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January 2025: Your Monthly Forecast Revealed

January 2025: Your Monthly Forecast Revealed

The theme for January is: “Courage”

Happy New Year!

At the start of this new year, we are still recalibrating (theme for December 2024) closing a cycle, and investigating where we spend our time and energy. It is a slow start energetically with an emphasis on allowing ideas to percolate and become ripe before we anchor them in a concrete and defined intentions and goals. The first part of this month is an important time to give space to this percolation with the courage to both hold back and allow for right timing and to move forward when right timing gives the green light.

What is courage? Courage is an energy that allows us to cut though fear and resistance and move either towards or away from a situation, person, intention, action, habit or pattern. Courage encourages us to face challenges, our own hard truths and to make the choices and decisions we know we need to make even though they may disappoint others or have difficult consequences. Courage helps us stay disciplined around those choices and decisions. Courage also supports us to end, complete and release an attachment, or to step into the unknown of a new experience, relationship, project, pattern, attitude or belief.

The opposite of courage is cowardice. Cowardice is run by fear. Cowardice leads to anxiety, depression, lethargy, stagnation, self- judgment and negativity.

So this month is about accessing courage, building courage, and using courage to begin this year on a proactive path of being awake, aware, and present, and being willing to embrace the opportunities as well as to complete what is finished and to eliminate what is past its usefulness.

Courage is an energy that needs to be cultivated and built and exercised much like a muscle. Start with small things and work up.

These are just some of the areas where you may need courage:

  • To face hard truths.
  • To make hard decisions and stick to them.
  • To start something new that is out of your comfort level.
  • To face your fears.
  • To end or release something that you are attached to.
  • To take responsibility for your health, actions, and personal well-being.
  • To change negative patterns.
  • To be patient, to wait, to trust right path and right timing.

How the month shows up:


This is a month of internal work to begin with and then external expression of that work. The main work is around the examination of where your energy is going, where you want it to go, what is important to you, what you need to change or refine, what you need to let go of or complete, and where you need more courage. Work on patience, acceptance and inner truth, and allow it to lead you into a greater understanding of yourself and your personal authenticity.  Since one of the themes this year is about reinventing self, this is a good month to begin that process.

This begins with letting go, clearing out, decluttering of stuff, responsibilities that are not yours, and anything that holds old energy including past dreams, intentions and patterns. Then there is the truth telling of what you really desire and the courage to communicate it. This is followed by choices and commitments around things that need to change. Supported by your own discipline, change is manifested as a reinvented self. This is a process of self-discovery that will be with us over the next number of months but it starts now. So take the time and do the work.


Relationships mostly focus on family and home and those that feel like family and home. It will be very obvious if those around you do not feel like “your people”. As you examine where you are putting your time, resources and energy, the relationships that are important to you will become clear, and the relationships that are simply part of an old pattern or have become an energy leak will also be apparent. Even some family members that have become energy leaks may need to be considered and perhaps some boundaries established around your time and energy.

New relationships are also bound to enter into your life especially as you use the creativity of the year to move your ideas and authentic desires outside the box of what is familiar. This creativity draws a new experience towards you with new players, new relationships and new opportunities for collaboration, learning and growth.


It is time to have the courage to take responsibility for your own health and well-being. No one else will do it for you. If you have been “thinking” about signing up for a class, a support group, studying a discipline, adopting a good habit for the body, or starting a helpful practice, the time for “thinking” is over. Do it now. And this is not something you choose because you think it is good for you or someone else wants you to do it. This is something you do for yourself because you intuitively know it will lead to more health, vitality and wellness. Listen to your intuition about what your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs are and make a plan that is unique to you. Have the courage to tell the truth and to face what needs to change to support your well-being.

This is all a part of self-care. The courage will be to initiate it. The discipline will be to make time and space for it for follow through. Set boundaries so that nothing gets in the way of what you need.


If something is not working, have the courage to end it, change it, or redirect it. Examine where the energy leaks are and where you may be putting energy, time and resources that are not sustaining a project, partnership or business. Beware of feeling victimized by any situation where the tendency is to look for whom to blame for things not working out well. So, the first part of the month is to acknowledge what is not sustainable and eliminate or dissolve the structures and patterns involved, and the second part of the month is to reinvent, redirect, implement change, and create a new incarnation.

This may require a complete make over or simply some refinements. The clues will be in the discovery of where your energy, time and resources have been going without the desired results. In the reboot it is important to trust both your intuition and right timing. All of the above will take courage. Towards the end of the month opportunities for stepping into something new, different and slightly risky will be available. Move towards it only if it feels right.


Your home environment and the space you spend most of your time in will be in focus this month. Have the courage to purge anything that holds old energy. If it is still something you truly feel you wish to keep, find a way to give it a facelift either physically or figuratively. Old energy of any kind will feel burdensome and may become an energy leak if you do not deal with it. The clearing of space both internal and external is helpful this month as well as paying close attention to what kind of environment you wish to create for yourself to be supported, nurtured and comfortable. A good practice will be to get rid of one physical thing every day. It can be a small or large, as mundane as a newspaper or as significant as a piece of clothing, furniture or other possession. Another good practice would be to either upgrade, fix, or clean something every day. It could be as small as pruning dead leaves off a plant or as significant as a new coat of paint or a repair.

