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Horoscopes: November 4th Thru The 11th

Horoscopes: November 4th Thru The 11th

To see where and how the Lunar Eclipse can impact your Sun sign or Rising Sign, read below. If you know the house placement of the Lunar Eclipse at 16º of Taurus read that as well:


(2nd House) What are you holding on to so dearly that if you were to let it go, it would feel like you’ve lost all you’ve ever known and hoped for? What is it that you thought you could not live without, but now are? The Lunar Eclipse this week is trying to put things in perspective, especially in situations that address how well you value yourself and your precious time, money and resources. Is there an albatross that you have chained yourself to, and can’t seem to get rid of? We entrap ourselves out of a sense of responsibility, or for the sake of greater security. But do we do so at the expense of living our own best life? It is worth it? These are the sorts of questions that will run through our minds. But if something has truly become unsustainable, is exhausting you, or perhaps squandering your precious time money and talent, then this is when you will be re-examining those obligations. But if whatever sacrifices you are being asked to make are worth it, that will also receive confirmation now. This series of eclipses are very much about re-prioritizing your values so that you can get back to those things and people that really matter and count for something in the end. Matters concerning: Finances, Possessions, Investments, Sustainability, Self-worth, Self-esteem, what you Value, your Priorities, Survival. My needs vs. the needs of others. 


(1st House) The Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday is in the sign of Taurus and will most impact those Taurus people born between May 2nd and the 11th, or who have sensitive points at 12-20º of Taurus, although all Taurus people are bound to feel this powerful eclipse in their lives. Lunar Eclipses are revelatory, and this one in particular could be something of a sea change for many a Taurus. Issues are revealed. Things are disclosed. And because of what you see, learn, or discover, you will never quite see things the same way again. Eclipses falling in your sign, can bring you front and center, and can feel like turning points in our lives. These are times of transformation in which we feel as if we are standing on the threshold between the old and the new. And it may become apparent as to what is being left behind. There may even be some sadness for that which once was. But know that once you pass through the portal of an eclipse, that once you are able to let go of the previous shore, that there can be even better things waiting for you on the other side. Matters concerning: Self, Environment, Self-development, Your Body and Health, your Personal Role that you take on.


(12th House) The Lunar Eclipse is asking you to look at those things that you are still attached to, and can’t seem to let go of, but are standing in the way of your own health and happiness. We are all being asked to put greater effort into those things that inspire and sustain us, and divest ourselves of those things that are just exhausting and draining us. Sometimes we hold on to stuff without even realizing it. Or keep doing things the same way over and over, hoping for some other result. This is the sort of eclipse requiring some sort of deep cleaning, cleansing or purification ritual. Like finally getting to the back of the closet and discovering all this great stuff there. First you have to go through all the stuff that is blocking the way. And as you are clearing out that closet, pay attention to that old box in the corner filled with the dreams and talents of a life well lived. These too can be found in the back of that closet. And like a box filled with old mementos, dare to open it without regret or judgment, knowing that this is the pot of gold that has been lying dormant beneath all that other stuff that takes precedence in your daily life. It was just a matter of digging it out. Matters concerning: the Past; the Forgotten, Endings, Releasing and Letting Go, that which is Hidden, Dreams, the Subconscious, our self-Undoing.


(11th House) The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus this week is attempting to show you the ways that you have outlived the expectations of your previous hopes and dreams. It is also trying to show you what you need to cultivate and have more of in your life, in order to set the foundation for dreams that are more suited for the person you are becoming. Through a series of realizations, you could find that what you might have previously enjoyed, is no longer as rewarding. And as a result, you may have found yourself parting ways, or leaving an old group, and gravitating in a different, perhaps newer and more exciting direction. And even if you are not quite sure where you are heading, there is still this inner knowing that you have some how outgrown your previous life, and that something else will be waiting for you on the other side when you get there. Eclipses open the way for our own evolutionary growth, and sometimes to enable that process we first need to let go of the previous dreams that we have outgrown. Matters concerning: Friends, People you are Associated with; Groups you are connected to, Shared Ideals, Networks, Social Media, Aspirations, Hopes for the Future


