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January 2025 Forecast: What Lies Ahead?

January 2025 Forecast: What Lies Ahead?

What an unusual start to an unusual year.

2025 is ushering in energetic changes that we have never experienced. They will ultimately be energizing, empowering and emboldening. But first, we’ve got matters to address.

On the plus side, kindness, compassion and magic are in the air. With Venus in Pisces from January 2 on, people are inclined to see the best in each other. She’ll be softening our interactions through February 4, and again from the end of March through April, during her coming retrograde.

On the trickier side, the month and the year greet us with a major task or three. All involve revising our relationships to power, to community, to technology and to the dynamics that are evolving in and around us. All are courtesy of Pluto at the doorway to Aquarius.

The one that promises to grab our attention unmistakably is the first: the opposition from Mars to Pluto January 3. Mars is retrograde, taking us all on an inward journey and pushing us to revisit and rework and redo past actions. This opposition is profund and fierce, summoning archetypal-level secrets and impulses and power games. The god of war is confronting the god of death and rebirth, in the sign of the collective, in the sign of technology, in the sign of the future.

This isn’t their first showdown. They opposed each other November 3, at the end of Cancer and Capricorn. Something – possible from that time — is up for more than re-examination, and more likely for tearing down and doing over.

Mars and Pluto will oppose once more, April 26.

The immediate fallout affects relationships and how we proceed in general, with Venus’ inconjunct to Mars pushing existing arrangements out of whack and requiring adjustments.

As the month progresses, we get clearer and clearer about not only what to do, but also the evolution that’s up for each of us. After entering Aquarius January 19, the Sun meets Pluto two days later, and each of us undergoes a personal phoenix moment, burning down our concept of self and emerging renewed.

A similar fate awaits our thought processes and patterns, as well as our information streams, technology and vehicles. After Mercury moves into Aquarius January 27, he meets with Pluto two days later, at the Aquarius New Moon. Realizations, revelations and messages are profound and potentially life-altering. Candor is the way to go; this pairing encourages (perhaps to the point of requiring it) brutal openness (Although Venus in Pisces is advocating for the loving variety.)

As we navigate this path to the future, the month provides multiple points to enlist the adulting properties of Saturn and steady ourselves, our minds and our feet. While shockwaves are resounding from the Mars/Pluto opposition, look for opportunities to take control of whatever you can, even if only yourself. (Thank the Sun sextiling Saturn January 4.)

Thinking turns to the concrete and practical, with an eye for ramifications, when Mercury travels through Capricorn January 8 – 27. The information flow may slow; it may break into manageable bites; it will be slanted to real world impact.

Expect more tweaking in viewership trends (good luck, corporate media) when Mercury inconjuncts Jupiter January 16. Commitment is the way of the world when Venus meets Saturn January 18 and shows that even mermaids, poets and dreamers can find a way to live down here on terra firma.

Take advantage of these stabilizing moments as the vibe of revisiting and redoing persists. Mars retrogrades back into Cancer January 6 and spends the rest of the month retracing steps he made in October.

The send-off day has a weirdly Mercury retrograde vibe to it, with Mercury at the end of Sagittarius squaring Neptune and unleashing puffs of confusion and worse. They affect actions and the do-over process when Mars retrogrades back to a trine to Neptune January 12, echoing the end of October. You might feel divinely guided; you might do things without realizing what is at the steering wheel; the actions of some people may make you wonder if they’ve lost their minds. Fortunately, lightning clears the air with the Sun trining quick-change artist Uranus January 12.

Protective instincts are high with Mars near the Cancer Full Moon January 13. We’re advocating, even fighting, for home and family and ones we love. (Which could channel into time in the kitchen. Lots of time in the kitchen.)

Second looks deliver sudden insights when Mercury and Mars contact Uranus January 23. Unconventional approaches are possible, from Mars’ sextile to Uranus, while epiphanies and stunning info rain down from Mercury’s trine to the cosmic change agent.

Movement immediately flows – with desires meeting follow through and relationships taking on harmony and cooperation, as Venus trines retrograde Mars January 25. They’ve got fresh air, too, with new approaches, new opportunities and unexpected developments wafting through when she sextiles Uranus January 26.

By month’s end, we’re facing the future and making plans for it. The redos and rediscoveries and phoenix moments and epiphanies and hard conversations find a resting place in the Aquarius New Moon January 29. The sign’s ruler Uranus stations direct the next day and signals more changes to come.

Re-blogged on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Kathy Biehl. Do Not Copy.

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Credit--Kathy Biehl-click here

Kathy Biehl

I am a professional astrologer, psychic and Tarot adviser who helps individuals and business owners make decisions and better understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives. I have pursued astrology since junior high, read the Tarot since high school and studied formally at the Houston Institute of Astrology and in workshops with leading astrologers across the country.  

I am a tested and verified member of Best American Psychics, which gave me its 2018 Awesome Accolades Award! (Plus, Psychic of the Month for January 2020 and December 2013 and Psychic of the Week for February 14, 2022, January 25, 2021, December 2, 2019, and June 18, 2018.) I am also a tested and certified member of the Certified Psychics Society and trained in mediumship at the Institute for Spiritual Development. In addition to teaching Tarot, astrology, empathic energy management and related metaphysical topics, I teach, design, lead and produce guided meditations for relaxation and personal growth.

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I bring to my counseling my diverse life experience as an attorney, a small business owner, a performing artist and a writer.

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