us in motherly love.

Waning Half Moon – May 12

As the Moon loses its light, we reflect on our new Moon intention. How do we want to revise our goal going forward? What would best serve us as we move towards this next new Moon ceremony? Look for the half Moon at dawn high in the sky. Notice how the lit half points to where the Sun is rising.

Mercury Goes Direct – May 14

Phew, we made it through another retrograde… just kidding! Mercury retrograde is a gift, not to be feared. It provides a welcome respite from the endless linearly focused world we live within. It is an inspired creative time. None the less, it ends today.

Mercury stations direct in Taurus, starting a new three-month Mercury cycle. This one has the theme of earthly Taurus energies, bringing our minds down into our bodies. It is a sensual thinking time, slow moving mindsets. Enjoy giving our overactive minds a needed respite. The next Mercury cycle will be in Virgo, so enjoy the slowness while you can!

Jupiter enters Taurus – May 16

Another one of this year’s big planet movements is the shift of Jupiter into Taurus. Lots of Taurus energy right now. Jupiter shows us where the expansive energy is. Taurus is the most embodied sign of the zodiac. Themes of Earth, body, sensuality and pleasure are available. This could feel good or trigger areas that need healing.

Rose is always a powerful essential oil for Taurus. It drops us into our hearts, our sensual pleasure, and reminds us to slow down and smell the roses. Any flower aromatherapy is great for Taurus support.

Taurus New Moon – May 19

And it’s Taurus again! So much pleasure energy inviting us into our bodies. Taurus encourages us to sit back, enjoy, and relish in these physical bodies that we incarnate into. This new Moon offers opportunities to set intentions around our bodies. What actions do we need to take to appreciate our bodies more. That action could simply be to BE in our bodies, even just a little bit every day.

Mars enters Leo – May 20

Our sacred Masculine planet enters fiery Leo, the king archetype. Remember when the king was said to be anointed by God? That’s Leo’s vibe, deeply connected to the divine. Leo is a call to find divinity within, within our masculine sides with Mars. Leo encourages deep self-love. As my Leo husband recently said, “I feel sorry for people who aren’t Leos.” Very Leo indeed!

Sun enters Gemini – May 21

It’s Gemini season! Time of play and fun. Gemini is social. It wants to get out, be free and soar in consciousness. It is smart, genius in fact, and wants to know ALL the information the world has to offer. It is communicative, one could even say talkative. Gemini frees us from the boxes we’ve put ourselves into. It explores the furthest reaches where the mind and intellect can go.

Douglas Fir our local fir tree is excellent for trickster Gemini. Did you know it isn’t even a real fir tree? Very Gemini.

Venus moves into the Third-Eye Chakra – May 22 & 23

Look for the new crescent Moon to join Venus in the evening sky these two nights. Following the most ancient myth we have written down, on cuneiform tablets, this junction signifies Venus moving through the chakras, reclaiming her power at each one. This month themes of sight, intuition and vision come into play. Tune into your feminine side and reclaim the power of your third eye.

Sandalwood is a great third eye chakra essential oil, encouraging the opening of our brow chakra to receive and perceive more light.

Waxing Half Moon – May 27

Time to check in with your new Moon intention from just a week ago. Are you taking steps to bring it into manifestation? The waxing half Moon asks for action and movement, gaining light, encouraging us to really create the energy that brings our intention to light.

Blessings on your journey through May,


Join me for an Online Taurus New Moon Ceremony, Thursday, May 18, 3-4 PM MDT. I’ll dive into more of what these energies mean, offer some astrological aromatherapy to support us, and guide setting our new Moon intentions in communityLearn more and register hereHope to see you! 


About the author:

Sheridan Semple Bio
I grew up in the mountains of Aspen, where I discovered my love for the outdoors and how women can be inspired by nature. By trade, I am a Shamanic Astrologer, Medicinal Aromatherapist, Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP), Clinical Aromatherapist (CCA), Clinical Nutritionist (CNC) and Clinical Herbalist (CCMH). I use my experience with the physical, emotional and spiritual realms to teach women how to find themselves, their paths and connect with their Soul’s original intent for coming here this lifetime from within. Source Here

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