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Horoscopes: March 3rd Thru The 10th
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- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman
For Saturn newly entering Pisces this week, be sure to read for your Rising Sign, or house position if you know it:
(12th House) When Saturn is in Pisces, Aries goes through a deep and uncharacteristically introspective period. This is because you are in the process of taking a retrospective look at your life and efforts over the past 27 years. And much of what had once been true is beginning to wane in significance. Part of that is because those things are no longer valid for who you are, and where you are now. Another part of that, is because you are needing to make room for other things to take root in your life. And in order to do that you are going to need to make some space. It could feel a little ungrounding, until all is said and done. But perhaps the most important task over the next 3 years is the need to take care of your inner health and well-being. Even if that requires having to set better boundaries with yourself and others. Be very clear with what your limits are, and maintain them. Supporting your inner and outer well-being will not only serve you well over the next 3 years, but for the years that will follow as well.
(11th House) At this point in Saturn’s journey through the zodiac you have probably made quite a few achievements, and positioned yourself well within your community. At this point you may be wondering what is next on the agenda. What Saturn in Pisces can and will do is to readjust yourself and your life to be more in conformity with your dreams and hopes for the future. One of the first things Saturn will often do is tell us what is not possible, what is not achievable, and what you have outgrown. But within the parameters of what is left, you will discover what is possible and achievable. Saturn wants you to realign yourself with your dreams, and make your ideals and dreams equal to the person you are now. Once you come to realize what your next steps will be, Saturn will then ask you to commit to making those aspirations a closer reality, by looking for practical ways to do so. It may not be perfection, but it can and will be achievable.
(10th House) Gemini can and will often be overwhelmed by the vast possibilities of their lives. In fact there are so many possibilities it can be difficult to focus and choose which dream to follow, which goals to fulfill, which hats to wear. But now that Saturn is in Pisces it is going to ask you to narrow down some of your choices. This may be due to necessity. But it can also be what you want to do right now. You take on a role of responsibility that takes up a lot of space and bandwidth. You make promises that you aim to follow through on and fulfill. Or you have obligations that you cannot get out of right now. But there is also something to be said for this being a time of culmination in your life for all of your efforts throughout the years. And now you will want to see these achieve some sort of fruition over the next several years. This is when you take the sum total of your efforts, your experiences and your knowledge that you’ve been cultivating through your life, and putting it into some sort of practical and useful application.
(9th House) On the same day that Saturn enters Pisces on March 7th, there is also a Full Moon in Virgo. This is where we symbolically sweep out the vestiges of the year that was in preparation for the astrological new year that commences at the Equinox. There is something illuminating and exciting about this Moon that holds promise for the new things yet to come. Now that Saturn is entering Pisces, it is time for Cancer to think more seriously about positioning themselves in the world. That may mean getting some sort of experience, getting that degree, or whatever credentials you may need in order to further yourself, or achieve certain goals. However, be prepared to work hard, and be organized. No matter what your immediate goals are you are coming to terms with how you fit into the scheme of things, and what you want to stand for. This understanding of yourself will be quite useful not only over the next few years, but for years to come.
(8th House) When Saturn enters Pisces it can sometimes feel like it either becomes essential to set better boundaries with yourself or others. But, for instance, what you can learn about handling your finances, and planning for the future during the years that Saturn is in Pisces can benefit you for years to come. Sometimes we feel forced to have to be more frugal. An income we previously depended on becomes unavailable, we take a job that may be more meaningful, but less likely to pay as well. Conversely Saturn in Pisces can also be very much about being able to let go, especially in the face of circumstances over which we have no control. Learning to trust is often a them: trusting others, trusting your choices, and trusting the universe to bring you where you need to be. Saturn in Pisces can sometimes accompany life changes for Leo. And life changes that occur while Saturn is in Pisces can be disorienting, but they can also be opportunities for arriving at a higher state of awareness and a deeper understanding of who we are, and our place in the world.
(7th House) As Saturn enters Pisces, the Virgo people are going to be reconsidering whether or not to pull up the draw bridge and re-stock the moat with fresh alligators; or finally let the draw bridge down and opening up the gates, even if it does feel a little vulnerable doing so. This is often a time when we find ourselves reassessing all of the relationships in our lives. That can include reestablishing boundaries where they had become eroded, as well as reconsidering those that you had previously banished. It can sometimes feel difficult to connect with others while Saturn is in this sign. But part of that is because there is something to be learned about the advantages of solitude. Even if it doesn’t feel like an advantage at first. Not being able to rely on others teaches things like self-sufficiency. But more importantly it is in solitude that you learn to find yourself. And in finding yourself, you can then find your true mission in life.
