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March 2025 Astrology Guide: Your Must-Read!

March 2025 Astrology Guide: Your Must-Read!



“Gifu” a gift. If we manage to maintain a balance between giving and receiving, presents are wonderful ways to acknowledge another and show our appreciation. They create relationships, cement community, and generate joy.

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With 2 eclipses, Mercury and Venus retrograde, and Neptune changing signs, this month is particularly intense. Many changes will occur at a very rapid pace.

Saturday 3/1, Venus turns retrograde at 10º50’ Aries and will remain so until April 12 when it will have reached 24º39’ Pisces. Its shadow period remains until May 16. This only happens every year and a half. The degree she turns retrograde on is represented by the following image in the in Sabian Symbols: “The ruler of a nation”. Old insecurities could re-surface. A wonderful opportunity to heal past emotional wounds, re-evaluate our relationships, re-define our self-worth, and reassess our values. An old flame could re-enter our life. In a present love affair, deep seated issues could reach a boiling point. But we should avoid impulsive relationship decisions as our perceptions could be distorted. Only after this cycle will have ended on April 12 and its shadow period will be over on May 16, shall we be more correctly in touch with our deeper desires and true relationship needs. Social events are unlikely to go as planned. This is not a good period either for buying a home as we could later regret our purchase, nor is it favorable to any form of beautification. Let us wait for that new hairdo or revamping our wardrobe. Bills could be higher than usual. Going on a shopping spree is not recommended as we could end up spending money we do not have. In this cycle, we cannot afford to be materially irresponsible. But it is a good time to collect money that others owe us or to negotiate a loan.

Monday 3/3, Mercury enters Aries till March 29. During the next 3 weeks, our mind is active, positive, and impulsive. Not suffering fools, we are outspoken and go straight to the point. Quick-tempered when challenged, we tend to be restless, devoid of subtlety, and fond of arguments. An amazing time to initiate new projects, move forward with our goals, and assert our unique talents.

Friday 3/14 at 11:55’ PM PST, Lunar Eclipse in Virgo (23º57’). This degree is symbolized by “Mary and her little lamb”. Eclipses always propel us in a fast forward mode. This one stresses the need for order, perfection, and emotional security. More analytical, critical, practical, and detailed than usual, we are pushed to both study and work hard. Dwelling on past failures is tempting but not advised as it could leave us drained, withdrawn, pessimistic, and intensify our feelings of loneliness. Financial limitations and a possible lack of professional opportunities lead to the necessity of reassessing the balance between our domestic and professional responsibilities. We could strike unusual friendships, explore new exciting activities, come up with unique, enterprising ideas, and embrace a new sense of freedom. It is, however, important that we do not evade our responsibilities nor lose ourselves in impractical dreaming or unrealistic attitudes that would only undermine our chances of success. An unexpected event could force us to recognize and own our true identity and express our full potential.

That same day, Friday 3/14, Mercury turns retrograde at 9º35’ Aries till April 7 when it will have reached 26º55’ Pisces. The degree he turns retrograde on is symbolized by: “The harvest Moon illumines a clear autumnal sky.”  Until March 30th, distractions abound. Haste and impatience lead to misunderstandings. Grasping concepts quickly, we don’t take the time to understand them deeply nor embrace the whole picture, and tend to jump to hurried conclusions. Our communications are abrupt, indirect, or colored by our unconsciousness. In our alertness to, and excitement over, seed ideas, we may fail to realize how impractical they are. New concepts are a lot more attractive than old ones. Starting on March 31st till April 7, our mind becomes dreamier and more introspective. We could review the past in movie-mode. We become sensitive to the undercurrents of the collective subconsciousness and are intuitively in tune with more subtle frequencies. But ambivalence, impressionability, self-deceit, foggy memories, and confused standards could surface.

Thursday 3/27, Venus enters Pisces till April 30th. During the next month, the way in which we express our love is more sensitive, refined, and even sacrificial. We tend to be more impressionable. Our imagination is enhanced. It may seem easier to retreat in a world of fantasy rather than confront reality. We seek balance, peace, and harmony, and are more tolerant, forgiving, and compassionate than usual. A great cycle for artists who are particularly inspired.