(10th House) It is not unusual in the years that the eclipses are in Taurus or Scorpio that there will be shifts or significant changes in your goals and/or status. Great beginnings, as well as endings can occur when the eclipses spin their webs and weave our destinies. Transformational changes in your personal life can also impact your reputation and role in the outer world, or how people see you. However, eclipses are just so unpredictable! Therefore be willing to roll with this series of eclipses where both endings and beginnings seem to merge. Know that we can’t always see the larger picture. What may seem like a detour or a disappointment, can actually be precisely what is needed, opening the way for you to fulfill some greater purpose. Like having to pass through some sort of initiation, there is a process here that we are compelled to go through. And all you can do is enter the door that is opening before you, and walk through to the other side. Matters concerning: Status, Public Roles, Reputation, Career, Goals, Destiny, What you are Known For, Your Boss, Authorities, the place you Work For, One of the Parents


(9th House) The truth is not necessarily found in some mystical foreign land, or in a cave tucked into the side of a mountain. Often the truth can be found more close at hand in the more mundane quarters of our lives. The Lunar Eclipse this weekend can find many a Virgo scratching their heads as previous assumptions, beliefs and ideas are being questioned or turned on their head. Lunar Eclipses can be like that. They can show us things that we had not previously known or realized. And sometimes that is because previous ideas or assumptions were getting in the way. Sometimes we need to just be content with not knowing, or having to have all the answers. But when we are ready to humbly listen and comprehend with compassion and understanding, then we can become a conduit for even deeper and ever more profound truths. And never is this more possible than when the Sun/Moon and the Earth are in such perfect alignment as they are with the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus this week. Matters concerning: Religion, Beliefs, Political Stances, Travel, Journeys, Places of Higher Learning, Certifications, Courts of Law, Legal decisions, Relatives, Places far away or overseas


(8th House) The 8th house/sign is a place of change, and with Uranus in Taurus these past 4 years, those changes could have felt sudden, inexplicable, and catch you off guard. But as a result of these sudden changes, you could find yourself recalibrating. For this is also where we prepare ourselves for the future. It is also where and how we are compelled to recalibrate the dynamics between ourselves and others. Whether it’s about our responsibility towards those who are dependent on us to provide for them, or (god forbid) allowing ourselves to rely on and depend on others, this is also about the divine cycle of reciprocity: giving and receiving. And the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is about adjusting to some sort of new paradigm. A pond needs fresh water to survive. So do we. If the pond is not replenished, it will become stagnant, and the life within it will fail. If there is too much water and not enough drainage, the pond will overflow its banks, and the life within it will be overcome and drown. The Eclipse is here to correct any imbalances, whether that be financial, psychological, emotional, or physical, in some way you are being asked to recalibrate, readjust and achieve some sort of balance between your needs and the needs of others. Matters concerning: Rebirthing, Rebuilding, Rehabilitating, Releasing, Life, Death, Renewal. Marketing, Insurance, shared resources, Contracts, Debts, Loans and Taxes. Sexuality, Surgery, and Recuperation. Habits and Attachments. Planning for the future, What we Need, Divination, and the Occult.


(7th House) The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th will most strongly impact the signs Taurus and Scorpio, especially those Scorpios born between November 4th thru the 12th, or who have 12-20º of Scorpio Rising, but all Scorpios are likely to feel this one. Lunar Eclipses are times of culmination, and it can sometimes feel as if the Fates are colluding to bring some people and events together, while parting others, in order to fulfill their destiny. It is not unusual when the eclipses are in Taurus and Scorpio that significant connections and/or partings can occur in your life. Great beginnings, endings or changes can occur in your major relationships when the eclipses fall in these signs. This can represent a new phase in a relationship, or a significant change in your partner’s life or status, which will indirectly affect you as well, and simply cannot be avoided. Know that if something is ending, it is opening up a portal to a new way of being. One thing that seems most likely as these eclipses wend their way through your natal chart, is that through the agency of other people in your life, you, and the way you see the world may never be quite the same again. Matters concerning: Partners, Competitors, Best Friends, Counsel, Advisors, Mentors, our Audience, the Stage of Life, Others. 