On another note, the greater physical environment is teaching patience, resilience, presence and responsibility of choice as we navigate weather patterns, travel adventures, plans and our own attachments and expectations. We will continue to have extremes in conditions and temperatures. Lean into them instead of resisting. All of them have a power that can be harnessed.


January 1-7

This is a time to slow down and focus on new priorities. If family issues come up, the question will be, what is your responsibility and where can you realign where you are spending your energy. When contemplating your place and purpose, you may need to set new boundaries either against what does not serve you or around something that you acknowledge is important to you.

Don’t forget about self-care as you reassess where your energy is going. This is also a good time to consider your relationship with time as you set and reset your boundaries. Have courage to put yourself first when you should and to step up to your responsibilities when it is appropriate. We are still being influenced by the recalibration energy of December and it will continue to support our process well into the month of January.

January 8-15

Home and family become a focus during this time frame and it is helpful to pay attention to whatever issues are surfacing or whatever needs to be decluttered, rearranged, improved or changed. Keep activities close to home if possible and take advantage of this time to examine all the ways that you have been conditioned and imprinted around what is expected of you to do or be, or not to do or be. Sometimes it is the people who are closest to you that have the greatest resistance to your change and evolution. This is where courage comes in. To speak your truth, live your truth, eliminate what is not connected to your truth and stay disciplined around your choices, decisions, boundaries and right action. It may seem ruthless and unsympathetic to others, but having the courage to say no to some things will only give you more clarity about what to say yes to.

January 13

Full Moon in Cancer is Monday January 13 at 3:26PM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

Also known as the Wolf Moon, this moon invites us to pay close attention to home, family, and the environments that are the most familiar and have been key to your comfort level and habitual behaviors. Be open and receptive to whatever lessons are showing up in this area as well as any family imprints that you have a desire to change as they no longer serve. This full moon sheds light on what is coming to the surface, needing your attention for emotional clearing and a recalibration of personal balance and where you are spending your time and energy. It can be an emotional time, but keep in mind that if emotions are strong, attention to that situation is required. Focus on releasing any old patterns and getting aligned with new patterns that will serve you best.

January 16-23

A time to acknowledge what is awakening in you. Anything that has felt stagnant has the possibility of moving into a new idea or understanding, a new commitment, a new project. It is also a time of heart opening and acknowledging the desires that come from the heart. Listen to your intuition, think outside the box, and welcome what wants to shift and change. Use courage to overcome self-doubt and other people’s opinions. Look to your own truth to give you the power to take steps forward in your life.

This is also a time where intentions ripen and can be anchored into practical goals. As always be aware of right timing and embrace what comes easily instead of the effort and struggle to try and make things happen before their time.

January 24-31

During this time on the New Moon on the 29th we welcome the year of the snake in Chinese astrology supporting this year of shedding our old skin and adopting the flow of creativity in the process of change. This time frame is encouraging us to branch out of our comfort zone and use our courage to reach for something we desire to manifest. Use your imagination, dive into the mystery of the unknown and trust your instincts and personal truth to lead you into exactly what you need at this time.

Use courage to step out and show up in communication of your desires and creativity. This could be a very exciting time where you reach new understandings and a greater sense of balance and purpose in your life. Although the times are still potent with change and recalibration, you may feel more grounded and settled in where you are going and with whom.

January 29

New Moon in Aquarius is Wednesday, January 29 at 5:35AM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

Have a great month!

A helpful online offering is “The Clearing of Self, Stuff and Space” on sale this month for 30% off ( link here)

January 13

Join Lena live for Weekly Wisdoms. Set your week up right with suggestions, practices and a look at the week, its opportunities and potential challenges. Monday, January 13, 9AM MST, 30 minutes of wisdom, 15 of Q and A. On zoom with a recording available for those not able to join live. (click here)

Pay attention to the organs around your second, third and fourth chakras as they can be vulnerable and may need some attention. (there is a helpful process on the monthly support audio for this)

Join Anna for a super helpful remote shamanic healing working with the energies of the full moon to start your year off right. Monday, January 13, 7PM MST (click here)

January 20

Weekly Wisdoms live with Lena. 9AM MST (click here)

January 27

Weekly Wisdoms live with Lena. 9AM MST (click here)

Join Jose for a remote shamanic healing and wisdom session. Tuesday, January 28, working with the new moon energies. 7PM MST (click here)

© All rights reserved. www.thepowerpath.com

You may make copies of this writing and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it or alter it in any way. You must credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While the text may be shared, no audio files including lectures, music and/or sound meditations may be posted on any site for any reason without written permission from the Power Path.



Lena is an internationally known teacher and shamanic practitioner. She apprenticed for 10 years with a Huichol Shaman from Mexico and has studied cross cultural shamanic healing from numerous traditions including the Amazon basin, Native American, Northern European and Siberian. Lena has taught and worked with individuals, groups, businesses and communities for the past 25 years, helping to bring shamanic nature based wisdom back into people's lives. One of her specialities is the woven song tradition of the Shipibo tribe in the Peruvian Amazon, the singing of Icaros or healing songs. The individual healing work with these energy patterns through song and other shamanic techniques has had a powerful impact on her clients. Lena is the co-author of the "Secrets of Shamanism, How to Tap the Spirit Power Within" and a contributor to "The Power Path". Along with husband and partner Jose, she is the co-founder and one of the primary instructors of Power Path Seminars and the School of Shamanism.

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