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Discover Your Horoscope for April 19th - 26th!

Discover Your Horoscope for April 19th - 26th!

For Jupiter/Uranus for your Sun sign or Rising sign (or your natal house if you know it): 


(2nd House) We all need security. And we do need to support ourselves. We need a foundation beneath our feet, a roof over our heads, and an occasional meal now and then. But how much of yourself, your creative, unique self, are you willing to compromise in order to achieve that security? Jupiter and Uranus perfect their conjunction this week, asking you to be totally honest about what your true priorities are. This is important. For in some way you are being asked to further commit to that which defines you as a unique and creative individual. It may indeed feel at times like you are taking some wild risks, or flying by the seat of your pants. So the question remains: how are you going to be able to support yourself in the mundane everyday world without compromising who and what you are as a being? You do need security, but perhaps not at the expense of your creative freedom, or at not being able to be the boss of you; or especially at the expense of your own self-worth. Although you may not be able to take advantage of things right away, do allow yourself to be open to possibility. Even small changes can have remarkable results when Jupiter meets Uranus in Taurus. 


(1st House) Welcome to Taurus season! And welcome the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in your very own sign of Taurus. In some way the convergence of these planets are asking you to celebrate yourself in all your glory, without pretense and without fear. And yet there we are. The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction dares us to take some risks, go off in a new direction or try something new. If you don’t heed the call, you will only feel restless and stuck in a rut! But then you ask yourself: at the expense of what am I making all these changes in my life? The truth is, for years, you’ve been called to have the freedom to be your truest and most authentic self. And anyone or anything that limits you, or prevents you from fully doing that will not only be resisted and avoided, but rejected. Combine Jupiter with Uranus and this is like you are being launched out into the world with nary a care to bind you. However the Full Moon in early Scorpio on Tuesday is bittersweet: reminding you, not only of all that had brought you here to this place in time, but also all that you might have to leave behind in the process. Just know that despite any conflict the rewards that Jupiter/Uranus bring have the ability to make your life richer, more exciting and more rewarding in the end. 


(12th House) As your ruling planet slows for its direct station next Thursday the 25th, it aims to connect you with your most heart-felt hopes and wishes. Doing so is half the process of getting you on the right track with your destiny. In the days before the station, it will seem as if your mind is gradually returning to what you usually think of as normal. And with that can also come greater clarity and understanding. But it is perhaps beneath the surface, or from behind the scenes that the greatest illumination will arrive. And that can be in the guise of a simple, but profound truth, that can finally bring release and healing. In some way you are being freed up mentally, emotionally and psychologically in order to make what will eventually be a whole new beginning. This can literally be about reframing your perspective, as well as your hopes for the future, in such a way that you will never be able to see things quite the same way again. Like a jailer giving you the key to the prison of your own making, Jupiter/Uranus can literally free us of our own self-defeating beliefs and regrets. And what arises in their place are feelings of wholeness, connectedness, forgiveness, acceptance and eventually peace. 


(11th House) The Full Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday could be quite revealing in ways that you might not have fully considered. For Cancer, the recent entrance of Pluto into the sign of Aquarius was something of a harbinger of change whose time has come, and that cannot or will not be denied. And as Jupiter and Uranus make their conjunction this week, there can be this brief moment of illumination revealing the potential that is unfolding before you. But even good changes can bring an element of reticence, and even foreboding, especially when it becomes more obvious that some sort of change is due. And probably cannot or will not be avoided. But instead of focusing on those things over which you do not have any control, focus on the things that you do have control over. And that can include your own perspective. Sometimes all it takes is a willingness to look at a situation from a whole new perspective, or to be open to what might seem to you alternative solutions. Know that in some way the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is trying to free you up in order to allow a cherished hope to become a closer reality. Even small changes can have remarkable results when Jupiter meets Uranus. 


(10th House) Out of the chaos of the undoing, you will eventually find peace and resolution. However you will want to pay attention to what is being revealed in the light of the Full Moon this month. Elements from the past are not only becoming irrelevant at this time, but may in fact be holding you back. And if you are not willing to let go of them yourself, you will see them taken away in a less voluntary, maybe even forceful way. This is probably due to changes that have been brewing for some time, and now it could feel inevitable that they be allowed to occur. You can no longer ignore or pretend that a situation will just go away on its own. Sometimes all is needed is a willingness to just let some things go. Jupiter/Uranus want to break down the limitations and structures that prevent growth. And the more stultifying your current situation, the more likely the need for some sort of change. In some way you are needing the freedom to grow creatively, and your outer world is trying to facilitate and accommodate the circumstances that will allow that to happen. Therefore, even in the face of trepidation and inner conflict, even if it feels like you are being asked to take some risks, be open to the possibilities that are unfolding before you. 


(9th House) Your ruling planet, Mercury, is slowing down for its direct station on the 25th, and as it does so you could feel your perspective shifting back to what you usually think of as normal. As a result you may see your mind changing, or your awareness gaining greater clarity. Often what we mull over while Mercury is in its retrograde phase, begins to be less important. But with this station of Mercury next week, we could actually be given some sort of hint as to what is needed to get you and your life back on track, just in case it has taken any kind of detours lately. And sometimes all it takes is a willingness to open up your mind, and be willing to look at something from another perspective. An exact conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus can render some previously held ideas and beliefs no longer sufficient, and perhaps even misleading. And you may have already outgrown some previous beliefs, requiring certain breaks from the past. Know that with Jupiter and Uranus conjunct and in Taurus, that once your eyes are opened, you will never quite see the world the same way again. 