Saturday 3/29, Solar Eclipse in Aries (9º00’). This degree is represented by “A teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional images”. This eclipse asks us to release the old and step into the unknown. It tolerates only authenticity, and encourages us to be brave, assertive, confident, and self-sufficient. Jumping to conclusions without having all the facts in hand is a danger, but we are ready to break our routine, solve longstanding issues, instigate major changes and manifest something new in our lives.

That same day, Saturday 3/29, Mercury re-enters Pisces till April 15. During the next 2 weeks, our mental sensitivity and visionary skills are particularly developed. Artistic endeavors are attractive. We may feel dreamier, absent minded, and more fantasy prone than usual. The tendency is to follow our instincts rather than our logic.  Intellectually versatile, gentle, flexible, and refined, we are extremely sensitive to other people’s feelings and the energy of our environment. Excellent for any kind of creative work.

Sunday 3/30, Neptune enters Aries until September 16. This is a first glimpse before he enters Aries for good in January 2026 for 12 years, until 2038! This cycle greatly enhances our psychic sensitivity increasing our awareness to what motivates actions and events. Intuition becomes a source of inspired vision. Pioneering mystical concepts develop.  But it could also bring confusion, aimlessness, self-delusion, unreliability, and in some extreme cases, chaos and insanity. A vague discontent with reality could lead us to seek refuge in addictions, particularly drugs and alcohol, leading to a complete lack of emotional reactivity. Highly impressionable, we could fall prey to subliminal influences. Absorbing our surroundings like a sponge, we might end up being used, and in some cases, even possessed, by evil entities. Emotional disturbances can lead to physical disorders that are difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to overcome. Peculiar relationships coming from a distant past -past lives, are magnetic. Highly artistic, we could be drawn to developing our musical talents. However, we need to stay away from pride, egotism, and a lack of integrity, as they would only make us look fake and fraudulent. During this cycle, changing our inner attitude is the only way to transform our outer reality. When used with consciousness, our drive and the focus of our powers of initiation, can operate a complete regeneration of our spiritual creativity.

* * * * * * * * * * *

The Moon will be Void of Course (V/O –forming no major aspect with any planet before entering the following sign-):

  • On Saturday 3/1 between 12:05 AM and 1:52 AM: when the Moon enters Aries.
  • From Sunday 3/2 at 5:52 AM till Monday 3/3 at 2:37 AM: when the Moon enters Taurus.
  • On Wednesday 3/5 between 2:53 AM and 4:29 AM: when the Moon enters Gemini.
  • On Friday 3/7 between 6:57 AM and 8:29 AM: when the Moon enters Cancer.
  • On Sunday 3/9 between 2:32 PM and 3:59 PM: when the Moon enters Leo.
  • From Tuesday 3/11 at 1:16 PM till Wednesday 3/12 at 12:56 AM: when the Moon enters Virgo.
  • On Friday 3/14 between 10:47 AM and 11:59 AM: when the Moon enters Libra.
  • From Sunday 3/16 at 2:53 AM till Monday 3/17 at 12:30 AM: when the Moon enters Scorpio.
  • On Wednesday 3/19 between 12:28 PM and 1:17 PM: when the Moon enters Sagittarius.
  • From Friday 3/21 at 11:53 PM and Saturday 3/22 at 12:29 AM: when the Moon enters Capricorn.
  • On Monday 3/24 between 8:01 AM and 8:25 AM: when the Moon enters Aquarius.
  • On Wednesday 3/26 between 3:15 AM and 12:31 PM: when the Moon enters Pisces.
  • On Friday 3/28 between 1:30 PM and 1:36 PM: when the Moon enters Aries.
  • On Sunday 3/30 between 2:18 AM and 1:16 PM: when the Moon enters Taurus.

Mark these periods in red in your calendar and avoid scheduling anything of importance during these times as they would amount to… NO thing!