(6th House) Sometimes when Saturn enters your natal 6th House, you can feel as if you are compelled to pay attention to your health and well-being. Chances are although Saturn is entering Pisces, it may not enter your quadrant house for months, maybe years. So in the mean time, act as if. It will serve you well when Saturn finally does enter the quadrant house. So even if you are faced with some sort of health challenge you will be at an advantage. Think of it as preemptive wellness and health care. Saturn steps into Pisces to restore boundaries, reset routines, and organize our lives so that we can live more efficiently, and more conscientiously, and less at the mercy of the chaotic winds of change. But perhaps most importantly Saturn brings life lessons about self-improvement, and putting into application what skills we have already been cultivating and working on, and perfecting them even further. This is when Libra works at becoming really good at something. Perhaps even an expert in their field. And then taking that expertise and offering it to others as a well-honed skill.
(5th House) On Tuesday March 7th, Saturn enters the sign of Pisces, changing the tone in our lives. For the past 3 years, and perhaps even now, Scorpio has been working hard trying to establish themselves in the world. And as you continue to work on the foundations of your life, you will be in a better position to work on some goals that are more personally significant to you. This is when we find the urge to turn what was once a much loved hobby into something more. Or to breathe more creative energy into our work. Or to commit more fully to a particular path or past time. Saturn can sometimes cause us to doubt ourselves when it is in Pisces. It throws road blocks in our way, and accuses our dreams of being mere pipe dreams. But ultimately what Saturn is trying to do, is show you how you can make your dreams a closer and more achievable reality, first by divesting yourself of the external fluff, and fairy tales. And then getting down to the very real business of working with what you really have at your disposal to make those dreams real.
(4th House) When Saturn enters Pisces, this is when Sagittarius begins to find themselves thrust out into the world, and out of the safety, and sometimes limiting cocoon of their personal lives. For the past 7 years you’ve been working on your own personal self-development. And yet often it could have felt, every time you took one step forward you had to take a few steps back. But now that is shifting. From here on you are going to find yourself moving out and up into the world. But first you are needing to establish yourself if you haven’t done so already. For Pisces is a sign that Sagittarius associates with the foundations of their lives. Sagittarius is often on the move, and may resist settling down. But this is when you start seriously thinking about where you want to live, why you want to live there, establishing roots, and shoring up your community. And you will want to have that foundation established, something that you can rely on and depend on for years, because from here on, Sagittarius is going to be making their presence known in the world. And you will need that anchor to keep you grounded and secure, even as you are ready to take off.
(3rd House) For Capricorn, Saturn’s lessons while it is in Pisces, is about being willing to look at things as they actually are, without pretense of denial. This may be disillusioning as what you had previously believed to be true is now being challenged by fact checkers. However, as difficult as it may seem to be at first, looking at your life and circumstances as they actually are allows you to make more logical, grown up, practical adult decisions moving forward. And this will greatly benefit you for years to come. In some way you are being asked to become more familiar with your own mind, what you do know, what is true, and what more you may need to know. While Saturn is here, it only wants you to fill your mind with useful and productive information. And whatever skills learned or honed at this time, whatever knowledge gained, whatever communications skills perfected, can help to bring you on track with your destiny.
(2nd House) For the past 3 years that Saturn has been in your own sign, many an Aquarius has been busy planting new seeds, redefining who they are, and perhaps even making a whole new beginning or commitment. Now that Saturn is entering Pisces this is when the rubber meets the road. For this is when you ask yourself, how you can make this whole thing work? This is when we crunch the numbers, look at the facts, and try to figure out how to magically make it all work out. Not unusual to find challenges with money, resources and self-worth when Saturn is in this sign. And this can be disheartening. But ultimately what Saturn wants is for you to shore up these areas of your life, increasing your self-confidence and brining your financial situation greater stability and dependability. The next few years is about making practical decisions, the sorts of practical decisions, that will stabilize your life, and support you for years to come.
(1st House) Pisces people are dreamers. They see vast opportunities and possibilities where others see only glitter and false lights. So when Saturn, the planet of stark reality, enters your sign it can do one of two things, it can appear to dash all your dreams and fantasies into a puff of smoke; or it can actually do the opposite, and show you the very real ways that you can make what had seemed like a dream, a closer and more achievable reality. Usually Saturn does a little of both. It challenges those dreams and ideals that are not sustainable and/or achievable, and tests them for practicality. At first this can feel a bit like your dreams are being dashed, and may feel like an ending, when in fact it is actually about making room for a new beginning to emerge. One that has ballast and longevity. But in order to fully realize that, you are needing to first know yourself, what you do or do not want, and being very clear with yourself about what those are. It can sometimes feel like you are starting all over at this point. But if that is the case, it’s to give you free license to take hold of the reins of your own life, and lead it where you want it to go.
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