Horoscopes: April 7th Thru The 14th
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- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

For the week of April 7th thru the 14th, be sure to read your Rising sign as well:
For the past week the Sun has been carrying the light from the centaur Chiron to Jupiter, making an exact conjunction to Jupiter on Tuesday, April 11th. What wounds, regrets, doubts and fears are you needing to heal, slough off and/or resolve in order to fully embrace your unlimitlessly bountiful you in all your glory? Jupiter implies freedom. Freedom to reach beyond your previous limits, to dream beyond your previous expectations. Jupiter in Aries is daring you to give birth to some sort of grand new vision, unencumbered by old narratives that no longer fit, and doubts that now need to be shelved. For any new plans, initiatives or projects begun when Sun is conjunct Jupiter in your sign is bound to be brought to fulfillment, and may even be more successful than you might anticipate. But perhaps even more importantly, events that transpire this week can even have the capacity to open up your awareness and understanding in ways that you might not have even imagined. Go out and do your thing. The world awaits.
Wring as much as you can out of Venus being in the last few degrees of your sign this weekend. Seek peace, surrender to tranquility. Dream, imagine, and surround yourself in beautiful or bucolic surroundings. Recharge your batteries while you can, for by Tuesday, Venus will move into Gemini, bringing you along for the ride. There is a bit of busyness that can arise with Venus in Gemini, a need to touch base with the rest of humanity. When Venus is in Gemini, we all want to communicate, share ideas, go places, visit friends, go for short trips and be fascinated with the world. There can also be an inclination for Taurus people to spend money when Venus is in Gemini. Mostly on those things that serve your interests and fascination. However a square to Saturn next week might make you feel less inclined to do so. Saturn doesn’t mind you spending on things that are worth the investment, provided it’s something the budget can bear. Saturn will find you counting the pennies. Don’t let that deter you from emerging out of your den! The world beckons, and it will be time to heed the call.
Mercury in Taurus has now entered the shadow period leading up to its retrograde phase on April 21st. Gemini is a sign that is usually on the go. Incessantly busy and finding things to do and/or be fascinated by. And this week will still be so. However, what you might find different are all the internal dialogues taking place, like having all these important conversations with yourself. This can be an incredibly insightful week as a result, allowing you to put some of the pieces of your life together. Even when in the company of others, it will be understood that fewer words can say even more. In order to make the most of this week, dare to place yourself in beautiful and bucolic surroundings that feed the senses: taste, smell, see, hear, feel the touch of the breeze on your skin, and the sense that you are part of something larger than yourself. This is a week to pause and reflect on memories that once were, while also making memorable moments now that will last you for weeks, perhaps months to come..
For the next several weeks, Mars in your sign will be aligned with Mercury amping up the busyness in your life. This can be a good thing! It can bring much needed energy to get things done, to take care of odds and ends, to organize and prioritize your life, as well as your goals. It can also be a good week to create a Mercury in retro plan for the weeks that Mercury will be in its retrograde phase beginning April 21st. How might you make the most use of those 3 weeks? Are there projects that you’ve been putting off that need to get finished once and for all? Are there people that you’ve been meaning to get back in touch with, but have not followed through? Perhaps a gathering of old friends and associates is due? These are all pretty good retro activities to plan for the end of the month. Also note that any projects, activities or goals begun this week are likely to be successful and have good results. Perhaps even better than expected. A lucky conjunction between Sun and Jupiter on Tuesday could prove to be fortuitous! Use it well!
With a lucky conjunction between the Sun and Jupiter on Tuesday, this could prove to be a feel good week, filled with all sorts of possibilities. If nothing else, it is good to note that positive attitudes reap positive results when the Sun meets Jupiter in this way, and this can even be the beginning of some sort of larger vision. Be inspired. Think Big. But also look for practical ways to make that vision a reality. Sun/Jupiter is supplying the enthusiasm and optimism. The next step for you is finding a way to direct all that positive energy in a direction that will most benefit you. This could include opportunities to broaden your horizons, to learn or try something new, perhaps something a little adventuresome that dares you to reach beyond your usual haunts and expectations. This is a good week to travel and/or plan a trip; embark on a new study; expand your vision; and/or improve your life.
Mercury has entered its shadow leading up to its retrograde phase on April 21st. While Mercury is in Taurus for the next 9 weeks you will find yourself reexamining a lot of the things that you thought you already knew, and/or believed to be true. This could get interesting during the retrograde phase later on this month, but for now this placement can be used to get you up and around. Perhaps go places, see new things. Mercury in Taurus is usually a bit laid back. But not this week! Some of you may even find yourselves packing your bags (don’t forget those vitamins and supplements) or thinking about taking a trip in the foreseeable future. Just avoid planning it during the retro phase from the 21st thru May 15th. But you won’t have to venture very far to meet and greet the world this week. You have a lot on your mind, and you will be looking for opportunities to let the world know exactly what that is! This is a week to spread broadcast the news, speak your mind, and engage in spirited debates, which with Mercury sextile Mars this week, you’re likely to win.
