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Horoscopes: May 12th Thru The 19th

Horoscopes: May 12th Thru The 19th

For Jupiter’s entrance into Taurus, and what it might mean for your Sun Sign or Rising Sign (or natal house if you know it): 


(2nd House) Jupiter leaves your sign this week with a final triumphant splash. If you are not quite sure whether you should celebrate or scream. We’ll know more when Mars forms a Grand Cross with Jupiter and Pluto next week. Strap on your life vest for that one! But do know, that Jupiter can bring us fortune where it is, no matter what planets it gets tangled up with. And when in Taurus it can even bring financial abundance. However, due to the optimistic nature of Jupiter, it can also find us spending abundantly. Taurus is usually a cautious and conservative sign, but with magnanimous Jupiter in this area of your chart for the next year, you will need to keep an eye on that Mr. moneybags version of Jupiter. However, Jupiter always wants us to grow in some useful way. Therefore why not make the most of this Jupiter transit? Investments made wisely at this time are likely to grow, open doors and bring opportunities to increase your income as well as your self-esteem. Jupiter is our wise teacher, and for the year that he is in Taurus, there is the possibility to learn how to better manage your resources and invest in learning new skills that will increase your earning power.


(1st House) Jupiter represents our Big Vision and Hope for the Future. So when Jupiter enters your sign this week it aims to inspire you to move beyond your previous expectations of yourself. To even expand your horizons and think bigger. When Jupiter enters your sign it is ushering in a whole new 12 year cycle of growth and understanding. Jupiter is showing you who you are, and what is your greatest potential, and it is not unusual to feel more optimistic when you have Jupiter at your side. It can even feel as if almost anything is possible. Like you can reach for the stars. Do take your dreams seriously, but also temper them with Taurean conservative wisdom. For the seeds you are planting now, are going to be coming to fruition in about 9 years, and you will want to make sure that this is precisely what you want and that it is right for you. When Jupiter is in Taurus, it is good to take your time, cautiously building one small achievement upon the next, until you you have finally reached your goal. For what Jupiter in Taurus creates is made to last. 


(12th House) Now that Jupiter will be in Taurus for the next year you will want to turn down the volume of your life and pace yourself. This is because when Jupiter is in Taurus, we benefit most when we are willing to take our time and cherish the moment. You won’t want to rush through this. Jupiter in Taurus is extremely important for your sense of self and emotional well being. For this is where Gemini keeps things locked away. That can include old secrets, things you had forgotten, or tried to forget but couldn’t. Jupiter gives you the key to the box asking you to free yourself from that which undoes you. Jupiter can literally free us of our own regrets, tendencies and self-defeating beliefs, just by his very presence here. And within this same box, are also found hidden mementos, keepsakes and memories that we hold dear. And what arises through them are feelings of wholeness, connectedness, acceptance, forgiveness and peace. Jupiter in Taurus is your healer and teacher. And he is asking you to release that which burdens your soul, so that you can find peace. And in this way you are becoming freed up to find your true self, and your place in the world.  


(11th House) Now that you have already made some achievements in a certain direction, you may want to ask yourself how you can further grow, and perhaps take what you are doing to the next level. Jupiter will be in Taurus for the next year, and while here you will have a greater capacity to reach a broader network and expand your influence into the world in some wonderful way. Do network. Make connections. Opportunities can arrive through friends, or through an organization you are affiliated with. It could also be a good idea to hook up with a larger group in order to further achieve your needs. For Cancer, Taurus is a sign of applause and appreciation for those things that you have been working on and trying to grow. It is also a sign that you associate with your hopes and wishes. So also look for opportunities to allow a cherished hope to become a closer reality during the year that Jupiter is here. In the mean time, be confident in what you have to offer, happily sharing your achievements, your gifts and talents with the world. 


(10th House) The long term picture will be looking up for Leo now that Jupiter is entering Taurus, and will be there for the year ahead. For Leo, Taurus is a sign that has to do with achievement and recognition for a job well done. And with Jupiter now going to be in Taurus you can expect some advantages and maybe even a little applause in the areas concerning career, reputation and status. Jupiter wants us to grow. Perhaps even beyond our previous expectations when it is in this sign. And if opportunities do arise, you will want to give them some serious consideration. For the year that Jupiter will be in Taurus, whatever positive efforts you make to promote yourself and what you do, is more likely to be rewarded with some sort of promotion, advancement or recognition. This is a wave that you will want to ride. Anything to do with education, teaching, publishing, the law, travel, or religious organizations will be favored while Jupiter is here. Therefore go forth with confidence and the conviction that your fortune is well nigh due. 


(9th House) Thankfully Mercury will finally be direct after Sunday. But perhaps even better, Jupiter is entering Taurus on Tuesday, where it will remain for the next year. What you have been learning and being made aware of over the past year has likely led to some questions, and a deeper desire to learn more. Jupiter, our teacher and guide, is now in your 9th House sign, a place where we go to seek higher knowledge, learning, training, experience and understanding. This can literally lead you to want to embark on a journey of understanding. This can be through travel, or even through some sort of training, educational or learning experience. But even the most mundane of experiences could find your whole perspective shifting so that you will never quite see things the same way again. The sign of Taurus is where Virgo goes to be inspired. And as a result of what you experience, you could also see your opportunities and prospects expanding, and leading to ever better things. But perhaps the most important aspect of Jupiter being in Taurus this year, is that your awareness is capable of growing to such an extent that there will no longer be room for any self-limiting beliefs. 