(8th House) Your ruling planet Venus has been navigating the relationship sector of your chart, gathering allies, and sorting out the rest. And in the process she has been aiming for you to find healing in and through some of your closest relationships, while also discovering greater wholeness in the process. This could be through something you hear, a new love interest, a conversation with a friend, or even a counselor who aims to point you in the right direction. But perhaps the most life-altering events are occurring beneath the fold, and under wraps, perhaps deep within your own psyche. With the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction falling in your solar or natal 8th House, it would not be unusual to feel as if you are making some sort of breakthrough, or come to some sort of significant realization that could possibly even turn your whole life around. As Jupiter/Uranus aim to release your inhibitions and fears, you could find feelings, instincts and passions that you would normally keep under wraps, now being freed up and unleashed. Do not reject the feelings that are coming to the surface, for enlaced with all those feelings and desires are also your own creative gifts that have been lying in wait for just this opportunity to be released.   


(7th House) On Tuesday, April 23rd, there is a Full Moon in Scorpio shining a light on the proceedings. All Scorpios will probably feel the release of energy with this Full Moon (and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction), but those born on or around the 24th-29th of October or who have 0-6º of Scorpio rising will be most sensitive to this Moon that aims to toss all of the old stories, albatrosses and even some of the dirty linen and skeletons out of the closet and out on to the streets in full view for all to see. George Bernard Shaw was quoted as saying, “If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.”  A little humor can go a long way when you feel like you are baring your soul to the universe, while fighting for your very existence. But all is not for naught, for there are those who are capable of leading you through the labyrinth of your life, and out into the wide world of freedom and possibility. In some way, with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction we are all being freed up in order to live our own best lives. And one thing that could become apparent through someone you may know quite well, is that we don’t have to keep doing things the way we always have in the past. And that there might be other ways of being that you might not have even considered. In some way, you are being freed up in order to be able to grow beyond your previous expectations. 


(6th House) Your ruling planet, Jupiter, will make its exact conjunction to Uranus this weekend, and I don’t doubt that you are all feeling it, even if it’s just a bit, in your lives. This can be exciting, but unpredictable and edgy weather, that might have you coming and going and leaping through hoops. Some of you may feel as if you are being freed up in ways that you might not have anticipated. Perhaps a lingering health problem is now on the wane. Perhaps the job just got a little less demanding. Others of you may have become suddenly aware of an issue, that will require an update, or find you shifting in a new direction. If that is the case, do not ignore what you are becoming aware of. And know that the end result could turn out to be much better than you had previously hoped. This is not the sort of time in which we can dilly dally though. And you will find yourself having to make decisions quite suddenly. Jupiter has been aiming to improve your health and daily work or routines. But combined with surprising Uranus, you may have been experiencing a few twists and turns. Just remain at the center of the storm, and trust your instincts to guide you through the bedlam. And also know that even small changes can bring remarkable changes to your life and your general well-being when Jupiter meets Uranus. 


(5th House) The Full Moon on the 23rd could be exposing many of our fears, trepidations and worries about any anticipated changes that are coming up. Change can be exciting. But it can sometimes bring up some anxiety between the past and what we already know, vs. the unknown future that is looming ahead. We’re all going to be feeling a little conflicted as the year moves on, and the Full Moon this week is shining a light on a bit of what is feeding that conflict. All the while Jupiter makes its exact conjunction to rebellious and freedom-loving Uranus this weekend. Together they dare to break down our inhibitions, self-doubts and self-consciousness, and anything else that might be limiting your freedom of self-expression. This is why you are also being asked to laugh out loud, be proud, and bask in the glory of your loved ones and all that you hold dear. As mentioned last week, some wonderful new vision, or perhaps some grand new adventure awaits. In some way your future is lighting up your heart, and you really really won’t want to miss this for all the world. No matter how conflicted, or how much trepidation you may be feeling in the process.  


(4th House) On April 23rd we have a Full Moon in Scorpio lighting up the angles of your chart. As a result of what is being disclosed you are coming to see your life, your hopes for the future, your prospects, in a whole new light. This can bring a great deal of excitement and anticipation for the future. But it can also bring a strong sense of responsibility, and perhaps even a bit of inner conflict, for what is to be, and what you might be leaving behind. One thing is certain, especially now that Pluto is in Aquarius, is that progress is inevitable, and we will all discover how we have outgrown our previous circumstances. This is being all the more emphasized by the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus this weekend in the sign of Taurus, upending things perhaps in an exciting way, and opening the door on to new and fascinating possibilities. As a result do not be afraid of what is emerging out of the depths of your subconscious this week. Old memories will be tweaked, even as something new has arrived. This could create so much excitement that it could feel like you are making your way through a maelstrom. Trust your instincts to guide you. In some way, your life is trying to get just a little bit bigger.


(3rd House) Your ruling planet Jupiter will be making its exact conjunction to Uranus this weekend. On the positive side, Jupiter/Uranus are trying to show you hope where previously you might not have thought it possible. In some way this dynamic duo is trying to open you up to possibility. This can be as simple as looking at things from another perspective, or being open to alternatives. Even small tweaks and the minutest bit of information can have far-reaching ramifications when these two meet. But perhaps one of the most important things we are learning is that we don’t have to keep doing things the way we always have in the past. That there may be different ways of approaching things that we had not considered before, that could indeed improve your life. It is not unusual at these junctures to feel as if you have to change things up or make quick decisions at the spur of the moment. Just know that if there are changes afoot, or you are needing to change your plans, that these could prove to be fortuitous in the end. In some way you are needing to experience a new dimension of your life that you hadn’t previously considered, or were not free enough to consider, but which are now being unleashed. It can sometimes feel like you are flying out into the unknown with Jupiter and Uranus, just know that they can also make your life richer, more exciting and more rewarding in the end. 


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 


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