Make the most of this weekend to tie up loose ends, take care of business, but also to take some time out of your busy life to just dream and wonder. Now that Saturn is in Pisces there could be the inclination to fill in every minute of the day with supposed-to’s. See if you can let some of that go this weekend, if only for a few hours. Binge watch a show. Read a book on the porch. For once Venus enters Gemini on Tuesday your social calendar, and your daily life is going to be lit up. There are things to do and people to see, and it will be all you can do to fit them all in. Especially with your current work schedule trying to keep you on the clock. The world beckons when Venus is in Gemini, and it’s all you can do to try and ignore it! For this is when everyone wants to be out and about and meeting and greeting, catching up on the latest news, and then sharing it with others over coffee and tea cakes. Work (or maybe something else that requires your attention) may be getting in the way around the 14th, otherwise all systems are go once Venus enters Gemini on the 11th.
Inquiring minds want to know this week, and Scorpio will be at the forefront, taking notes, and keeping tabs. You’re not going to be one to let anything get by you this week. And lucky for you, with a sextile between your ruling planet Mars and inquisitive Mercury, you’ll be in top form. One thing about Scorpio, it is important to get all the facts. But you also have this uncanny ability to be able to read between the lines. That includes the things that are not necessarily said or spoken. You, on the other hand, will find it easier than usual to just come right out and say what’s on your mind. This is a great week for any sort of mental work: sorting things out, fitting the pieces of a puzzle together, making any negotiations or deals with others, or talking things out with others. You have a lot of confidence, are clear about what your intentions are, can find ways to speak your mind without offending others, and are likely to made a good impression as a result.
This should be a good week for Sagittarius, as we are all being encouraged to be more Sagittarian: think large, be optimistic and approach life with an ounce of enthusiasm and a bit of humor thrown in. There’s no telling where you will end up when you allow those sudden Sagittarian spurts of spontaneous joie de vivre to lead the way. This week can also be about trusting some of those intuitive hunches that Sagittarius can get, leading you where you need to be in order to make the most of a good opportunity while you can. With your ruling planet Jupiter in Aries, you are being asked to seed ideas, take advantage of emerging opportunities, and be inspired. And a lucky Sun/Jupiter conjunction on Tuesday is here to remind you that today is the first day of the rest of your life. Therefore why not make the most of it while you can?
Responsible Capricorn is not one to want to shirk their obligations. They are the first to step up to the plate, and show up when needed. They take their responsibilities very seriously. Not only that, they have a reputation to uphold. But even Capricorn needs to let down their hair now and then, and ease up on the supposed-to’s. Otherwise what could happen is that you find yourself becoming resentful about not being able to do the things you really want to do, because of what you have to do. This could become all the more so now that Venus is entering Gemini on Tuesday. For although Gemini is a work sign for you, Venus could prove to be a bit of a distraction, taunting you with her chocolate chip cookies and all that gossip over there by the water cooler. Eventually it could get to the point where you realize if you can’t beat them, you may as well join them. It could actually make things less stressful, less conflicted, and a lot more interesting when all is said and done.
Pluto entering your sign last month may be epic. But Venus entering Gemini on Tuesday, can bring a breath of fresh air. For when Venus is in Gemini we are all more inclined to emerge out of our dens, and meet and greet the world. You can transform society later. But for now you’ve got things to do and people to see. You are needing to engage society. And if that means climbing down off the side of the mountain to do so, so be it. For the month that Venus will be in Gemini, we will all want to communicate, to share with others, to be fascinated with what’s going on in the outside world. This is great weather for get-togethers, for friendships to flourish, to form coffee klatches, meet new people and try new things. There may be some conflicts around the 14th when Venus squares obligatory Saturn, but otherwise this is a time of year when you will find your social calendar filling up.
This is a great weekend for small get-togethers with loved ones, where you can share meaningful experiences with one another. But it can also be a good weekend for personal retreats, and/or fulfilling the behests of the soul. Whether that merely means taking walks in nature, or retiring to your own personal place of refuge. This is the sort of weekend in which we are given permission to just be, and let go of some of the should's and supposed to’s. Things are bound to be busy for the rest of the week, so take advantage of whatever down time you can muster! A Sun/Jupiter conjunction on Tuesday could bring some good news, and a positive outlook, which could give a boost to your confidence. Even though you may find yourself busier than ever, initiatives begun this week are more likely to be met with success, positive feedback and maybe even some lucky breaks. Good to know that when Sun is conjunct Jupiter, positive attitudes are even more likely than usual to reap positive results.
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