Horoscopes: May 26th Thru June 2nd
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- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

For Jupiter/North Node for your sign (or natal house if you know it):
(2nd House) Mars in Leo is not only Best in Show, but Pride of Place. We still have another 6 weeks of Mars/Leo energy to prove to others, as well as ourselves what we are capable of achieving, with the warrior planet fully decked out in his bright and shiny Leo display. Seek to perfect those things that you already have confidence in, and do them even better. As we begin the week Mars is still at the bending of the Nodes, so that what you do, what seeds you plant, what initiatives you are initiating, what you commit to could have a significant effect on your destiny and life path. Make what you do equal to you, and perhaps even a little bit more, while being mindful of not biting off more than you can chew, or over-investing in something that you don’t yet have. What Jupiter/North Node in Taurus is really good for, is investing in things that will bring greater rewards in the long run. For instance: learning a skill that can increase your earning power; investing in yourself in a way that will increase your self-worth and self-esteem; or opening yourself up to the sacred cycle of reciprocity (giving and receiving). And if you were to plant seeds of potential in your garden, what would you like to see come to bloom in the foreseeable future?
(1st house) For the past 18 months that the North Node has been in your sign, it was aiming to move the spotlight tentatively in your direction. Uranus in your sign had already been stirring things up. And now Jupiter joining the fray will either make this all that much larger, or that much more real. Jupiter, now in your sign, is daring you to grow in some significant way, to think bigger, perhaps even beyond your previous expectations of yourself. Jupiter inspires. It expands. And now that Jupiter and the true North Node will be conjunct on June 1st, any initiatives begun, any commitments made to yourself, can have some very far-reaching effects. There is one warning with Jupiter in your sign. And that is the tendency to over-reach, or take on more than you had anticipated. We tend to be very optimistic and enthusiastic when Jupiter is in our sign, saying yes to everything! And then wonder what the hell you were thinking later on. That being said, Jupiter/Node is aiming to get you on track with your destiny and life path, so heed the calling. Where it is leading you, is where you need to go.
(12th House) It’s so easy for Gemini to become distracted by all the activity, noise and kerfuffle in their everyday lives, as well as in their minds. Their numerous antennae have them tuned in to at least 3 things at once. But it would probably behoove you not to get involved in some of the banter and contention that has been weaving through the atmosphere lately. What you would find, rather, if you were to turn down some of the noise and chatter, and turn your attention within, that it would be worth your while to do so. In some way you are being led to realize something significant to you, which can include things like: tuning into your true life path; being led to that place and time in which your destiny is attempting to unfold; or being led to find some deeper understanding of yourself and your purpose. It’s like having a date with your spirit guides, or communing with your own intuition, or receiving messages from the beyond channeled through your dreams or your imagination. Look for opportunities this week to find that still space, and simply be. The rest will find you.
(11th House) Wherever we have the sign Taurus has been getting a bit of an overhaul over the past 5 years. It began with the planet Uranus, illuminating, changeable and upending things. That was then followed by the Nodes traveling back through Taurus/Scorpio these past 18 months, inspiring, opening up connections, and moving some of the pieces around on the playing board. And now Jupiter is here as well. And as it joins forces with the North Node it has been attempting to steer us all in a certain direction. And for Cancer that has to do with steering you in a direction that will bring greater growth and potential. The eclipses will have been inspiring. But Jupiter is all the more so. It is now asking Cancer to consider what their most pressing hope or wish might be for the future. And to then take the steps to make that wish or dream a closer and more achievable reality. This can include things like: networking; reaching out within your community in order to find what it is that you need to grow, to expand your footprint; or reach a broader audience; or to find a particular group or community that shares the same dreams and ideals that you do.
(10th House) With Mars wending its way through your sign, you are being asked to seize the day. Mars could also be a little distracting, especially if there is any dissension or discord trying to lead you astray. Put any of that aside, for these petty distractions can take you away from your true objectives. Rather focus on this: It could be that you have receiving some positive attention lately, perhaps some well-earned accolades. Don’t discount these. Even small rewards and bits of acknowledgment can have far-reaching effects. For they have the capacity to lead to ever better and more significant opportunities in the future. Allow yourself to bask in the glory and be inspired. Own your achievements. Accept the rewards. There’s not telling what you might learn from others or the world you live in when you follow your heart as well as your convictions. Know that the goals you are setting now, contain great potential. And anything to do with education, teaching, publishing, the law, travel or religious organizations will help you to thrive, and serve you well.
(9th House) In some way Virgo is being called to serve. That can be through a specific calling. That can even be a spiritual calling, but can also be a more practical path or point of view. But in order to arrive at your true path and calling, you are being asked to identify with and have the power of your own convictions. We all have certain beliefs and values. Things that we consider to be irreversible, or the bottom line. And it can happen that circumstances in your life can put those values and convictions to the test. The Jupiter/North Node conjunction has been asking you to walk the walk as well as talk the talk, and put those beliefs and convictions into action in your daily life and activities. Is there one thing that you believe in so wholeheartedly that makes you want to more fully invest in this path. That you would be willing to even put yourself on record as a full-fledge believer? And if you were to say, “This is what I believe to be true about me, about life, about the universe”, in your heart of hearts, what would that be? And if you were to take a stand for something, what would that be?