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Scheduling our activities using the zodiacal position of the Moon

Moon in Aries between Saturday 3/1 at 1:52 AM and Monday 3/3/ at 2:36 AM + between Friday 3/28 at 1:36 PM and Sunday 3/30 at 1:15 PM: Perfect for intense physical activities, anything requiring forceful, direct action and self-assertion. Good also for leadership, spontaneity, good will, being a way shower, initiating new projects or bringing our car to the mechanic….

Moon in Taurus between Monday 3/3 at 2:37 AM and Wednesday 3/5 at 4:28 AM + between Sunday 3/30 at 1:16 PM and Tuesday 4/1 at 1:25 PM: Perfect for any financial matter: paying our bills/debts, asking for the money that is owed to us, opening a bank account, investing in real estate, buying, and selling. Perfect also for a stroll in the park, going to the countryside, connecting with our Mother the Earth… Good also for gardening, pottery, sculpting, as well as bodywork…

Moon in Gemini between Wednesday 3/5 at 4:29 AM and Friday 3/7 at 8:28 AM: Excellent for multi-tasking, curiosity, any form of communication, exchanging information, sending e-mails, calling friends and acquaintances. Great also for social activities, attending conferences, reading a book, watching a documentary, gathering data on various topics, connecting with new people….

Moon in Cancer between Friday 3/7 at 8:29 AM and Sunday 3/9 at 3:58 PM: Perfect for family activities, especially those involving children. Good for spending more time at home, cooking, nurturing ourselves and those we love, inviting the people we cherish over for dinner. Excellent also for drawing, creative writing, humor, and anything requiring imagination and a touch of craziness….

Moon in Leo between Sunday 3/9 at 3:59 PM and Wednesday 3/12 at 12:55 AM: Excellent for anything glamorous, dramatic performances, being in the public’s eye, throwing or attending an elegant party, playing with children, romance, and creativity in general…

Moon in Virgo between Wednesday 3/12 at 12:56 AM and Friday 3/14 at 11:58 AM: Excellent for starting a new fitness program, learning, healthy nutrition, fasting, clearing our closets, cleaning our home, reorganizing our drawers…. Perfect also for detailed work, the focused use of our intelligence, and taking care of small pets….

Moon in Libra between Friday 3/14 at 11:59 AM and Monday 3/17 at 12:29 AM: Great for relationships, associations, diplomatic exchanges with others, anything related to beauty (a haircut, buying new clothes, a make-over…), art (especially painting and decorating…), a pleasant social event (concert, art exhibition…).

Moon in Scorpio between Monday 3/17 at 12:30 AM and Wednesday 3/19 at 1:16 PM: Perfect for scientific research, esoteric studies, self-transformation, shamanism, dealing with the mysteries of life, death, and sexuality, as well as insurances and issues involving personal power.

Moon in Sagittarius between Wednesday 3/19 at 1:17 PM and Saturday 3/22 at 12:28 AM: Perfect for traveling, religious and/or philosophical activities or matters related to higher education and the law. Excellent for lecturing, learning, perfecting a foreign language, exploring other cultures… Perfect also for athletic training and tending to large animals (horses….).

Moon in Capricorn between Saturday 3/22 at 12:29 AM and Monday 3/24 at 8:24 AM: Good for furthering our ambitions, asking for a promotion, enlisting the support of people in positions of authority, making a good impression, re-structuring our business, and redefining our long-term goals…

Moon in Aquarius between Monday 3/24 at 8:25 AM and Wednesday 3/26 at 12:30 PM: Perfect for philanthropic activities, charitable organizations, meeting with friends, making new acquaintances. Good also for inventions, far out, progressive ideas, inter-dimensional and time travel, anything related to UFOs, computers, and technology in general….

Moon in Pisces between Wednesday 3/26 at 12:31 PM and Friday 3/28 at 1:35 PM: Great for meditating, sitting by the ocean, anything related to the sacred, dancing, painting, swimming, dreaming, music, photography, film, sleeping, channeling, connecting with the mystical, the magic and the oneness of all that is…

* * * * * * * * * * *

This month’s intentional meditation is particularly powerful since both the Full Moon and the New Moon are Eclipses.

