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Horoscopes: November 18th Thru The 25th

Horoscopes: November 18th Thru The 25th

For the New Moon at 1º Sagittarius for your natal Sign or House (if you know it), click below: 


(9th House) Jupiter had been inspiring you over the Spring and Summer months to reach for some sort of vision, daring you to reach for a bright gold ring filled with promise and hope. But then we were all sort of put on pause towards the end of the Summer, and asked to put some of the more optimistic dreams and intentions up on the shelf for a bit. At that point you may have been questioning your choices: Am I sure that this is what I really want? There may have been moments when you wondered whether you had taken on too much and needed to cut back. And at this point you may be gratefully looking forward to a quieter, less hectic schedule, where you can turn down the volume and put your feet up. And that may be true for a little bit of time, but don’t count on it. The tide is already turning. The New Moon on November 23rd is planting seeds. And no sooner are you ready to retreat from the world, then Jupiter stations direct, reminding you of that incipient dream that had been put up on the shelf. At first the flashes of inspiration could be subtle, but know that they are here to remind you of a deeper and more meaningful purpose. And by the time Jupiter re-enters your sign in December, you’ll be once again toying with the idea of not only expanding your horizons, but perhaps expanding them beyond your previous expectations. 


(8th House) Now that you have made some achievements in a certain direction you may be asking yourself how you can further grow, and perhaps move towards a more ideal vision. Jupiter is stationing direct this week encouraging us all to further expand our vision for the future. And in order to facilitate that, the New Moon in Sagittarius is a great time to think in terms of freeing yourself up in order to make room for even better things. Focus in on those things, people or experiences that you want to be more committed to, while giving yourself permission to let go of those things that are serving as distractions, or depleting your valuable time, money and resources. Where might you want to pay down your debt, and/or let go of certain obligations that are proving to be too much? And what do you need to do to get yourself back on track? The New Moon in Sagittarius does encourage us to be open to the abundance that the universe has to offer, and this is certainly true this year as well, but perhaps in a way that is also in service to that ideal vision that has been percolating on the back burner all year. If you are so inclined, a good affirmation for the New Moon on Wednesday might be: Through eliminating, cleansing and laying to rest the past, I clear the way for positive growth and change.


(7th House) Jupiter, which has been in its retrograde phase since the end of July, had returned to Pisces in late October. And as it did so, it was a bit of reminder to Gemini of the promises of a more expansive future and the opportunities they might contain. But as Jupiter was still retrograde these may have been interlaced with feelings of being over-extended, distracted, or dismayed. But now that Jupiter is stationing for its direct phase this week, you could begin to see the benefits of what you have achieved, and what more is yet possible. And know that while Jupiter is still in Pisces for the next month, that any efforts make to promote yourself, your goals or objectives, are more likely to be rewarded with some sort of acknowledgment that better things are possible. And with the New Moon in Sagittarius coinciding with the Jupiter station on November 23rd you may find your own cheering section rooting you on. The New Moon in Sagittarius is a good moon for Gemini to connect with those people who make you feel larger than yourself, who fill you with good cheer and hope for the future. A good affirmation for the New Moon in Sagittarius might be: I grow larger when I connect with those people who inspire me to reach high. 


(6th House) The New Moon this month falls on November 23rd, in the early degrees of Sagittarius. There is great promise in this New Moon, a Moon that looks to the future with anticipation and hope for better things to come. This is a Moon of well-being for Cancer. A Moon that aims to improve and focus on how you can best support that well-being through: sustainable and healthy routines; readdressing your diet; organizing your work environment and schedule; and looking for ways to improve your work habits and relationships with co-workers. Now that Sagittarius-ruler Jupiter will also now be in its direct phase, you can anticipate that circumstances in your daily life and routines are likely to improve. You might want to ask yourself: In what ways can I improve my job or my work environment? What new initiative can I add to my daily routine that would improve my health and well-being? If you are so inclined, a good intention for the New Moon in Sagittarius might be: May I find the best healers, guides, or healing modalities that will lead to increased energy, health and well-being. 


(5th House) One thing that the New Moon in Sagittarius can bring Leo is the restoration of hope and anticipation for the future. The recent eclipses have take a toll on a few of our Leo brethren, but this Moon aims to restore your faith in yourself and what you have to offer. You might want to ask yourself with this New Moon, what are those things that you know you do well? And what can you do to let the world know just how well you do it? Jupiter is also stationing direct on the same day as the New Moon, helping to restore your faith in how well others value you, and what you have to offer. We are often asked with the New Moon in Sagittarius to be open to the abundance that the universe has to offer. All the more so as Jupiter is doing its good work, trying to re-instill hope in the future and the possibilities it contains. In late October, Jupiter returned to the sign of Pisces to remind Leo that even though it might not appear to be so at first, any big changes being generated by the recent eclipses are usually for the best in the long run. If you are so inclined, a good intention to make with the New Moon on Wednesday, November 23rd might be: I want all obstacles to the path to joy and happiness lifted from me. 


(4th House) The New Moon in Sagittarius puts the emphasis on home, family and those all important support systems in your life. Who are those people that you can go to when you are needing your life to be buttressed and held up? Where do you go, and who do you go to to get the pieces of your life put together again? The New Moon is here to remind you of those people and things that hold you up and make you feel larger than life, not smaller. For Virgo, this New Moon is really useful for improving things in and around the home, and focusing on the concept of making it feel more like a home, and a place that you can go to to be rejuvenated and restored. Insights can also be gained regarding the earlier parts of your life, family and your roots, that can help to put things in perspective in a healthy way. Healing with and through others comes through acceptance of who and where they are. A new order is emerging, and you may be only just beginning to get a sense of what that all looks like. If you are so inclined, a good intention for the New Moon on Wednesday might be: I want to appreciate the patterns and events in my life that have led me to where I am now. 