(8th House) When Jupiter is conjunct the North Node it leads us to be inspired to go in a certain direction. And sometimes that direction can feel like something of a winding path, leading us into these labyrinthine catacombs, that can uncover secrets, and reveal truths that had been otherwise hidden from view. What we learn while Jupiter is conjunct the North Node can be so illuminating, that we can never quite see things the same way again. On a more practical level, Jupiter conjunct the North Node in Taurus can open up doors in other ways as well. And decisions or agreements made while Jupiter is conjunct the North Node can have long term ramifications that can literally change our lives. What we do have to watch for with Jupiter, is taking on commitments or obligations that make us feel over-extended or over-committed. But also know that whatever changes Jupiter/North Node bring over the next few weeks are for the best in the long run, even if they don’t appear to be so at first. Look for potential benefits thru a large sale, an inheritance, or shared resources.
(7th House) Many a Scorpio has been experiencing some profound changes in their lives since the eclipses have been falling in Taurus and Scorpio. And there could be experiences that feel like a loss, a challenge, or even a personal health situation that could no longer be ignored. If there have been losses or challenges, know that although these may feel like endings they are actually clearing the way and shoring you up for some new beginnings. New agreements, new partnerships and any new recent visibility can bring far-reaching ramifications that might not be all that obvious at first. When Jupiter is in Taurus, it affords Scorpio with the opportunity to make mutually rewarding alliances. And this is all the more so in the weeks that Jupiter is also conjunct the North Node, which is leading us to realize the truth about our life path and destiny. It may seem like a casual thing to meet that person, or to sign that agreement, but when the fates weave their tapestries there is no telling where that can bring you in the long term.
(6th House) For Sagittarius, having Jupiter in Taurus can improve a health situation, bring better conditions in the work environment, and improve relationships within the work space. And any changes made while Jupiter is conjunct the North Node can bring a lot of potential for growth and opportunities in the future. Even the most mundane adjustments and changes in your daily life can have far-reaching consequences. That can include things like: changing your diet; beginning new routines that promote health and well-being; or learning new useful skills or information that can benefit you for years to come. Jupiter conjunct the North Node aims to bring us in alignment with our true purpose and life path in some way, so any initiatives begun within this window can be pretty profound. This is true for everyone to some degree, but because Jupiter is your ruling planet, it is even more relevant for you. This is especially true for any initiatives that involve some sort of self-improvement or growth.
(5th House) Many a Capricorn has been working hard at reinventing themselves over the years. And with the eclipses falling in Taurus and Scorpio these past 18 months, you were being given the opportunity to show the world, and perhaps yourself, what you are now capable of producing. And now that Jupiter has also entered Taurus, it aims for you to expand your repertoire, think a little larger. This can be about a product you create, an idea, a hobby, a vision, or even your children, if you have them. And it would not be unusual with Jupiter entering the picture to have the topic of children arise. But anything begun, and initiated while Jupiter is conjunct the North Node in Taurus, can have even more far-reaching ramifications than you realize. Jupiter makes things grow. But the North Node aims to bring us in touch with our own destiny and life purpose. So even small beginnings can have a great deal of potential when Jupiter and the North Node unite.
(4th House) Pluto is a metaphor for reinvention, renewal, and rebirth. And now that Pluto will be in your sign, many an Aquarius will find their lives going through some sort of profound process of renewal over the ensuing years. And as a result of these changes you will see many aspects of your life being transformed. And this can include things like where you are living, who you are living with, and where you will be situated in the foreseeable future. This has already been evolving over the past 5 years that Uranus has been in Taurus. Perhaps a little more so with the eclipses here as well. But now that Jupiter has entered Taurus and is conjunct the North Node, where you are situated takes on greater meaning. Jupiter aims to improve and expand your current circumstances. But the North Node traveling through Taurus these past 18 months has been trying to bring you more in alignment with your true purpose and destiny. If you are where you need to be in order to fulfill that purpose, then you might not have seen thing change all that much. But also know that now that Jupiter is conjunct the North Node, new beginnings initiated now can have much more far-reaching consequences than you realize.
(3rd House) The fates weave their tapestries in mysterious ways in order to bring us where we need to be in order to fulfill our life’s purpose and destiny. This is perhaps more so now that Jupiter is conjunct the North Node, and even more so for Pisces, who identifies with their liege lord, and traditional ruling planet Jupiter. Like a portal, Jupiter/Node opens up these opportunities to align you with your purpose. As a result, what may seem like a casual beginning can have far greater ramifications for the future. This can include things like: starting a class or learning a new subject in order to increase your understanding on a subject; meeting someone new, or being willing to look at something from someone else’s perspective. Even casual conversations can lead to remarkable realizations; or a desire to learn more about a subject can have more far-reaching consequences than you might have considered. Jupiter in Taurus can often start small. But for Jupiter in Taurus it’s not about quantity so much as quality and sustainability. Like planting small seeds in very fertile soil.
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