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June 2024 Forecast: What Lies Ahead?

June 2024 Forecast: What Lies Ahead?

Everyone’s got something to say this June.

Listening, on the other hand, is not so common. Attentions are short, and so much is competing for them. Sitting still is rare. Everyone’s juggling. At least good moods are prevalent, and the ability to crack jokes about the flurry that life is becoming.

Welcome to the first full month in 12 years of Jupiter in chatty, changeable Gemini.

It’s a noticeable shift from May, when a pile-up in Taurus fixed us on practical, worldly concerns. Gemini is light and fast-moving energy, encouraging minds and bodies to be all over the place, and often several places at once.

Jupiter’s flight through Gemini will whip up talk and information, raise the noise and static level, amplify duplicity and trickery and invite not taking everything so seriously.

Appropriately, communication reflects this … let’s call it flexibility, as Gemini’s ruler Mercury goes through a few distinctive changes of clothes. After his recent retrograde doubled his time in Aries, the messenger god is back to the speed he prefers, top, and dashing through three signs, and three modes of expression, in June – from earthbound Taurus to high-flying Gemini to touchy-feely Cancer. Don’t like the way conversations are going? Cool your jets; they’ll go differently soon enough.

And yet, it’s not all froth, and definitely not all superficial. We go into this with a stark and unavoidable reminder of how high the stakes are. Jupiter’s aggrandizing properties meet with the laser focus of Pluto on June 2. The trine simultaneously escalates the emergence of secrets, power games and feral, nonrational forces that lurk in our cells and psyches, and also scales back Jupiter’s excesses (and Gemini’s potential for superficiality).

The brush with Pluto christens Jupiter’s entire year in the sign and directs his tendencies to topics of great importance – which may be so for decades to come. That’s because the trine is also part of Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius, where he will be, except for a brief return to Capricorn from September to mid-November, into 2044.

The communication shift happens immediately. Mercury’s action models the process that will occur multiple times this month: a planet encountering Neptune’s dissolving, reality-bending properties on the way out of a sign, then reshaping and refocusing after meeting Pluto’s scalpel just inside the door to the next sign.

Compassion, inspiration and a sprinkling of fool’s gold are on offer when Mercury sextiles Neptune June 2. Jawbones and texting fingers get moving when he enters Gemini the next day, and promptly zeroes in on truths – and facilitates candid, powerful exchanges.

He’s trining Pluto and meeting Jupiter on June 4. Mark that as Gemini day on your calendar, because the sign is center stage, with not just Mercury and Jupiter in Gemini, but also the New Moon conjunct Venus. The Chatterbox Cafe will be SRO, with pals whipping up ideas for day trips and the future.

Obligations and responsibilities force us to scale back some of the activity, as Venus, then the Sun and finally Mercury square off with Saturn and his demands for order and maturity (June 8, 9 and 12).

Meanwhile, how we go about things is undergoing change. Motivations and actions teem with uncomfortable undercurrents, as if someone’s lying or fooling themselves, when Mars encounters friction from Neptune June 8. The discomfort dissolves some of his recklessness and opens him to the appeal of good old terra firma, when the planet of push enters Taurus June 9. His first task is squaring Pluto, on June 11; the clash scales our agendas back to the most important and far-reaching.

Mental clarity follows. No matter what else may be happening (and no matter how many personalities we may be hosting), we get a handle on ourselves at the Sun/Mercury conjunction June 14.

The social vibe goes from pal-ing around to looking for our teddy bears, human and plush, mid month. Relationships, values and creativity lose distance and contours when Venus squares Neptune June 16 and pre-soaks relationships for the emotions coming when she slips into Cancer the next day.

Nurturing comes to the fore when Venus is in this sign. Her love language is food, and cuddles, and making the home front comfy cozy. As she settles in, our minds and conversations are following right behind. They dissolve into fantasy and forgiveness and magical thinking, when Mercury squares Neptune and then dives into Cancer himself and meets Venus there, all on June 17 as well.

Relationships and info channels seesaw between extremes when Mercury and Venus make adjustment aspects to Pluto June 17 and 18. Intensity is inescapable, and the solution may just be to simplify.

The Sun then joins the transition, pre-soaking with a square to Neptune and then entering Cancer on the 20th. That’s the solstice, with Mercury, Venus and the Sun snuggling up together and, in the Northern Hemisphere, ushering in the Summer of Love. Not flower power, not romantic, but nurturing, home-and-family-focused, taking-care-of-dear-ones love.

The Cancer cluster waters the hard edges of the Capricorn Full Moon June 21, reminding us of why (and for whom) we work hard. It has the support of an action-facilitating trine from Mars, which in turn enjoys a sextile from Mercury, opening doors to hands-on communication. Venus follows suit June 29 with a sextile to Mercury, offering moments of tender talk.

Meanwhile, personal tweaks and reworkings are in order, when the Sun inconjuncts Pluto June 22. Where or what might you purge or release?

Mercury takes the lead as the month rolls out. Communication may have been all over the place for most of June, but control over the information flow unfolds naturally with Mercury’s trine to Saturn June 26. Ideas firm; expressions of love and concern lead to commitment and feeling secure.

The timing is right to speak your heart. Mercury’s sextile to Uranus closes the month with unexpected openings, unexpected outpourings, and unexpected suggestions. They add emotional content and ballast to the Jupiterian excess our minds, mouth and ears have been enjoying.

It’s not all milk and cookies, of course. Lightning hitting water may trigger discomfort, crabbiness and tears. Proceed with gentleness and tenderness, and direct some of that to yourself. And if your inner child wants ice cream, who’s to say that isn’t the most comforting response?

Re-blogged on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Kathy Biehl. Do Not Copy.

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Kathy Biehl

I am a professional astrologer, psychic and Tarot adviser who helps individuals and business owners make decisions and better understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives. I have pursued astrology since junior high, read the Tarot since high school and studied formally at the Houston Institute of Astrology and in workshops with leading astrologers across the country.  

I am a tested and verified member of Best American Psychics, which gave me its 2018 Awesome Accolades Award! (Plus, Psychic of the Month for January 2020 and December 2013 and Psychic of the Week for February 14, 2022, January 25, 2021, December 2, 2019, and June 18, 2018.) I am also a tested and certified member of the Certified Psychics Society and trained in mediumship at the Institute for Spiritual Development. In addition to teaching Tarot, astrology, empathic energy management and related metaphysical topics, I teach, design, lead and produce guided meditations for relaxation and personal growth.

Sign up for my mailing list and receive my Quick Reference Guide to Jupiter in Gemini!

I bring to my counseling my diverse life experience as an attorney, a small business owner, a performing artist and a writer.

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