It starts on Thursday 3/13. Take out as many blank sheets of paper as you have intentions and place them near a window, on a balcony or in a garden so that they bask in the light of the Full Moon in Virgo at exactly 11:55 PM. Once that moment has passed, gather your Full Moon charged blank sheets and place them in a folder until the next New Moon.

On Saturday March 29, take out your blank full moon charged papers and write on each a concise, positive intention. Place them on a balcony, in a garden or near a window so that they are out by exactly 3:58 AM for the New Moon in Aries. Once that moment has passed, staple them together and put them away in a folder expecting the manifestation of all your dreams….


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Saturday 3/1: Venus turns retrograde (4:36 PM)

Kindly refer to the paragraph below.

Sunday 3/2: Mercury Conjunct Neptune (8:22 AM), Sun Square Jupiter (10:19 AM)

We tend to be kinder, as well as more subtle and dreamy than usual. Our intuition, capacity for visualization, and psychic abilities are enhanced. But because our logic and discernment tend to be foggy, it is not the best day for legal contracts or sales. More than ever should alcohol and drugs be discouraged. We are likely to want more out of life than what we’ve had until now, but should beware of extending ourselves beyond our resources, taking on too many projects, or promising more than we can deliver. It is important that we reassess our moral values and express ourselves with humility and gratitude.

Tuesday 3/3: Mercury enters Aries (1:04 AM)

Kindly refer to the paragraph below.

Wednesday 3/5: Mercury Sextile Pluto (5:13 AM)

A day of profound insights. Looking for the truth beyond the surface, we examine, investigate, and scrutinize everything and everyone. What we learn today has the potential to change our lives for the better. Improved communication skills help us accomplish our goals. We are not deterred by repetitive, compulsive thoughts, or restrictive policies, and are equipped to handle difficult people.

Friday 3/7: Sun Trine Mars (9:13 PM)

A most dynamic, daring day. Our pioneering spirit is strong. Our ambitions are intensified. Our energy is high. A great day to be physically active and lead by example. Challenges stimulate action. Working with children is rewarding. Our creative expression is favored.

Tuesday 3/11: Mercury Conjunct Venus (3:55 PM)

A day favoring pleasant sociable interactions. Our sense of companionship is enhanced. The sympathy, serenity, grace, and charm we extend towards others are returned. Literary and musical talents are enhanced. Financial dealings are favored. Any business related to beauty, the arts, or communication is successful.

Wednesday 3/12: Sun Conjunct Saturn (3:29 AM)

Our determination, ambitions, and discipline are strengthened. We may be asked to assume more responsibilities. Plans could be delayed, restrictions, imposed, and delays, possible. We are asked to demonstrate persistence, maturity, and patience. While speculations or investments are not advised, carefully planning our financial future is encouraged.

Friday 3/14: Sun Sextile Uranus (2:16 AM), Lunar Eclipse in Virgo (4:29 AM), Mercury turns retrograde (11:46 PM)

A day to expect the unexpected! Plans are disrupted, creative changes occur, interesting situations arise. Excellent for meeting influential people. Intuitive insights come in flashes. Ingenuity leads to success. Our increased self-confidence, originality, and unique leadership abilities help us further independent enterprises. Re-the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo and Mercury turning retrograde, kindly refer to the opening paragraphs.

Wednesday 3/19: Sun Conjunct Neptune (4:25 PM)

This day is marked by daydreaming, floating in contemplation, and generally being rather inefficient. Romance is in the air and is positive inasmuch as we remain realistic, considerate, and respectful. Our attraction to beauty is particularly refined. Our imagination is intensified, and our dreams, vivid. Yet, we should be careful to come from a place of complete integrity and only interact with honest people.  

Thursday 3/20: the Sun enters Aries (2:01 AM) till April 19

The coming 4 weeks are dominated by resourcefulness, decisiveness, and fearlessness. This next month is excellent for new beginnings. We are supported in our need to initiate new projects with energy, self-confidence, independence, and spontaneity. We may be impatient but are quick to think on our feet. If we remember to think before we act, keep a healthy dose of humor, and avoid taking ourselves too seriously, there is nothing we cannot accomplish during this time.

