Harness Planetary Energy: May 27 to June 2, 2024
- Details
- Written by Pam Younghans

JUPITER & PLUTO: Jupiter entered the airy, mental sign of Gemini on May 25.
Over the next 12 months, the Great Planet will be magnifying our awareness of those areas of life that fall under the jurisdiction of The Twins. These areas include communications and the news, facts and fictions, travel and transport, trade and treaties, schools and learning, the nervous system and memory, and events that occur in our local environs and neighborhoods.
As soon as Jupiter made ingress into Gemini, we began to feel the highly-motivational influence of the trine aspect between Jupiter and Pluto, which is exact to the degree next Sunday, June 2. When two planets are in a trine aspect, they work together in harmony and in support of each other's purposes.
Over the next two weeks while this aspect is in effect, Pluto will be empowering and promoting those areas "ruled" by Jupiter in Gemini: intellectual curiosity and the search for life's meaning, the desire to disseminate and absorb information, and the need to persuade by expressing one's beliefs and opinions.
At the same time, Jupiter will be emphasizing and even exaggerating those areas under the domain of Pluto in Aquarius: the drive for social change and progress, the demand for individual rights and empowerment, and a desire to manifest a greater mission in alignment with one's higher ideals.
MANIFESTATIONS: The effects of the Jupiter-Pluto trine in our individual lives depend a great deal on what houses the two planets are transiting in our natal charts, since these will show what areas of our personal lives are being activated. Our individual responses to this influence will also depend on whether we have strong personal transits active right now, since these always take precedence over the general (mundane) transits.
As we work with the Jupiter-Pluto trine, we may feel especially passionate about — or even obsessed with — a task or a cause. The urge to eliminate what no longer works could be quite strong; for instance, if Pluto is currently moving through your Fourth House of Home and Jupiter is moving through your Eighth House of Endings, you may find yourself cleaning out closets and donating half of your old clothes to your local thrift store.
Or perhaps transiting Pluto is in your Sixth House of Employment and transiting Jupiter is in your Tenth House of Career. In this case, you might feel a strong urge to quit your current job so that you have the time and energy to dedicate to a new career path.
No matter where this influence shows up in our daily lives, its primary mission is to empower us to take significant next steps, perhaps through giving us the courage to transform or discard something that has been holding us back. During this time, we may be more introspective than usual as we seek to understand our deeper needs and motivations. As a result of going within and then taking action, progress is made both in our spiritual journey (Jupiter) and in the fulfillment of our higher purpose (Pluto).
THIS WEEK'S ASPECTS: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects:
Mercury sextile Saturn: This aspect contributes to mental stability and objectivity. This is a helpful influence for having the discipline to work on tasks that require concentration. Conversations today tend to involve serious or practical matters.
Mars square Ceres: Friction is possible with those we consider family. This could be due to one person's need to be in charge and in control, resulting in others feeling dominated and disempowered.
No major aspects are exact today.
Mercury trine Ceres: This aspect supports calm conversations within the family or with those who play a parental role.
Venus semisquare Mars, semisquare Chiron: Relationships are unsettled today. People may be more reactive and defensive than usual.
Mars conjunct Chiron: Old fears could be triggered, resulting in eruptive anger. However, we can also use this influence to take action on a self-care plan.
Sun semisquare Eris: There is resistance to ideas that are not self-formulated.
Mercury conjunct Uranus: This alignment brings together the planet of logic and reason with the planet of intuition and higher wisdom. Benefits include a greater openness to new insights and a willingness to perceive reality from a higher perspective. However, nervous energy is heightened, and our minds may have trouble focusing.
Venus semisquare Eris: The need for independence clashes with the desire to be in relationships today.
No major aspects are exact today.
Mars conjunct Eris: People are especially assertive and direct, and perhaps somewhat defiant or rebellious. There is little patience with delays.
Jupiter trine Pluto: The drive for social change is strengthened now. At the same time, we feel empowered by a renewed hope in a positive future for humanity. New forms of community outreach are supported.
Mercury sextile Neptune: The creative imagination and intuition are enhanced today. We are able to speak from our hearts rather than only from our minds.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Relationships and creative pursuits are highlighted this year, and your sense of well-being could be strongly linked to whether these areas of your life are unfolding exactly as you might hope. If you identify too fully with these externals, you might find yourself overreacting when things don't go your way. This year, situations will arise that will help you get in touch with what you truly want and need; however, you could react more impulsively or defensively than usual, if your current relationships do not seem to be fulfilling those core needs. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Venus, semisquare Mars, semisquare Eris)
In peace, love, and gratitude,
Aspects of Note This Week:
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.
- Monday: Mercury sextile Saturn, Mars square Ceres
- Tuesday: No major aspects are exact today
- Wednesday: Mercury trine Ceres, Venus semisquare Mars, Venus
- Semisquare Chiron, Mars conjunct Chiron
- Thursday: Sun semisquare Eris, Mercury conjunct Uranus
- Friday: Venus semisquare Eris
- Saturday: No major aspects are exact today
- Sunday: Mars conjunct Eris, Jupiter trine Pluto, Mercury sextile Neptune
LAST CHANCE! Please let me know this week if you'd like to purchase the replay of my "Dances with Fireflies" webinar, covering planetary energies May through August 2024. Just send an email to with "Webinar Replay" in the subject line, and I'll reply with details.
INSTAGRAM POSTS: Please check out my daily astrological updates on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pamyounghans/
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
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To learn more about Pam's work, please visit www.northpointastrology.com.
NorthPoint Journal copyright 2024 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.
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Posted with written permission from Pam Younghans. Posting on CrystalWind.ca © 2024. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce any content without written permission. The article's title was crafted by CrystalWind.ca.
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