(3rd House) On Wednesday, November 23rd, Jupiter stations for its direct phase in the last degrees of Pisces and we have a New Moon in Sagittarius. This could point to the final release from a lingering health issue, or the final resolution in a long lasting work situation that had been undermining you. These are insidious circumstances, that although not egregious, once gone can now ease the way for better things to come. And sometimes all that needs changing is your perspective. The New Moon in Sagittarius aims to improve your whole outlook. You can almost feel yourself looking forward to the future with greater enthusiasm, ready to embark on a whole new adventure that is just waiting to be discovered. For Libra, the New Moon in Sagittarius is good for making new discoveries, learning something new, looking at things from another perspective, and following through with your fascination for a new subject or idea. This is a social sign for Libra, and much can be gained through social discourse, gatherings with others, and general good cheer. If you are so inclined, a good intention for the New Moon on Wednesday might be: I want to see myself filled with the confidence that in the end, things will work out in the best way possible. 


(2nd House) For Scorpio, the New Moon in Sagittarius is a time of the year in which you are being asked to reassess your priorities. Some Scorpios may use the New Moon in Sagittarius to create a financial plan, balance the ledgers, or crunch the numbers. By revisiting your priorities you are also thinking about what you really want to spend your precious time, money and resources on. Use the New Moon to reinvest in the things that matter to you most. One of the things we are all asked to do at the New Moon in Sagittarius is to be open to the abundance that the universe has to offer. All the more so with the station of Jupiter taking place simultaneously on the same day as the New Moon. So if you are looking to make a particular path more sustainable, or to get the most benefit from a financial transaction, to clarify your mutual expectations of others, this is a good time to initiate new and better strategies. If you are so inclined, a good intention for the New Moon on Wednesday might be: Knowing what my true priorities are is key to understanding who I am. 


(1st House) When the New Moon falls in your sign as it will this month, it is an opportunity for you to reacquaint yourself with yourself. We are also constantly evolving and growing. Therefore reacquaint yourself with yourself within the context of this ever-evolving self. What are the things, people or activities that continue to excite you, and those that no longer do? What new interests or adventures are calling you from afar and taunting you with possibility? Now, more than ever, the New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23rd is reminding you that today is the first day of the rest of your life, and just as your ruling planet, Jupiter, is stationing for its direct motion, so is it also asking you to hitch a ride on its tailwinds bringing you more in alignment with your Vision for the future. This New Moon will be strongest for those Sagittarians born within the first few degrees of Sagittarius, or have 0-4º of Sagittarius Rising, but all Sagittarians will resonate with this expansive New Moon. If you are so inclined, a good intention for this Moon might be: May I live my life in such a way that a truer and more authentic version of myself can better thrive and grow. 


(12th House) The New Moon in Sagittarius is an opportunity for Capricorn to slow down the tempo of their lives, tune in, and perhaps do some inner soul searching. This is the time of year in which you will feel the necessity to tie up some loose ends, turn down the noise, and retreat from the maddening crowds, if it is at all possible. Connecting with yourself becomes almost imperative at this time. It allows you to connect not only with yourself, but your deepest intentions, as well as the past, your inner guides and the still small voice of your intuition. Read the runes, meditate, find your own place of sanctuary and inner divination. The gods are trying to speak to you in their tongue, and you will want to create the best sort of environment in which to facilitate that process. Doing all this inner work, tying up whatever loose ends need tying, up, making peace with the past, will make room for whatever new beginnings, intentions or plans may be coming together for the Solstice and the Capricorn season that follows. A good intention for this New Moon on November 23rd might be: May I create the conditions for, and have the insight to listen, believe and follow my intuition and/or inner guides. 


(11th House) The New Moon on November 23rd is your wishing Moon. May you make room in your life in the days that follow the New Moon to connect with your most heartfelt aspirations and hopes for the future. These are all being further facilitated by Jupiter’s station on the same day! Therefore dare to dream big and allow your Vision for the Future to take on some sort of practical and achievable form. This is a good time of the year for Aquarius to think about the future and the ways that you can further expand your presence into a larger community. This can be accomplished by networking, joining a group that shares a common vision, looking for opportunities through others to gain some sort of deeper understanding, or to be able to accomplish goals that you would not be able to do on your own. This is when Aquarius asks: Where should I go from here? Who can help me to achieve my dreams for the future? Because this is your wishing moon, don’t forget to sow the seeds for the fulfillment of a larger vision. A good intention for this Moon might be: If this dream is meant to be for me, may the best possible circumstances arise to see it fulfilled.


(10th House) The New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23rd asks Pisces: In what way do you want to be an inspiration and/or example for others to follow? This is a Moon in which you are asked to create some sort of Vision for the Future, tie it up with fancy tissue paper and bows, and send it out into the universe. The New Moon in Sagittarius is always a time for Pisces to think about the future: what sorts of goals you might want to accomplish, and how you can best use your talents and resources in the most efficient way. And because of this a good intention for this Moon might be: May I obtain a clearer vision and understanding of my higher purpose and goals. But also know that this New Moon is getting an extra boost from your ruling planet Jupiter which is stationing direct in the last degrees of your sign. Jupiter recently returned to Pisces to remind you of a Vision for the Future that had been softly percolating on the back burner with promises and opportunities to expand your horizons, perhaps even beyond your previous expectations. Jupiter is asking you to take your dreams seriously, and the New Moon is asking you to temper these with a realistic and realizable plan that can help to make those dreams a closer reality. 


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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