(6th House) How might you be able to channel some of your passions into something worth investing in? Something that has the capacity to grow. Something that can also be sustainable and will support you and be a source of personal security for years to come. This may have already meant setting aside some things that are not longer valid for the person you are now becoming. The Lunar Eclipse will be bringing a lot of things into stark relief. This one is asking you to relinquish that which you have since outgrown. We hold on to certain ideas about ourselves, because that is what we have always known. But if they are undermining your effectiveness, it may be time to let go of that which has been draining instead of sustaining you. When you are ready to do so, these set of eclipses has the capacity to transport you to a whole new level of well-being. In order to live a fuller life of health and well-being, and to grow into the person you are becoming, what ideas about yourself are you first going to need to release and/or let go of? Matters concerning: Work, Job, Co-workers, the Work environment, Health, Health Providers, those things that Support our Health and Well-being, Diet, Routines, Daily Regimens


(5th House) For Cancer, the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is shining a light on all those things that you have created and/or lost within your heart and soul. Lunar Eclipses can be revelatory. They can bring things to a head. And to a final conclusion. They can sometimes be tinged with sadness as we remember those people or things that we had lost and loved so well. But it is also about allowing yourself to let go of what once was or could have been, in order to see the possibilities that are imminent and getting ready to blossom and grow. This Lunar Eclipse is about potential, it is about transformation and the ability to arise out of the ashes of what once was. What is then created from these ashes will be that much more beautiful and meaningful, because of how they are invested with all the tears and reminiscences of our once cherished dreams and love stories. Know that going forward, all that you do will be steeped in the wisdom of these heart-felt experiences.  Matters concerning: Children, to Love and be Loved, Romance, Sporting Events, Places we go to be Entertained, the ways that we can freely Express Ourselves, where we Do our Own Thing, What is Special about us.


(4th House) It is not unusual in the years that the eclipses are in Taurus, as it is with this week’s Lunar Eclipse, that some sort of shift can take place in your personal life. People find it necessary to move, or a loved one goes in a new direction. Family members deal with some sort of crisis or change in their lives. You are compelled to re-think where you are currently living, where you might want to live, and where you might need to live in the foreseeable future. With the North Node Eclipses, such as this one is, it can show you a whole new way of being, that you may have been resisting up until now. We can’t always see the bigger picture, so that if changes have already occurred, know that they have the capacity to open doors and possibilities for better things to come. Eclipses are like turning points where endings and beginnings merge. And like mystical conductors, the fates are conspiring to bring you where you need to be in order to fulfill your destiny. Matters concerning: Home, Family, One of your Parents, Family members, Early childhood, Ancestors, Homeland, Customs, Support Systems, the End of a Matter


(3rd House) What you hear, what you learn, and what you see can have a transformational effect on your mind and perspective with this week’s Lunar Eclipse. This can be the result of something you read or are learning about, or something in the news that catches your eye. Or even in your everyday life through random conversations with neighbors. One thing that can become apparent is that all things, even the once so familiar is subject to periodic change. And like waves ebbing and flowing, sometimes those changes can bring improvements, and other times they can feel like something precious had been taken away, leaving a vacant lot and a void in our hearts. At these times it can remind us to better appreciate and support those things in our everyday lives that we often take so much for granted, like the small independent shops, the struggling neighbor down the street, or that community garden that you keep meaning to join. It’s the small but precious things that can make such a difference in our everyday lives. Matters concerning: Your perceptions, What you know, What you see, hear, and understand, What you have learned, Communications, how you get around, your Car, Vehicles, your Commute, your Neighbors, Siblings, Classmates, and your Neighborhood


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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