Friday 3/21: Venus Sextile Pluto (2:32 PM)

Our focus is on financial wealth and the power we derive from having and making money. A great day to contract a new insurance and coming up with new ways of earning a living. In our social life we seek quality and depth over quantity. An emotional crisis could make us leave an outgrown relationship in favor of a much more meaningful one. We are forced to examine and purge feelings we thought we had already overcome. For the sake of peace, in the face of force or manipulation we should compromise and choose cooperation.

Saturday 3/22: Sun Conjunct Venus (6:07 PM)

An auspicious day for love. Great for a date, a comfortable, relaxed social event, or celebrating a special occasion. Our conversations are serene. Our optimistic attitude is appealing. Our eagerness to cooperate with others attracts approval, gifts, and favors.

Sunday 3/23: Sun Sextile Pluto (12:32 PM)

This day could mark the beginning of a new phase of life. A good day to change ourselves through purposeful thought and action, cut  toxic people out of our lives, and get rid of anything that no longer serves us. Our organizational skills are highly developed. Disagreements are mended and new solutions are found. Our capacity to immerse ourselves in whatever we do, our strong desire for advancement, and our forceful pioneering spirit, enable us to achieve great success today.

Monday 3/24: Sun Conjunct Mercury (12:48 PM)

A great transit for small trips, doing errands, buying, selling, and returning phone calls. Our social life and communication skills are intensified. We are curious, eager to learn new things, and excited to improve our skills.

Tuesday 3/25: Mercury Sextile Pluto (3:02 PM)

Kindly refer to 3/5.

Thursday 3/27: Venus enters Pisces (1:41 AM) until April 30th, Venus Conjunct Neptune (6:13 AM)

Re-Venus entering Pisces, kindly refer to the opening paragraph. More specifically, today, we could find ourselves fantasizing, caught in a web of deceit, or involved in strange circumstances. A relationship may not be all that it seems. We could fall prey to unrequited love or idealize a less than worthy person. Fashion and beauty in general are appealing. Great for a make-over, redecorating our home or increasing its comfort.   

Saturday 3/29: Solar Eclipse in Aries (3:58 AM), Mercury enters Pisces (7:18 PM), Mercury Conjunct Neptune (7:47 PM)

Re-the Solar Eclipse in Aries and Mercury entering Pisces kindly refer to the opening paragraph. More specifically today, we could become so mentally sensitive to our environment that we need to withdraw from society and find refuge in our vivid imagination. In some cases, unclear, evasive, lacking in confidence, or coming in contact with dishonest, misleading, or irrational people, our perception of reality tends to be distorted. Our psychic abilities are greatly enhanced. We could have telepathic experiences or prophetic dreams. It is important that we stay away from gossip and other people’s dramas. An illness could be difficult to diagnose. Best to relax, focus on metaphysical studies, or artistic activities.  

Sunday 3/30: Neptune enters Aries (5:00 AM) till September 16

Kindly refer to the paragraph below.

Wishing you an exciting month of March!

In Loving Light.

Michelle Karén, M.A., D.F.Astrol.S.

Kindly note that the days and times given are in PST (Pacific Daylight Saving Time). For Rocky Mountain Time (except AZ which is on PDT) add 1 hour. For Central Time, add 2 hours. For Eastern Time, add 3 hours. For Alaskan Time, subtract 1 hour. For Hawaii-Aleutian Time, subtract 2 hours. For Greenwich, add 8 hours. For Central European time (CET) add 9 hours, for Eastern European Time (EET), add 10 hours.

The world is shifting. As old paradigms become irrelevant, we need the astrological insight and gifts that Michelle Karén provides for people worldwide, right now. Having predicted current global circumstances, she also holds the answers to help empower people. Michelle Karén is the author of the groundbreaking book, Astrology for Enlightenment, published by Atria, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. 

Copyright © 2024 Michelle Karen Books. www.michellekaren.com

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