(8th House) Your partner gets a raise, starts contributing more, or is just more willing to help out in some wonderful and supportive way. Or it could be that your own credit increases, allowing you to borrow money, or take out that loan for the new car/house/new business venture that you had hoped for. Know that whatever you invest in now has a greater capacity to grow when Jupiter is in Taurus, which is where it is now and will be for the next year. Jupiter in Taurus could even bring some sort of windfall, which could be anything from the sale of some property, an inheritance, or through a successful marketing strategy. Also know that whatever changes Jupiter brings while in Taurus are usually for the best, even if they don’t appear to be so at first. There can also be something profound that can be revealed when Jupiter is here. Like an awakening, or a realization, you discover something about yourself, your gifts, your abilities that you had not previously appreciated. And what you come to see is not only fascinating, but may even give you a glimpse into the meaning and purpose of your life, and perhaps even life itself.


(7th House) Close relationships and partnerships should improve now that Jupiter is entering Taurus. Even difficult relationships can improve under Jupiter’s benevolent influence. Which can include amicable partings, and opportunities to arrive at an understanding. New relationships formed in the year that Jupiter is in Taurus can prove to be mutually beneficial, helping you to be able to fulfill a larger vision for the future. This is when the right people seem to find each other. Therefore this is a good time to seek out a good consultant, get advice, or try to expand your audience or customer base. Jupiter can also bring people into your life from different backgrounds from your own who can help to expand your perspective in some remarkable way. This will be particularly true when Jupiter meets Uranus in early 2024, as both planets are asking you to keep an open mind when it comes to welcoming others into your sphere. If you find that the people you are meeting are quite different from what you are accustomed to, see this as an opportunity to see that there are alternative ways of being and relating to others in ways that you had not previously considered. 


(6th House) Now that your ruling planet Jupiter is entering Taurus, it should help to improve certain areas of your life: your work, your daily activities and routines, as well as your health and well-being. One way it can improve your life is by freeing up your schedule, allowing to do more of the things that you enjoy. Jupiter is bountiful and beneficent in its effects. But that bounty could also exaggerate the busyness of your life and activities. This will still be seen as an improvement however, especially if you find what you ‘do’ to be more personally fulfilling and rewarding. Jupiter is also our wise and beneficent healer, consultant and guide. He wants you to learn something that will benefit you on a very practical level as he works his way through the sign of Taurus. Things such as diet, health topics and support systems that are particularly relevant to you can increase your productivity, generate positivity, and make your work that much more enjoyable. Jupiter in Taurus will aim to improve your health and general well-being. And what you learn or add to your daily routines now can benefit you for years to come. 


(5th House) Now that Jupiter is entering Taurus, you could feel yourself inspired and energized to take on greater challenges, and push yourself towards ever greater achievements. Perhaps even beyond your previous expectations. Whether that means entering that competition you’ve been thinking about, or focusing on achieving some personal best, Jupiter in Taurus aims to increase your confidence, your health and your vitality. This is an excellent time to show the world what you are capable of achieving, and to build your own brand. Something that you would like to see grow. Something that brings you some fun and satisfaction. Therefore while Jupiter is in Taurus for the next year, look for your own best place for inspiration. That place where you shine. And allow that inspiration to seep in, while inspiring everyone else at the same time. This is when Capricorn is being asked to bask. Bask in your own glory, and bask in the glory of your loved ones and all that you love. 


(4th House) Jupiter can expand and improve your living situation now that it is entering Taurus. Jupiter can also improve relations with family members. This can sometimes happen as a result of someone moving out, or you moving on to your own next best adventure. Uranus in Taurus may have made your living situation a bit unpredictable over the past 5 years, perhaps even unnerving. However Jupiter’s primary focus is to increase security in your personal life and environment. And any changes made are ultimately towards greater stability, even if it will require certain changes in order to get there. Use the Jupiter transit to make decisions or changes that will ultimately promote greater security, ensure a greater sense of belonging, and cultivate strong and healthy roots. Then you will have a solid base from which to operate in the future. Something that is worth investing in. Jupiter inspires us and dares us to think in terms of possibility. And if you were to envision the ideal living situation what might that look like for you? And where would that be?


(3rd House) In some way you are being asked to expand your mind, your senses and your perspective. This is because Jupiter has just entered Taurus. However, to make the most out of the year that Jupiter is in this sign, you are also being asked to be somewhat flexible, and not allow previously held ideas to influence your outlook. You are being asked to see the world through a different lens. This could literally bring you to a whole new environment, where you are exposed to ideas and people different from what you are normally accustomed to. People who might speak another language, come from another culture, background or belief system. In some way you are being asked to open your mind, and expand your view of the world. This can also come about through a book you read, a course you take, a conversation you have over wine and good cheer. In the mean time, Jupiter also tends to expand our optimism. Which is great until you realize you just agreed to absolutely everything. Remind yourself that you can only be in 2 or 3 places at once, or you will run yourself ragged.


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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